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Author: iManila Dev

Online Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Internet Visibility

Online marketing moves at the speed of light. To keep up, you need a strong foundation to think critically, and be more creative. There are plenty of guides to marketing from textbooks to online video tutorials, and even guides you can find through Google. But the news is, online marketing is an ever-changing industry, and it can be tough to keep up with the latest trends and techniques. With so many different platforms and options available to try your digital marketing strategy, at the end of the day, marketers need to decide which strategies are best for their online businesses.

In this online marketing blog, we’ll look at some of the most important tips to consider for your digital marketing strategy.

Be Focused on Your Customers

Your customers, prospects, and partners are like the oxygen of your business. You need to build your social media marketing strategy with them always in mind.  Before conducting  your online marketing strategy, have a conversation with your existing customers or audiences.

How did they find out about your product or service? What do your customers value or care about? How are their feedback and suggestions?

Build A Marketing Framework

Marketing should command the same amount of attention and respect in order to properly function. You just need to structure your programs around your goals, which are always centered around profits and revenue. 

With this, build a strategy that positions your business marketing initiatives.

Here’s what you need to do to prove your marketing program’s return on investment or ROI:

  1. Examine your campaign costs
  2. List down the revenues that resulted directly from your campaign
  3. State the number of leads and sales generated and come up with a detailed way on how you track the incoming leads from your campaign
  4. State the maximum profitable cost-per-lead (maxCPL) or cost per acquisition (maxCPA)
  5. Establish a group to benchmark the success of your campaigns and ads

Showcase Your Business

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools that your company or business can do in order to build customer connections and relationships. Write about the benefits of purchasing from or working with your business. Tell a story about how you got to where you are today, your successes and failures, the challenges and the journey. Include photos of all your products and services and even photos of your team at work.

Similarly, allow your customers to write feedback and submit reviews to gain more trust from other users. 

Build Customer Connections

It is important to connect with your audience in the digital world. Build a digital marketing strategy circling around the objective to build more relationships with your audience. 

Communicate with your customers through follow-ups or through personal emails. Collaborating with influencers may also help reach new audiences. 

Get Found with SEO

Search engines are a powerful channel for connecting with new audiences or targeted customers. SEO is really important because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers. 

The success of your digital marketing campaign depends heavily on your ability to develop great quality content.

With so many mediums and platforms to choose from, you can certainly build a digital marketing strategy that will most effectively meet the needs of your target audience. Focus on your customers, build a marketing framework, showcase your business, build customer connections, and get found with SEO.  Set some goals and plans, decide where you’ll put your content such as through your website or social media platforms, and begin integrating your plans.

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila – a digital marketing agency, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing service’s needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Tips to Drive Website Traffic from Social Media Platforms

Almost nine in 10 marketers say that increases in website traffic is a result of social media marketing, according to Social Media Examiner. This was the second most frequently cited benefit!

The social media world is home to more than 3.4 billion active users. Social media is said to be the primary source for generating eCommerce traffic. Social media leads ahead of traditional media in driving traffic to your business website. They bring in ample opportunities to gain business visitors and convert into leads.

How do you strike up a conversation? How can you increase the visibility of your social media posts? How do you boost your social media marketing strategy? How do you engage your audiences? How can you generate leads through constant digital engagement? In this blog, we will give you some tips to drive website traffic from your social media platforms.

  1. Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

The more distinct your bio is – without sacrificing clarity – the more likely you can catch the attention of and resonate with your ideal audience.

Don’t make the mistake of writing your entire business story in your bio. Just a couple of lines will suffice. Then, connect the bio to your site with a call to action button directed to your home page or a viable landing page.

  1. Use Social Proof

Just like any review or testimonial, social proof brings the human voice into your brand experience. Whenever someone is about to make a purchase or is shopping for something they want, they look for reviews, recommendations, referrals, and input from others who have used the product or service.

  1. Time It Right

Pick the most effective time for optimal views. Instead of using best practices for social post timing, look at your own data. See when your target audience is most responsive. 

To maintain a publishing schedule, you can use social media management tools available online. You can also use a social media planner or calendar to optimize your publishing activity. These tools help you post regularly considering the location, time zone, and necessary factors. 

  1. Promote Your Content

You should promote all high-quality blog posts to increase their visibility. To drive traffic to your site, publish excerpts or teasers on social media along with a link. That can incentivize the viewer to go to your website to read more. Social media also is a good place to promote older but still relevant content that will intrigue new followers.

  1. Be Responsive

Make an effort to reply to every comment on your social posts. That makes your audience feel valued, and sometimes your response can include a link to your website, which offers more information on the topic.

Incorporate customer service into your social media so your brand can respond to queries and complaints promptly. The customer’s experience not only matters to them, but it offers proof to prospects on how your company is going to treat them too.

Patience and persistence are the key to staying alive in the social media world.

Social media marketing strategies are great, but they take time to come into effect. These proven strategies are sure to reap benefits in the long term. Being customer-centric is the only key for a successful social media marketing campaign. Remember, social media is a game changer only if you use it the right way.

Developing a social media marketing strategy can be complex and overwhelming. That is why iManila– a digital marketing agency wants to do it for you! With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers and web development companies in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business website development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, website hosting, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing service’s needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become a reality. Talk to us!

Why Instagram Marketing May Be Right for your Business

In early 2022, Meta announced that there are already about 18.65 million Instagram users in the Philippines alone and around 1.5B users globally. Instagram has become such a huge hit that it has overshadowed TikTok with only 750 million forecasted users this year. Although Instagram is not as huge as Facebook, Google or YouTube, it could be just as beneficial in terms of online advertising.  

Here in this blog, we will help you understand how important Instagram marketing is for your brand and how you should do it to help boost your social media marketing strategy.

Instagram was initially known to be a photo-centric app. They would usually post their photojournalistic and “aesthetic” shots, as Gen Z’s call it, to build a personalized feed with stories around it. This app has become extremely popular to teens and adults worldwide. 

Instagram wasn’t originally meant to be for advertising but eventually made its name as one of the most efficient social media channels to offer so much business potential in online advertising.

Unlike Facebook where you can just easily buy your followers or likes, Instagram has more of an organic nature. You may purchase an engagement like a reaction or comment but never followers – at least those who would actually engage with your brand. 

Increase brand recall & reach 

Instagram has now made it easier for brands to increase their awareness & recall. In fact, many new small businesses would usually launch their brand on Instagram – especially brands that invest in aesthetic, class, & beauty.  

However, the app requires intense commitment to consistency & creativity to develop maximum recall and strong connections to audiences. That’s why content & community management has to work alongside your marketing and advertising strategies. Advertising is just one thing.  

Increase website or e-shop traffic  

Many marketers could attest to how amazing has social media brought traffic to their websites or e-shops, especially Instagram. There are a couple of ways to do this. First, you need to integrate your product catalog on your Instagram account.

You must also maximize back linking with Instagram. Try integrating your website or e-shop link on your bio and always include them in your captions. As for your ads, make sure to always include a “See more” URL to redirect your audiences to your website.  

Tap into Influencer marketing on Instagram 

Many influencers in the country today are very much active on Instagram. They would usually post a photo of them with the brand they are advertising. This is where you should come in. There are both small-time and big-time influencers out there who accept features in exchange for free samples of your product. Consider yourself lucky if any of them likes your brand voluntarily sharing your product with their followers. This is instant free marketing!  

Lesser cost to get leads 

Instagram also happens to be offering lesser-cost leads generation ads compared to other marketing channels such as Google, LinkedIn or TikTok. Although, the real difference is that Instagram does not necessarily provide intact leads and that there might be a couple of unqualified inquiries here and there. Running conversion ads on Instagram basically is not that qualifying but with right targeting, the results might just surprise you. 

Create talk-worthy content

Creating educational or product feature content may not really catch that much attention on Instagram. The goal when you are creating content is for it to be talked about.  With this in mind, your content must be carefully thought out – something that would capture people’s interest. Your content is very crucial as it could help you become more popular and can get your brand trending.

There are many other beautiful magic tricks Instagram can bring to your business. Regardless if you’re managing a big or small brand, you can create a unique world for your audience on Instagram. The key is consistency and creativity. 

Thinking about setting your Instagram account and how to build it for the first time could be stressful, so this is where we come in. iManila is a seasoned digital marketing agency in the Philippines specializing in Social Media Management including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more!

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila – a digital marketing agency, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing service’s needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Why Good Web Hosting Is Important In 2022

It is important to have a good business website so that your brand can offer the best and quality service to your audience. Hosting can be used for many applications. Samples are systems, virtual stores, blogs, and websites, with advantages ranging from better performance to greater security.

Better Security

Whenever a website page reads, “Your connection to this site is not secure.” It then recommends that you don’t type in any sensitive information. This page means that the website is not secure and isn’t using HTTPS. It is necessary to enable HTTPS on your website. It is by choosing a good web hosting company and getting a secure IP. HTTPS, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It ensures that all information going through the website gets encrypted. Aside from it will secure your business website. This hides any sensitive or personal information from the world, which includes hackers.

Better support

You cannot just rely on good website design and technology when it comes to support. There are still certain things you do not have complete control over. It is up to the web host to resolve the issue if there is something going wrong with the server. It starts affecting your website. A good web hosting service will respond fast, accurately and effectively, giving you tools. And answers to your server’s uptime and availability issues. 

​​Data storage

Limited storage can lead to site shutdown when traffic is high on your webpage. A premium web host will provide you with a variety of options, depending on your data limit and fulfill your hosting needs. This is why the amount of data that needs to be stored on your website’s server. It plays a huge role in deciding what kind of web hosting partner you’re looking for. How much online traffic your website can handle, including concurrent users. And needs to be well established before you sign with a hosting provider.  

Reliable customer service

High quality customer service is a main characteristic of a good web hosting solutions provider. A good web host is always there when you need any kind of technical assistance or support. They offer many ways for you to contact them whenever the need arises for you to do so.


Slow loading times of your website’s landing page is one of the main reasons for bad user experience. A poor web host will see a lot of site crashes due to too much load on the shared server. Bad user experience on your business’ website can lose potential customers. 

A trustworthy web host solutions provider is a must for your business’ website. It will ensure that your website runs smoothly and does not buckle under pressures of high bandwidth. Keep the above points in mind while you search for a suitable web hosting provider.

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines. It is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines. iManila is a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines.  Ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Talk to us!

5 Reasons to Go Into Web Development

Web development is still an extremely vital part of any marketing strategy. A common belief today is that social media platforms have replaced the need for a conventional website but that simply is not the case. Web development is a fast-paced, challenging career centered on creative problem-solving and continuous innovation.

It’s true that in recent years there has been a shift toward online interactions with social media sites, mobile devices and apps topping the charts. As a result, the way people access the web to shop, chat and find information has also changed dramatically. Businesses of all shapes and sizes have had to adapt their web presence to stay in front of their consumers.

With all the digital and social advancements, why is web development still important? Here in this blog, we will talk about five reasons why your website is key to building a successful online presence for your business!


  • Maintaining Ownership


It’s critical to protect your brand identity by owning your web address and website. Remember that owning your domain name is vital to your business, brand and online presence. Not only does it build your brand, it also makes people more likely to engage with your website.


  • Control Content with Good Web Development


The term “Content is King” still rings true to this day, possibly even more than before. Make sure content is original, relevant and interesting to effectively get your message across. With good website content, you control the user experience, manage content, and your conversion process.


  • Create a Content Core


It’s no secret that blogs are fundamental to your digital marketing strategy and should be the main point for all your content marketing activities. Use your social media presence as a means to engage your audience and to bring visitors to your website.


  • Attract Search Traffic


Good web development means a fully optimized website which plays a vital role in attracting valuable search engine traffic. Consumers are essentially still looking for information by using keyword searches. Implementing the right keywords and topics on your website will surely help visitors find your site.


  • Monitor and Improve


Effective web development gives you the ability to analyze website statistics. It includes measuring conversion rates, monitoring backlinks and knowing visitor engagement, all of which are essential to improving your online marketing activities. The goal is to ultimately achieve a return on your web investment.

If you are serious about digital marketing and truly want to achieve success, don’t neglect your business website; it’s your most valuable online asset! 

Developing a website can be complex and overwhelming. That is why iManila, a digital marketing agency in the Philippines wants to do it for you! With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers and web development companies in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business website development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, website hosting, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become a reality. Talk to us!

The Ultimate Guide To Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the act of promoting and selling products and services by leveraging online marketing tactics such as social media marketing, search marketing, and email marketing. When you get down to it, digital marketing is simply marketing.

It’s how today’s businesses are getting their message in front of their best prospects and customers.

Rule #1 in marketing is to make the right offer at the right time and in the right place. Today, your customers are online: hanging out in social media, staying updated on news sites and blogs, and searching online when they have a need.

In this article, we’re going to look at the various aspects of digital marketing and how you can use them to drive qualified traffic to your business!

In many ways, digital marketing is no different than traditional marketing. In both, smart organizations seek to develop mutually beneficial relationships with prospects, leads, and customers. But digital marketing has replaced most traditional marketing tactics because it’s designed to reach today’s consumers. The digital age has led to significant new trends in various industries and has dramatically changed the way consumers interact with businesses. The new digital consumer, and especially millennials, increasingly rely on the internet as their primary source of information and this presents an important opportunity for marketers and business owners.

So who exactly are these digital consumers and what do we need to know about them when defining our digital marketing strategy?

Digital Consumer Profile:

‍Always connected (83% of millennials sleep with their smartphone nearby)

Dependent on social media (the average consumer has seven social media accounts)

Short attention span (the average consumer scrolls 300 feet of social media content daily)

Increasingly willing to make mobile purchases (45% of e-commerce are mobile since 2020)

Skeptical and tired of traditional digital advertising methods and channels (84% of millennials don’t trust traditional, impersonal and generic advertising)

Rely on influencer marketing and online reviews/recommendations (53% use mobile devices to look up products before purchasing)

Increasingly engage in brand advocacy and share their experiences with products online (44% of millennials are willing to share positive experiences with products and brands on social media in exchange for rewards)

Participate in loyalty and reward programs (77% of millennials actively seek and participate in such programs, and 33% admitted to buying things they didn’t need just to earn points or status in a membership program)

Expect personalized, targeted ads (78% of consumers like personalized ads and 54% find them more engaging than general ads)

Different industries are influenced by the new digital consumer behavior. Broadly speaking, the level of digital influence on consumers can be viewed through two lenses:

  1. On one hand, the use of digital sources to seek information about products and brands, and on the other hand, the use of digital sources to make retail purchases.
  2. There are significant differences between various industries in terms of the number of consumers using the internet to gather information and to make online purchases.

Digital marketing is an incredibly dynamic and fast moving field. What worked yesterday may not work today, and nobody knows what tomorrow has in store. When you’re just getting started, don’t get frustrated if your first ads aren’t very successful. Be patient, keep trying and learning, and slowly but surely as you refine your skills and gain more experience, your results will improve and the hard work will pay off. Don’t forget to create a knowledge base where you write down what worked and what didn’t.

Developing a digital marketing strategy can be complex and overwhelming. That is why iManila– a digital marketing agency  wants to do it for you! With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers and web development companies in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business website development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, website hosting, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become a reality. Talk to us!