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Tag: facebook ads

Facebook Launches Own Dating Feature Plus New Exciting Add Ons

In the recent F8 2019, Facebook’s 10th Annual Development Conference held last April 30 – May 1, 2019, at San Jose, California, the social media giant has launched its own dating feature. Does this mean Facebook is going full blown Tinder? Technically, not.

The reason behind this latest feature called Secret Crush is the idea brought about by the feedbacks received by Facebook. A number of users see the potential of developing a romantic relationship within their extended circle of friends.

Here’s how it works: You can select up to 9 of your Facebook friends that you are interested with. If your Secret Crush is also into Facebook Dating, they will receive a notification that someone within their pool of friends has assigned them as their secret crush. For instance, your secret crush also added you on their Secret Crush list, the Facebook Dating feature will automatically set-up a match. So what is the difference among other dating apps in the market? Security – your crush will never know or find out if you have a secret crush on him or her if they are not using the feature or if they do not create a list.

So, is that all?

Nope. The good news for social media marketers is that the Facebook Dating feature is just one of the recent updates of the world’s top social media app. The recent announcements do not necessarily focus on dating, in fact, they have also launched various updates that will actually improve user experience and intensify market reach through social media.

Image courtesy of FACEBOOOK

The FB5

Facebook will be launching the new design for the desktop version of their site called the FB5. In the next few months, we may expect a simpler yet sleeker desktop view of our favorite social media site. This also highlights Groups and gives a greater focus on events and stories. This is the perfect opportunity for you to actually explore the chances of reaching out to your target market in a more specific way by creating Group pages apart from your business page. Since the new design creates a more substantial approach on suggesting groups to users, this update can be of great use.

Messenger Updates

The social media site now allows you to create automated tailored experiences that can actually connect your target market with the right person or content for them. There are also new lead generation templates that you can choose from for Messenger ads in which will still be done through Ads Manager. This is essential on building an easier connection among products, brands, influencers and their end users. Although this feature is still under observation, you may want to watch out for the availability soon.

Instagram Updates

Facebook is also stepping up their e-commerce game through Instagram. They have put a new feature called “Shop from Creators” which allow Instagram users to find, select, and purchase products directly through the app itself! With this, users can easily shop their favorite influencer’s look right on the app thus eliminating the hassle of taking a photo and manually browsing different websites to shop an inspired look from Instagram. This feature is currently ongoing testing for a small group of influencers and is expected to be available for the whole Instagram community soon. 

Some other new features like shipping through marketplace and Portal Device Expansion are only available in continental U.S.

As Facebook continues to develop and enhance its capabilities on selling brands online, can your business keep up? Take advantage of these updates and make sure that you are reaching your social media market! Let iManila help you in improving your social media presence! Call us at (02) 490 0000 or email us at [email protected]! Let’s talk!

Online Duopoly: Which One Is Suitable For Your Business, Facebook or Google?


Facebook or Google? This could be one of the common questions business owners kept on asking themselves. One of the digital truths that you need to deal with is that a business cannot grow online on organic alone. That is true in some cases, especially when venturing into digital marketing for the first time. But with so many platforms available, from search engines, apps, websites, and to social media networks – you might be wondering which one to choose when advertising your business online.

The truth is, these overwhelming choices shouldn’t be your primary concern.


Because there are only two dominant leaders in online advertising today namely: Google and Facebook. And you should stick with them quite often when dealing with digital ads,

The Duopoly

Admit it or not, there are only two entities in so far, who have valuable profile data of online users in the world – Google and Facebook. They are the two titans who earn a lot from their ad platform businesses, thus calling them a duopoly.

Why duopoly? You probably asking yourself.

To begin with, Facebook owns Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. These four are the top social media networks and social messaging platforms in terms of numbers of active users.

In the recent quarterly report of Facebook, the flagship platform has reached a 1.9 Billion user base per month. Instagram has 700 million each month while the two leading social messaging platform – Messenger and WhatsApp – both have 1.2 billion user base.

Facebook earns a staggering 97% of its 2016 revenue from its digital advertising business.


Meanwhile, Google – a world renowned search engine brand that reached immense trust and popularity for having a spot in the Oxford dictionary is also a leader in transforming digital marketing these days. This brand has earned an accepted scholastic use of its verb variations such as “googled” and googling” making Google undeniably one of the greatest modern enterprises of the millennium.

Google owns YouTube – the world’s largest video streaming site. It also expands its services through consolidating its core businesses under the name Alphabet Inc. Alphabet is responsible for developing and reshaping its services that are linked with their core mission to improve the user experience. Alphabet Inc. from the name of the company itself covers almost the entire Roman alphabet including the Ad platform of Google for search and display networks.

Google digital ad business generates 32.8% of the total revenue of this tech conglomerate.

Which One is Right for Your Business?

A good approach to this question is to try both and see which works well with your business. But since most of the SMEs marketing budget are strictly limited, doing so is not in your priority list. To weight which one is right for your business. Below is our weigh in:


  • B2B and Service-oriented business

Does your business belong in this category? If YES, then Google search engine marketing (SEM) fits your business well. Why? The reason is plain and simple. A B2B model relies heavily on website transactions, and this is out of corporate custom revolving around the idea of legitimacy. When a website is your primary contact point online, Google’s search engine marketing is a go-to platform.


  • B2C and Consumer Goods / Retail

The good thing about this category is that the risk of losing money when investing in both platforms is low compared to B2B and Service-oriented businesses. The reason is, reaching the end consumers with products (tangible trades) that they really need is one foot ahead than business offering services (which are intangible).

In this kind of business, if one looks after brand awareness, social ad via Facebook is a good avenue. With most retail business in the country relying on brick-and-mortar store than e-commerce, social ads by Facebook fits just fine. Be it engagement or web clicks (or visits), Facebooks ads can surely reach to the end consumers with ease.


In the Philippines, there is a preconceived notion of having comfort in purchasing tangible trades than the intangible ones. If you are in the business of providing services, you got to build a solid reputation to compete well with your competitors online. If you are dealing with consumer goods and retail, the challenge is to create a way to sift through the clutters of other consumer-centric ads online.

Be it Facebook or Google, the success of an online ad relies on understanding your audience and your business. Once you all had it in your mind and in your heart, sending the message across these two platforms won’t be too much of a pain.

If by chance that a business like yours is looking for an assistance in starting your brand presence online either through Facebook or through the search engine of Google, iManila is capable of helping you get noticed by your target audience online.

Give us a call at (02) 490-0000 / (02) 565-4064, or send your inquiries through our website portal at

Why online ads are the new titan


We’re so used to seeing an advertisement that runs down the lengths of buildings along the most traversed roads in the Metro. Billboards. Enormous billboards towering over us in all their titan glory.

But sometimes, titans lose their strength. After all, nothing is forever.

No one can deny the seeming effectivity of these billboards that eat up the attention of anyone who lay eyes on their monstrosity. But the thing is, billboards are only as good as the next one.

Out of sight, out of mind, right?


But the internet; the internet is ubiquitous, which only makes it a perfect avenue for advertisement.

Online advertising is a new form of marketing which uses the internet and the world wide web to deliver promotional messages in various digital formats. These formats range from search engine marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, mobile advertising, and display advertising.

Here are all the reasons why online advertising should be part of your marketing campaign.

Online ads let you customize your target audience. In today’s society where everyone has internet access, you can reach the world. Or at least a specific part of it. With online ads, you can “filter” out your reach based on your preference. This is an assurance that your products and services are getting to the right kind of audience who has a high chance of buying your products or availing of your services. Closing a sale? You can bet on it.

Marketing online is much cheaper than traditional advertising approaches. You don’t have to spend a generous chunk of your bank account in securing a placement on posts or buildings or printing papers that will only be considered eyesore later on. With online ads, you can reach as much engagement as your budget allows you. And the best thing about this is that you don’t just throw your advertisement for everyone to see like a town parade or a motorcade. Online ads let you know how much of the internet is seeing your ads so that you also get the idea of how much you can expect to turn into leads. Kind of leveling up your expectations, eh?

The internet is a huge place. And at present, more and more people are spending a considerable amount of their time doing their shenanigans in it. If you place your advertisements online, the chance of making your brand known is high. In fact, your brand can get by with just online advertisement alone. With numerous social media platforms getting born by the minute, how the hell can you doubt that?

One big difference that the traditional marketing and digital marketing has is the ability to have a two-way communication. In TV, radio, newspaper, and billboards, one can see and grasp your message but cannot respond to it right away – a situation that online advertisement has taken care of. The Web is such an interactive space. Information and ideas can get passed on in a matter of minutes despite a distance of miles. If you put your advertisement online, that alone eliminates the barrier that traditional marketing stumbles with. The chances of seeing a brand online can immediately stir action on the part of your audience.


Frankly, it’s obvious enough that utilizing the substantial number of internet users and the time they spend online is what anyone who wants to truly make his brand known should be doing.

The internet is ubiquitous. Use it to your business advantage.

After all, out of sight, out of mind, right?

Want to advertise your brand online? Help is on the way. Establish your brand online and build up a sustainable online following with iManila. We have a variety of services that cater to each and every social media needs, including Facebook ads. *winks*

See you online!