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Tag: keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts That Will Get You through the “Hell Week”


The office is in silence while all heads are buried under piles of work. The only sound you can hear is the sound of their keyboards in sync with yours. There’s always a certain week in a month when all deadlines pile up like hell, and the only breather for all of you is taking a sip of your precious coffee. When suddenly, you accidentally close an important tab on your browser that you’re working on.

Disaster is screaming in your head! You’re pissed, and you’re tired even though the day is just starting. And the worst part is, you don’t know where to start. In emergency cases like this, you need a saving grace to make it through the day – and through the week. And what we had below, will definitely save your day, and will even help you beat the “hell week”.

  • In emergencies like what happened above, what you need to do first is to relax. Recovering the tab that you accidentally closed can be recovered by pressing CRTL + SHIFT + T (for Windows) COMMAND + SHIFT + T (for Mac). This will instantly reopen the tab that you closed. This is way better than redoing everything that you did on that tab. However, you just have to take note that this shortcut won’t work when you are in private browsing/incognito.
  • Remember the times when pressing the backward or forward button on your browser just to be on your desired page never fails to ruin your mood? Here is the antidote to your seemingly perpetual frustration: just press ALT + LEFT ARROW KEY to go back and ALT + RIGHT ARROW KEY to go forward.
  • Wanted to select multiple texts when editing a document? Just press SHIFT + LEFT OR RIGHT ARROW KEY. It is a little easier than hovering your mouse all over the document. And on the top of that, it is much precise than using the mouse.


  • Looking for an important file? Press WINDOWS KEY + E to open the file explorer real quick.
  • Wanting to format a phrase to all caps without retyping it? Just select that phrase and press SHIFT + F3. Hit SHIFT + F3 again and that phrase will be in caps and lowercase format. Do it the third time and it will go back to all lowercase format. Easy right?
  • Going on a bio break? Minimize all your open windows by pressing WINDOWS KEY + D. Then WINDOWS KEY + L to lock your computer. Just login afterward, and you can go back to these tabs – no problemo mi amigo!


We can all get through the hell weeks in our lives. There are only two things that will help us cope with all the demands and deadlines of the week: just relax and focus on the tasks at hand based on priorities, and these shortcut keys that will definitely save you time and effort. Happy weekend everyone!