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Keep Your Site Fresh: Top Website Maintenance Tips

Your website serves as the initial contact between your business and potential customers. However, nothing can be more frustrating for visitors than encountering broken links or outdated content. Not only does it reflect poorly on your business, but it also leads to a poor user experience. If you’re tired of dealing with these issues, you’re not alone. Maintaining your website content is crucial for ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for your visitors. Here’s how you can keep your website content fresh, relevant, and error-free.

Conduct Regular Audits of Your Website Content

One of the best ways to maintain your website content is by conducting regular audits. This involves systematically checking all the pages on your site to ensure they are up-to-date and functioning correctly. Use tools like Google Analytics to identify pages with low engagement, as these might need immediate attention. Regular audits help you spot broken links, outdated information, and other issues before they become significant problems.

web maintenance tips iManila

Use Reliable Tools for Link Management

Broken links can be a major turn-off for visitors. They not only frustrate users but also negatively impact your site’s SEO. To keep your website content in top shape, use reliable link management tools that automatically check for broken links. Tools like Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, and Google Search Console can help you find and repair broken links quickly. Regularly updating your links ensures that your visitors have a seamless experience and can access the information they need without any hassle.

Keep Your Website Content Fresh and Relevant

Outdated content makes your site look neglected and unprofessional. To avoid this, make it a habit to update your website content regularly. This could involve refreshing old blog posts with new information, adding new case studies or testimonials, and updating product or service pages. Staying on top of industry trends and news can also provide you with new content ideas that keep your site relevant and engaging for visitors.

Optimize for Mobile Users

With the increasing number of people accessing the internet via mobile devices, it’s essential to ensure your website content is mobile-friendly. A website that’s optimized for mobile improves user experience and boosts your site’s SEO rankings. Use responsive design techniques to make sure your content is easily accessible on all devices. It’s best to routinely test your site on various devices to ensure everything looks and functions as it should.

web maintenance iManila

Engage with Your Audience

One of the best ways to maintain fresh and relevant website content is by engaging with your audience. Encourage visitors to interact with your content by engaging them to leave comments, ask questions, and provide feedback. This tactic is helpful for you to understand their needs and preferences and provides you with new content ideas. An effective way to make your site more dynamic and engaging is to incorporate user-generated content such as testimonials or FAQs. Try adding this type of content to your next content calendar to increase your engagement metrics.

Create a Content Calendar

Maintaining a consistent schedule for updating your website content can be challenging without proper planning. A content calendar can help you stay organized and ensure that you’re regularly updating your site. Plan out your content for the month or quarter, including blog posts, news updates, and social media posts. This helps you maintain a steady flow of fresh content and ensures you’re always prepared with new material to share with your audience.

In Conclusion

Keeping your website content fresh, relevant, and error-free is essential for maintaining a professional and engaging online presence. By conducting regular audits, using reliable link management tools, optimizing for mobile users, engaging with your audience, and maintaining a content calendar, you can ensure that your website remains a valuable resource for your visitors. If you need expert help with maintaining your website content, don’t hesitate to contact iManila. Our team of professionals is ready to assist you in keeping your site in top shape. Reach out to us today and let’s make your website the best it can be!

Partner with iManila

With 28 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions.

iManila is a full-service business web development company in the Philippines ready to help you with WordPress website creation or building an ecommerce website for your business. From web design and development and website update and maintenance, to web hosting, email hosting, and technical, desktop and remote support, we are your team. Aside from this, we are also a website and mobile applications development company specializing in customized web systems for businesses in different industries and a top digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!

Top 6 Tips to Boost Your Website Performance this 2024

As we enter 2024, website performance remains a critical factor in the online world. Whether you’re a business owner or blogger looking to enhance user experience, the performance of your website is paramount.

In an era where attention spans are shrinking and competition is fierce, a slow or poorly performing website can deter visitors and hinder your online objectives. To stay ahead, it’s crucial to keep your website running at its peak.

In this blog, we’ll share the top six tips to supercharge your website’s performance in 2024. These practical strategies will not only improve loading speeds but also enhance user engagement, boost search engine rankings, and contribute to the overall success of your online presence. So, let’s dive in and ensure your website is primed for peak performance in the year ahead.

Tip #1: Optimize for Mobile-First

As most internet traffic now comes from mobile devices, ensuring your website is mobile-responsive is necessary. In 2024, mobile optimization goes beyond responsive design. It includes techniques like Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that provide fast, seamless experiences on mobile devices. Furthermore, Google’s mobile-first indexing also prioritizes mobile-friendly websites, making this optimization even more critical for SEO.

Tip #2: Enhance Page Loading Speed

Page speed remains a top priority in 2024. Visitors expect websites to load lightning-fast, and search engines reward faster sites with better rankings. So, regularly analyze your site’s performance with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to identify and fix bottlenecks.

Tip #3: Upgrade Hosting Plan

Top 6 Tips to Boost Your Website Performance this 2024 - upgrade hosting plan

Your hosting provider plays a significant role in your website’s performance. It’s vital to choose a reliable hosting plan that can handle your website’s needs. Consider iManila’s business cloud hosting for scalability and reliability.

Tip #4: Invest in Cybersecurity

With the increase in cyber threats, website security is non-negotiable. In 2024, invest in robust security measures, such as Web Application Firewalls (WAFs), regular security audits, and SSL certificates to protect your website and user data. 

Furthermore, maintaining the security and functionality of your website doesn’t have to be complex. You may choose to partner with reputable web hosting and development companies like iManila to assist you in any web maintenance tasks. From revising your web copy and updating your website’s plugins to maintaining web security, we’re here to help. Stay ahead of evolving trends and security threats with a proactive approach.

Tip #5: Content is King

Top 6 Tips to Boost Your Website Performance this 2024 - content is king

Quality content not only engages users but also impacts SEO. In 2024, invest in a comprehensive content strategy that includes keyword research, long-form content, and multimedia elements. Fresh, valuable, and relevant content keeps users coming back for more.

Tip #6: Regular Updates and Maintenance

Websites are not set-and-forget assets. To maintain peak performance:

  1. Conduct regular updates and maintenance.
  2. Keep software, plugins, and themes up to date, and regularly audit your website for broken links and outdated content.
  3. Remove redundant or unused plugins that may slow your site down.

Final Thoughts

As we step into 2024, the digital landscape continues to evolve, and website performance is more critical than ever. By implementing these top six tips to optimize your website’s performance, you’ll not only meet the expectations of today’s online audience but also stay ahead of the curve. Don’t wait – start the new year strong by boosting your website’s performance. Let iManila help!

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, a web development company and a top digital marketing company in the country, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions. 

iManila is a top hosting provider in the Philippines, offering reliable web hosting solutions, including shared web hosting, business cloud hosting, and dedicated server hosting to meet your business needs. As a leading web development company, iManila also offers web design and development, website update and maintenance, and technical, desktop, and remote support services. Our expertise extends to mobile applications development specializing in customized web systems catered to diverse industries. As a top digital marketing agency, we also offer a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!  

A Year-End Website Maintenance Checklist for a Fresh Start

The end of the year is more than just a time for festivities and celebrations; it’s also an excellent opportunity to give your website a thorough check-up. Your website is often the first point of contact between you and your audience, making it an aspect of your business that deserves attention. 

As we prepare to enter a new year, ensuring that your online presence is in top-notch condition is essential. In addition, a well-maintained website will enhance user experience and boost your credibility and visibility. In this blog, we’ve put together a year-end website maintenance checklist that will help you usher in the new year with a fresh and optimized online presence. 

Update Content and Check for Accuracy

The first step in your year-end website maintenance checklist is to review and update your website content. Ensure all information, including product details, contact information, and blog posts, is accurate and up-to-date. Remove outdated content and replace it with fresh, relevant information. Consequently, this will keep your visitors informed and improve your website’s credibility.

Evaluate Website Design

A Year-End Website Maintenance Checklist for a Fresh Start - Evaluate Web Design

Aesthetics and user experience are crucial factors in retaining visitors. So, evaluate your website design, layout, and navigation to ensure they are visually appealing and user-friendly. Additionally, check for responsive design to ensure your site functions seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes. A smooth, intuitive user experience can significantly impact your website’s bounce rate and user engagement.

Optimize Website

Website speed is paramount for user satisfaction and search engine rankings. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze your site’s speed and performance. Additionally, compress images, leverage browser caching, and minimize HTTP requests to optimize loading times.

Enhance Website Security

Security breaches can be detrimental to your online presence and reputation. So, conduct a thorough security audit to ensure all software, plugins, and themes are up-to-date. Install an SSL certificate if you haven’t already. Regularly back up your website and implement strong password policies. Additionally, consider a web application firewall to protect against various online threats, safeguarding your website and user data. iManila offers security solutions, safeguarding your website from malware, phishing attempts, and other online risks.

Review and Improve SEO Strategies

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for driving organic traffic to your website. So, conduct a comprehensive SEO audit, focusing on keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlink analysis. Furthermore, don’t forget to identify high-performing keywords and integrate them naturally into your content. It’s vital to improve meta tags, header tags, and image alt attributes to enhance your website’s search engine visibility. Additionally, monitor your backlink profile, disavowing harmful links and building high-quality, authoritative backlinks to boost your SEO efforts.

Check Website Analytics and Set Goals

A Year-End Website Maintenance Checklist for a Fresh Start - Check Website Analytics and Set Goals

Review your website analytics using tools like Google Analytics. Identify your most popular pages, user demographics, and referral sources. Based on this data, set specific, measurable, and achievable goals for the upcoming year. Whether it’s increasing website traffic, improving conversion rates, or expanding your online presence, clear goals motivate your digital marketing efforts.


Website maintenance ensures your website remains robust, secure, and user-friendly. iManila offers reliable web hosting solutions, web design, web development, and digital marketing expertise. So, invest in your website’s health now and reap the benefits throughout the coming year. Talk to iManila today to enhance your online presence! 

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions.

iManila is a full-service business web development company in the Philippines ready to help you with WordPress website creation or building an ecommerce website for your business. From web design and development and website update and maintenance, to web hosting, email hosting, and technical, desktop and remote support, we are your team. Aside from this, we are also a website and mobile applications development company specializing in customized web systems for businesses in different industries and a top digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!

How to Prepare Your Website for Holiday Traffic Spikes

The holiday season is a joyful time for everyone, including businesses. As the holiday spirit fills the air, online shoppers scour the internet for the perfect gifts. This surge in online activity can result in significant traffic spikes for your website. While this is an excellent opportunity to boost sales and engage with your audience, it can also lead to performance issues and even website crashes if you’re unprepared.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the essential steps to prepare your website for holiday traffic spikes. By implementing these ten strategies, you can ensure that your website handles increased traffic seamlessly and provides visitors with a positive experience during the festive season.

Conduct a Performance Audit

website performance audit iManila

Before the holiday season kicks in, evaluate your website’s current performance. Use website performance tools to assess its speed, responsiveness, and overall health. Consequently, identify any bottlenecks or issues that could hinder performance during traffic spikes.

Optimize Images and Media

Large media files can significantly slow down your website. So, compress images and videos to reduce their file sizes without compromising quality. This optimization ensures faster loading times, even when multiple users access your site simultaneously.

Upgrade Hosting Plan

If your site is hosted on a shared server, consider upgrading to a dedicated server or a cloud-based hosting solution. These options offer better scalability and can handle increased traffic more efficiently.

Stress Test Your Website

Simulate heavy traffic loads using stress testing tools to identify how your website performs under pressure. This allows you to pinpoint weaknesses and address them proactively.

Mobile Optimization

With increasing users accessing websites on mobile devices, ensure your site is responsive and optimized for mobile. Slow-loading or poorly formatted mobile pages can lead to high bounce rates.

Monitor Website Performance

Continuous monitoring is essential. So, use performance monitoring tools to monitor your website’s health and set up alerts for unusual activity. This enables you to respond quickly to any issues that may arise.

Update Software and Plugins

Outdated software and plugins are vulnerable to security threats and can slow down your page. Regularly update your Content Management System (CMS), plugins, and themes to the latest versions.

Load Testing

Conduct load testing to determine your website’s breaking point. This helps you understand how many concurrent users your site can handle before performance degrades. Use this information to set realistic traffic goals.

Have a Scalability Plan

Prepare a scalability plan outlining steps to take if your website experiences unexpected traffic spikes. This could include temporarily increasing server capacity or implementing traffic management solutions.

Backup Your Website

website backup iManila

Before the holiday season, ensure you have up-to-date backups of your site. In case of a catastrophic failure, having a backup will allow you to restore your site quickly. You may start backing up your website with iManila’s Website Backup Services as early as today.

Final Thoughts

The holiday season can be a make-or-break period for online businesses and websites. By following these steps and staying vigilant, you can keep your website running smoothly during the busiest time of the year and make the most of the holiday rush. While these could be a lot, with iManila’s Web Maintenance Services, you no longer have to think about these things. Prepare now, and be ready to shine when the holiday lights are aglow!

iManila is a full-service business web development company in the Philippines ready to help you with WordPress website creation or building an ecommerce website for your business. From web design and development and website update and maintenance, to web hosting, email hosting, and technical, desktop and remote support, we are your team. Aside from this, we are also a website and mobile applications development company specializing in customized web systems for businesses in different industries and a top digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!

Web Redesign vs. Maintenance: Which Should You Prioritize for the Holidays

If you’re an online business owner, you’re probably getting ready for a website traffic surge during the upcoming holiday season. This period offers a unique opportunity to boost sales and connect with your audience, emphasizing the importance of having a high-performing website. A well-designed, user-friendly website attracts potential customers to complete transactions. This becomes especially crucial when consumers actively seek holiday products and gifts. But should you invest in a complete website redesign or focus on regular maintenance to ensure seamless operations?

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of both approaches, helping you decide for the upcoming holidays.

Website Maintenance Pros

iManila Website Maintenance Pros

Website maintenance involves routine tasks aimed at keeping your site in optimal condition. This includes updating plugins, fixing broken links, optimizing images, and ensuring your site is secure and performs well. Here’s why prioritizing maintenance during the holidays is essential:

  • Ensures Reliability

The holiday season can bring a sudden surge in traffic. Regular web maintenance helps prevent server crashes, downtime, and other technical issues that could cost you valuable sales opportunities.

  • Improves User Experience 

A well-maintained website loads faster and provides a seamless browsing experience. This web performance is crucial to keep visitors engaged and prevent them from bouncing to a competitor’s site.

  • Enhances Web Security

Cybersecurity threats are prevalent, especially during peak shopping seasons. Maintaining your e-commerce website’s security protects your business and customers’ sensitive information.

  • Cost-Effective

A website refresh typically involves minor updates and improvements to your existing site. This approach is often more budget-friendly than a complete redesign, making it a good choice if you watch your expenses during the holiday season.

  • Time-Efficient

Website maintenance is quicker to implement compared to a complete redesign. You can quickly update content, add holiday-themed visuals, and optimize for performance without the extensive time investment of a redesign.

Website Redesign Pros

iManila iManila Website Maintenance Pros

While maintenance is crucial for a well-functioning website, there are scenarios where a redesign or a website revamp might be the right choice, especially during the holiday season. A redesign involves changing the layout, design, and sometimes your site’s content. Here’s why it might be worth considering:

  • Outdated Design

If your website’s design needs to be updated or aligned with current web trends, a redesign can give it a fresh, modern look that captures visitors’ attention.

  • Improved Navigation

If users find navigating your site or finding products challenging, a redesign can help streamline user experience and lead to higher conversion rates.

  • Rebranding or Repositioning

If your business has changed, such as a rebranding or a shift in target audience, a redesign can help reflect these transformations effectively.

  • Improved Load Times

During peak holiday traffic, slow-loading pages can drive visitors away. A redesign can optimize your website’s performance. This ensures swift page loading and smooth browsing experiences, even when traffic surges during the holiday season.

Final Thoughts

The choice between website redesign and website maintenance depends on your business’s specific needs and goals during the holiday season. Achieving a balance between the two can lead to the most optimal outcomes. Having a polished and redesigned website can effectively attract and engage your audience. Additionally, consistent web maintenance is vital in providing a seamless user experience. You can navigate this process seamlessly with a trusted partner like iManila. Connect with us today to enhance your web presence and optimize your website for the holiday season!  

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions.

iManila is a full-service web development company in the Philippines ready to help you with WordPress business website creation or building an ecommerce website for your business. From web design and development and website update and maintenance, to web hosting, email hosting, and technical, desktop and remote support, we are your team. Aside from this, we are also a website and mobile applications development company specializing in customized web systems for businesses in different industries and a top digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!

The Best Way to Start the Year Right – by Updating Your Website

The year 2023 has arrived! This is the perfect time to give your business website a fresh new look. While there are a lot of ways and strategies to do this, website revamps don’t always have to be extravagant. Sometimes it could be as simple as updating your website and making sure everything is working properly. Doing these can keep your business website stay relevant and offer better customer experience than the previous year.

Having said that, what aspects of your website do you think needs some updating? Does your website need some maintenance? Well, think no more as we provide a list of things you need to update on your website.

Verify and update your contact information

One of the most common mistakes business owners make with their website is forgetting to update their contact numbers and email addresses whenever they change it. Bottomline is when your potential customers cannot reach you, you are losing out and failing to attend to their needs. Don’t fall for this. Check the contact information in your header, footer, and “contact us” pages to make sure it is up to date.

Bonus tip, don’t forget to update your Google My Business page and other directory listings in which your company appears as well. 

Examine WordPress plugins

If you are running a WordPress website, the start of the year is the best time to examine your plugins. Check for plugins that are not serving its purpose anymore or are no longer useful for your site. Look for substitute plugins that do the work of multiple plugins. Remove unnecessary plugins and those that don’t receive updates anymore. Do this to ensure that your website continues to function properly.

Just as well, examine the version of the WordPress CMS integrated into your website. Your entire WordPress version may just be outdated together with ALL of your website plugins. 

Review your privacy policy

Privacy and security has greatly changed in the past years. Spend the time and effort to hire an attorney who can assist you in protecting yourself if these changes are not addressed in your privacy policy, or worse, if you do not have one at all.

There are also online tools that can help you create your own privacy policy. While this may be a good start, we still recommend having it reviewed by an attorney to ensure that it adequately covers you and your business. 

Test your website’s accessibility

It is always a good idea to conduct tests to verify that your website is accessible or not, especially if it was designed to be so. If your website isn’t accessible, now is a good time to have it fixed. In recent years, accessibility has become a hot issue. By fixing it as early as now, you can cater to all possible website visitors while also protecting yourself.

Update your keywords

Having keywords on your business website is important. By targeting the right keywords, it can make your business website rank in the internet, increasing your visibility. Check and consider changing some keywords especially if they are not helping your website rank higher.

Publish relevant content

Nothing screams an updated website more than fresh and timely content. Invest some time in content writing. Create brand new high quality contents to get the attention of your customers. Updating your website content can provide a boost on your search rankings and help you reach more customers online.

We hope these tips will help on how to create a better business website this 2023. If you need further help with updating your website or if you’re looking for help with website repair and website maintenance, talk to the experts in iManila!

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, a web development company and a top digital marketing company in the country, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, website update and maintenance, web hosting, email hosting, dedicated server, technical, desktop and remote support, and digital marketing services needs.  Talk to us!