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Top 5 Common Server Issues and How to Resolve Them
Top 5 Common Server Issues and How to Resolve Them blog banner iManila

Managing common server issues is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and ensuring consistent performance in today’s digital landscape. From disruptions in connectivity to security vulnerabilities and performance bottlenecks, businesses encounter a range of challenges with their servers that can impact productivity and customer satisfaction. They are indeed inevitable, but knowing and understanding the root cause of the problem makes it easier to be solved. Here’s top 5 common server issues and how to deal with them. 

server issues

Network Problems

The key consideration when planning to start a business in the digital world is undoubtedly your network. This serves as your junction to market your products or services and to communicate with your target audience online. A reliable network provider is essential to unlock a multitude of opportunities and maximize your online potential.

If there are issues with your network, it can significantly impact the distribution of your content to end users. Ensure to regularly check network systems, configuration settings, computer networks (LAN and WAN), and maintain a well-configured DNS server to prevent network disruptions.

Web Traffic Overload

The ultimate goal is to attract a substantial amount of traffic to your website to generate vital leads for your business. However, an overwhelming influx of traffic can strain your server, potentially causing it to become unresponsive or crash completely. This scenario could result in a complete shutdown of your website or online services, impacting user experience and business operations significantly. To resolve this, you can consider a Web Hosting company and have them maintain traffic on your website.

Operational Inefficiencies

Operational inefficiencies refer to weaknesses in server performance that can arise from insufficient resources, limited storage capacity, or excessive server traffic. To resolve these issues effectively, consider optimizing power settings for higher performance, upgrading the server’s hardware specifications, increasing RAM capacity, and implementing strategies to manage concurrent connections. These measures can significantly improve server performance and operational reliability.

Cyber Threats

In today’s interconnected world, where digital technologies pervade every aspect of our lives, the threat of cybercrime looms larger than ever before. This includes sophisticated techniques like phishing for sensitive information, hacking into accounts across small and large corporations alike, and the pervasive risks of ransomware attacks and data breaches. To prevent these threats, ecommerce must know how to take safety precautions to protect their data in the digital world. Here’s some helpful tips to protect your website: change your passwords from time to time, avoid using public Wi-Fi when accessing personal and confidential data, install a firewall, and have a data backup and recovery plan.

Human Lapse

Sometimes server issues are caused by a neglect in actions or simply human error. Clicking malwares accidentally, sharing important information online by mistake, and failure to apply security updates are some of the common human slip-ups online.

For business owners, implementing measures to mitigate future errors among employees is crucial. This includes conducting regular audits, providing cybersecurity training, and restricting access to confidential data. 

While common server issues are inevitable, they can be effectively prevented with the right measures in place. Reliable and efficient server performance is essential for every successful business. Partnering with iManila ensures you have a dependable business server, capable of swiftly troubleshooting errors. This proactive approach not only maintains high productivity levels but also positions your business to gain a competitive edge in the market.

Partner with iManila

With 28 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions.

iManila is a full-service business web development company in the Philippines ready to help you with WordPress website creation or building an ecommerce website for your business. From web design and development and website update and maintenance, to web hosting, email hosting, and technical, desktop and remote support, we are your team. Aside from this, we are also a website and mobile applications development company specializing in customized web systems for businesses in different industries and a top digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!