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Tag: Snapchat

Why every brand should be using Snapchat right now


You would think that something so “24 hours” as Snapchat doesn’t and wouldn’t make a good platform to promote your business, but right now, we’re about to shove that assumption out of the door. As in, shoo, off you go.

Snapchat has been one of the fastest growing social media platforms garnering over 300 million monthly active users as of January 2017. If that statistic doesn’t want to make you go nuts, you’re going nowhere. With such a number, you, as a business should be seizing the opportunity to promote your brand in this ever-germinating social media app.

If you’re still not convinced, sit down, grab a popcorn and read on.

  1. The chance to get to a younger following

Snapchat is a highly millennial app. Most of its users belong to the younger generation. If this is your business’ target market, then you should be utilizing this app’s capabilities to reach out to that particular audience. You have no idea how many snaps are taken and viewed each day, unless you yourself try Snapchat.

  1. The ability to engage mano y mano

Snapchat has its way of making your followers feel special. Its features allow you to directly send content to them, individually, just as long as they follow you. With that, you can send them anything: fun facts about your products, perks of your services; hell, you can even send them personalized videos. These simple acts can quickly turn a follower into a loyal customer, since face to face and direct engagements are sure-fire ways of creating a powerful bond between a brand and a customer.

  1. The idea of taking followers inside for a peek

People are naturally curious. They will be thrilled with the thought of getting an inside look at what a certain brand’s snap would look like, especially if it’s something in the middle of the day or night. Or just generally, what happens inside the company on a day to day basis. Show them the culture of your brand and company. Let them know that you are full of energy and that you know when to have fun despite the stressful work that you do. Happy hours, birthday parties, company events – all of these make up a fun snap to share to your increasing following.

  1. The chance to be cool

Even if your brand is already cool as it is, it can only get more fabulous if you’re on Snapchat. Followers rave at the idea that a certain brand is taking time to do snaps. And besides, Snapchat is such a cool app that using it automatically makes your business ten times cooler on the books of anyone. And you’re crazy if you don’t want any of that.

With everything around us becoming easier and easier to grasp, all thanks to digital growth, why wouldn’t we take something that we can use for our own growth? It’s easy to start a business but it’s hard to stay in it. This cutthroat industry only has spots for those who can survive. And with the right tools and strategies, a brand and business can survive all it can. If you got a tool like Snapchat, why then wouldn’t you use it? Because we sure do.

Follow us on Snapchat:, and we might follow you too. *winks*

