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Author: iManila Dev

Why You Should Invest in a Business Website

One thing that most traditional businesses are struggling with nowadays is the transition to the digital age. While most business owners agree that digital has changed the way the world works, they don’t quite know where to start.

Most consumers today prefer purchasing products and booking services online. For them, it is an avenue to conduct research and learn more about the brand’s product or service offering before committing to an action. In effect, this forces a lot of businesses to migrate some of their marketing efforts online. However, due the lack of knowledge on how digital efforts work, some businesses end up throwing money away, not optimizing their budget, resulting in an expense.

For businesses willing to dip their feet into the digital realm, a website is a good place to start. Having a website can help establish your brand online, and allow consumers to find your products and services 24/7. Here are more reasons why you should invest in a website for your business:

Easier Accessibility for Customers

Having a website can allow your business to be accessible by anyone, anywhere. With the wide reach of online data and Internet, there is no doubt that most people’s day-to-day lives are affected by online activities. This is where a website will be more advantageous compared to other traditional marketing efforts. The rise of business websites paved the way for online marketing as a means of reaching out to a wider range of potential customers. With the right design and effective content strategy, your business can stand out amongst your online competitors and give you more satisfied customers.

A Website Widens Business Reach

Having a business website doesn’t just let your brand be accessible to your target audience, but also widens your reach for other potential customers and partners. The algorithm of search engines, nowadays, enables your website to be seen easily online.. However, it takes time to fully experience the traffic results that you are expecting. Unlike any other marketing investments, your site is a constant asset that needs to adapt to the changing digital world. Design, User Experience, and Performance are some of the factors that can bring out the potential of your website. So make sure you are investing in the right tools and assets that will help your business website reach out to more people. Whether you are a start-up,or an established player in your industry, your website can stand out as long as you take advantage of the features that your website has.


Unlike traditional marketing, having a website and running digital marketing campaigns provide measurable results. This allows you to set-up your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), track results, and optimize your marketing efforts further. As for websites, utilizing data as the center of its performance makes it a reliable marketing asset to keep track of potential customers. Different web analytics provide accurate data about users who have visited your website, or data about web pages that are under performing. It is a great avenue for your brand to determine your marketing direction in the following years, as this can provide deeper insights and realizations about your business.

Strengthens Business’ Credibility and Identity

The overall aesthetics of your website should reflect how you see your brand and how you want your customers to see your brand. By fully utilizing this, your business is able to establish brand identity to your potential customers. It’s also very crucial for businesses to not just focus on the design of the website, but also the content of the site. By producing relevant and engaging content, you’re building your reputation and strengthening your credibility as a trusted resource in your industry.

All these factors can help your business stand out amongst competitors and establish your brand presence online. If you’re looking for a reliable website provider for your business, contact us today. iManila has worked with numerous businesses — from top corporations to small businesses and startups — for more than 22 years.

Let us help you transition to the digital age. Contact us at (02) 490-0000 or leave us a message at


Why is Good Web Design Still Important?

A good web design will never go out of trend. It will just keep on evolving the way other principles do. It is not about having beautiful graphics and good color palate on your website. What best describe design is that it is the sum total of look and feel plus function. And until this year, the design still matters the way it did a couple of years back.

Form + Function

The structure, the graphics, and the layout are a part form or doing design. What you see in the face value of the website are part of the form. And usually, these are the elements that usually give the first impression about the website.

Elements of the “form” aspect of the website are made with a purpose, and usually, the purpose is for the convenience of the users. That means all graphics, pictures, the content, the layout of the content and the structure should all appeal to the online audience.

Function, on the other hand, is how the elements of form operate. It is when the form operates according to its predetermined function that one can truly have a good design.

Why it matters?

Good design will always matter for websites. Users benefit from it. They can easily get to the information they’re looking for on your website. When they appreciate the aesthetics and find the functionalities helpful, they will most likely revisit your website. Sustaining a good user base of your website will increase your web traffic and in return, will benefit your website’s visibility and rank on search engines. In short, good web design is a vital and essential factor in your website’s SEO.

Good web design is also an indication of professionalism and trustworthiness. And for anyone, be it businesses, professionals or brands, that is very important.


iManila is a trusted provider of both web solutions and digital marketing services that surely covers small and medium businesses online marketing needs. Our lines are open 24/7 and our sales executives are available Mondays to Fridays to assist you with your web, IT, and digital marketing queries.

Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Telephone numbers: (02) 490-0000, 01, 03 or at (02) 959-4807

Mobile number: (+63) 917-8476005

A Guide to Consumer Experience Online


In the yesteryears, it took quite a while before a shopper makes a decision on which brand to buy along the aisles of grocery stores or supermarkets. But as years go by, technology gifted men with exciting innovations. Handsets became powerful than ever before. From just sending voice calls across the globe to efficiently communicate, handsets became wireless and less chunky yet powerful.  It started sending short messages, then became integrated with applications such as radio and camera. It also became an all-in-one device that stores different type of media. And when the processors and new wireless technologies came in to play. A simple mobile phone became smarter that it began doing the sophisticated capabilities of a personal computer. It became faster and more efficient that people became more reliant on this technology wherever they go.

And at the birth of the web 2.0, it only takes some apps like the social networking sites, a mobile browser, and data connection to shift the entire user experience into what we call “digital precipice”. And as of today, the current global population spent an average of 135 minutes (2.25 hours) online.  That means that when the average sleeping hours of the global population is 387 minutes (6.45 hours), the global population is spending an average of 14.45% of their time online when they are awake.

Human Attention Span Getting Smaller than ever

Though the 2.25 hours seems a huge time span to capture their attention, it is important to note that it is the summation of all their online activities throughout the day. They spend it in between work and school breaks, traveling time, and idle times at home. That only means that when they are online, they are multi-tasking, making their attention span shorter than ever.

In a study made by Microsoft two years back, it was revealed the average human attention span is at eight-seconds, making it shorter than the attention span of the goldfishes at nine (9). And to be able to successfully send messages and ideas online, it should be useful and interesting enough that it can capture people’s attention in eight seconds or less.

And surprisingly, the new realities of the audiences and consumers right now are their experiences online within that eight (8) seconds margin. New statistics from Google revealed that you only have six (6) to eight (8) seconds to get online audiences’ attention. And whether we like it or not, the realities of user experience all happens within an average moment of 7 seconds – and that is what Google calls micro-moments.

What are micro-moments?

Micro-moments are the collective activities and experiences of people online. It is the usual things we look at or search for online. And usually, these moments are so short, menial, unnoticeable, but are collectively an indication of our total online experience.

When we search for something, yet we couldn’t find it in a snap of a finger, we tend to shift search terms, or applications used, even the people we talk to just to get what we want to know.  This is a perfect example of micro-moments.


New Consumer Reality

Micro-moments are the new consumer reality these days. Consumer relies on their smartphones to make pre-purchase validations. before making actual purchase both online and offline. This is what has transformed purchase patterns of consumers over a decade.

In between those micro-moments online, within those quick tapping of their phones, and impatient waiting for seconds, a business has to be there with them – a brand has to be in there showing them the things they need to get quickly. This reality among consumers is slowly becoming the reality for brands and businesses.

Do you need to adapt to this new reality?

Technology brings life new experiences. And these experiences are either bad or good. If people feel good about these experiences using new technologies, it will remain as good memories and it will last for months or even a year. The same goes with bad experiences – they become bad memories.

And in relations to businesses and brands, the economy of mobile and consumer experience requires businesses to be on their toes always, especially in terms of improving their customer’s experience towards their brand, be it tangible products or services.

Why? Because consumer experience these days are easily shared with other people online. Good experiences spread like a heart-warming story, or like a Good-Samaritan story, people will love. Bad experiences, on the other hand, spread like a wild-fire that turn everything in its path into ashes. In short, customer experiences shared online about your brand can either make or break your business.

These experiences are the online consumer micro-moments that brands and businesses should be very particular about. These moments sandwiched in seven (7) seconds has gained powers to change the course on how businesses should reconfigure the way they used to do their businesses.

So, do you need to adapt to this new reality online? The answer is a clear YES!


And if you are ready to take on this new challenge, let iManila help you make consumer-based strategies to enhance your business’s marketing. Learn more about our digital marketing services by clicking the link below.


2017 Web Design Trends


It is a fact that everything about technology constantly changes and web design has no excuse. Like any other technological advancement, web design has also become unique and more experimental over the years. Now that we are less than three months away from 2018, your 2005 blog forum-ish website must move forward as well.

Actually, this year is a bit overwhelming because we have so many web design trends to choose from. But, worry not! Because we have here some of the top web design trends that can help you improve your website’s look and feel for the better.


  • Flat design is out, geometric design is in
    geometry 2Let’s bid goodbye to those flat designs that have somewhat becoming unvarying. Today, make way for sharp, edgy, geometric designs and patterns for your website. The utilization of various shapes such as squares, hexagons, and rhombuses are all around the web these days. This approach gives certain class and branding that makes a website look distinctive from another.


  • Animation, animation, animation


    This is the now. Yes, motion graphics, GIFS, VRs, and videos are still the name of the game. People like to see moving objects online since it’s more interactive. And your website shall give what the people want to see. It’s a lot more complicated than flat images but the experience that it can offer is definitely one of a kind.


  • Uncomplicated menus for better navigation
    Processed with VSCO with kp8 preset
    I guess this trend is the one that will become timeless. Who would like to see complicated menu bars, right? Your web visitors have their reasons on going to your website. It’s either to just check out your products or services or to contact you directly to get some answers. So, why complicate things if you can provide them the information they need from you through simple and uncomplicated navigation? Let your website be straightforward. Then you will get clear-cut leads, too.


  • Diverse typefaces
    In 2016, minimalist design is everywhere. That’s why you can see thin, simple, and minimalist typeface in all places. But, not for this year. Now, web designers are opting to use different typefaces to give flavor to a specific website. This approach jives to the geometrical patterns.


For some, web design is just a form of creating aesthetically pleasing websites.  But, it’s definitely more than that. The design of a website must provide specific function; a function that can give overall user experience to each web visitor, a function that can help you build a solid and successful online presence. And that is the role of the given web design trends mentioned above – to make sensible and functional web designs.



If you are bound to give your website a revamp this year, better contact the best team that can do it for you. The ones who know how to make exceptional websites suited for your needs. Just dial (02) 490-000 or simply tick this link to get in touch with iManila – the best web and digital marketing service provider in the Philippines.




Is WordPress Still Secure?


It is not a secret to anyone that 26% of the world’s website population is powered by WordPress, and 60% of the entire global count runs on WordPress CMS. This has clearly revealed that WordPress has a wider reach over the net. It is a big global community that is continuously growing – an unstoppable force the powers more than ¼ of the entire internet. However, with this large user-base, it is also undeniable that it attracts the attention of the hackers – making WordPress websites prone to hacking incidents.

Now the question that website owners ask is, is WordPress still secure?

The answer is YES.

Surely most people will disagree but WordPress is still secured – diligence is the key for this.

What Constitute WordPress?

There are three elements of WordPress namely: the core code which makes up the WordPress install, the themes which determine how sites look and how it will function, and plugins which are small applications that extend WordPress in interesting ways.

What Causes Hacking Incidents?

Via, themes and plugins are made available from many other sources, that at some point, may even come from unscrupulous hackers who get their hands on commercial themes and embedded malware in them. The worse thing in this scheme is that these themes and plugins are given away online to people willing to get them for free. And that is where the threat lies. Because of the enormous size of the WordPress installed base and the complexity of its ecosystem, vulnerabilities could be just lying in a corner waiting for malicious activities to find them.

Why do We say It is Secured?

The core is maintained by a large group of volunteers who are incredibly good at their craft. These are coders and developers who secured the community by updating the system’s codes, themes and even plugins from vulnerabilities every now and then.

Like with app stores, WordPress sources take some measurable care in what is listed for users to use. Though there may have been unscrupulous themes on the internet, it is still safer to get from the main community. Themes on go through a testing process and plugins go through an initial vetting before they’re first allowed to be posted.


Is WordPress Still Trustworthy?

According to, WordPress is still trustworthy. However, if you would really like to make the most out of your site and keep is secured, there are still caveats that go with using WordPress.

  • If you are not keen or well versed with web maintenance, you might want to have it hosted via
  • If you opt for freedom in customizing your website but couldn’t do web maintenance, you can hire someone who can maintain the website professionally, and who will update it regularly from themes to plugins.
  • As much as possible, refrain from downloading commercial plugins or themes from sketchy source especially those which you can get for free.
  • If you customized your WordPress with, you also need to make sure that you are hosting your website securely with a trusted hosting server.


Despite the issues about the security of WordPress, it is still undeniable that it is probably one of the best platforms for website available. Again, all it takes to secure your WordPress is diligence or trusting service providers who specialize in creating WordPress-based websites.

iManila is a trusted provider of both web solutions and digital marketing services that surely covers small and medium businesses online marketing needs. Our lines are open 24/7 and our sales executives are available Mondays to Fridays to assist you with your web, IT, and digital marketing queries.

Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Telephone numbers: (02) 490-0000, 01, 03 or at (02) 959-4807

Mobile number: (+63) 917-8476005

Why Your Website Page Speed Matters?


Website Page Speed — In this age of digital transformation, time is of the essence for all. What considers the best experience for most of the people is being able to do what needs to be done in the quickest time possible. And that holds true for most things, especially on the internet.

Websites these days are not just about design and functionality; it is also about the page loading speed. No matter how well designed and informative your website is, if it takes almost a minute to load a single page, then you are lagging behind your competitor’s websites who loads faster than yours.

There are more to your website loading time than what you’ve probably thought before. Below are the two crucial points that compel website owners like you to optimize your website’s loading time.

It matters to Users.

A website that loads fast leaves a good impression to the users. Aside from that, online users have a growing rate of declining attention span. According to an article of Timothy Egan posted on New York Times online, a survey of media consumption by Microsoft concluded that the average attention span of humans had fallen to eight (8) seconds from twelve (12) in the year 2000.

It is a crucial point showing that as technology improves, the attention span declines. Optimizing your website to meet this emerging user behavior will surely improve its performance.

And it matters to Google too.

Google puts user experience at the core of its technology and business. And what matters to the users, also matters to Google. It is the behavior and preferences of the online users that became the basis of all improvements applied to the search engine.

According to Google, the average loading time of a mobile landing page to fully load all elements is at 22 seconds. However, 53% of visits are abandoned if a mobile site takes longer than three seconds to load. And that where the problem lies. While most websites take 22 seconds to load, the users’ attention span is only at 8 seconds – at the most.

Below are the critical points Google shared to webmasters.



In the same way, a slow page loading time might affect your website’s search engine ranking. Since Google prioritize user experience, it will not let a slow loading website rank on the first page of Google SERP despite having marvelous content.


What do you need to do?

To improve your website’s loading time, below are the steps that you need to take to optimize it.

  1. Using the, check the loading time of every element in your website.
  2. Improve what needs to improve such as:
  • Compress large image and video files
  • Remove unnecessary plugins that slow your website loading time
  1. ALWAYS, depend on a reliable and high-quality web hosting server to make sure that your website loads on an optimal level. Servers are also responsible for loading time of the website, if your server is too old and lacks resources, your website won’t load fast enough.
  2. And you are covering visitors and audiences across the globe, you need to also use Content Delivery Network (CDN) to speed up the delivery of your website’s page loading on areas far from the location of your web hosting server.

Page speed is indeed a crucial part in the success of a website. In this age when human attention span is shorter than the goldfish, the only way website owners need to do to adapt is to optimize their websites from content to loading time according to the behavior of the users.


iManila is a trusted provider of both web solutions and digital marketing services that surely covers small and medium businesses online marketing needs. Our lines are open 24/7 and our sales executives are available Mondays to Fridays to assist you with your web, IT, and digital marketing queries.

Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Telephone numbers: (02) 490-0000, 01, 03 or at (02) 959-4807

Mobile number: (+63) 917-8476005





Ways to Get Conversion on Social Media


Social Media has changed the way people are getting informed these days. Somehow, it became the second search engine used by the users when finding a person, event or even brands. And with the force of social media coming in full swing, it is becoming an unstoppable force that marketers need to use to their advantage.

In our previous blog we have discussed what KPIs you need to focus should you decide to go all out with your social media marketing. While most have chosen to go with branding metrics, some are aggressive enough to zoom into sales-centric ones. The question now is, is social media a perfect channel to convert audience to customers?

Related: Branding or Sales KPI?

Is conversion possible?

The answer is a big fat YES! Social Media has the ability to drive potent traffic ready for conversion. The key in maximizing that ability is by following these 6 key points we got from on how to win more conversion on Social Media.

  • Unique Content per Platform

This is a basic rule everyone needs to understand. Different social media platforms have different cultures, setting it apart from other platforms. In that sense, users also have a different behavior towards content. While funny content can be the most engaging on Facebook, that doesn’t mean it works the same with Instagram. Instagram users are artsy, hip, trendy and post neatly than the users of Facebook. Feed goals are the new trend and incredible visuals are the king of all IG content.

Twitter on the other has a different taste. Brevity is the key. Concise, witty and on-point content for brands is highly engaging. While most end-users treat their twitters as their private spaces for their up-to-date rants and angst – following the trending hashtags is still mainstream for both users and brands.

  • Go Beyond Links for Content Promotion

People don’t go to social media to be bombarded by the same content they see on their television set. The reason they migrated to social media is that of the authenticity of the content, and the value-adding content they get from it – not some heavy bullshit that feels like a rusting advertising knife stuck in their ears.

The content format can either be entertaining or informative. Users gravitate towards these type of content they felt are not sponsored. But for marketers, telling a story and sharing entertaining content like memes, GIFs, and clips to light up their mood really make differences. Promotional links are great, but they are the content promotion of the yesteryears. Social selling is the key these days. Give users sandwiches if they want it, but don’t forget to make your salamis and spreads hearty and fulfilling.

Embed the links on the catchiest and subtlest content to make it organically engaging.

  • Know Your Target Audience Well

A perfect conversational type of social selling is a fruit of knowing your target market (or audience) well. This is connected to number 2. Only when you know to which content your market responds well, is when you can be able to deliver the right message and posts that will resonate with them.  Remember, different market, different behavior. And different platform creates different sets of audiences with different behavior as well. If you will put that together, you can single out that niche audience perfect for your brand.

Related:  SMEs Guide to Understanding Their Market Online

  • Track Your Traffic

It is like aimlessly wandering around a big park if you are not abreast with your performance. Keeping track of how your content performs gives you the knowledge on ways to improve your next postings to make it more engaging and appealing to win more conversions.

  • Leverage on Relationship Marketing

You cannot win on your own. That is for sure. Even if you have the most potent product out there, or the best service yet, you cannot achieve the sweet success if your target audience does not know you. And that is where the help of other people or influencers come in.

You can form ties with communities and groups online who are directly involved with the use of your brand. They can be your brand ambassadors. They will serve as your key influencers who will subtly do content promotion to your prospects. You know how people love reviews from other users right? Word of mouth, even online, is a hundredfold more effective than branded or sponsored content.

  • Always Keep It Simple for Your Audience

Your audience online is not hermits who are blessed with enormous patience. They are decisive, but they get easily displeased and walks away when it takes a lot of their precious time. So when you are running promos on social media, always bear it in mind to make easy for them to sign-in and even to log-pout. Make the process short and simple for everyone to understand. Don’t make it intimidating for everyone. This way you are encouraging users to take more actions.



Always keep in mind that the center of all your social media marketing efforts is your target audience. Everything revolves around them, what they want to see, what they love to click, and how easy it is for them to take an action.

iManila is a trusted provider of both web solutions and digital marketing services that surely covers small and medium businesses online marketing needs. Our lines are open 24/7 and our sales executives are available Mondays to Fridays to assist you with your web, IT, and digital marketing queries.

Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Telephone numbers: (02) 490-0000, 01, 03 or at (02) 959-4807

Mobile number: (+63) 917-8476005

Going Socials: Which KPI You Should Prioritize? Branding or Sales?


The social media hype for brands across the globe is real. Everyone’s jumping right into this seemingly unsinkable boat of social media and everyone’s like, let’s do this, this is the trend these days. However, before jumping into the boat of social you need to know these two things:

Is it for you?

The big question is, is social media fit for your business? Not all business is created with the same audience behavior? Some business especially B2B businesses have a highly ‘niche’ audience with a very discrimination taste for content. They respond differently and unpredictably at times. Lucky for the B2Cs as some groups of end-consumers behave in a predictive pattern. But with a high-end audience, social media isn’t always the Mecca of Digital Marketing. The key here is to determine if it is really fitting to your corporate goals.

Related Reading:  Online Duopoly: Facebook or Google?

How to Measure Success?

Now that your team has decided that social media can be an important channel to your digital growth, the next crucial step is not the content planning yet. Determining your KPI should be the next thing that your team needs to finalize. Without concrete goals and sets of Key Performing Indices, you cannot measure your initiative’s success. And if you’re battling the two sides of the coin whether to go for branding or with sales KPI, you really need to a have a perfect focus to ensure success when rolling out to social media. These two are different in some degree.

If your team is still confused about which KPI to use, you can refer to some considerations mentioned below.

  • Are you a start-up?

If social media happens to be your first digital initiative the most logical approach is branding over sales. You need to build a good brand awareness and brand recall before you make sales pitching over social media. No one wants to hear selling from a brand or a business that they barely know. And if we are talking about branding, building A FAN-BASE, CONTENT REACH and ENGAGEMENT are the best KPIs to go with.

Related Reading:  SMEs Guide to understanding their online market

  • Are you in dire need of lead acquisitions?

Some businesses live and breathe through leads. Well for most B2Bs – YES, this is the business’s bloodline. And leads, when well-nurtured becomes sales. This middle-ground is a little aggressive than branding but should be lesser than sales-driven methods. One must have a landing page inside a corporate website which will catch all of the referred traffic from social media. The landing page should be designed to be enticing enough to take an action either in the form of sign-ups of inquiries. The best KPIs for these is LINK CLIKS or WEB CLICKS.

  • Is your company already visible online?

If your company or your brand has been making buzz online, either on the search engines, display networks or in other channels like guest posting via blogs, turning to social media could be easier than the previous two.

For most companies who have established a good brand recall and reputation online, going for sales goals on social media is likely to happen.

Call-to-actions such as Buy Now, Book Now, Call Now, are the usual go-to CTAs by businesses. And KPI of CLICKS can be used to measure this.



After finalizing your sets of KPIs, you can now proceed to the drawing board to kick start with your content planning.

iManila is a trusted provider of both web solutions and digital marketing services that surely covers small and medium businesses online marketing needs. Our lines are open 24/7 and our sales executives are available Mondays to Fridays to assist you with your web, IT, and digital marketing queries.

Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Telephone numbers: (02) 490-0000, 01, 03 or at (02) 959-4807

Mobile number: (+63) 917-8476005


Important Keyboard Shortcuts of Photoshop CS6 – Mac

The entire population is definitely not a bunch of  Windows users, and that is a fact. For those you opted to buy Mac Book or Mac machine, they’ve lavishly knocked on the gates of the walled garden of Mac and find it much comfortable in that environment. The thing is, aside from default applications, shortcut keys, and the operating system itself, Mac holds a different keyboard shortcut for Photoshop.

It is still vivid to me when I had my first encounter with a Mac laptop. It felt so foreign yet inviting. The interface is very endearing and it makes you want to work with it. But as I had my hands on it, did some typing, and executed the same keyboard shortcuts that I knew from using applications from Windows — I was terrified! There are key combinations that set it apart from Windows, and not knowing it felt embarrassing and frustrating for someone who has been accustomed to the fast and efficient use of keyboard shortcuts for years.

To make it easier for Mac users (which I am definitely not) who are brand loyalists, below is a rendition of our previous cheat sheet just for CS6 just for Mac users who are heavily reliant on graphic design.




The current playing field among brands and business nowadays is more focused on content marketing. It is starting to be a core marketing strategy for both consumer goods, durables, and even services. And If you are looking for help with your content marketing, from write-ups to graphic design, call us and we’ll configure how to do it for you. All you need is to click the button below or use our contact details below.

Emails: [email protected]/ [email protected]/ [email protected] / [email protected]

Telephone numbers: (02) 490-0000, 01, 03 or at (02) 959-4807

Mobile number: (+63) 917-8476005