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Online Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Internet Visibility

Online marketing moves at the speed of light. To keep up, you need a strong foundation to think critically, and be more creative. There are plenty of guides to marketing from textbooks to online video tutorials, and even guides you can find through Google. But the news is, online marketing is an ever-changing industry, and it can be tough to keep up with the latest trends and techniques. With so many different platforms and options available to try your digital marketing strategy, at the end of the day, marketers need to decide which strategies are best for their online businesses.

In this online marketing blog, we’ll look at some of the most important tips to consider for your digital marketing strategy.

Be Focused on Your Customers

Your customers, prospects, and partners are like the oxygen of your business. You need to build your social media marketing strategy with them always in mind.  Before conducting  your online marketing strategy, have a conversation with your existing customers or audiences.

How did they find out about your product or service? What do your customers value or care about? How are their feedback and suggestions?

Build A Marketing Framework

Marketing should command the same amount of attention and respect in order to properly function. You just need to structure your programs around your goals, which are always centered around profits and revenue. 

With this, build a strategy that positions your business marketing initiatives.

Here’s what you need to do to prove your marketing program’s return on investment or ROI:

  1. Examine your campaign costs
  2. List down the revenues that resulted directly from your campaign
  3. State the number of leads and sales generated and come up with a detailed way on how you track the incoming leads from your campaign
  4. State the maximum profitable cost-per-lead (maxCPL) or cost per acquisition (maxCPA)
  5. Establish a group to benchmark the success of your campaigns and ads

Showcase Your Business

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools that your company or business can do in order to build customer connections and relationships. Write about the benefits of purchasing from or working with your business. Tell a story about how you got to where you are today, your successes and failures, the challenges and the journey. Include photos of all your products and services and even photos of your team at work.

Similarly, allow your customers to write feedback and submit reviews to gain more trust from other users. 

Build Customer Connections

It is important to connect with your audience in the digital world. Build a digital marketing strategy circling around the objective to build more relationships with your audience. 

Communicate with your customers through follow-ups or through personal emails. Collaborating with influencers may also help reach new audiences. 

Get Found with SEO

Search engines are a powerful channel for connecting with new audiences or targeted customers. SEO is really important because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers. 

The success of your digital marketing campaign depends heavily on your ability to develop great quality content.

With so many mediums and platforms to choose from, you can certainly build a digital marketing strategy that will most effectively meet the needs of your target audience. Focus on your customers, build a marketing framework, showcase your business, build customer connections, and get found with SEO.  Set some goals and plans, decide where you’ll put your content such as through your website or social media platforms, and begin integrating your plans.

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila – a digital marketing agency, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing service’s needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Why Good Web Hosting Is Important In 2022

It is important to have a good business website so that your brand can offer the best and quality service to your audience. Hosting can be used for many applications. Samples are systems, virtual stores, blogs, and websites, with advantages ranging from better performance to greater security.

Better Security

Whenever a website page reads, “Your connection to this site is not secure.” It then recommends that you don’t type in any sensitive information. This page means that the website is not secure and isn’t using HTTPS. It is necessary to enable HTTPS on your website. It is by choosing a good web hosting company and getting a secure IP. HTTPS, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It ensures that all information going through the website gets encrypted. Aside from it will secure your business website. This hides any sensitive or personal information from the world, which includes hackers.

Better support

You cannot just rely on good website design and technology when it comes to support. There are still certain things you do not have complete control over. It is up to the web host to resolve the issue if there is something going wrong with the server. It starts affecting your website. A good web hosting service will respond fast, accurately and effectively, giving you tools. And answers to your server’s uptime and availability issues. 

​​Data storage

Limited storage can lead to site shutdown when traffic is high on your webpage. A premium web host will provide you with a variety of options, depending on your data limit and fulfill your hosting needs. This is why the amount of data that needs to be stored on your website’s server. It plays a huge role in deciding what kind of web hosting partner you’re looking for. How much online traffic your website can handle, including concurrent users. And needs to be well established before you sign with a hosting provider.  

Reliable customer service

High quality customer service is a main characteristic of a good web hosting solutions provider. A good web host is always there when you need any kind of technical assistance or support. They offer many ways for you to contact them whenever the need arises for you to do so.


Slow loading times of your website’s landing page is one of the main reasons for bad user experience. A poor web host will see a lot of site crashes due to too much load on the shared server. Bad user experience on your business’ website can lose potential customers. 

A trustworthy web host solutions provider is a must for your business’ website. It will ensure that your website runs smoothly and does not buckle under pressures of high bandwidth. Keep the above points in mind while you search for a suitable web hosting provider.

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines. It is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines. iManila is a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines.  Ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Talk to us!

Shared Hosting Benefits: Is It Right for You?

A website hosting service that divides server resources between multiple domains is called Shared Hosting.  With this, your website lives alongside others, which are neighboring users utilizing the same server.  Shared Hosting is best recommended for small websites, brands, and other digital platforms that do not require high bandwidth. It provides minimum features and support, making it the perfect hosting for budget-conscious website owners. 

For starters, choosing between different web hosting services could be a very tough job. Different hosting offers different features and services. One could offer something that the others could not. It is indeed frustrating to determine whether a shared hosting is the right one for you. To simplify things, we have gathered the benefits of shared hosting to give you insights on how these fit you and your business website. 


A huge factor why first-time website owners go for shared hosting is its low cost. A single server’s maintenance costs can be distributed amongst its many users. Since it is shared across multiple website owners, individual costing may be driven down to a smaller cost, making it more cost-effective. In addition, shared hosting gives you the option to eventually upgrade to hosting services that allows you to get more traffic, and greater online presence – of course bigger resources come with higher costs. 


Many business websites first launch their digital platforms with shared hosting because it doesn’t require too much complexity in skills and knowledge to operate. Shared hosting offers plans that provide control panels that are easy to navigate for website management and other pre-installed programs. Server uptime, availability and settings are handled by the hosting provider making it easier for the owner to manage and easily install updates and patches. 

Professionally Managed

Utilizing shared hosting services gives you insurance that your server is well taken care of by the hosting provider, thus ensuring that administrative tasks are functioning accordingly. Aside from being low maintenance, shared hosting provides you professional technical support for network outages, server malfunctions and maintenance, if needed.

Easy Email Hosting

Providing an email associated with your domain is very significant in the web development process. With shared hosting and its built-in cPanel, adding and setting up your email are now easier. You can now run a secure, spam-filtered mail server for your personal or small-business use. This way, you can set up your own disk drive and fully control how your emails are accessed, managed and stored. Aside from emails, you now have control over databases, add-on domains, and more.

Choosing the right web hosting plan can save you lots of time and money. If you don’t need immense bandwidth, memory, computing power, or control, then save your money by going with a shared hosting service.

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Reasons Why Your Website Visitors Aren’t Converting

By this time, maybe you have mastered most if not all of the traffic generation strategies published online and have somehow managed to become successful in getting website visitors. However, traffic generation is not the end goal of digital marketing. Being able to convert your website visitors into actual customers is. 


Everyone who visits your page is a potential customer. Online users visit your website primarily because they are interested in a product or service that you are offering.  But, why are they not converting despite the big website traffic? 


Read more below on the possible reasons why your website visitors aren’t converting. 


Hidden or No Call-to-Action Buttons


Call-to-Actions (CTA) are a crucial part of digital marketing. This is how you encourage your website visitors to take a favorable action after seeing your offerings. But what if your CTA is hidden or not existing at all? Chances are users will just leave your page. 


It is important that you have an obvious CTA. You can do this by creating an animation that directs to the CTA button. In this way, you can catch your visitor’s attention and at the same time point them to take an action. 


Another thing, put your contact number in the header of your page. Doing so allows your visitors to see what you need them to see immediately. Make sure that your CTA is also clickable to make it easy for the users to contact you.


Confusing headlines


One of the possible reasons why your website visitors are not converting at all is because maybe you have a confusing headline. 


The headline is the first thing that your visitors see when they land on your site. With that, by just looking at it, you must assure your customers that you have everything they are looking for. Anticipate the kinds of information they need to know immediately like your service, location, ease of service, and why your company is the best for the job.


Refrain from having vague headlines. Be direct to the point. Creative language is nice but if it’s too vague, it can drive your visitors away.


Too long contact forms


Let’s say your website is doing good. You have optimized your site well and ranked in Google. Your CTA is also functioning. Your visitors are now ready to convert. Unfortunately, they saw a long, complicated contact form that annoyed and scared them. So, they decided to just navigate away from your site.


Too long contact forms are intimidating, overwhelming, and feel like a big chore to your potential clients. As much as you want to know in detail your visitor’s needs, you would want to just trim down your contact form as this is more efficient in converting leads. Stick to the basics like name, email address, and phone number. Then, ask your staff members to reach out to the client afterwards to know their needs in-depth.


Lack of a “Hook”


A hook is an irresistible statement or offer that you give to your potential customers. It can range from small ones like telling them that you are award-winning or rated #1 in the field. Just make sure that it is true to your company. Hooks can also be as big as giving promotional codes, free shipping, holiday deals, etc. 


In short, hooks help in convincing your potential customers to take a favorable action right now. It is frequently located near the call-to-action button.


All your efforts in boosting your SEO are for nothing if there are no sales conversions. Good thing, iManila can help you in turning your website visitors into actual customers with the different digital marketing services it provides.


With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Website Must-Haves: How to Reach your Full Potential Online

You can’t deny that modern technology has affected the way companies do business. Today, most successful businesses have grasped the importance of having an online presence. While a website is good place to start, it is not enough, and you definitely shouldn’t stop there.

To help you out, here are some factors that you should be keeping an eye on to make sure that your business will thrive in the digital age.

Site Security

Imagine that your website is your house. Now, you don’t want intruders easily accessing and coming into your house, right? So you put up a gate and filter what comes in and out of your house. That is precisely what an SSL Certificate does. SSL or Security Sockets Layer is the standard security technology that functions to establish an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. The link ensures that all the data or sensitive information that have been submitted or collected through the web server and the browser will remain private, confidential, and secure. You have to keep in mind that security builds credibility among your website visitors, thus, making your business look more legitimate and trustworthy. It is best that you secure your website by purchasing an SSL certificate from an authorized provider.

Better Google Ranking through Paid Ads

Aside from frequently uploading relevant content on your website, another factor that Google uses to help your website rank is PAID ADS. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) plays a vital role to reach a wider audience, drive more traffic to your website, and can potentially generate leads. The catch is making sure that your ads are relevant to your target audience. Google’s algorithm pushes your ads to users who are more likely to engage with it. Meaning, your ad should target a specific need of your audience so they will really click on it. Make sure you use the right keywords so you also reach the right audience.

Digital User Experience

Is your website user-friendly? Does it take less than a second to load? If yes, then great job on providing users with a good digital experience! Forbes defines ‘digital user experience’ as something that encompasses all aspects of person’s interaction with your website, including behavior, actions taken, perceptions, and satisfaction. However, if you are experiencing high bounce rate because your site is taking too long to load, then there might be a problem with your web host. On average, a user will leave your site if it takes more than 10-20 seconds to load. A good hosting provider will help you beat that time and successfully retain your audience.

Going digital has opened so many opportunities for businesses to reach their full potential. It’s important that you invest in the right marketing tools and strategies to keep your online presence afloat.  Now it’s all up to you. Will you just wait in vain while your competitors surpass you, or will you take the leap and go digital today?

Partner with a reliable digital marketing agency to cater to all your digital requirements. Here at iManila, we provide services that will help your business succeed in the digital world. We offer Web and App Development, Digital Marketing, Hosting Services, and 24/7 Technical Support. For inquiries, visit our Contact Us page or get in touch with our team at (02) 490 0000 or (+63) 917 845 6005.


2017 Web Design Trends


It is a fact that everything about technology constantly changes and web design has no excuse. Like any other technological advancement, web design has also become unique and more experimental over the years. Now that we are less than three months away from 2018, your 2005 blog forum-ish website must move forward as well.

Actually, this year is a bit overwhelming because we have so many web design trends to choose from. But, worry not! Because we have here some of the top web design trends that can help you improve your website’s look and feel for the better.


  • Flat design is out, geometric design is in
    geometry 2Let’s bid goodbye to those flat designs that have somewhat becoming unvarying. Today, make way for sharp, edgy, geometric designs and patterns for your website. The utilization of various shapes such as squares, hexagons, and rhombuses are all around the web these days. This approach gives certain class and branding that makes a website look distinctive from another.


  • Animation, animation, animation


    This is the now. Yes, motion graphics, GIFS, VRs, and videos are still the name of the game. People like to see moving objects online since it’s more interactive. And your website shall give what the people want to see. It’s a lot more complicated than flat images but the experience that it can offer is definitely one of a kind.


  • Uncomplicated menus for better navigation
    Processed with VSCO with kp8 preset
    I guess this trend is the one that will become timeless. Who would like to see complicated menu bars, right? Your web visitors have their reasons on going to your website. It’s either to just check out your products or services or to contact you directly to get some answers. So, why complicate things if you can provide them the information they need from you through simple and uncomplicated navigation? Let your website be straightforward. Then you will get clear-cut leads, too.


  • Diverse typefaces
    In 2016, minimalist design is everywhere. That’s why you can see thin, simple, and minimalist typeface in all places. But, not for this year. Now, web designers are opting to use different typefaces to give flavor to a specific website. This approach jives to the geometrical patterns.


For some, web design is just a form of creating aesthetically pleasing websites.  But, it’s definitely more than that. The design of a website must provide specific function; a function that can give overall user experience to each web visitor, a function that can help you build a solid and successful online presence. And that is the role of the given web design trends mentioned above – to make sensible and functional web designs.



If you are bound to give your website a revamp this year, better contact the best team that can do it for you. The ones who know how to make exceptional websites suited for your needs. Just dial (02) 490-000 or simply tick this link to get in touch with iManila – the best web and digital marketing service provider in the Philippines.




iManila’s PISO HOSTING Promo is Now Available!


WEB HOSTING SERVICE ~ For you to keep up to the speed in this fast-paced digital world, you need first to have a solid foundation that can provide the availability and stability that you need. Aside from the experience and expertise, one thing must also take in consideration, the expenses. That combination is what makes iManila’s web hosting service the perfect one. With its more than 20 years of experience and expertise in providing reliable internet services, you can count on iManila to provide a 99.95% uptime and availability, day-in, day out.

The catch here is, you can enjoy a year of iManila’s Gold Hosting Package in just ONE PESO. Yes, a single peso can let you experience the best web and email hosting in the Philippines. With 20 GB disk storage space, and 100 GB monthly data transfer, iManila can provide the web hosting service that your business requires.

Transferring hosting server has never been this easy. All you need to do is to avail iManila’s Gold Hosting Package for 24 months and pay your total package cost for two years, amounting to Php 6,001.00 all in one full payment. And that’s it! One peso for your first 12 months.


Here’s how you can avail of this exclusive promo in just three (3) easy steps:

1) Order directly online our Gold Hosting Package

       STEP 1. Transfer your domain by typing it in the space given.

       STEP 2. Fill out the form on the next page and make sure to indicate necessary notes if you have one. Also, choose the payment mode available to you. Either Bank deposit, Paypal or Payment Pick-up.

2) Pay your two years (24 months) package cost (amounting to Php 6,001.00) in full.

3) And you can now transfer your hosting to us, with your first 12 months for just one (1) peso.

Note: This applies to hosting transfer only. Any additionals like domain purchase and premium tech support service are considered premium and shall be billed separately.


Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Sounds a good deal to you?




Promo is extended until October 30, 2017



For those who will pay via PayPal, your account shall be automatically processed after providing your PayPal account details on the next page.

For Bank Deposit, you will see the bank account numbers of iManila where you can deposit your payment. Upon sending your deposit, your account will be processed within 24 hours. You can send your deposit slip via [email protected] or through your created account in this portal. You can also fax it to (02) 634-5139.

For Pickup payment, iManila shall base your billing address on the details you’ve provided on the form. Expect a verification call from us about the date of the pickup and the time and date of account activation.

POP or IMAP: Which one’s best for you?


One thing is certain for most of us, we read our email as often as how we read our social media notifications. It is the culture of always being connected that brings almost all of us to stick with our devices whenever wherever. And in the spirit of the modern connectivity, it is common for most corporate employees to access their emails in almost all of the device that they are using. This has blurred the lines between work and personal lives for corporate workers and even to some professionals.

And the truth that is just lying in front of us is that our lives are now entangled with our email addresses – with our emails – whether we like it or not. The modern world compelled us to be reliant on our email addresses in almost all of our activities online. It houses some of the most important information about us such as log-in details to other accounts, mobile banking, e-commerce, and even with government-related transactions.

And in dealing with your emails, you might have encountered the terms POP and IMAP a lot of times, especially when setting up your remote email server. Using a Mac book? You’ve probably done this to your Mac Mail. Or are you a windows user? You surely did this to your Outlook too. The same thing goes for Gmail client app for Android and iCloud email for iPhones.

If you are wondering what the terminologies like POP and IMAP, refer to backgrounder below.

History of POP

Post Office Protocol or what we know as POP was developed as a simple means of accessing emails remotely back in 1984. This release required login usual login credentials like username and password to download all the email at once. In 1985, POP2 was released which has provided a greater and better range of commands and replies compared to the first POP release.  POP2 also allowed users to choose to read only one message instead of downloading their entire email inbox at the same time. Lastly, in 1988, the release of POP3 has made accommodations of the easy and efficient way of retrieving emails on their personal computers. In was noted that since 1998, no updates of changes have been made to POP marking 14 years of stagnancy which somewhat equates to obsolescence in today’s fast-evolving online community.


History of IMAP

On the other hand, Stanford Computer Scientist Mark Crispin developed the first IMAP at the Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory.  This protocol served as an alternative to POP by bringing in a two-way protocol that provides greater functionality for users.

Shortly after its first release, another release was launched carrying the revision made to the first IMAP. The next revision was released in the 1990s known as IMAP2bis. This was provided for the use of Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), which allowed an increase in the number of functions used in managing mailboxes.

Email and password encryption made the last revision of IMAP as IMAP4 rev1 has been released in 1996.

So which one is best for me?

Since we’ve gone through histories, which is admittedly a little boring, let’s get down to business. In this era of connectivity, the efficient way of managing mailboxes is an imperative. And speaking of efficiently managing mailboxes. IMAP is the appropriate setup.


IMAP has the ability to synchronously update mailboxes remotely. And for people who are using multiple devices, IMAP is the way to go. Since updates are done synchronously, managing your mailboxes doesn’t take so much effort.

POP, on the other hand, relies on downloading the entire mailboxes remotely. This protocol won’t allow synchronous updates making it confusing and difficult to manage multiple mailboxes.

Worry not, because modern devices use IMAP as the default set-up for their email apps. And if by chance you’re still caught up in an old email client server, here are the following signs that would tell you that you’re using a POP configuration:

Sign 1: If I create folders on one of my devices, they are not replicated on others

Sign 2: If I read an email on one of my devices, I see it as unread on others

Sign 3: If I delete an email on one of my devices, I still see it on others

Once you have determined that you’re in POP setup, you need to call the attention of your IT personnel to set up to IMAP. Remember, you need some assistance from the tech guys to make sure your mailboxes are intact as you migrate to another protocol.


And if by chance you’re looking for competent IT guys to help you out troubleshoot this kind of dilemmas, call us at (02) 490-0000. You can also send us an email via [email protected].





WordPress as an ideal website platform


A content management system for all – that’s what WordPress is all about. For the longest time, it has been the universal, not to mention the largest content management platform in the world. So, if you are new to the industry and thinking of venturing a solid web presence for your brand, you might want to give WordPress a try. What’s the deal with this platform, you ask? Well, here are some reasons why it should be your top pick.


  • Easy setup and navigation
    One great reason why WordPress remains to be the top-choice platform of both individuals and businesses is because of its easy setup and navigation. Because of its straightforward Content Management System (CMS), people find it to be the most reliable CMS web tool. The world won’t be shocked if a fifth-grader manage to modify a WordPress website.


  • Fully-customizable
    WordPress is flexible in terms of customization. You can modify pages depending on your specifications, 360 degrees. With its wide variety of interactive designs, special features, and advanced plugins, surely you can make your website standout from the million websites present on the web.


  • Manageable content
    One of the best things about WordPress is the trouble-free ways you can manage and update website content. You can create, modify, and edit a certain page without learning how to code or asking for support from a professional web developer. All the changes that you are going to make can be previewed before you actually publish it.


  • Backup and security
    In just a few clicks, you can have your website backed up in WordPress and get the best secure tools out of it. Along with its easy backup feature are the security tools and plugins that can help you safeguard your website from loopholes and attacks.


  • SEO-friendly
    Brands compete to be on the first page of search engine results page. That is why optimization of websites are in highest demand today more than ever. And WordPress offers the simplest possible coding to its users so that Google can crawl and index your website on SERP at ease.



Websites are a good avenue for your business to reach a wider audience in this digital era. And it’s good to know that there is a platform like WordPress, the one-stop website platform for everyone who desires to increase online brand awareness, generate leads, and increase profitability. No doubt the Fortune 5000 companies opt to choose WordPress above all.


Planning to build up your own WordPress website? Let iManila handle it for you. Having more than 5,000 websites published online, we assure that iManila can design a website that is suited for your brand and help you develop a solid online presence. Send us your requirements at [email protected] and we will take care of the rest.


Reference: Branding Personality