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What is CloudLinux?


CloudLinux was released to the market in 2010. Today, it is a must-have for any web host who cares about stability, security, and churn. It is used by more than 2,000 hosting companies on 20,000+ servers. CloudLinux is interchangeable with CentOS so any SysAdmin will feel right at home. Yet, it was specifically optimized for shared hosting. Web hosts that use CloudLinux report higher uptime, significant improvements in density (as much as 5x), 4x decrease in number of reboots, and 10x decrease in number of account suspension they have to perform. It has also produced a significant decrease in churn for a number of customers.

The software specifically made for web hosts running cPanel control panel with multiple accounts. If you are a shared host, or a design company that has to host sites on behalf of the client – CloudLinux is your friend.

CloudLinux + cPanel =

  • Improved stability by limiting the resources any single user can consume
    In shared hosting, the most common reason for downtime is a single account slowing down other accounts on the server. Using cPanel & WHM software with CloudLinux utilizes innovative Lightweight Virtual Environment (LVE) technology, improving the density and stability of your shared hosting environment for all tenants.
  • Advanced server security
    With unique CageFS technology, CloudLinux encapsulates each customer, preventing users from seeing each other and viewing sensitive information. It also prevents a large number of attacks, including most privilege escalation and information disclosure attacks.
  • Increased server efficiency
    By monitoring and containing resource spikes, CloudLinux eliminates the need to leave server resources idle, providing you with the ability to host twice as many accounts on your cPanel & WHM server.
  • Multiple PHP versions
    Using CloudLinux together with cPanel & WHM software gives your customers with the flexibility to choose the PHP version that they need.
  • Hardened kernel
    The shared hosting environment is unlike any other and the CloudLinux kernel takes that into account. It can protect against symlink attacks and trace exploits, while restricting the visibility of ProcFS to only what is necessary — making your cPanel & WHM servers more secure.


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