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Happy Holidays from our iManila Family to Yours!

May your Christmas be filled with warmth, joy, and quality time spent with loved ones! And as we welcome the New Year, may it bring you fresh opportunities, success, and happiness. 

Thank you for being a vital part of our success this year! Happy holidays, and here’s to a fantastic 2024!

Best wishes from our iManila Family to yours!

iMANILA ADVISORY: Beware of the Newest Email Scam with subject “Attention Confirmation Update Password”

As the world continuously shifts to digital, cyber threats are becoming robust and harder to distinguish. One good example of this is the newest email scam with the subject: “Attention Confirmation Update Password”. It’s a phishing email that tricks you into disclosing personal information, installing malware, or giving access to your online accounts. 

How does this scam work?

The modus of this scam is to pretend that the email is sent by an IT Support. It’ll claim that your password is expiring and that you have to click a link to resolve the issue. However, as opposed to the claim, your account is totally fine and has no issue at all. This is nothing but a scam that tries to scare you into opening an unwanted attachment. Do not fall for this con trick. If you happen to receive one of these emails, delete it immediately. Do not click any links or download any attachments. 

How to spot this email scam?

To give you a clearer picture of “Attention Confirmation Update Password” phishing emails, here are the signs to look out for:

  • Generic greetings (like “customer”, “account holder”, and “dear”) are used instead of specific names.
  • The sender’s email address is not linked to a legitimate domain name.
  • The email will prompt you to click a link to fix the issue. Most reputable organizations don’t require users to click links and provide sensitive information. 
  • There is a time constraint or an unusual sense of urgency sent via email. 
  • Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure may indicate that the email is not from a trusted source.

What to do if you already clicked the link?

In case it is too late and you have already fallen victim, there’s a big chance your device is infected by malware. This malware can corrupt your files, or worse, grant hackers the access to your private data. What you can do is to clean your device as soon as possible with anti-malware software. This kind of software can detect the type of malware your device has, safely remove it, and clean any damages that it may have caused.

How to protect yourself from malware attacks?

Taking proactive measures is always better than finding a solution to an existing problem. Protect your data and devices from possible malware attacks with these security tips:

  • Use a high-quality antivirus program and keep it up to date.
  • Maintain the most recent versions of your operating system and applications.
  • When installing software, pay close attention to the installation screens and license agreements.
  • Make use of a browser-based content blocker.
  • Be mindful of what you download.
  • Always be alert and on the lookout for anyone attempting to trick you into clicking on links or responding to messages, whether it’s through your email, phone, messenger, or other applications.
  • Backup your data on a regular basis and ensure that your backup data can be restored.
  • Select strong and unique passwords.
  • Be careful when clicking links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.
  • Never use pirated software.

Malware attacks and other cyber threats can cause massive damages especially if you’re running an online business. Ensure your safety by installing web security and hiring an on-call technical support team here in iManila!

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, a web development company and a top digital marketing company in the country, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions. 

As one of the best web hosting and email hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, website update and maintenance, web hosting, email hosting, cloud hosting, dedicated server, technical, desktop and remote support, and digital marketing services needs.  Talk to us!