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How to Choose the Right Domain Name for your Business

Choosing the right domain name for your business is a significant choice. Creating a domain name these days is harder than a few years back since a vast majority of good domain names have been taken. The reality is any person can enlist as many domains under his or her name and continue to renew the domain name to sell at a higher cost.

Keep in mind that your domain name is more than the words you type into the program, it’s the foundation for your online personality. Choosing the wrong domain could lead to the failure of your website presence, while choosing the right domain name could help you more easily reach online success.

Here are some basic methods on how to choose a domain name for your business, and the most important factors to consider to get your domain name right.

  1. Make it Unique

A unique domain name is in every case outstanding. Most individuals lean toward an extraordinary name which can be simpler to recall and quicker to search online, as this also helps to boost google ranking.

Your domain name should incorporate your brand name right. Ideally, your domain name should immediately show what your website is about and try to capture the essence of what you offer or your services – or at the very least contain the company name or whatever it is you are known for. 

It is also wise to choose a short domain name rather than a long bulky name, which is hard to remember. It’s better to choose a domain name that is short and sweet rather than something that has more than 10 characters but states the entire name of your company. Think of something unique, yet short. 

  1. Be Clever about your Domain Extension

As we all know, “Old is Gold”. The traditional extension of all domains is “.com” and it is still the most mainstream and popular among all extensions. It is actually SEO friendly, and this is the main reason that these websites with these domain extensions are easier to find. Everyone who wants to go to a URL address is always going to try a .com first before the rest, so try to get a .com extension first and if you are unable to find any of your desired domain extensions then go for .net, .org and etc.

These days, extensions signifying the country location of the company have become more and more popular. These types of extensions essentially tell users where your company is based or is located. But before going for an extension such as .ph or .uk look into the domain prices and requirements first to make sure that your company is eligible for this domain extension. 

  1. Unlock the power of Keywords

Internet search is based on a framework of keywords and phrases when indexing addresses and sites, so take advantage of this when choosing your domain name. Always go for a complete keyword domain and contain relevant words in it. Keywords containing domains always come first in Search Engines.

Brainstorm keywords related to your organization and use these in shaping your chosen name. An appropriate name should be able to provide a description of what customers can expect on your website.

What keywords do people use to search for businesses like yours? Take advantage of those keywords and use them in your domain name.

Before choosing a domain name for your business, always keep in mind that your domain name should be catchy, easy to type and easy to search over the internet and must stand out against your competitors. In addition, give importance to Social Media Strategies for Branding.

With 25 years of experience in the IT industry and as one of the leading Digital Marketing Agencies in the Philippines, iManila has the skills and the experience to help you with your domain name, your hosting, website design and development, and digital marketing and remote technical support needs. Contact us and we can help you get started on your online presence!