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Security Questions to Ask Your Hosting Providers


Your suppliers and agency partners are also your business partners. At the very least, they should earn your trust. As service providers, your suppliers should think like you, and should value your business they way you do – and your hosting provider is not an exemption in the list.

The truth is, not all hosting providers are made equal, and definitely, not all of them can empathize with you. To make sure you are getting what you exactly need, below are the things you need to ask your hosting provider in terms of your hosting security.

Asking your hosting provider about security feature that will fend-off most malware and virus attack is mandatory. Also, it is in your best interest to ask them about how they handle such events and making sure that your data is protected.

However, as a client, you also need to closely monitor your company email users and their activities, as it will hit your server hard. Usually, malicious files are sent via unscrupulous emails that can sometimes pass through the spam filters. This thing should be dealt with utmost supervision on your end.

Hosting providers that give you support in this case is a plus point. That means that they care for your business.

  • Security Against Digital Attacks

As what we’ve previously mentioned in our former blog entry, hackers work harder to find ways on how to mine important data from various websites that they want to attack. Your server security should work as hard these hackers to safeguard your important business information stored in your database.

But in times, when securities can no longer keep hackers at bay, ask your provider if they have protocols that can help you salvage all files in your database, so as not to hamper your business operations.

It is a plus point if your provider has regular backups of your site to make the impact of the attack bearable for you as a client.


This may not very a security feature, but this will be helpful for you. A hosting service provider with 24/7 support (either by chat or phone) is a must. The reason is that; perpetrators of malicious activities online are web inhabitants who work round the clock. There are chances that you might get caught in the middle of the night or during the wee hours when most of your IT personnel are off to bed or either out in the office with friends and their families.

The thing is, a 24/7 support feature gives you some sort of insurance that your provider is there to give you support when you need it the most – be it emergency cases of minuscule glitches.


These are the main things that should be of your concern regarding your business. Other nitty-gritty can be handled by your IT team. If you don’t have one, you can rely on some companies you can provide you consultancy or even the service to keep your IT needs and concern on the check.

iManila is a trusted provider of both reliable hosting services and tech support service that surely covers small and medium businesses IT concerns. Our lines are open 24/7 and our sales executives are available Mondays to Fridays to assist you with your web, IT, and digital marketing queries.

Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Telephone numbers: (02) 490-0000, 01, 03 or at (02) 959-4807

Mobile number: (+63) 917-8476005