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NGINX on cPanel

What Is NGINX, and How Does NGINX Work?

NGINX is a web server, load balancer, and reverse caching proxy. Like all web servers, it accepts HTTP requests and responds with HTML documents. NGINX was developed in response to perceived weaknesses in the way Apache handled network connections and requests.

Initially, Apache operated on a process-per-connection model, spawning a process for every web request. Each process was tied to a specific request and consumed a significant chunk of the host server’s resources, particularly memory. That model worked well on the early web, but modern web servers are expected to handle hundreds of concurrent connections, rapidly consuming the server’s resources.

NGINX, in contrast, has an asynchronous event-driven architecture. A master process controls worker processes, which respond to events, typically new connections, and each worker can handle multiple connections. Because workers are non-blocking, they respond to events as they occur, processing requests in turn rather than being dedicated to a single connection.

In recent years, especially with the release of Apache 2.4, Apache’s developers have worked to improve performance with new multi-processing models (MPMs), such as worker MPM and event MPM. MPMs help improves overall resource consumption, but Apache can still become resource-constrained when asked to handle too many requests.

Is NGINX Better Than Apache?

There is no simple answer to which web server is better; the only appropriate response is to ask: better for what? The differences in how Apache and NGINX are designed have implications that impact their features and performance.

NGINX is undoubtedly faster at serving static content, and benchmarks show that NGINX serves static files almost twice as fast while consuming less memory. However, NGINX cannot serve dynamic content and relies on external programs to handle the processing, whereas Apache uses internal modules. Benchmarks show that Apache and NGINX response times and concurrency handling for dynamic content are approximately equal, depending on the specifics of the scenario.

Because Apache is extensible with modules, it is easy for web hosts to add new modules to control Apache’s behavior. NGINX is configurable, but it lacks the extensibility of Apache. Adding new features to NGINX often requires recompiling, making it difficult to activate and deactivate functionality on the fly.

cPanel with NGINX as a Reverse Proxy

In addition to being a web server, NGINX is also a powerful reverse proxy and cache. A reverse proxy sits between the client (a web browser) and the server—in this case, Apache, accepting connections from the client and passing them on to the server.

When used as a reverse proxy, NGINX is very fast at serving static content while passing dynamic content onto Apache. Additionally, NGINX can act as a cache for Apache. When used as a caching mechanism, NGINX caches dynamic content for Apache and responds directly to future requests for the same content. Using NGINX with cPanel as a reverse caching proxy can substantially increase performance and reduce server load.

It is possible to manually install NGINX with Apache on a cPanel server, but installing Engintron is a faster and easier process. Engintron is a cPanel app that integrates NGINX with your cPanel server. When installing Engintron, it configures NGINX as a reverse caching proxy for static files with a caching layer for dynamic content from software such as WordPress or Magento. Utilizing cPanel’s ea-nginx script will also create a reverse proxy; however, it does not set up a caching layer for dynamic content.


How to Install and Manage NGINX on cPanel | cPanel Blog

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