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How Domain Name and Web Hosting Impacts eCommerce SEO

With the continuous growth and dependence of today’s population in technology, it’s no surprise that eCommerce is now one of the fastest growing industries in the world.

One of the most essential things for eCommerce businesses to have is a good domain name and a reliable hosting provider, as these will affect your company’s success in the online retail industry and even your marketing strategies later on.

Here are some things to consider when choosing a domain name and hosting provider:


Uniformity is key

To establish credibility and brand recall for your customers, it is suggested for your domain name to be the same as your company name.


Your domain name is an important factor in your search engine rankings. That’s why you should choose a name that contains relevant keywords for your business. For example, if you’re in the pharmacy industry, you may want to include the phrase “pharmacy” in your domain name.

Target your location

The “.com” domain is common used for most websites,  however, you should keep in mind that your domain’s extension can also be targeted towards your preferred market. If you’re a company targeting local consumers, you may want to add country specific extensions such as .ph, .uk, .us and so on.

Make it simple and easy to remember

Similar to choosing a company or brand name, your domain should be short, simple and easy to remember. Avoid using hyphen and numbers in your domain name as this can be confusing for most people.


Server Uptime

Unlike a physical store where you’ll only be open for a certain number of hours a day, your eCommerce website will be operating non-stop. With this, it is important to choose a hosting provider with a high server uptime to keep your website running 24/7.

Page Loading

One important factor that Google takes into account in its algorithm is a page’s loading speed. A page’s lading speed is very important for SEO rankings. A slow loading website can decrease your website’s traffic and often leads to users abandoning your site.

If you’re looking for a professional, reliable and industry-trusted domain and hosting provider, check us out at iManila.

With years of experience and a vast portfolio of clients here and abroad, iManila is one of the leading domain and hosting providers in the country.

Let us help you maximize your eCommerce business’ potential, email us today at [email protected].