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Cloud Hosting vs Shared Hosting vs Dedicated Hosting: Which is the best?

Since its inception back in 1996, cloud hosting has since been gaining attention. As many would say, WELCOME TO THE CLOUD ERA!  

As compared to other hosting options, cloud hosting allows your website to be hosted on multiple servers. If you’re hosted on the cloud, you may just simply migrate your site if any bugs or technical issues occur. Cloud computing technology allows numerous machines to work synchronously. 

Aside from its proven flexibility, security, performance, and reliability, its ultra-fast speed is also one to look out for.  

Before we unveil the not-so secret advantages of cloud hosting, we will first differentiate all the hosting options available in the market today.  

  • Shared Hosting – In its very nature, shared hosting may assure you 99.99% uptime but is a little challenging to live up to. High traffic could automatically cause a downtime. The upside though is it’s cheap and suitable for smaller sites and businesses.  
  • Dedicated Hosting – You are the sole owner of the server and have complete control over all of your resources. 
  • VPS Hosting –  This is beneficial if you worry about server dysfunctions as the server is divided into multiple virtual servers.  
  • Cloud Hosting – A network of connected servers divided into multiple virtual servers.  

Cloud Hosting vs Shared Hosting  

In terms of support, cloud hosting has unlimited everything, from storage, bandwidth, and databases, and continually advances as years go by. Shared hosting, on the other hand, has many limits. Overusing its limited resources could cause suspensions. 

In terms of security, the protocols of shared hosting are often based on applications and databases, as these are the most vulnerable to hackers. Cloud hosting, on the other hand, has four major security controls such as Deterrent, Preventative, Detective, and Corrective Controls. Cloud hosting incorporates encrypted algorithms to further protect your data. 

When it comes to performance, cloud hosting can guarantee you an ultra-fast, auto-scalable and customizable platform. High traffic does not nudge the cloud hosting servers. In fact, it is highly recommended for sites with high traffic. While shared hosting, with its limited resources, speed could be an issue. Not to mention, the possible downtimes. 

Cloud Hosting vs Dedicated Hosting vs VPS 

VPS functions similarly to cloud hosting, as these two are serving multiple servers. The only difference is that cloud hosting’s resources are on demand. Cloud hosting users can instantly gauge and have full control over their resources and get charged according to their use. While with a dedicated hosting or server, owners are given their own server that cannot be shared. Although having a dedicated server is more flexible in terms of resources than your affordable shared hosting, dedicated hosting is the most expensive hosting model as you are the only one paying for your server and its resources. 

In terms of infrastructure, both dedicated servers and VPS use single physical servers, only that VPS is shared and dedicated is only used by one entity. With cloud hosting, on the other hand, resources are distributed across multiple servers situated in an isolated virtual environment.  

Now, in terms of location and scalability, both dedicated hosting and VPS are off-site, in contrast to cloud hosting that may be both off-site or on-site. While for scalability, VPS may be upgraded or downgraded manually, while a dedicated server is unfortunately un-upgradeable – lest you move to a different dedicated server altogether with more resources. Cloud hosting, on the bright side, may be upgraded or downgraded within seconds, and has zero downtime.  


There are a variety of hosting packages available in the market today. Choosing one would depend on your business’ requirements and priorities. If you ask us though, the best option today is cloud hosting, especially with its advanced features when it comes to security, performance, speed and resources. 

With 25 years of experience in the industry and as one of the leading Digital Marketing agencies in the Philippines, iManila is always at the forefront of innovation offering reliable cloud hosting services starting with a storage of 60GB all the way up to 240GB. We’re proud to offer our newest Cloud Hosting packages available here. Drop us a message today and we can help identify the best hosting package for your business’ needs.