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Tag: blog writing

How Can Content Marketing Impact Your Business?

“Why aren’t you talking about my product?!”

It can be perplexing as to how talking about other things other than your product can help your business and it can make you wonder if it is really effective. Content marketing, in simpler terms, is story-telling. You deliver relevant and valuable content for your customers and prospective clients to help them solve their issues or answer their questions instead of using hard-sell tactics to promote your products or services.

Content marketing, perhaps, is one of the most effective ways to reach and generate quality leads and customers. Here’s how:

Help Build Brand Awareness to Your Target Audience

Let’s be honest. Some of your target markets may not know about your brand. But by providing quality and engaging content that answers to their needs, you won’t only drive relevant and targeted traffic to your site but will also get the visitors to stick around longer.

This will help your site rank higher on search engine results page, making it easier for people to visit your page to find out how your brand can help them answer their query. Relevant content can engage these leads to help build brand awareness to people that are more likely to be interested in your products.

Connect with your Audience

The more you publish quality content that educates and has quality value to your market, the more they will trust your products and services. Helping them in their challenges and inquiries that are appropriate to your brand creates stronger customer relationship. It helps you build credibility and rapport by showing them that you know your industry very well and that they can trust your services.

Help Build Customer Loyalty

Once you have built a relationship with your customers by making them feel that your brand cares about them, their purchasing decision will most likely lean towards your product compared to your competitors. When they see that you have useful and valuable content, they will follow your brand on whatever platform it is.


When content is really good, visitors will share it with their colleagues. Increasing your visibility online without having to pay for ads! Content marketing costs less than outbound marketing but it can generate up to more than 3 times the lead when done the right way.

Content marketing, in a nutshell, helps your business grow by reaching customers that are more likely to be loyal to your brand to help increase your sales without spending so much.

If you’re looking for an agency that can help you create relevant and consistent content for your brand, reach out to our team at iManila! Call us today at (02) 490 0000 or email us at [email protected]!

B2B Blogging Best Practices


For some marketers, maintaining top quality blogs are a chore. The process of coming up with a content calendar, finding the right resources, and figuring out the right angle to make the blog much interesting, is such a tough feat.

But no matter how hard it is to maintain a decent and effective blogging tactic, it is still an indispensable method in bringing traffic to your website and to improve your website’s SERP (search engine results page) ranking. Here are some pointers to help you optimize your website’s blog.


Word Length Performances

Truth be told, B2B blogs should be 500 to 1,000 words. Anything that goes beyond 1000 words is draggy, while anything less than 500 isn’t authoritative. In coming up with blogs for the audience whom you treat as potential clients, below are the following details to take note:

The topic should be beneficial to in terms of:

  • Their function at work,
  • Their output at work
  • Image to maintain at work
  • Image to maintain in their social sphere

Frequency of Posts

According to one of the leading marketing software provider – Hubspot, companies who published more than 16 posts per month saw traffic increase by 3.5x more than those who only published up to 4 posts per month.

This insight was put into test by an Internet consulting firm – Strategic and below are the findings:

  • The number of blog posts on our site grows 6 to 181
  • A 1271% increase in traffic
  • Organic traffic grows from 143 sessions per month at the outset, to1817 sessions per month in March 2016.

However, the bottom-line that marketers should always keep in mind to make this work is that all blog content should be well written and well mapped to resonate with specific buyers persona challenges of their respective companies. And, should be posted to target and relevant social media channels.

Key Takeaways For Effective B2B Blogs

These statistics show that for B2B blogs to produce best measurable benefit within Inbound marketing campaigns, they should:

Be regular: you should produce close to 16+ per month if possible.

Generally stay around 500-800 words long (though variation is fine!).

Your posts should also be written to address your persona’s common business challenges and be regularly promoted via your own company social media channels.

Quality, persona-targeted blog content can enhance search rank, boost traffic, attract higher quality leads and establish your brand as trusted niche expert.



To get started with your blogging strategy this 2017, you need to list all the challenges your target personas have and link them to the services or products that your company provides. The end goal ALWAYS is that your offerings (be it a service or product) is the answer to put an end to those business challenges.

If you find it a little rough to get started with blogging, reach out to us. iManila, provides content marketing solutions such as website copywriting, blogging, email newsletters and content writing to pumped-up your content marketing. Call us at (02) 490-0000 or send us an email at [email protected]. You can also visit our website at for more information on our services.



(1) Hubspot

(2) Strategic Internet Consulting