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How to create an email signature on cPanel Email Account

You can create an email signature via our RoundCube mail client. If you are the cPanel Admin, all you need to do is to navigate to your cPanel account → Email Accounts section. Or login to your own email account via your cPanel Webmail.

To access your webmail, go to (

There, you will be able to access RoundCube:

Then navigate to Settings -> Identities section and the email signature will be displayed on the bottom:

You can also enable HTML signature and add an additional picture of your choice to your signature:

If you wish your HTML signature or Hyperlinks to be displayed when composing a new email, be sure to change Editor type as HTML:

How to create/check existing email forwarders on cPanel?

To create and check an email forwarder or redirection through cPanel you need to access the panel and go to Forwarders under Email.

There you will see already created email forwarders and will also be able to create a new one by selecting Add Forwarder.

Once clicked, you will be redirected to a new screen where you will fill out the necessary information such as email address to be forwarded and the destination email address.

Afterwards, click Add Forwarder to save.

Once done – the newly added forwarder will be shown in the Forwarders page.

cPanel Email Account Management

You can create and manage email accounts of your domain through this interface.

You can create email address, configure your mail client, change your passwords and access your Webmail directly.

Create an Email Address

To create an email address for your domain, follow these steps:

Step 1 − Click on Email Accounts link found in your Emails section of the cPanel Home.

Step 2 − In Email Accounts, you will find Create button on upper right part.

Step 3 − Type your preferred Username

Step 4 − Choose a strong password or use the Password Generator. (Note that cPanel only accepts passwords with 80% strength). Then, assign Storage Space. It defines how much disk space this account can use. You can provide specific amount of space in MB or you can provide an unlimited quota for this. (Depending on your Hosting Package)

Step 5 − Click on Create to create an Email address associated with your domain.

Manage Email Accounts

You can manage your email accounts through this interface, you can change your passwords, change quota amount or delete the email account.

To manage your email accounts, click Manage:

Update Password

To change/update your email accounts password, click Generate or use your own preferred password.

Change Quota

To change your email quota, click on link Allocated Storage Space or enter assigned storage in Megabytes or select unlimited option. (Depending on your Hosting Package)

Configure Mail Client

To send and receive emails with your domain from any desktop or mobile email client, e.g., Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, etc., cPanel provides you preconfigured setting for these applications. You just need to download the settings and run it, then it will automatically configure the email client. You may need to enter your email account password. You can also manually configure the email clients for sending and receiving emails for your email client.

To download Auto Configuration Scripts or See the manual settings, click on Manage corresponding to your email account. Then click Connect Devices, to redirect to auto configuration scripts.

Once the interface is opened, you will see Auto Configuration Scripts. Additionally, it will show you the Manual settings you can use on your email client.

Note − There are four types of settings – IMAP and POP3, both over SSL/TLS and Non-SSL too. Using SSL sends your messages with encryption providing extra layer of security, but Non SSL does not. It is recommended that you use settings with SSL. From IMAP or POP3, you can choose anyone you want. Both will work perfectly.

Delete an Email Account

To delete an email account, just click on Manage.

Then scroll down to the bottom part of the account, then you will see the delete email account.

Note: Always backup emails (via POP3 setup) or be mindful in deleting email accounts as they are irretrievable.

cPanel Email Filters

Email filters are useful to create rules to block unwanted emails, based on certain rules you choose. You can specify some rules like a message containing a specific word should be deleted or passed to a specific program. These filters work subsequently, for example if a mail passes through a filter, but can be blocked by another filter. You can specify multiple rules in one filter too.

There are two types of Email Filters in cPanel − User Level Filter and Account Level Filter.

User Level Filter

Through this user level filter, you can create email filters, which will apply on emails that will be received by that email address.

Create a User Level Filter

To create a user level email filter, follow these steps −

Step 1 − Open user level email filters by clicking on Email Filter found under Email section of cPanel.

Step 2 − In Email Filters, you will see the list of emails associated with your domain. Click on Manage Filter link corresponding to your email on which you want to create a filter.

Step 3 − Click on Create New Filter button to go to a new filter creation interface.

Step 4 − Provide a name for your filter.

Step 5 − Select rules for filtering your message. To add additional rules, click on Add (+) button on right side, to remove rules click Subtract (–). Also choose ‘and’ or ‘or’ rule.

Step 6 − Select an Action for a message those passes to the rules of filter. To add additional rules, click on Add (+) button on right side, to remove rules click Subtract (–).

Step 7 − Click on Create button to create a filter.

Edit or Delete a User Level Filter

To edit or delete a user level filter −

Step 1 − Return to Email Filter Interface.

Step 2 − Choose the email for which you want to edit or delete the Filter from Current Filters.

Step 3 −

  • To Edit, click Edit Link and you will be taken to the same interface we went through to create an Email Filter. Click Save to Save the Email Filter.
  • To Delete the Email Filter, click on Delete link and you will be asked for confirmation. Click Delete to delete an Email Filter.

Testing an Email Filter

To test the filter, you can follow these steps −

Step 1 − Return to Email Filters Interface and Click on the Manage link corresponding to email address of which you want to test filter.

Step 2 − Scroll down to find Filter Test.

Step 3 − Enter complete Email with headers and subjects in Filter Email text input.

Step 4 − Press Test Filter and the system will generate a full report of how the filters will respond to the email you have written.

Account Level Filtering

The only difference in User Level Filtering and Account Level Filtering (or Global Email Filtering) is that the filters used in Account Level Filter will filter all emails received in your domain, no matter to which email address the message was sent.

To Create and Manage Global Email Filter click on Global Email Filter found under Email section of cPanel Home.

Process to Create, Manage and Test a Global Email Filter is same as we studied above in User Level Filtering. Only difference is that you will not find a list of Emails to choose to Manage, but you will get a list of all Global Email Filters.

cPanel Email Autoresponders

You can add or modify Autoresponders for your email accounts through this interface. You can configure an email to send an automated reply to all emails you receive to your email account. You can make an automated reply to say that you have received the email and you will reply soon.

If you are on vacation, you can configure the Autoresponders to reply that you are not available at this moment etc. you can also set a specific duration of time in which the automated reply will be sent.

Add an Autoresponder

Step 1 − Open cPanel Autoresponders by clicking on Autoresponder in Email section of cPanel Home.

Step 2 − Click Add Autoresponder in this section.

Step 3 − Choose character set, recommended is that you leave it as it is, which is utf–8.

Step 4 − Enter the number of hours to wait between responses to same email address, this helps in preventing sending same email to same user multiple times.

Step 5 − Enter Email and select Domain for which you want to add an autoresponder.

Step 6 − Enter outgoing email’s sender name, it may be your name or your company’s.

Step 7 − Enter Subject of your outgoing Email. You may keep it same as incoming email by putting %subject% in Subject, you can provide your custom subject too.

Step 8 − Enter Body of your Email. You may use %from%, which will be the name of sender, if available. You may use %email% in body too, it will be the email address of the sender.

Step 9 − Select This message contains HTML checkbox, if there is HTML in your Email Body.

Step 10 − Schedule a Start, End Date, and Time for your autoresponder email. You can choose to start immediately or on a specific date at a specific time. You can choose this autoresponder to stop sending emails on a specific day, or you can choose never to stop an autoresponder. Furthermore, you can change this configuration anytime.

Step 11 − Press Create button to create an autoresponder.

Edit or Delete Autoresponder

To edit or delete an autoresponder, find the Current Autoresponder by scrolling down in Autoresponder section.

Click Edit corresponding to the autoresponder to edit and it will take you to the same interface, which we have gone through when creating the Autoresponder.

You can use the same interface to make the change.

To delete an autoresponder, click Delete corresponding to that autoresponder. It will ask you for confirmation, click Delete to delete that autoresponder.

cPanel Spam Filters


This interface allows you to configure the spam filter settings (powered by Apache SpamAssassin™) for your account. Spam filters identify and sort or delete unsolicited email, commonly known as spam. You can also use this interface to configure your whitelist and blacklist settings.

For more information, read Apache SpamAssassin’s overview documentation

Process New Emails and Mark them as Spam

Set this toggle to enabled to identify potential spam. Apache SpamAssassin examines every message for spam characteristics and assigns them a calculated spam score. This calculated spam score helps determine the likelihood that a message contains spam. The Spam Box and Auto-Delete features require that you enable Apache SpamAssassin first.

Spam Threshold score

If the system calculates a spam score for a message that meets or exceeds the Spam Threshold Score setting, the system marks the message as spam. A lower spam threshold score, such as a one, is aggressive and labels many messages as spam, including messages that may not be spam. However, a higher value, such as a ten, is passive and only labels messages that are obviously spam.

To set the spam threshold value, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Spam Threshold Score. The system directs you to the Adjust Spam Threshold Score interface.
  2. Select the desired value from the menu.
    Note:Select Custom from the menu to enter a custom value.
  3. Click Update Scoring Options to save your changes.

Move New Spam to a Separate Folder (Spam Box)

Set this toggle to enabled to configure the Exim service to create a spam folder the next time that you receive spam mail. Spam Box sends any message with a calculated spam score that exceeds the spam threshold score to this folder. This feature preserves email that Apache SpamAssassin may mistakenly classify as spam mail.


We recommend that you use Spam Box because you can still view the messages. However, you should occasionally empty this folder because the space that it uses counts towards your email quota limit.

Empty the Spam Box folder

To empty the spam folder or remove selected messages, click Configure Spam Box Settings. The system directs you to the Spam Box interface with the following settings:

  • Enable the Spam Box is enabled. toggle in this interface to activate the Spam Box feature if you did not do so in the Spam Filters interface.
  • Click Empty the Spam Box folder for “username” to delete all messages in the spam folder for the system user email account, where usernamerepresents the system user email account’s name.
  • Click Empty all Spam Box folders to delete all messages in the Spam Box for every email address on this account, including the system user email account.
    Important:This setting deletes the spam folder contents for all email addresses on the account.

Automatically Delete New Spam (Auto-Delete)

Set this toggle to enabled to automatically delete messages that meet or exceed the Auto-Delete Threshold Score value.


Make certain that you properly configure the Auto-Delete Threshold Score value. This permanently deletes all messages with a calculated spam score that meets or exceeds the Auto-Delete Threshold Score value. This could include non-spam messages, which would cause you to lose those messages.

Configure Auto-Delete Settings

Click Configure Auto-Delete Settings to configure the Auto-Delete Threshold Score value. The system directs you to the Auto-Delete interface with the following settings:

  • Enable the Spam Auto-Delete is enabled. toggle in this interface to activate the Auto-Delete feature if you did not do so in the Spam Filter interface.
  • Select the desired Auto-Delete Threshold Score value. Click Update Auto-Delete Score to save your changes.
    Note:The Auto-Delete Threshold Score value does not affect the Spam Threshold Score value.

Additional Configurations (For Advanced Users)

This section allows you to customize the whitelist, blacklist, and individual test scores.


Only advanced users should configure these settings.

Click Show Additional Configurations to display the additional configuration settings.

Whitelist (Emails Always Allowed)

This section displays the account’s current number of whitelisted items. Whitelists allow you to receive email from an email address that Apache SpamAssassin falsely marks as spam.

Click Edit Spam Whitelist Settings to configure the Spam Filters whitelist settings. The system directs you to the Whitelist interface.


When you add addresses to the whitelist, use * as a wildcard to represent multiple characters and ? to represent a single-character wildcard. The following examples demonstrate how to properly use wildcards in the whitelist:

To add an email address to the whitelist, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Add A New “whitelist_from” Item to add an email address.
  2. Enter the email address in the whitelist_from text box.
    • Click the cancel icon (Cancel) to remove a whitelist_from entry.
  3. Click Update Whitelist (whitelist_from) to save your changes.

Blacklist (Emails Never Allowed)

This section displays the account’s current number of blacklisted items. Blacklists allow you to mark emails that Apache SpamAssassin falsely marks as non-spam as spam mail.

Click Edit Spam Blacklist Settings to configure the Spam Filters blacklist settings. The system directs you to the Blacklist interface.


When you add addresses to the blacklist, use * as a wildcard to represent multiple characters and ? to represent a single-character wildcard. The following examples demonstrate how to properly use wildcards in the blacklist:

To add an email address to the blacklist, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Add A New “blacklist_from” Item to add an email address.
  2. Enter the email address in the blacklist_from text box.
    • Click the cancel icon (Cancel) to remove a blacklist_from entry.
  3. Click Update Blacklist (blacklist_from) to save your changes.


To blacklist email addresses on multiple accounts, use the Exim System Filter File.


Difference between POP and IMAP

The information below explains the difference between the two most common incoming email protocols, POP and IMAP.

POP stands for Post Office Protocol, and was designed as a simple way to access a remote email server. POP works by downloading your emails from your provider’s mail server, and then marking them for deletion there. This means you can only ever read those email messages in that email client, on that computer. You will not be able to access any previously downloaded emails from any other device, or with any other email client, or through webmail.

Some email clients though, like Microsoft Outlook, provides advance settings that would allow you to enable (or disable) the “Leave a copy of the message on the server”. When this option is enabled, emails will remain on your mail server.

IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol, and was designed specifically to eliminate the limitations of POP.

IMAP allows you to access your emails from any client, and any device, and webmail login at any time, until you delete them. You are always seeing the same emails, no matter how you access your provider’s server.

Since your email is stored on the provider’s server and not locally, you may run into email storage limits, when using IMAP.

cPanel Email Attachment Size Limit

Email Attachment Size Limit

Technically, our Shared servers have a 50 MB limit on the size of outgoing e-mails (which includes the email body and attachments) sent via webmail but, in reality, there are a number of factors that determine how large of a file attachment you may successfully send. These factors include:

  • The fact that your attachment is MIME encoded, which causes the size to swell up to 40%.  So a 35 MB file on your hard drive will take up approx. 50 MB of space when MIME encoded for sending as an attachment. A 23 MB file on your hard drive will take up approx. 30 MB when MIME encoded.
  • Any limits your email client has on attachments, which may vary from email client to email client (for example, iManila Webmail’s limit is 50 MB, while Outlook 2010’s limit is 20 MB).
  • Any limits the recipient’s server has on email attachment size, which also vary from email service provider to email service provider (for example, Gmail, Yahoo! & Hotmail all have a 25 MB limit).
  • Any limits the recipient’s email client may have on attachment size.
  • The amount of free space available in the recipient’s e-mail account, if their mailbox has a size limit. (If their mailbox is full, your message will be rejected.)
  • How reliable your internal service provider (ISP) is at sending large files without corrupting them or aborting.

As you can see, there are many factors that can affect how large an attachment can be.  You may even encounter situations where you send an identical attachment to two people, and one receives it, and the other does not.  That is usually caused by one recipient’s server rejecting the attachment for being too large, and the other one accepting it.

If you need to share large files with your recipient, we recommend that you upload the file(s) to any other file sharing service first like Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox. Then, you can email your recipient the link (URL) where they can access/download the file(s). This allows you to share all sizes of files without clogging up inboxes or running into size limits.

cPanel Default Email Address

This interface allows you to set up a default address (a catch-all address) that receives any mail for an invalid email address for the domain. You can also define how the default address handles incoming messages.

The default address may receive messages for your existing email addresses if they contain typos or other issues. For example, if your email address is [email protected], but a sender uses [email protected], the default address will receive it.

What is a default address?

Most domains receive email messages for invalid or nonexistent email addresses on the domain. Normally, the system forwards them to the default address. The system uses the default email account as the default address until you change it. We recommend that you set up a default address for each of your domains, to ensure that you receive all of the email for your domain. However, enabling default address also consumes a lot of your hosting account storage. Normally, default account is set to Discard the email while your server processes it by SMTP time with an error message to save storage capacity.

Default Address Maintenance

To set or update a default address for your domain, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Send all unrouted email for the following domain menu, select the domain for which you wish to set or update a default address.
  2. Select one of the following settings:
    • Discard the email while your server processes it by SMTP time with an error message — Select this setting to send an error message to the sender. Then, enter an error message in the Failure Message (seen by sender) text box.
    • Forward to Email Address — Select this setting to forward mail to another address. Then, enter the email address or your cPanel account’s username in the Forward to Email Address text box.
  3. Click Advanced Options to view the following additional settings:
    • Forward to your system account — Select this setting to forward mail to the system account.
    • Pipe to a Program — Select this setting to forward messages to a program at the path that you define in the available text box.
    • Discard (Not Recommended) — Select this setting to delete incoming messages and not send a failure notice to the sender
  4. Click Change.