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Tag: web and digital service provider

Debunking the Most Common Website Myths

It is always a milestone for a business to have their own website as it’s a great way to expand their online presence. It can be exciting, but there are also a lot of myths about having your own website. 

We’re here to debunk those common myths and help you get on the right track to having the best business website possible!

Once you have a working website, you’ll attract visitors

Getting the website working and online is only half the work. What happens here is that there is a mismatch in expectations with business owners with how websites can give them the results they want. 

The truth is that it takes time, resources, and skills to attract website visitors. There are many factors to consider such as search engine optimization, paid search ads, video ads — in short, a lot of promotional means to get the right amount of traffic to your site. Once you put in the action then effort, that is the only time you’ll be seeing an increase in your website traffic. 

If your website looks good, you will start getting sales

Closely related to the previous one, while a well-designed website may be grabbing the attention of your visitors, it doesn’t necessarily equate to a sale. 

It is true that to attract new people and to give visitors a good user experience you would need a beautiful website, but at the end of the day, it’s still the quality of your products and services and brand reputation that weighs more. If all you are offering is aesthetic but your products or service fail to follow through on its promises, it will fail because people will be able to see through it. A business first and foremost must focus on its own products before worrying about aesthetics and appearances. If you are focused on delivering the right value to your site visitors, your site would work its magic even without the over-the-top designs. In short, your product should speak for itself, your website is merely a tool in helping your message get across to potential customers. 

Once your website is up, the work is done

This again is a mismatch of expectation as websites need ongoing attention much like any other business that needs to be nurtured and maintained. 

Website maintenance is a thing and part and parcel of this is renewing your domain registration on time, protecting your site from any potential threats such as viruses or cybercrime, keeping your design up to date in line with current trends, and investing in promotion to keep the site visitors coming. 

Your website needs to have all the features the other websites have 

There is a misconception that more features means your website will be better. While you may get a lot of inspiration by viewing websites of other brands, you may start to notice some of them have certain elements such as carousels for their headers. But again, it is always important to know the value of each decision as these can hinder your customers from properly navigating your site and getting them to do what you intend them to do. 

For websites, simplicity is key. The bells and whistles would not matter to your customer if they can get their business done on your website in the most direct and simple manner. It is always about the value that the customers get from your products or services. If you are thinking of having a certain feature, know that if it wouldn’t add anything of value to your customers then it’s better left out. 

What’s next?

For different people you may ask, websites may mean different things for them. However, it is important to know what it is that your business really needs as everyone has different approaches. Each business works differently. It is nice to research more about how you can create the kind of website that suits the purpose you intend it to and helps you achieve your business goals. Starting with debunking these common website myths, we hope to be able to guide you in creating your dream website. 

Getting the right experts on board can help ease any worries you might have about building a website on your own. Rest assured that you can find the right partner in iManila, who has been in the industry for over 24 years. Learn more about how we can help you build your website and how we can make it work for you. 

The long haul: How to be in the business for years


Telephones, pagers, personal computers, CDs, and the internet. Among these nineties, technology innovations are the birth of iManila. From being one of the internet pioneers, iManila has progressed to be the most trusted and reliable web and digital service provider in the country. Bona fide to deliver the best service to its clients.

As iManila celebrates its 21st anniversary this year, it shares its company secrets in making your business stay for years. Browse, read, and bring your company to the long haul.

Live by your company principles

Every company has its own reasons for existence. As for iManila, living up to its mantra of improving the lives of people through technology has bettered every facet of the organization to provide quality services. Company principles keep the righteous presence in and out of the organization. Thus, producing right processes and right outcomes.


Always have a plan and direction

The main reason why businesses should always have a plan is simple: to ensure that the business is on track. By on track means, going nowhere but to the company’s direction; meeting its sales targets, and achieving its business goals. Not only a plan can bring you to your company objectives but it can also give you a competitive advantage in your craft.

Choose the right people

Our CEO believes that his choice of getting the right people in iManila was a huge influence in our accomplishments. Many individuals can be more knowledgeable and more intelligent than the rest, however, only a few embody the right attitude and commitment that the organization needs to step up from being a good company to a great company. Remember, a team that consists of passionate individuals never fail to deliver the best services.

Don’t be afraid to try and fail

Failing is normal. Trying is normal. But, not failing and not trying is not how any business works. If you won’t try and experience failures, you won’t grow. It’s a way of life for business as much as it is for ourselves. Lack of challenges makes it hard for you to be successful. Go and inhale every mistake. Learn from it and never forget about it. Those failures will soon be a story to tell when the time comes.



Lasting for more than two decades in the industry is beyond what our stakeholders have imagined. A five-year success was expected then, but, a 21-year stay was a combination of luck, blessing, and pure determination. If iManila can make it for decades, sure enough, your business can, as well. Why not give iManila a call? Let’s see how can we be of help with you.


Reference: Entrepreneur