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WHM Service Status
This feature displays a list of the server’s monitored services. Items that are currently functional display a checkmark icon ().

Service Status
This section of the interface lists all of the server’s monitored services, their current version, and their status.
- Select the services that you wish to monitor in the Service Manager interface (WHM >> Home >> Service Configuration >> Service Manager).
- You must install any plugin services before you can select them from the server’s list of monitored services.
- The server profile that you select in WHM’s Server Profile interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Server Profile) affects which services appear in this interface.
The interface will display one of the following statuses:
- up — The service is running or operational.
- down — The service is not running or non-operational.
- pending — The system is waiting to determine the status of the service.
Note:The pending status indicates that the system has temporarily suspended monitoring for the service. The system uses this status during service restarts or installations.
cPanel & WHM servers monitor the following services by default:
- clamd
- cpanel-dovecot-solr
- cpanellogd
- cpdavd
- cpsrvd
- crond
- exim
- ftpd
- httpd
- imap
- ipaliases
- named
- pop
- queueprocd
- rsyslogd
- spamd
- sshd
System Information
This section of the interface lists the server’s load, the current memory used, and the current swap space used and the status for these items.
Disk Information
This section of the interface lists the disk devices, their mount points, their current usage, and their status.