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How to Setup a PHP Extension with EasyApache 4

EasyApache 4 is intended to serve as a user interface that integrates the yum program with WHM. It’s important to remember that every PHP version requires a separate installation of the PHP extension. The procedures to install the PHP extension fileinfo using WHM for PHP versions 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, and 7.1 are listed below:

Step 1 – Log in to your WHM account.

Step 2 – Under Software tools, choose EasyApache 4.

Step 3 – In the Currently Installed Packages section, click on the Customize button.

Step 4 – Click on the PHP Extensions option from the left.

Step 5 – Type and enter fileinfo in the Search field.

Step 6 – For the PHP version(s) that you want the PHP extension installed for, click the toggle button(s).

Step 7 – Click the Review option from the left.

Step 8 – Verify that the settings you choose are included in the section under, “Please review the following list of packages you are about to install by provisioning this profile.

Next, click the Provision button.

Step 9 – You will be notified that the installation is finished with the message “The provision process is complete.” If you’re done, click the Done button.

You can confirm that the fileinfo PHP extension is enabled by viewing your phpinfo.php page after installing it from WHM.

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