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6 Benefits of Remote IT Support During the Pandemic

An agile and flexible workforce became all the more important with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic that took the world by storm this 2020. With most companies turning to work from home measures, it became ever so important to integrate the use of online networks and cloud services to do the day’s work. 

When working remotely, maximizing all the resources available is an utmost priority. This is why businesses looking for professional IT services for both consultancy and support can bank on remote IT support at a time like this. 

Remote IT support can offer technical computer assistance even with a geographical distance as everything is done remotely whether over the phone, email, or live chat with the technicians gaining remote access to your computer. There is a wide range of services they can help with such as product support, cloud support, managed services support, and installations and set up to name a few. Here is why remote IT support can be your best bet at IT services during the pandemic. 

Cost benefit

One of the costs being cut out entirely would be the travel expenses incurred during on-site visits. With communication easily available online, this is one of the costs that can be cut down. 

Can do work remotely; no need for face to face interaction 

In light of the pandemic where social distancing practices have to be maintained, a lot of companies have opted for a work from home set up. Having remote IT support can be a huge gain for the companies now utilizing work from home not just for convenience but for safety as well. 

Fast responses & better efficiency

When it comes to technical issues, it is vital that they be attended to immediately so it would not affect the workflow or cause bottlenecks. Remote IT support can be counted on in these scenarios, saving you the time it would take to call IT personnel. 

Moreover, experts say that as much as 90% of IT issues can be dealt with remotely, most especially software solutions. As remote IT support can offer faster solutions, it has become a preferred option for most companies. 

Better focus and productivity

Employees can get easily affected by distractions that can reduce their productivity. Taking out these issues as quickly as possible can mean less distraction for employees, leaving the staff to focus mainly on their tasks at hand to ensure productivity. 

Wider access to IT professionals

Having an in-house IT team or individual can mean that their expertise is limited to what they know. By using IT support services online, there is a bigger chance that there would be more skills and knowledge available as the technician can easily pass it to someone who is better trained for the scenario. 

Knowledge sharing 

Unlike with an IT personnel doing the troubleshooting alone, using remote IT personnel can take your employees through every step of the maintenance or repair. This can help them learn new knowledge and skills and may allow them to learn how to do it themselves should the same problem arise again. 


Many organizations often overlook remote IT support being readily available online. With the recent disruption in the status quo of the workplace due to the pandemic, it is the best time to reconsider the efficiency that comes with being online. 

With everyone going remote, don’t let your business get disrupted when you can get more connected. There is no better time to better your business online than now. Get a team of experts to help you get started in navigating through the digital landscape. iManila is contactable despite the pandemic. Reach us through our website, and drop us a question.

How a Hacked Website Can Impact your Business

Your website is your company’s primary asset in the digital age, and the last thing you want to happen is to wake up one day with a hacked one.

With the sudden shift in consumer behavior and increased use of online channels brought about by the pandemic, many businesses are now understanding the importance of having a website to pivot their business in the digital age.

While this is a good start to kick-off your digital presence, many are still neglecting a key element – website security.  This is especially common among small businesses as we tend to focus more on big companies and enterprises whose websites have been hacked before.

But did you know that small business websites are also at risk of getting their websites hacked too? In fact, according to a Verizon 2019 report, 43% of cyberattacks are aimed towards small businesses.

That is why as business owners, it is important to understand the possible impacts of a hacked website to your business, and what you can do to secure your website.

What will happen if your website’s hacked?

Your website is at risk of the following consequences if it gets hacked:

  1. Personal or financial data loss

Most hackers are after these things – personal and financial information. Cybercriminals fish for sensitive information (like your credit card information) often to sell it or use it for themselves.

  1. Slowed Down Website

It is also common for cybercriminals to hack into websites to store and run files on your server. This often leads to a slowed-down website, which can later affect your SEO ranking, as Google’s algorithm takes website speed into account in ranking pages.

  1. You will probably lose your customer’s trust too

No customer would like to hear or see their trusted brand’s website get hacked. Your hacked website not only puts your information at risk, but it also risks having your customer information stolen for can be used by cybercriminals for identity theft.

Additionally, you get possibly be held accountable for stolen customer data, and most customers will probably not be confident to visit your website anymore.


What can you do to make your website more secure?

  1. Make sure to get an SSL Certificate

A trusted website should be equipped with an SSL Certificate. This is essential for ALL websites, as it ensures that the data shared between your website and visitors are safe, encrypted, and secured from potential hackers or intruders.

  1. Choose a trusted Web Hosting Provider

The type of hosting you choose for your website can help determine your website’s security. It is important to know how well your hosting provider can protect your website from possible cyberattacks, and how they can respond to hacking incidents when it happens.



Website hacking is a real threat to businesses in the digital age. With this, keeping your website secure should be a priority for all businesses to ensure that your company and your client’s information are always safe.

Looking for the right web hosting partner for your business? Check out our website hosting services at iManila.

With over 20 years in the industry, iManila is one of the most trusted web hosting companies in the Philippines. Whether you are looking for a domain, security, or hosting solutions, contact us and we’d be glad to help!

Website Must-Haves: How to Reach your Full Potential Online

You can’t deny that modern technology has affected the way companies do business. Today, most successful businesses have grasped the importance of having an online presence. While a website is good place to start, it is not enough, and you definitely shouldn’t stop there.

To help you out, here are some factors that you should be keeping an eye on to make sure that your business will thrive in the digital age.

Site Security

Imagine that your website is your house. Now, you don’t want intruders easily accessing and coming into your house, right? So you put up a gate and filter what comes in and out of your house. That is precisely what an SSL Certificate does. SSL or Security Sockets Layer is the standard security technology that functions to establish an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. The link ensures that all the data or sensitive information that have been submitted or collected through the web server and the browser will remain private, confidential, and secure. You have to keep in mind that security builds credibility among your website visitors, thus, making your business look more legitimate and trustworthy. It is best that you secure your website by purchasing an SSL certificate from an authorized provider.

Better Google Ranking through Paid Ads

Aside from frequently uploading relevant content on your website, another factor that Google uses to help your website rank is PAID ADS. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) plays a vital role to reach a wider audience, drive more traffic to your website, and can potentially generate leads. The catch is making sure that your ads are relevant to your target audience. Google’s algorithm pushes your ads to users who are more likely to engage with it. Meaning, your ad should target a specific need of your audience so they will really click on it. Make sure you use the right keywords so you also reach the right audience.

Digital User Experience

Is your website user-friendly? Does it take less than a second to load? If yes, then great job on providing users with a good digital experience! Forbes defines ‘digital user experience’ as something that encompasses all aspects of person’s interaction with your website, including behavior, actions taken, perceptions, and satisfaction. However, if you are experiencing high bounce rate because your site is taking too long to load, then there might be a problem with your web host. On average, a user will leave your site if it takes more than 10-20 seconds to load. A good hosting provider will help you beat that time and successfully retain your audience.

Going digital has opened so many opportunities for businesses to reach their full potential. It’s important that you invest in the right marketing tools and strategies to keep your online presence afloat.  Now it’s all up to you. Will you just wait in vain while your competitors surpass you, or will you take the leap and go digital today?

Partner with a reliable digital marketing agency to cater to all your digital requirements. Here at iManila, we provide services that will help your business succeed in the digital world. We offer Web and App Development, Digital Marketing, Hosting Services, and 24/7 Technical Support. For inquiries, visit our Contact Us page or get in touch with our team at (02) 490 0000 or (+63) 917 845 6005.


Why You Should Invest in a Business Website

One thing that most traditional businesses are struggling with nowadays is the transition to the digital age. While most business owners agree that digital has changed the way the world works, they don’t quite know where to start.

Most consumers today prefer purchasing products and booking services online. For them, it is an avenue to conduct research and learn more about the brand’s product or service offering before committing to an action. In effect, this forces a lot of businesses to migrate some of their marketing efforts online. However, due the lack of knowledge on how digital efforts work, some businesses end up throwing money away, not optimizing their budget, resulting in an expense.

For businesses willing to dip their feet into the digital realm, a website is a good place to start. Having a website can help establish your brand online, and allow consumers to find your products and services 24/7. Here are more reasons why you should invest in a website for your business:

Easier Accessibility for Customers

Having a website can allow your business to be accessible by anyone, anywhere. With the wide reach of online data and Internet, there is no doubt that most people’s day-to-day lives are affected by online activities. This is where a website will be more advantageous compared to other traditional marketing efforts. The rise of business websites paved the way for online marketing as a means of reaching out to a wider range of potential customers. With the right design and effective content strategy, your business can stand out amongst your online competitors and give you more satisfied customers.

A Website Widens Business Reach

Having a business website doesn’t just let your brand be accessible to your target audience, but also widens your reach for other potential customers and partners. The algorithm of search engines, nowadays, enables your website to be seen easily online.. However, it takes time to fully experience the traffic results that you are expecting. Unlike any other marketing investments, your site is a constant asset that needs to adapt to the changing digital world. Design, User Experience, and Performance are some of the factors that can bring out the potential of your website. So make sure you are investing in the right tools and assets that will help your business website reach out to more people. Whether you are a start-up,or an established player in your industry, your website can stand out as long as you take advantage of the features that your website has.


Unlike traditional marketing, having a website and running digital marketing campaigns provide measurable results. This allows you to set-up your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), track results, and optimize your marketing efforts further. As for websites, utilizing data as the center of its performance makes it a reliable marketing asset to keep track of potential customers. Different web analytics provide accurate data about users who have visited your website, or data about web pages that are under performing. It is a great avenue for your brand to determine your marketing direction in the following years, as this can provide deeper insights and realizations about your business.

Strengthens Business’ Credibility and Identity

The overall aesthetics of your website should reflect how you see your brand and how you want your customers to see your brand. By fully utilizing this, your business is able to establish brand identity to your potential customers. It’s also very crucial for businesses to not just focus on the design of the website, but also the content of the site. By producing relevant and engaging content, you’re building your reputation and strengthening your credibility as a trusted resource in your industry.

All these factors can help your business stand out amongst competitors and establish your brand presence online. If you’re looking for a reliable website provider for your business, contact us today. iManila has worked with numerous businesses — from top corporations to small businesses and startups — for more than 22 years.

Let us help you transition to the digital age. Contact us at (02) 490-0000 or leave us a message at