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Tag: content writing

Digital Ecosystem: A stable approach for all organizations


An innovative digital  and stable approach towards a shared goal, that’s what the Digital Ecosystem is about. Unlike aardvarks, the Digital Ecosystem works best in collaboration with its components. A collaboration which allows it to interact and interconnect within its networks. Similar to the natural ecosystem we have learned in grade school, the concept of the Digital Ecosystem relates to the online applications, digital marketing services, and all things web – instead of plants, animals, and other biological entities. It’s an interactive environment ideal for all businesses.


Understanding this model’s holistic approach is of great essence in achieving collective goals. Ergo, iManila curated a Digital Ecosystem that caters one’s online needs congregating to its innovative, strategic, and technology-driven web and digital services. This Digital Ecosystem provides sustainability, scalability, and stability to all organizations, and here’s what these three words signify:


Capacity for a strong connection and a stable approach. The ability of the Digital Ecosystem to have a strong hold, a strong connection to people forges stability. Aside from amplifying leads, the Digital Ecosystem is also an effective channel for creating value; offering experience and satisfaction to its people. Thus, building a strong connection which then shifts into a valuable possession when service-dependency surfaces – driving people towards brand loyalty and client retention forthwith.


Capacity for growth. The Digital Ecosystem has the competency to easily upgrade on demand, thus, establishes scalability. Because of the teamwork within its domain, its diverse networks maintain hold of the productivity in the midst of increasing demands —  demands of the ever-changing technology-based model and demands from the people it aims to reach. Moreover, the scalability offers growth within the network, allowing each component to expand without compromising each of its goals.



Capacity for endurance. Indefinite changes in this digital milieu build sustainability in all organizations. The strength to endure abrupt online revolutions defines the Digital Ecosystem’s ability to uphold its linkages toward a common goal. Utilizing advanced tools, right methodologies, and a proficient workforce affirms a resilient business model that can transcend and adapt to future innovations.


The success of a brand’s adherence to the Digital Ecosystem depends on the steadfastness of its web and digital provider. With over 5,000 valued clients, iManila is certain to be the most reliable partner in building a successful online presence. From hosting server, down to social media requirements, iManila is here to be of service. Offering nothing but relief and peace of mind, considering that all the web and digital marketing needs will be catered under one roof, in one universe, towards one direction. Trust the best web and digital service provider in the Philippines, trust iManila.

Our digital ecosystem breakthrough ensures a stable approach that is also scalable and sustainable for all organizations.

The long haul: How to be in the business for years


Telephones, pagers, personal computers, CDs, and the internet. Among these nineties, technology innovations are the birth of iManila. From being one of the internet pioneers, iManila has progressed to be the most trusted and reliable web and digital service provider in the country. Bona fide to deliver the best service to its clients.

As iManila celebrates its 21st anniversary this year, it shares its company secrets in making your business stay for years. Browse, read, and bring your company to the long haul.

Live by your company principles

Every company has its own reasons for existence. As for iManila, living up to its mantra of improving the lives of people through technology has bettered every facet of the organization to provide quality services. Company principles keep the righteous presence in and out of the organization. Thus, producing right processes and right outcomes.


Always have a plan and direction

The main reason why businesses should always have a plan is simple: to ensure that the business is on track. By on track means, going nowhere but to the company’s direction; meeting its sales targets, and achieving its business goals. Not only a plan can bring you to your company objectives but it can also give you a competitive advantage in your craft.

Choose the right people

Our CEO believes that his choice of getting the right people in iManila was a huge influence in our accomplishments. Many individuals can be more knowledgeable and more intelligent than the rest, however, only a few embody the right attitude and commitment that the organization needs to step up from being a good company to a great company. Remember, a team that consists of passionate individuals never fail to deliver the best services.

Don’t be afraid to try and fail

Failing is normal. Trying is normal. But, not failing and not trying is not how any business works. If you won’t try and experience failures, you won’t grow. It’s a way of life for business as much as it is for ourselves. Lack of challenges makes it hard for you to be successful. Go and inhale every mistake. Learn from it and never forget about it. Those failures will soon be a story to tell when the time comes.



Lasting for more than two decades in the industry is beyond what our stakeholders have imagined. A five-year success was expected then, but, a 21-year stay was a combination of luck, blessing, and pure determination. If iManila can make it for decades, sure enough, your business can, as well. Why not give iManila a call? Let’s see how can we be of help with you.


Reference: Entrepreneur

B2B Blogging Best Practices


For some marketers, maintaining top quality blogs are a chore. The process of coming up with a content calendar, finding the right resources, and figuring out the right angle to make the blog much interesting, is such a tough feat.

But no matter how hard it is to maintain a decent and effective blogging tactic, it is still an indispensable method in bringing traffic to your website and to improve your website’s SERP (search engine results page) ranking. Here are some pointers to help you optimize your website’s blog.


Word Length Performances

Truth be told, B2B blogs should be 500 to 1,000 words. Anything that goes beyond 1000 words is draggy, while anything less than 500 isn’t authoritative. In coming up with blogs for the audience whom you treat as potential clients, below are the following details to take note:

The topic should be beneficial to in terms of:

  • Their function at work,
  • Their output at work
  • Image to maintain at work
  • Image to maintain in their social sphere

Frequency of Posts

According to one of the leading marketing software provider – Hubspot, companies who published more than 16 posts per month saw traffic increase by 3.5x more than those who only published up to 4 posts per month.

This insight was put into test by an Internet consulting firm – Strategic and below are the findings:

  • The number of blog posts on our site grows 6 to 181
  • A 1271% increase in traffic
  • Organic traffic grows from 143 sessions per month at the outset, to1817 sessions per month in March 2016.

However, the bottom-line that marketers should always keep in mind to make this work is that all blog content should be well written and well mapped to resonate with specific buyers persona challenges of their respective companies. And, should be posted to target and relevant social media channels.

Key Takeaways For Effective B2B Blogs

These statistics show that for B2B blogs to produce best measurable benefit within Inbound marketing campaigns, they should:

Be regular: you should produce close to 16+ per month if possible.

Generally stay around 500-800 words long (though variation is fine!).

Your posts should also be written to address your persona’s common business challenges and be regularly promoted via your own company social media channels.

Quality, persona-targeted blog content can enhance search rank, boost traffic, attract higher quality leads and establish your brand as trusted niche expert.



To get started with your blogging strategy this 2017, you need to list all the challenges your target personas have and link them to the services or products that your company provides. The end goal ALWAYS is that your offerings (be it a service or product) is the answer to put an end to those business challenges.

If you find it a little rough to get started with blogging, reach out to us. iManila, provides content marketing solutions such as website copywriting, blogging, email newsletters and content writing to pumped-up your content marketing. Call us at (02) 490-0000 or send us an email at [email protected]. You can also visit our website at for more information on our services.



(1) Hubspot

(2) Strategic Internet Consulting

Selling Sharks: What it really takes to be great in sales


Months have gone since I last passed by the memory lane. Harking back seven months ago to the day I got hired here at iManila, I remember clearly the day I got the text message from our HR officer saying that I’m shortlisted for the Account Executive position I’ve applied for. Yup, I was supposed to be a salesperson then but got abruptly reassigned to the digital marketing department. NO REGRETS – it was an honor.

Questions have been asked. Answers were uttered. Then my nerves wracked even more when iManila’s CEO Mr. Bobet Deluria entered the interview room. More questions have been asked and more answers were uttered. He talked about iManila’s history; what it does, how it became a pioneer in its industry, and such. After that we talked about the ideas of being an Account Executive. And I cannot forget the lines he said seconds later, “Our sales team are like sharks. They are predators. Whenever they smell blood, they attack that bloody prospect.” Why sharks? Why not tigers or lions? Or flamingos? The questions ran through my mind.

By definition, sharks are carnivorous fishes in the class Chondrichthyes (that I have no idea of) that are active predators sometimes dangerous to humans. Briefly, it’s a slang for persons who are experts in a specific activity. The next question that popped into my head is, “how can one be a shark”? A great and successful shark? Upon searching and reading, here’s how:

Successful Salespeople are Both Born and Made

Great salespeople are born to be great at their craft — if this is your mindset, better stop selling. This thinking is just another reason that lazy salespeople who do not hit their quotas for a long time use. Okay, let’s set a scenario. Let’s say that Sam (obviously that’s me) hits her monthly quota and gets her commission consistently. Is that because she was born to sell? NO. It’s because Sam works hard. She calls each company on her list. She manages her accounts well. She doesn’t sit and wait for the inbound inquiries. She gets the job done before anyone else does. Being a great salesperson takes a lot of learning, strategy-making, and effort. If Sam was a true-blooded shark the second she entered this world, it’s her choice if she is going to be the lazy one or the great one. So, if you are not born to be a seller, then make yourself one.

Successful Salespeople Don’t Always Hit the Jugular

People say, be a shark, target the jugular! NO. Great salespeople attack opportunities but they don’t bring their prospects down just to acquire sale. Rather, great salespeople sniff the blood first. They listen to their clients well and ask questions to understand the problem. And then they attack. They propose solutions which are technically the services that great salespeople offer. If the client resists, great salespeople provide reasons why it’s worth investing to solve it. You see, sharks don’t always hit the jugular, they sometimes target the jugular veins – strategically but surely. If you know what I mean.


Sales is a cut-throat yet rewarding arena for any profession. It spares no one, hence the comparison to sharks. To be triumphant in this job requires one to step-up to its role as a salesperson. And stepping-up means improving day by day no matter how little the improvements are. Sharks or not, a salesperson is still defined by his or her last sale. And in order to exceed that last sale, a progress is necessary. After all, being successful (not just in becoming a great salesperson) requires hard work to be better and the will to become one.

Yahoo Renames as Altaba and its CEO Marissa Mayer Resigns. Hello 2017!


Altaba. This six-letter word is yet to be the new name of our childhood-favorite search engine tool, Yahoo. People rendered speechless upon hearing the news as six Yahoo board of directors will soon resign from their positions, including its CEO Marissa Mayer and its founder David Filo. The board’s resignation is “not due to any disagreement with the Company on any matter relating to the Company’s operations, policies or practices,” Yahoo states on its SEC filing on Monday.

These huge changes will be put to effect after the $4.8 billion merger with the telecom company Verizon is finalized. The deal only comprises the procurement of Yahoo’s consumer web business, Yahoo Mail and Sports. Not the entire Yahoo enterprise.

The remaining sectors of the company after the said deal will be named Altaba. Those sectors of Yahoo are still of great significance to other investors since these have shares from the Chinese e-Commerce kingpin Alibaba, hence the new name Altaba.

Big changes are bound to happen with Yahoo this year, with new set of board members, a new CEO, new regularities, new challenges, AND new chances. That is possibly the best part of this realignment – a new line of chances awaits. But at the end of it all, we will definitely miss the old Yahoo.

If you want to know more about what happened, visit Investopedia and click here.