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Tag: Digital Advertising

Where Should You Spend Your Marketing Budget in 2020

It’s a sad reality that the year 2020 has impacted many businesses in various industries such as retail, tourism, transportation, and many more. The community quarantine has definitely limited the freedom of consumers in purchasing only their needs. Fortunately, there is a way to keep your business afloat despite the ongoing pandemic. Due to this, for the year 2020, businesses should join the hype by focusing on marketing trends and safely investing in different brand strategies to keep your business going.

Here are some areas where you should spend your Marketing Budget in 2020. 

Compelling blog content

Many people rely on blogs if they need answers to their questions. The reason why it is important to post high-quality content is to be able to capture the attention of your website visitors. Your content serves as one of your most important marketing tools and it must not be overlooked. Just as well, the competition when it comes to blog posting is very high that’s why your content should always be compelling to stand out. It is also a must to regularly update blog posts on your website to reach more audience and increase your organic traffic.  

Social Media Marketing

It is known that throughout the pandemic, social media usage has skyrocketed with more people staying at home. With that, and with the majority of online users on social media, no doubt that your brand should be on social media too! Social media marketing helps in improving brand loyalty. Now more than ever, it is the perfect time to invest in a social platform that will help you reach your target consumers and simultaneously build stronger relationships with your consumers. Here are the following areas you need to consider on Social Media Marketing: compelling content, visually enticing images, and paid advertising.

Quality Product Description

Product descriptions play a huge role in your marketing tool. If it is a dry feature your target consumers will surely lose their interest in your product. Product descriptions have many functions than characterizing a product. This answers the questions of your target market about your product. Product descriptions should evoke the right emotion and showcase the ability of the product. It is a must to provide a budget for writing marketing descriptions.

Video Marketing

Video Marketing is the perfect way to raise brand awareness and reach audiences who have an interest similar to your brand. Consumers watch videos for their entertainment and want to be a part of their interaction with the brand. To make video marketing effective, always have an objective in mind on what you want to achieve and determine the type of video that you will publish.

One way to keep your business afloat this 2020 is to invest in your Marketing Budget digitally (and wisely), in order to reach more audience and raise brand awareness online. The specifics of your business depend on your marketing strategies and investment. iManila is equipped to help your business keep going and to boost your online presence no matter what the situation is. Leave a message and let’s discuss how we can help you with your digital marketing needs.

Going Digital to Thrive in the “New Normal”

The coronavirus outbreak has made a huge impact in today’s economy. Ihas created a huge disturbance in different industries such as tourism, retail, transportation and on all other types of businesses big and small. For a business to keep going during this “New Normal” period is to consider going digital. If you have never had the chance to update your business online, now is the perfect time to brainstorm and to ramp up your digital operation in order to help your business thrive during the global pandemic. 


Here’s some reasons on why you should be going digital now!  

 Many consumers shop online 

 Many people have relied on online shopping not only to keep them safe but also SANE during this pandemic. The quarantine has not only kept people home but has forced them to purchase their needs through available applications and websites who have continued to keep their operations going despite not having a physical store open. Just look at the hundreds of businesses marketing their products on social media! Count the number of promotions you’ve seen on the latest delivery apps!  

Your competitors are probably online… since before the pandemic  

If your business doesn’t have a website yet, well guess what? Your competitor probably has one already and you’re missing out on potential customers who are looking for your product or service while at the safety of their own home. While you were sitting at home waiting for things to happen, your competitors were eagerly drafting up online strategies and working with digital agencies on how to move their operations online. So, if you haven’t considered coming up with a digital marketing strategy just yet – well, you should probably start now.  

Many people are working from home… and will likely continue to in the next few months 

Many businesses, just like ours, have implemented work from home setups for their employees since the beginning of March. In order to get tasks done, working remotely and online has been the only option in order to continue the workflow of employees. Going digital doesn’t only have to mean taking your business online, but also taking your work processes online. This means that you business also has to adapt to using efficient software and online tools that will help the productivity and collaboration among employees. Here’s some suggested business tools you can look into: 

 It’s the best way to conduct business during the pandemic 

 Like what we said, the coronavirus outbreak has made an enormous impact not just on businesses but also in the health, safety and welfare of all employees and consumers. At this time, employers cannot force their employees to go back to the office given the limited availability of public transportation and even to a certain extent, public healthcare. These past months, businesses have learned to survive by showing compassion not only to their employees, but to their customers as well.  


Going digital is one way to solve the many concerns of employers and employees throughout this global pandemic. As we continue to face these challenges, we can also see this as an opportunity to change and move forward in a different manner. Together, we can help you take your business online and keep your business going despite the circumstances. Here at iManila, we are equipped to keep your business moving forward no matter what the situation is. Reach us through or drop us an email at [email protected] for more information! Stay home and save a life!

How to Choose a Digital Marketing Agency

Choosing the right Digital Marketing Agency for your company, like any other business decisions, should be thought of with careful considerations. Only a bad entrepreneur will invest his money in an agency without doing a little research first.

Below we’ve listed down a few things that you should consider when looking for the best digital marketing agency:


Decide what services you need

Before approaching digital marketing agencies, you must first decide and write down what you’re going to ask from them. Take a good look at your marketing and business objectives and then plot the strategies you think you’re going to need. 

  • Set an expectation for your digital campaign (Do you want more leads or are you just looking to build brand awareness?);
  • A project duration (Is this for a long-term project or something more urgent like an upcoming sale?);
  • and/or a specialty (Does your business have a website or is it heavier on social media?)


 Evaluate Case Studies

Review the digital marketing agency’s portfolio and previous clients’ feedback. A good agency will have positive reactions from their past clients and will also have an impressive portfolio of successful campaigns.  By doing this, you will also get a picture of the extent of their experiences and what you can expect from them.


See The Kind of People You Will Be Working With

A shared vision is the key to any successful campaign. If you have a team working for you, of course, you’d want them to understand your brand story and your goals. It is important to know whether the people in the agency are the kind of people you’d entrust your business with. So what’s the secret recipe in creating the A-Team (or should I stay DM Team)? Let me tell you:

  • Professional
  • Determined
  • Strategic
  • Creative
  • Team players


Look at the History and Reputation of the Agency

It is easy to think that young agencies are the most tech-savvy and therefore the right choice when it comes to digital strategies. But the key point here is not how young or old the company is. A great agency combines experience and development. Look at how a company started and how it is today. A company that has been in the industry for many years and is able to adapt through innovations shows that they know how to build and maintain–a company that is perfect in helping you grow your business. 

Awards and Partnerships are also a key factor in deciding which Digital Marketing Agency you should choose. An agency that has a certification or partnership with reputable companies like Google, is more likely to deliver quality service. You can also scan for news or run a quick Google search to show you everything you need to know about the Digital Marketing Agency you’re interested in.


iManila, a certified Google Partner, has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry and carries a website that is placed among the top 500 websites in the Philippines (we’re currently at Rank 460!). Competing against thousands of both small and big players on the web, iManila’s Alexa Ranking further proves our company’s credible reputation in delivering quality digital marketing services that are trusted by our clients both here and abroad. Choose iManila as your Digital Marketing partner now. Find out how by dropping us an email at [email protected] or by visiting our website at #iManila #DigitalMarketing