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How to Plan for the Post Pandemic Normal

The pandemic that took the world by storm erased our status quo, not just in our daily lives but also in the way we work and do business. When once work had to be done in the physical parameters of an office, we were then forced to conform to a new reality of virtual work, greatly altering the business models of many companies, even resulting in their extinction. 

At the rate that the business environment is shifting and at a breakneck speed, agile thinking has become more important than ever especially in undergoing a digital transformation. When once digital initiatives might have been on the back stage, now is the time to have them be at the center stage. As companies are slowly getting back on track, it is important to plan for a long term, one that is suitable for a digital post-pandemic normal, and here’s some important factors to consider:

Evaluate procedures 

Most of the normal business operations the past several months have been done virtually one way or the other. Because of this shift, it is not surprising to see the workforce and even industry trends reflect these changes as they go on, for some, even changing completely the way they work. 

At a heightened time like this, going back to the way things were is simply not an option. Now is the best time to reevaluate current operation policies and procedures to meet these new demands and expectations of clients. Whether it be in terms of improving virtual systems and communications, a different approach to marketing, or adopting new types of products and services, it is vital to listen to the customers and see market trends. This is the best time to think about what your business wants to prioritize, to work smarter instead of working harder. 

Plan financials 

A digital transformation will be the most important thing to consider and alongside this is thinking about where to allocate your business’ capital. It is important to not just plan in the short term in the coming weeks, months, and quarter, but to also plan for the years to come. Taking a look at the external trends brought about the pandemic is important, whether it would change the expectations of customers, a possible surge of sales once things start picking up, or if the rise is a slow one. 

Your staffing 

The global crisis has resulted in gaps to the workforce and this comes with new opportunities for you to make staffing decisions quickly. Your options should you want to hire new people are: employees who can run a business, employees hungry and looking for more, and new talent not available yet in your business that you might need. It is a good time to invest on new people who not only have the right skills and mindset but people who can be a great addition to your existing teams moving forward. 

Your workplace culture 

It is hard to create a sense of normalcy as businesses start to get back on their feet and attempt to recover. With the turn to a digital way of communicating, it is important to note that not everyone may be comfortable with such a transition. Boosting employee engagement is a must that employers should start considering supporting new initiatives such as a focus on mental health, more communication and feedback, and the like. 

Know what worked 

In the face of challenges such as establishments closing and businesses turning to virtual communication has led to creative and ingenious ways to reach out and appeal to customers given the new normal. As business plans will be thought out, it is important to know what things worked and what did not. This can be anything, from a new innovative product or service to a different strategy employed by a team for efficiency. It is vital to identify not just market opportunities but also the strengths of an organization at a time like this in order to be successful. This can help businesses be more agile in navigating future crises. 

What we know then doesn’t apply to what we know now. How we worked then, doesn’t apply to how we work now. The pandemic has shed some light on things that are important and has changed the playing field. Now is not the time to just sit back and relax but to be more proactive especially with a digital transformation. The right decisions now can save your company in the months to come during this crisis. See how we can help you navigate and plan for a post pandemic normal for your business. Leave us a message to learn more.