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What are the different types of websites and how to know which type of website do you need?

Nowadays, the competition in the market is very tough. One way to make your business successful is to make it active online, and the first step to doing this is by creating your business website to serve as your virtual window and front door. The key to make your business website effective is to take a look at what your business needs and ensure that your site accomplishes the main objective of your business. 

Here are different types of websites to help you choose which fits your business.


A brochure website is the simplest type of website, because it only has a few pages. It is primarily used to serve as an online brochure, it gives an overview on what the business is all about and it displays contact information on how you can contact the business. This type of site is typically used by small businesses that need to boost their online presence. The content from brochure websites are mostly static, which makes it perfect for startups and small businesses who want to start making their business active digitally.


Blogs are online journals that provide information to your website visitors. Because nowadays, people rely on the internet if they have a question or are curious about something, a blog provides the answer to that. It is regularly updated by a small group and can be written in laid back style. Blog websites are important, because they add features and interest to your site. It is also a must to keep it updated as much as possible for more website visitors.


E-commerce websites are online stores which allow your consumers to purchase on the site itself. It features online payments as well. The main objective of an e-commerce site is to urge your website visitors to buy your product or service. This is especially suited for businesses selling multiple products. This type of website focuses more on functionality than visual aesthetics.


Portals are centralized places to share information for internal purposes of a business or organization which can only be accessed by the people within the organization. It involves a login process that grants the employees access to their accounts for work purposes. This can also be used by schools, allowing students to access details of their classes and their grades.


Informative websites convey specific educational, and instructive ideas to capture a learning audience. It serves as your business marketing tool. This type of website is usually content and design-driven in order to share more information to your audience. It is important to make compelling and informative contents to keep your visitors come back for more. The visual design of informative websites should be aesthetically pleasing as well in order to capture the attention of the consumers.


Portfolio-type of websites give information about your business which showcases your work. It is focused on collecting samples of past works which can be used as an online portfolio. The main objective of a portfolio website is to display compelling content and visually enticing designs to get clients. It gives an idea to the visitors on what the owner can do.

Websites play an important role to keep your business going because it reaches an audience online to give you more sales. Especially nowadays that people rely on the internet when they need something, it is a must to plan your website that fits your business to maximize its function and achieve your goals for your business. If you are planning to enhance your presence online, now is the perfect time to start your website.

iManila is equipped to help your website dominate online. All our website packages are built to provide an aesthetically pleasing website, increase your search engine visibility, and empower your organization. Visit our website at to learn more about how we can develop your business’ website.


How to Plan for the Post Pandemic Normal

The pandemic that took the world by storm erased our status quo, not just in our daily lives but also in the way we work and do business. When once work had to be done in the physical parameters of an office, we were then forced to conform to a new reality of virtual work, greatly altering the business models of many companies, even resulting in their extinction. 

At the rate that the business environment is shifting and at a breakneck speed, agile thinking has become more important than ever especially in undergoing a digital transformation. When once digital initiatives might have been on the back stage, now is the time to have them be at the center stage. As companies are slowly getting back on track, it is important to plan for a long term, one that is suitable for a digital post-pandemic normal, and here’s some important factors to consider:

Evaluate procedures 

Most of the normal business operations the past several months have been done virtually one way or the other. Because of this shift, it is not surprising to see the workforce and even industry trends reflect these changes as they go on, for some, even changing completely the way they work. 

At a heightened time like this, going back to the way things were is simply not an option. Now is the best time to reevaluate current operation policies and procedures to meet these new demands and expectations of clients. Whether it be in terms of improving virtual systems and communications, a different approach to marketing, or adopting new types of products and services, it is vital to listen to the customers and see market trends. This is the best time to think about what your business wants to prioritize, to work smarter instead of working harder. 

Plan financials 

A digital transformation will be the most important thing to consider and alongside this is thinking about where to allocate your business’ capital. It is important to not just plan in the short term in the coming weeks, months, and quarter, but to also plan for the years to come. Taking a look at the external trends brought about the pandemic is important, whether it would change the expectations of customers, a possible surge of sales once things start picking up, or if the rise is a slow one. 

Your staffing 

The global crisis has resulted in gaps to the workforce and this comes with new opportunities for you to make staffing decisions quickly. Your options should you want to hire new people are: employees who can run a business, employees hungry and looking for more, and new talent not available yet in your business that you might need. It is a good time to invest on new people who not only have the right skills and mindset but people who can be a great addition to your existing teams moving forward. 

Your workplace culture 

It is hard to create a sense of normalcy as businesses start to get back on their feet and attempt to recover. With the turn to a digital way of communicating, it is important to note that not everyone may be comfortable with such a transition. Boosting employee engagement is a must that employers should start considering supporting new initiatives such as a focus on mental health, more communication and feedback, and the like. 

Know what worked 

In the face of challenges such as establishments closing and businesses turning to virtual communication has led to creative and ingenious ways to reach out and appeal to customers given the new normal. As business plans will be thought out, it is important to know what things worked and what did not. This can be anything, from a new innovative product or service to a different strategy employed by a team for efficiency. It is vital to identify not just market opportunities but also the strengths of an organization at a time like this in order to be successful. This can help businesses be more agile in navigating future crises. 

What we know then doesn’t apply to what we know now. How we worked then, doesn’t apply to how we work now. The pandemic has shed some light on things that are important and has changed the playing field. Now is not the time to just sit back and relax but to be more proactive especially with a digital transformation. The right decisions now can save your company in the months to come during this crisis. See how we can help you navigate and plan for a post pandemic normal for your business. Leave us a message to learn more.

Microsoft Office 365 vs. G Suite

Many companies have dealt with this common question – “What should I use? Microsoft 365 or G Suite?”

With most of us relying on technology to monitor and run our businesses, apps like Microsoft Office, Gmail, and Google Docs are quite common. However, the dilemma falls on whether you should subscribe and get both? Or better yet, what is best for your business?

Here, let us walk you through on a quick comparison between Microsoft 365 and G Suite:

Microsoft 365

Formerly launched as Office 365, tech powerhouse Microsoft has rebranded their Office Suite to Microsoft 365 last April 21, 2020. 

With business plans starting at $5.00/user per month to $20.00/user per month (charged annually), Microsoft 365 offers cloud solutions from storage, collaboration (Teams), and a bundle of their well-known apps such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and OneDrive, that can be used on various platforms from PC, web, and mobile. Access to apps varies depending on your subscription, so it offers flexibility for business owners to choose a plan that fits their work processes better. 

Microsoft 365 also offers Home Plans from a $149.99 one-time purchase plan that includes the classic versions of the Office apps for one 1 PC or Mac, to monthly plans that range from $69.99 (Personal) to $99.99 (Family) annually that already includes Cloud storage, access to Microsoft Premium apps and advanced security for your devices.

G Suite

Known for its business solutions such as Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides, G Suite provides various apps for productivity and collaboration ideal for both business and personal use alike. 

Initially released in 2006, G Suite offers real-time collaboration with its cloud-based solutions, which has been ideal for businesses and educational use. 

Monthly plans start at $4.20/month (Basic) to $25/month that includes access to a Gmail Business email, Google Meet, Cloud Storage, Sheets, Doc, Slides, to name a few. Inclusions vary per plan, but all plans include 24/7 standard support and Admin Security and administration controls. 

As the leading choice for office and productivity applications, choosing between Microsoft 365 and G Suite boils down to how well you know your company’s needs and your priorities. G Suite’s Gmail platform is trusted by many companies globally, while Microsoft’s Office apps are a staple for business operations. 

Need help in assessing which works best for your business? Reach out to us at iManila!

As one of the most trusted websites, hosting and digital marketing providers in the Philippines, iManila is an authorized reseller of G Suite and Microsoft Office platforms. Get a free consultation today, contact us at [email protected]

How to keep your CMS safe and secure

Website security is one of the pillars of running a business online. Website hacks are not an uncommon phenomenon with 30,000 new small business website hacks a day together with corporation breaches. Rather than waiting for the inevitable, being prepared for such attacks is always a good preventive measure that can save you time from constant web debugging or worse – loss of income from your website and loss of company credibility. 

Hackers have targeted the top three open-source Content Management Services (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal due to their popularity. As technology evolved, these three CMSs have evolved to be more secure through patching its loopholes. 

Common Security Threats to CMSs

  • Data manipulation: Changing parameters and SQL injections are common hacks used. Malicious SQL statements are being inserted in entry fields for execution. 
  • Accessing data: This means using SQL injections or Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks as a way to jeopardize user data. A web application is used to send the malicious code using a browser side script. 
  • Code Injection: Causing lost or corrupted data, lack of accountability, or revoking access, this is the kind of attack that can affect the whole server that runs the website. 

With the common threats illustrated above, here’s what you can do to ensure your CMS stays safe at all times. 

Update your CMS Admin Password 

If you are the type to just use a common password for the majority of your sites or don’t update your administrator password in the past months, then take this as a sign that you need to start doing so. 

The chances of a hacker knowing one or two of your logins is not a slim one. Using a strong password together with a password storage vault can be handy in helping you keep track, organize, update, and manage passwords in one place. Taking an idea from password generators can come in really handy if you do not want the hassle of coming up with one from scratch. 

SSL Certificates 

With the encryption that an SSL Certificate can offer, users are protected from hackers and those attempting identity theft. It has become the PCI standard especially for e-commerce websites that accept sensitive information such as credit cards and personal data. Since 2018, Google has started ranking websites without SSL Certificates lower and most hosting providers provide free SSL or SSL at a low-cost option. 

Website Monitoring 

Constantly monitoring your website is one of the best solutions that can also help you understand common issues and threats. There is an abundance of online services that can offer a way for you to monitor your website 24/7 and help with security measures such as Google Search Console with their alerts and cPanel with their server error logs. 

Security Plugins 

Despite security updates and patches of CMSs, sometimes additional security measures are still important. While server configurations are one way to get security, not everyone can access or have the ability to secure a server properly. A plugin or extension proves to be the easiest way to ensure the server is configured correctly with the right security. Examples of the ways you can protect your site are through Firewall Protection which can help block brute force and DDoS attacks, restricting IP addresses, and more. Some of the available plugins are as follows Sucuri and WordFence (WordPress), Akeeba Admin Tools and RS FireWall (Joomla), and Security Kit (Drupal). 

While plugins can be helpful, it is worth noting that it is important to keep all plugins updated and to keep an eye out for security risks. It is important to download plugins from the official website and developers to face less security threats, malware, and other compromised data. 

Security should always be the utmost priority and thankfully there are a lot of helpful resources available that can help secure your CMS website. If you are new to CMS then don’t let that unfamiliarity get in the way of securing your website. Let a partner agency like iManila assist you with your website. We have a variety of website maintenance and server management services for your different business needs. Drop us a message and see how we can work together! 

Mobile App vs Mobile Website: Which is Better?

Reports show that 58% of website visits come from mobile alone in 2018. As for online shopping, 40% of users do online transactions on mobile. One can’t deny the importance of mobile in this time of business. The question then isn’t about whether your business needs a mobile strategy or not — but whether your business needs a mobile app or a mobile responsive website. 

There are many factors to consider whether a mobile app or mobile website is better suited for your business needs. We’ve made the choice easier by weighing out the options for you. 


Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are the ones that can be accessed natively whether Android or iOS. This offers a much faster and responsive experience compared to a website. Here are some of its key features: 

An Interactive Experience 

Apps are generally more interactive and let users interact and experience more value through this new engagement channel. Instead of just displaying words or text the users can interact with its specific components. An example is with Instagram and how users can post their photos on the app while they are limited only to viewing through the website. 


This allows the user to get the most out of their app experience. From the get-go users are given the freedom to customize and tailor the app to their tastes. Apps can also track user engagement and allow it to offer recommendations to the user which helps better their experience. Businesses can experience being able to send out tailored notifications to its users based on their location, interests, and behavior. 

Intuitive Interface

Apps have their own interface which allow users to have a more immersive experience. Users of certain operating systems also get to experience the same tailored functionality with the app that meets the same characteristics and functionality that they expect. This is a limitation of responsive websites as it offers the same functionality and experience across different devices. 

Offline Accessibility

While a great majority of apps cannot function without internet use, information already loaded can still be accessible for its users. Some apps still offer some type of functionality while offline. This allows the users to still be able to make use of the app with or without connection to the internet. 

Device Capabilities

This allows the app to make use of capabilities users have in their smartphones such as GPS or a camera. Using these capabilities makes for a better experience for its users. For example the app would need to access the location of the user in order to better tailor the restaurant coupons that it offers the users. 


Mobile Responsive Website 

This is essentially your website that is customized so that it can be viewed and accessed the same across different devices with different screen sizes. 

One Size Fits All

Responsive websites can be accessed with devices of any operating system (Android, iOS) as long as there is internet connection. This means that they come completely free of charge unlike some apps. But while it is compatible, factors such as internet connection, quality, and speed are still factors that can affect the mobile web experience. 

No Updates 

Unlike apps that need to be constantly updated, websites do not interrupt the user’s experience as websites are easy to update, support, and fix bugs. The best part is that the users would not even notice when a website is being updated, and they can get right into the website experience without any hiccups. 

Cost Effective

This is more of a benefit to businesses but should you wish to establish your business in more than one platform, cost is an important consideration. However, it still depends on the complexity of the responsive mobile design as a complex one can cost just the same as a mobile application. 

With both options presented, the right choice still depends on the company and their business objectives. Should you wish to interact and engage with customers on a deeper level then mobile apps are your best bet but if you aim for mobile-friendly content for a wide range of people then mobile responsive websites should do the job. 

If done correctly, they can be an invaluable tool at helping get your brand out there. If this sounds like something you want but are not sure where to start, then let a partner agency help you achieve your business goals. iManila has been in the industry for more than two decades and has helped thousands of clients improve their work through technology. Let us help you take your business one step further with a mobile strategy, drop us a message to learn more.

6 Benefits of Remote IT Support During the Pandemic

An agile and flexible workforce became all the more important with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic that took the world by storm this 2020. With most companies turning to work from home measures, it became ever so important to integrate the use of online networks and cloud services to do the day’s work. 

When working remotely, maximizing all the resources available is an utmost priority. This is why businesses looking for professional IT services for both consultancy and support can bank on remote IT support at a time like this. 

Remote IT support can offer technical computer assistance even with a geographical distance as everything is done remotely whether over the phone, email, or live chat with the technicians gaining remote access to your computer. There is a wide range of services they can help with such as product support, cloud support, managed services support, and installations and set up to name a few. Here is why remote IT support can be your best bet at IT services during the pandemic. 

Cost benefit

One of the costs being cut out entirely would be the travel expenses incurred during on-site visits. With communication easily available online, this is one of the costs that can be cut down. 

Can do work remotely; no need for face to face interaction 

In light of the pandemic where social distancing practices have to be maintained, a lot of companies have opted for a work from home set up. Having remote IT support can be a huge gain for the companies now utilizing work from home not just for convenience but for safety as well. 

Fast responses & better efficiency

When it comes to technical issues, it is vital that they be attended to immediately so it would not affect the workflow or cause bottlenecks. Remote IT support can be counted on in these scenarios, saving you the time it would take to call IT personnel. 

Moreover, experts say that as much as 90% of IT issues can be dealt with remotely, most especially software solutions. As remote IT support can offer faster solutions, it has become a preferred option for most companies. 

Better focus and productivity

Employees can get easily affected by distractions that can reduce their productivity. Taking out these issues as quickly as possible can mean less distraction for employees, leaving the staff to focus mainly on their tasks at hand to ensure productivity. 

Wider access to IT professionals

Having an in-house IT team or individual can mean that their expertise is limited to what they know. By using IT support services online, there is a bigger chance that there would be more skills and knowledge available as the technician can easily pass it to someone who is better trained for the scenario. 

Knowledge sharing 

Unlike with an IT personnel doing the troubleshooting alone, using remote IT personnel can take your employees through every step of the maintenance or repair. This can help them learn new knowledge and skills and may allow them to learn how to do it themselves should the same problem arise again. 


Many organizations often overlook remote IT support being readily available online. With the recent disruption in the status quo of the workplace due to the pandemic, it is the best time to reconsider the efficiency that comes with being online. 

With everyone going remote, don’t let your business get disrupted when you can get more connected. There is no better time to better your business online than now. Get a team of experts to help you get started in navigating through the digital landscape. iManila is contactable despite the pandemic. Reach us through our website, and drop us a question.