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Elements of Web Design that Influence Conversions

Behind every great website strategy is the goal to convert traffic into actual paying customers. After all, if your website doesn’t convert, then chances are there’s a lot of room for improvement whether it be on the user interface or in terms of the digital marketing efforts you are investing in, if any at all. In most cases, traffic alone won’t be enough. We’re now in the competitive digital world wherein visitors should be influenced to perform certain actions on your website.

By working on simple changes on your website, you’ll be able to convert traffic by letting your website do its work of turning visitors into paying customers. Let’s take a look at some key website elements that can help influence and encourage conversions.

Clear Message and Navigation

Websites with a lot of content need to focus on presenting and focusing users’ attention on content that is useful and relevant. Upon landing on your website, you’ll need to make your message precise and clear.

Make sure to quickly address why they are at your website in the first place. Provide them with beneficial information. What are you offering? Would they benefit from it? If so, how?

In addition, keeping your website simple and straightforward is the way to go. A simple website allows your visitors to easily move around your website, which improves user experience, which then boosts your conversion rates.

Social Proof

Showcasing social proof and other social sites on your website is the best way to instill trust in users and get them to connect with your brand. Nothing is still as powerful as word-of-mouth marketing, social shares, comments, and reviews since it is the digital equivalent of a friendly conversation.

Integrating social media into your website can help show your target audience that your business is thriving, engaged, and has a successful community offering a more informative glimpse of what your business is all about.

Mobile Optimized

We’ve said countless times, a mobile-optimized website is a must. People that connect through the digital world often engage through their mobile phones. Not having a mobile-optimized web presence is a major downfall to your website and a surefire conversion killer.

A majority of online consumers and digital natives have more access to a mobile phone. Everyone expects websites to function just as well on mobile as they do on a desktop. Make sure that users’ expectations are met and offer a clean, vertical mobile-optimized browsing experience.

The right Call to Action (CTA)

The main goal of your website is to monetize the traffic coming in, or interest the visitors closer to that goal. We all know by now that going digital is also the way for your business to thrive in the new normal. Call-to-action buttons (CTAs) are an incredibly important factor in the conversion process.

You won’t be able to convert your visitors into paying customers unless they take specific actions, which is why you need to guide them on what to do next. That’s where your call-to-action buttons (CTAs) come in and stand out. The more comfortable and interested your users are, the more likely they will be to complete a conversion.

Your CTAs are the important on-site elements that need to be highlighted on your website to push your conversion rates to a higher level. They can be in the form of buttons, images, or even videos or anything that drives users to take the next step.

With 25 years of experience in the IT industry and as one of the oldest IT companies in the Philippines, trust that iManila can help improve your website conversion rates through our variety of digital marketing services from hosting, website design and development, and digital marketing. Contact us today to learn more!