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Tag: google ads

Increase Your Company Revenue with Search Ads

You may have heard of the buzz about Google Ads, particularly Google Search Ads in helping a business drive growth. If you haven’t heard, going into the digital advertisement realm may sound daunting.

Here we will break down this claim, can you really increase your company’s revenue with Search Ads?

What are Google Ads?

To set things straight, it is important to know first the basics. Google Ads is actually an umbrella that comprises three ad networks namely: The Google Search Network, the Google Display Network, and the YouTube Network. Clicking any of those will bring you to the seller’s landing page which is any page where they hope you will ‘convert’ and buy their products.

The search network is the most popular network on Google for advertising. This deals with user intent as people usually go on Google to search for something they already have in mind. Your goal here is lead people to convert instead of just raising brand awareness.

It is here that the term Pay-per-Click comes in because you pay for each click that you get from the searchers. The concept of Cost-per-click or more known as CPC is used which is the average that you will pay for clicks. These vary per industry and usually have different benchmarks. Why is CPC important? That is because keywords on the search network are based on the price during bidding. You can set limits to how much you are going to spend and that will determine what keywords you can bid in.

The goal for the search network is to have your ad rank in the first page ideally. This is determined by ad rank which is made up of a variety of factors that include bid amount, quality score, and more. Given this, bidding higher or having a better quality score can greatly influence your ranking on the Google Search Engine Results Page.

What Numbers Say

While it may be difficult to make a decision to jump on the Google Ad train, a lot of other businesses have made it work on their favor. Statistics show that 88% of consumers use the Internet to find a local business and that 29% of consumers search for local businesses at least every week. This shows a huge potential to tap into the market actively using the Google Search platform as your future customers.

Why is the search network the best strategy instead of Search Engine Optimization? Well 89% of the traffic generated by search ads cannot be replaced by organic clicks when the ads are paused. For high commercial intent queries on search, the top three ad spots take about 40% of the clicks on the page. On top of that, 98% of searchers choose a business that is on the first page of the results they get, which shows the importance of not just being able to be part of the search network but also ranking on the top.

Do they work?

Once properly set up and managed, you can find a strong return on investment by using Google Ads. Businesses in fact, can make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on Google Ads. For the businesses already using Google Ads, 72% of them plan to increase their PPC budgets which is another indicator that they are seeing good ROI. As for the mobile users, 70% of mobile searches call a business directly from Google Search.

While they are a multitude of other factors that leads to the success of a Google Ads campaign, its success still greatly depends on how its set up and managed. This is why it’s vital to have a great team to work on such a campaign. If you do not have a team that can do such, fear not for you can always leave it to the experts to manage your campaigns for you. Let a Google Partner agency like iManila be your partner in running your Google Search campaign. With many years of experience in the industry, you can count on us to deliver and give you an impactful campaign. Feel free to drop a message at [email protected] and see where we can help you! 


Google Display Network for Brand Awareness

When getting started with digital marketing tools, chances are you’ve probably already heard of Google Ads. What not a lot know though is that they branch out into two – Search and Display. While a search campaign shows text ads on search engine results (Search Network), a Google Display campaign is the more visual approach of showing banner/video ads in over 2 million partner websites, videos, and apps (Display Network).

A valuable marketing platform, Google’s Display Networks reaches over 90% of internet users and it takes the form of visual banner ads as seen below.

Google Display Network

Search Ads vs. Display Ads

What sets both networks apart?

While the Search Ads taps into users directly and actively searching into Google’s Search Engine or other partner search sites. This means that there is already intent in the minds of the users to search for that particular item.

Display Ads, on the other hand, are more passive as they usually appear when users are just going about their usual internet activity such as skimming through a news article, watching video clips, and the like. These ads are mainly small banners or boxes following you around as you scroll through a site. This means that the primary interest of the user is the website content itself and the display ads are just merely secondary. The main difference is that the users aren’t directly on ‘shopping mode’ and may not be familiar with your brand at all. This is because the Google Display Network is a tool that can be used for prospecting and brand awareness.

Due to the low-intent nature of the users when encountering Display Ads, the click-through-rate (CTR) and conversion rate are often below 1%. But the advantage here is the wide array of targeting options that go beyond keywords, and the ability to access a good portion of internet users due to the numerous website placements. The result is finding a tighter network audience with more relevant targeting.

Prospecting and Remarketing

There are two ways to target using Google Display Ads:

(1) First is through prospecting which happens when internet users who may have no previous knowledge of your brand, product, or services are targeted.

(2) The other is through remarketing, which targets users who have engaged with your website in some form previously.

The latter is often referred to as the best way to optimize Display Ads, this option makes use of the audiences found in Google Analytics to help find your target market. These remarketed audiences take place in many forms such as website visitors, users who downloaded content or submitted forms, users who signed up for free trials or other offers, and users who have completed transactions previously. This is why it is said that remarketing completes the circle of engagement as it helps keep past visitors who took interest in a certain product or service to see targeted ads and eventually lead them to make that purchase.


We have laid out the basic need-to-knows about Google’s Display Network, perfect for any business that wants to get their brand or service out there to wider audiences. While Search Ads target those actively looking for products, who knows if you might bag the right market with you through the more passive Display Ads.

In the end, it all depends on your company’s marketing goals and knowing what type of ad or strategy to utilize. While it may seem scary to venture into Google Ads alone, there are always agencies out there to help you with your marketing goals. iManila is a Google Partner agency that can help you navigate Google’s diverse marketing platforms to reach your audience and deliver optimal results! Feel free to drop us a message at [email protected] and kick start your digital marketing journey with us.

Is your business ready for the Holidays?

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! Aside from the holly and jolly Christmas carols and festive lights on the streets, Christmas shopping and gift giving are one of the highlights of this season.

Filipinos love Christmas. As a matter of fact, as early as September, Google searches surge for inquiries related to Christmas – from shopping for decorations to special gift finds. It’s not a surprise that Christmas shoppers are now flocking the stores this early to buy gifts for their loved ones hoping to avail of the early season offers and most especially, to avoid the shopping and traffic rush when December comes in. Luckily, the good news for shoppers today is that they can now enjoy a more convenient way to shop this season with the rise of various eCommerce and online shopping channels.

This actually brings in a great opportunity for businesses to take advantage of the increasing demand and the peak of consumers’ shopping behavior every year. In 2018, 26% of the Filipino population have bought at least one (1) item online as their Christmas gift. This is equivalent to more than 27 million people and guess what – this number is expected to grow even higher this year! (Google, 2019)

Kantar TNS has also concluded a study which finds that in 2018, 52% of Filipinos have searched online about food groceries while 80% have searched about consumer electronics. And an even greater 81% have searched for air travel. The Holiday season offers businesses the most active consumers that are ready to convert with the added capacity to do so. With this great boost in online shopping, it’s important that your brand is visible online and that your products stand out amongst your competitors.

To help you out, here are some tips to capture the hearts of your target market this Yuletide season. We made a list, so check it twice!

Reach more people through Search and Display Ads

Christmas gifts, recipes, carols, and decorations – are just some of the possible seasonal keywords that you need to invest in. Apparel and footwear, as well as food beverages, are always projected to lead the influx of search queries this season. Make sure to appear on all possible related keywords to your products and own the SERP through Search Ads. Accompanying some Display campaigns along your Search campaign can also help in boosting brand awareness and recognition.

Create an impact through Video Ads

You’ve seen a lot of Christmas advertisements on television that have gone viral for its heartfelt and emotional approaches. With Video Ads, you can also definitely achieve this! Aside from being more cost-effective than television ads, you can also create a more targeted strategy and have more meaningful metrics to measure your success. The key to creating a story right now that can be impactful to your audience is by making the most out of the existing status quo by giving twists and turns. Focusing on the relevance and relatability of your story to your viewers is ideal especially if you want to inspire and educate them to buy your products.

Explore opportunities in Shopping Ads

The eCommerce industry in the Philippines is said to become a $25 billion market by 2025. Aside from the usual online stores like Lazada and Shopee, you can also explore the benefits of having your own eCommerce website and advertise your products through Shopping Ads. Preparing bigger budgets for large moments like 9.9, 10.10, 11.11, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday is also recommended as you can go with the trend that pushes people to buy more. Shopping ads are very visual and product based which is generally ideal for F&B, clothing, and consumer electronics industries. There is also no need for keywords targeting as the structure of your feed (product listings) will be crawled by Google and will be automatically determine if one of your products is relevant to a certain search query.

This Holiday season, don’t miss out on valuable consumers that can totally scale up your revenue! Invest in paid advertising and make your brand standout in this season of giving!

Need assistance on your paid advertising campaigns? Talk to us! iManila is a full-service digital and a Google Partner agency that offers web development and digital marketing strategies to help more businesses grow! Contact us at (02) 490 0000 or email us at [email protected]!

iManila has earned its Google Search Specialization!

Last March 2019, iManila officially became a Google Partner. As a Google Partner, it not only allowed us to step up in our skills and expertise in running paid ads, but it has also pushed us to go for new milestones. With this, we’re happy to announce that just last month, we earned our Google Search Specialization!

This specialization comes at the right time for us as we continue to prove that as a digital agency, we’re well trained and equipped to help our clients become visible and relevant on the Google Search Network.

How can this benefit your company?

By partnering with a certified Google Partner agency like iManila who specializes in Google Search, you’re assured that the people working with you are experts in the field and can effectively run well-crafted Search Ads campaigns.

iManila is committed to continuously innovating and improving the digital marketing skills and expertise needed to help our clients reach their goals. This badge is just one of the many testimonies to that commitment.

If you’re looking for an agency to help you manage and run data-driven Google Ad campaigns, get in touch with us! Drop us an email at [email protected] or call us at +632 490 0000.

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