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Shopping Ads: The Next Big Thing for Online Retail Advertising

It’s no secret that online ads have a big influence on a consumer’s buying decision.

With the rise of online marketing, platforms such as Facebook and YouTube are getting saturated with sponsored ads, from global brands to SMEs alike.

But one Ad platform that is often overlooked is Google Shopping Ads, also known as Product Ads.

When done right, it can be highly profitable for businesses. So, if you’re having second thoughts about doing shopping ads, here are some points that might change your mind.

Optimizes and Organizes Content on Website

Google Shopping ads can enable your eCommerce business to be strategically well-optimized. Having a content with search terms that uniquely determines your brand will most likely bring you web traffic as well as potential conversions/sales.

Helps Segment the Business’ Target Market

A budget for a winter sale product collection, for example, will most likely be maximized if the target segmentation will be applied. In this case, people who are looking to buy winter items and people who are going to a country for winter, can be targeted as they are most likely to buy, thus better conversions for your campaign.

Bid Adjustments for better ROI

Having a shopping ad campaign enables you to control how much budget you’re willing to pay for every sale/ acquisition. Once you find the right bidding strategy for your campaign, you are most likely to see an increase in your ROI.

Enables remarketing for added conversions

Remarketing is what makes digital ads, particularly shopping ads superior to any other marketing campaigns.

Integrating a remarketing strategy for your shopping ads campaign will enable you to target those who showed interest in your products but did not complete a purchase. People who added to their cart, or just visited your website are the ones that can be utilized when running a remarketing ad campaign. This increases brand awareness as well as an added conversion to your usual sales performance.

As mentioned, running a shopping ads campaign requires a tedious amount of work as it requires an overall production- from organizing and uploading all your product pages to having an excellent copy and graphics for your ads, so you might find yourself needing some professional help in this department.

iManila is a trusted digital marketing agency who can help you advance in the digital age. Our goals are to help brands achieve their objectives and help turn effective strategies into revenues. You can count on us to help you and guide you towards achieving a better ROI and sales for your business. You may contact us at +632 490 0000, visit our website at or you may also send us an inquiry at [email protected].