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Tag: UX

10 Common Web Design Terms Every Marketer Should Know

As the company’s trailblazers, the marketing team is expected to take the lead in making sure that their company’s branding is consistently represented for both offline and online materials alike. 

With the continuous growth of digital marketing, more companies are indeed taking more time in making sure that they are well represented online, most especially through their website.

If you’re looking into building or redesigning your website, it is possible that you may be lost with the all the terms that web designers and web developers use that you may not be familiar with. 

Be ready to take the lead and make your next web design meeting more productive by familiarizing yourself with these common web design terms:

ALT tag 

The ALT tag/text or Alternative tag/text displays in the image placeholder while the page is loading. It also helps in optimizing your website for ADA compliance, SEO ranking, and web accessibility. 

Call to Action (CTA)

A specific image, banner or button, CTAs are designed to guide your website’s visitor for a desired or expected course of action (e.g. Download Now, Contact Us, Learn More, etc.).


An essential component when creating a website, your domain is the “address” where people go to visit your website (i.e.


This refers to where you “house”, serve and maintain your website. A web server is a computer running web software that allows and connects your website or web page on the internet. 

Meta Tag

An important aspect of SEO ranking, a meta tag stores information about a specific page on your website such as its description. This information is then used by search engines for indexing to help categorize and rank your website in search engine results pages (SERPs).


This refers to software apps that are “plugin” in your Content Management Software (CMS) such as WordPress, to enable added features to your website.

Responsive Design

Probably one of the most important things to take note of when building a website, responsive design refers to your site’s ability to adjust to different screen types from desktop, tablet or mobile phones. 

Site Map

The first step in designing a website, a site map acts as the “blueprint” of your website. From its pages and content, it is important to iron it out in your site map to have a seamless website design process. 

SSL (Security Sockets Layer)

With privacy a major concern in the digital age, a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security protocol that establishes encrypted communication between a browser and a website. Make sure that your website is equipped with an SSL certificate (a website equipped with an SSL certificate has a lock symbol appearing before the URL) to keep your website’s information secure at all times. 

User Experience (UX)

UX (User Experience) is the discipline of seamlessly optimizing your website’s content, design tools and techniques to help your website visitors in easily navigating your website. This covers all aspects in creating your website from copywriting, design and even your website’s screen loading time. 

Need a hand in creating or redesigning your website? Let our team at iManila help you!

Contact us today at (02) 490 0000 or email us at [email protected]

Improving your Website’s Bounce Rate and Average Time on Page

Great news! Your website is up and you’re already seeing a lot of traffic coming in. But wait, why isn’t there any engaged and invested visitors on your website?

It seems that there are more exits than those who are staying and browsing through. Well, there might be a few analytic components that you are overlooking. Truth is, most businesses are experiencing those same problems on their website, where sadly, bounce rate triumphs average time spent on your page.

The good news is, we’re here to help you! Here are a few tips and ways on how you can improve your website’s bounce rate and average time on page performance.

Work on your website’s structural issues

If you are having trouble with your high bounce rate metrics, it is ideal for you to try and put yourself from a visitor’s perspective. Make sure that there aren’t any errors like 404 pages on your website, and that all your pages load successfully without any image errors.

Improve readability of your pages

When creating a website, one of the most important things that you should look out for is your choice of font. It should be clear and readable. Avoid using dramatic or heavily stylized fonts that can be too hard to read. As your primary digital asset, your website should also feature relevant, informative and engaging content to help build your brand’s credibility.

Build trust and credibility

Adding testimonials and photos of people such as your team or customers can make your website appear a lot more trustworthy. Badges, awards, and certifications can help boost your website’s credibility even more. It makes visitors comfortable to engage on your website and establish a sense of security that they are dealing with the right people to potentially, conduct business with.

Make sure your website is easy to navigate and that CTAs are easily found

Improving your website’s bounce rate and average time on page will ultimately affect your SEO positively. Thus, you have to prioritize on enhancing the UI (User Interface) and UX (User eXperience) of your website. Take note that having a UX/UI-focused landing page will enable your website to captivate your website visitors and ensure that they will engage in what you have in store for them.

To learn more, contact us at +632 490 0000 or visit our website at

Web Design Crystal Ball for 2017


Since the Chinese New Year is nearly approaching, it is the best time to rub the 2017 crystal ball for web design.  Know what design trends to follow and what to leave behind the past year. Here are some web design guides and predictions to consider this 2017.

So long, stock photos!

Stock photos are the heroine of web design — a few clicks away ready to save websites from looking all dull. However, designers are starting to give unique visualization to each website now, emphasizing the individual characters through personalized website photos. The result? Lesser use of online professional curated images. This is a great way to drift brands away from its competitors’ branding direction, defying web design resemblances.

Voluptuous fonts call for a revival

Web designers are expected to use bigger and bolder typography fonts this year. Aesthetically speaking, bigger font size balances the minimalist web design trend that is continuously rising in the design circle. Doing so also gives users a not-so-much and a not-so-less perspective. In the digital marketing scene, bolder font style instantly catches the eyes of website visitors. This leads visitors to the information that brands intend. Double-purpose, yes.

 One vibrant color palette, to-go!

Bid goodbye to the basic colors the web visitors have been seeing for a couple of years. Defy color blandness. Go for the extremes. 2017 demands braver designs that keep the minimalist look buzzing. Website elements with vibrant colors equalize the UI’s unfussy layout. Perfect combo, ha!

Think motion pictures

Animations and videos will seem to reign this year. With more and more tech trends rising online such as live streaming, boomerangs, GIFs and VRs, 2017 is going to be a very interactive year for web designers and web developers. More than being interactive, videos and animations are indeed more appealing to users. These media narrate. These provide stories that make the users enjoy and stay longer on websites.


Design is subjective. What may look pleasing to one may not look pleasing to others. However, web designs are not just created for the satisfaction of the brand owner, but for the eyes of its market, of its website visitors, above all. And like crystal ball results, these up and coming web design trends may or may not work on a specific brand. Some of it may be of help yet some may overkill the UI. That’s why iManila has been here for more than two decades – to guide the brands what elements to integrate in their websites. Expect it strategically done without compromising the design. Learn from the best, reach iManila now for a free consultation.