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7 Server Management Practices You Should Know About

In today’s digital age, the role of servers has become increasingly critical. Server management, therefore, emerges as a crucial aspect of maintaining a smooth and efficient online operation. Effective server management practices are vital in ensuring security and optimizing the performance of your IT systems. In this article, we’ll delve into seven essential server management practices that every business owner and IT professional should know about to keep their digital infrastructure running smoothly.

Regular Updates and Patch Management:

7 Server Management Practices You Should Know About - regular updates imanila

Keeping your servers up-to-date with the latest security patches and software updates is vital in safeguarding your data and infrastructure against potential threats. Regularly scheduled updates help plug vulnerabilities and ensure that your server environment remains robust and resilient against evolving security risks.

Monitoring and Performance Optimization:

Proactive monitoring of server performance metrics allows for early detection of potential issues such as bottlenecks, resource constraints, or hardware failures. Implementing monitoring tools and establishing performance baselines enable timely interventions to optimize server performance and maintain seamless operations.

Backup and Disaster Recovery:

Accidents and unforeseen events can damage your server infrastructure, potentially leading to data loss or downtime. Implementing solid backup and disaster recovery mechanisms is essential for mitigating such risks. Regularly scheduled backups and comprehensive disaster recovery plans ensure business resiliency and minimize the impact of unforeseen disruptions.

Security Hardening and Access Control:

7 Server Management Practices You Should Know About - security hardening imanila

Securing your servers against unauthorized access and malicious attacks is paramount in safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining regulatory compliance. Implementing security hardening measures protects your server environment against potential threats and vulnerabilities. This may be in a form of firewalls, intrusion detection system and access control policies. 

Resource Allocation and Scalability:

Efficient resource allocation and scalability are crucial for ensuring optimal performance and accommodating growing demands on your server infrastructure. Monitoring resource utilization patterns and implementing scalable solutions allow for dynamic allocation of resources. This results in meeting fluctuating workload demands without compromising performance or reliability.

Documentation and Configuration Management:

Maintaining comprehensive documentation and centralized configuration management is essential for streamlining server administration tasks and ensuring consistency across your server infrastructure. Documenting configurations, policies, and procedures facilitates effective troubleshooting, maintenance, and scalability of your server environment.

Regular Audits and Compliance Checks:

Conducting regular audits and compliance checks helps ensure adherence to industry standards, regulatory requirements, and internal policies governing server management. Additionally, regular audits help identify potential compliance gaps or security vulnerabilities. Consequently, this enables proactive remediation to maintain a secure and compliant server environment.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, effective server management is paramount for maintaining a secure, reliable, and efficient digital infrastructure. By implementing the seven essential server management practices outlined in this article, businesses can mitigate risks, optimize performance, and ensure business continuity. If you’re looking for expert assistance with server management and web maintenance, look no further than iManila. Visit our website and contact us today to learn how we can help elevate your online presence and drive business growth.

iManila is a full-service business web development company in the Philippines ready to help you with WordPress website creation or building an ecommerce website for your business. From web design and development and website update and maintenance, to web hosting, email hosting, and technical, desktop and remote support, we are your team. Aside from this, we are also a website and mobile applications development company specializing in customized web systems for businesses in different industries and a top digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!

Why Skipping Professional Hosting Might HURT Your Brand

Potential customers often build their first impression of your brand through your website. It’s more than just having a mere online presence; it represents your business values, ethics, and professionalism. Therefore, choosing the right hosting solution is paramount when establishing your website. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the crucial role of professional web hosting and why cutting corners in this department might inflict long-lasting damage on your brand.

1. The Foundation of Digital Presence

Your website is the foundation of your digital presence. It is a gateway for customers to engage with your products or services. Opting for professional web hosting ensures a robust foundation, minimizing downtime and ensuring seamless accessibility. With iManila’s Professional Web Hosting services, you not only secure a reliable hosting platform but also gain access to several tools to enhance performance and security.

2. Loading Speed Matters

loading speed matters in professional hosting

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, users expect instant gratification. If your website takes too long to load, visitors will likely abandon ship and move on to a competitor. Professional web hosting services prioritize loading speed. It optimizes server configurations and employs content delivery networks (CDNs) to ensure a fast-loading website. This feature not only enhances user experience but also improves search engine rankings, a crucial factor in today’s competitive online market.

3. Security Breaches and the Cost of Ignorance

security breaches without professional hosting

Cybersecurity threats are ever-looming, and your website is a prime target for hackers. Professional web hosting providers invest heavily in security measures, implementing firewalls, regular backups, and constant monitoring to thwart potential attacks. Skimping on hosting might expose your website to vulnerabilities and risk-sensitive customer data and tarnish your brand’s reputation. Professional hosting is an investment in the security and integrity of your brand.

4. Customer Trust and Credibility

Imagine stumbling upon a slow, unresponsive, or frequently down website. Would you trust such a business with your personal information or credit card details? Probably not. Professional web hosting instills confidence in your audience, signaling that you prioritize their experience and take your online presence seriously. Establishing trust and credibility is paramount in the digital landscape, and professional hosting is pivotal in achieving this.

5. The SEO Advantage

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital in enhancing online visibility. Search engines reward and prioritize websites with faster loading speeds and reliable uptimes. By choosing professional web hosting, you’re aligning your brand with SEO best practices. In return, your ranking will improve, making your website more discoverable to your target audience.

Final Thoughts

In the competitive digital arena, your website’s performance is non-negotiable. Professional web hosting is the key to unlocking several benefits contributing to your brand’s success. Don’t compromise on the foundation of your online presence. Contact iManila today for professional web hosting services, web design & development, and digital marketing solutions. Elevate your brand and leave an unforgettable impression on your audience. Your digital presence begins with the right hosting partner.

Partner With iManila

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions.

iManila is a top hosting provider in the Philippines, offering reliable web hosting solutions, including shared web hosting, business cloud hosting, and dedicated server hosting to meet your business needs. As a leading web development company, iManila also offers web design and development, website update and maintenance, and technical, desktop, and remote support services. Our expertise extends to mobile applications development specializing in customized web systems catered to diverse industries. As a top digital marketing agency, we also offer a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!  

What Is Server Management? Is It a Good Investment?

In today’s hyper-connected world, the smooth operation of our digital lives rests upon the shoulders of unsung heroes – servers. These tireless machines form the backbone of websites, applications, and countless services we rely on daily. Yet, their efficient performance requires constant care and meticulous attention, a domain known as server management.

But what exactly is server management, and is it a worthwhile investment for businesses and individuals alike?

Read as we give you the benefits of server management and whether it’s the right choice for you.

What Is Server Management?

imanila server management

Server management refers to overseeing and optimizing servers’ performance that host websites, applications, and data. These servers act as the backbone of any IT infrastructure,  facilitating information storage, processing, and distribution across networks. Effective server management involves configuration, monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting to ensure servers operate efficiently and securely.

The Significance of Server Management:

  • Reliability and Uptime: One of its primary benefits is the assurance of reliability and high uptime. Downtime can be costly for businesses, leading to lost revenue and damaged reputation. So, proper server management helps minimize downtime by identifying and resolving issues proactively.
  • Security: Securing your servers is paramount as cyber threats become more sophisticated. Server management involves implementing robust security measures, such as regular updates, patch management, and intrusion detection, to safeguard your data and infrastructure from potential breaches.
  • Performance Optimization: Servers need to perform at their peak to support the demands of modern applications and websites. Server management includes monitoring resource usage, optimizing configurations, and scaling infrastructure to meet growing needs, ensuring optimal performance.
  • Cost Efficiency: Investing in this service can result in long-term cost savings. Proactive maintenance and monitoring can prevent significant issues leading to expensive downtime or data loss. Additionally, optimizing resource usage helps avoid unnecessary hardware upgrades.
  • Scalability: Businesses evolve, and so do their IT requirements. Server management allows easy scalability, enabling businesses to adapt to changing workloads and demands. Whether your business experiences growth or fluctuations, a well-managed server infrastructure can accommodate these changes seamlessly.

Is Server Management a Good Investment?

Finally, the answer is a resounding yes. While it may seem like an additional expense, the benefits far outweigh the costs. A well-managed server infrastructure contributes to your IT environment’s overall efficiency, reliability, and security, directly impacting your business’s bottom line.

Investing in this service provides a solid foundation for growth, reduces the risk of data loss or downtime, and enhances the overall user experience. As technology advances, servers’ role in supporting business operations becomes increasingly critical, making server management a wise and strategic investment.  So, if you’re seeking a reliable partner to ensure the seamless operation of your digital infrastructure, look no further than iManila.  Invest in the peace of mind that comes with meticulous server management, allowing you to focus on what matters most—growing your business and enjoying a smooth digital experience.  

Partner with iManila

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions.

iManila is a top hosting provider in the Philippines, offering reliable web hosting solutions, including shared web hosting, business cloud hosting, and dedicated server hosting to meet your business needs. As a leading web development company, iManila also offers web design and development, website update and maintenance, and technical, desktop, and remote support services. Our expertise extends to mobile applications development specializing in customized web systems catered to diverse industries. As a top digital marketing agency, we also offer a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!  

Why Outsourcing Your Server Management Makes Good Business Sense

In today’s competitive business landscape, ensuring the seamless performance of your online business is paramount. One critical aspect that often demands expert attention is server management. As a business owner, you understand the importance of strategically optimizing resources and maximizing productivity. That’s why outsourcing your server management makes perfect business sense. By entrusting this vital responsibility to a specialized third-party provider, you can unlock a myriad of benefits, from cost savings to enhanced efficiency. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into five reasons why outsourcing your server management is a smart move, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: growing your business and delighting your customers.

Decreases the Risk of Server Downtimes

Maintaining your server is vital to keep your customers satisfied and coming. Having a problem with your server can put your website at risk, and may lead to negative reviews and significantly affect your business. So, make sure to only employ a team of IT professionals that can handle and manage your server when running your website. Always remember that website downtimes help you lose customers faster than you think. 

Server Monitoring 24/7

When you outsource your server management, you’ll be able to focus on your business without worrying about server downtimes. The experts will monitor your website 24/7 so you won’t have to, and provide you with technical support. In addition, the total cost or expense will be lower than having an in-house team. 

You’ll be Ahead of Your Competition

By entrusting your server management to a specialized third-party provider, you gain access to a wealth of expertise and resources that may not be available internally. These experts will proactively address any server-related challenges, ensuring your online presence remains secure, responsive, and scalable. Outsourcing your server management also provides you with a competitive edge by leveraging the proficiency of industry professionals who continuously fine-tune your server infrastructure. 

Secured of Not Getting Hacked

Ensuring that your servers are secured is one of the top priorities of every IT team that manages any server. With an outsourced team to handle your server management, you can ensure that the experts can handle any form of hacks or cyber attacks and have the necessary skills to ensure that your data remains secure.

Lets You Focus on Growing Your Business

Outsourcing your server’s management to experts provides you with a valuable opportunity to redirect your focus toward your business. By entrusting server management responsibilities to a reliable third-party provider like iManila, you can alleviate the burden of technical intricacies and time-consuming tasks. This newfound freedom allows you to concentrate on key business initiatives such as strategic planning, product development, and customer satisfaction. 

Outsourcing your server management needs empowers you to optimize your efficiency, capitalize on opportunities, and stay ahead in a competitive market, all while knowing that your server infrastructure is in capable hands. So, let the experts handle the technical aspects while you focus on steering your business toward more tremendous success. Let iManila help!

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions.

iManila is a full-service business web development company in the Philippines ready to help you with WordPress website creation or building an ecommerce website for your business. From web design and development and website update and maintenance, to web hosting, email hosting, and technical, desktop and remote support, we are your team. Aside from this, we are also a website and mobile applications development company specializing in customized web systems for businesses in different industries and a top digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!

The Importance of Server Management in Your Business’ Success

In today’s online platforms, server management plays a big role for any business that works with computers. As we already know, servers are responsible for storing and sharing of important files, and hosting applications, among others. With this, having the right personnel to manage your server is important in order for businesses to increase their productivity. Learn more about server management here in this blog.

What is server management?

As the name states, server management basically involves the monitoring and maintenance of the IT system’s hardware and software. It also helps with its security and backups in order to keep the IT environment operational and working effectively. Some of the main objectives of Server Management include:

  • Preventing server slowdowns and downtime while maximizing reliability
  • Helping secure server environments
  • Helping scale servers and related operations to meet the needs of the organization

Basic functions of server management

Now that we’ve tackled what server management is, let’s take a closer look at some of the basic functions of this service:


  • Server Provisioning


Server provisioning refers to the process of providing a server with the necessary elements and components needed to perform its intended functions. This process usually begins with gathering information about the server’s expected purpose. Afterwards, the IT specialist will set up the operating system that will control the server and install required softwares to meet the intended functionalities. 


  • Performance Monitoring


IT specialists monitor all the components and software that are performing during day-to-day operations. Some of the functions include checking for any downtime, unexpected issues, etc.


  • Updates


As the name suggests, this server software as well as the operating system receives updates to add new features, improve the existing features, work on issues that may arise, and many more. Overall, this helps keep the software up to date and is an essential part of server management.


  • Server Security


This server management service functions as a way to secure all the data in the server. The IT specialists usually install security monitoring programs to know whether there is a breach in the server. These can result in data leak prevention to unwanted users.


  • Backup & Restoration


Another key component of a server management service is backup and restoration. This keeps your system backed up with several restoration points. For instance, if an unexpected outage happens, you can restore your data and track down the cause of the issue.

In order to do everything mentioned above, aside from expertise you will be needing tools such as softwares. These tools are costly and have a huge learning curve to begin with. It would be best to just hire a team that has both expertise and tools like the experts in iManila!

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, a web development company and a top digital marketing company in the country, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions. As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, website update and maintenance, web hosting, email hosting, dedicated server, technical, desktop and remote support, and digital marketing services needs.  Talk to us!

The Crucial Role of Technical Support in Business Growth

A trait that many businesses need to have in order to succeed is adaptability. The market and environment are regularly changing, sprouting up new things to consider and new trends. With the challenges of running a business and dealing with clients, it can be difficult to do system maintenance on top of it. This is where the role of Technical Support comes in. They can ensure that the business functions smoothly through immediate system repairs and maintenance, and identifying issues before they arise.

Having the right IT support team can help give your business that competitive edge and streamline the rest of your operations and workflows. As a result, you can boost your business’s overall productivity. How? Let’s take a closer look!

Gain technical expertise

Technology is a great thing to have in any business, but they are not immune to glitches, bugs, and errors. Even a well-updated software can run into these issues, which can hinder your daily business operations. IT support teams have the technical know-how to do troubleshooting and solutions for each problem. It can save you the time of having to search online for solutions. 

Manage your data more effectively

Most businesses make use of data, so data management is a necessity. This encompasses things from customer data, order data, and product inventories — all of these should be stored and managed safely. This can be time-consuming if done yourself. It would be more efficient for everyone to have an IT support team who can ensure your data is regularly backed up and safe. 

Hands on monitoring and analysis 

IT support teams can help improve the overall internal auditing and quality control of your systems and websites. Things like website or email downtime can be lessened and fixed as fast as possible. This can prevent further loss of profits for companies. It’s important that a business is able to keep track of all operations which an IT team can help provide. 

Dedicated customer support

The experience of a customer impacts how they view your brand and whether they’d be a return customer. It is important to ensure that they have a smooth experience and that any query can be handled in a prompt and professional manner. The IT support team can set up multiple channels like social media bots, emails, calls, and automated website replies to customer satisfaction. 

Proactive security 

There can be worse things than profit loss when things like customer data can get compromised through cyberattacks. Thus, an IT support team can help protect your company’s online presence and systems from viruses and such threats. Things like encrypting your data and setting up the right antivirus systems are some of the common security measures that IT support can do. 

Get help from an experienced partner that specializes in offering businesses tech support like iManila

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, a web development company and a top digital marketing company in the country, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company ready to help you with your web design and development, website update and maintenance, web hosting, from cloud hosting to dedicated server hosting, technical, desktop and remote support, and digital marketing services needs.  Talk to us!