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Author: iManila Dev

Website Hosting Features You Should Know


We have mentioned it many times, and we think, we became very repetitive about it – your hosting service needs tighter security because your primary online presence depends on it.

Imagine your website that took a lifetime to load, or sections of your websites that are vulnerable to attacks and malware – are these the kind of situation that will give you peace of mind? NO, it is not, and it never will. Everything your company owns online is your digital assets. These are the building blocks that you need to mobilize and protect, to keep your digital marketing going.

Now, to kick start your website hosting security feature knowledge, below are the basic web server features you need to be familiar with:

The truth is, your website is potentially under attack 24/7. And as your business flourishes and keeps on growing online, you are becoming an attractive prey to lurking malicious online criminals. With a malware detector feature, you get to secure your website by putting a reliable line of defense against security breaches and attacks.

iManila’s web hosting service provides a malware detector that monitors your website 24/7 for vulnerabilities and attacks. When we say monitors, that means that it screens every aspect of your web presence daily to identify security gaps. It not only checks your website, email, and applications, but also search engine blacklists and spam filters. It doesn’t just monitor; it also notifies your IT personnel about the findings with corresponding fixes to boost your security. That is one less burden on your back, enabling you to focus more on pressing matters concerning your business and the day to day operations.


Securities are your first line of defenses. But as businesses like yours evolve, so are the hackers. Day by day, these people are working as hard as your online security to find fault and gaps that they can breach. And I mind you, they never stop, and probably they never will.

So iManila is integrating website backup feature to secure the latest backup version of your website. In this way, when your security features couldn’t keep up with these hackers, you can easily restore your website the way it is before the hacking incident.


You and your company are working round the clock, so should your hosting server. We in iManila understands the worries and pains of businesses like yours – because we are also like you – driven to serve clients and grow as an organization. And all these things in mind will surely stretch you thin.

Important things like your hosting servers should always be secured even if you are not focusing on it all the time. That is why we at iManila has made it easy for businesses to secure the most important data and information in their websites by integrating these security features on our hosting services.


Need some help? Contact Us right now!

Want some good news? If you do website revamp and transfer your hosting to us, your first year of hosting service is free with these security features.

Sounds good to you? Go ahead and email us at [email protected]

The Hidden Benefits of Dedicated Hosting Service


When you are working in a marketing department or most especially in the IT department, you heard about your web or email server a lot of times. You would probably hear the term dedicated hosting service too. During the days when you are having massive marketing campaigns online, you’ll probably make it your default process to make your website as the primary landing page. And in the midst of the campaign, you will definitely experience some unwanted glitches. Two of these glitches are slow loading time of the website and inaccessibility for a certain period of time. If your company website and even emails are hosted on a shared environment, then this occurrence is expected. These things are all related to your hosting server.

Below is a perfect example of a similar situation that can be possibly be attributed to hosting server issue.

Scenario 1

One best scenario that would also describe this kind of difficulty is the booking website of a known LCC (low-cost carriers) airlines here in the Philippines. This airline, which is famous for its super low flight price promo, runs Piso-fare which is an annual flight sale. You can book flights that are incredibly cheap in advance. When this happens, a lot of consumers who are also into booking cheap flights are complaining about the inaccessibility of the website. Some may have encountered booking a slot but are having a hard time processing the payment or worse, experiencing an expired session, prompting them to start booking again.

This is really frustrating for visitors and often leads to poor traffic and conversion.

The fault may not be solely due to the server – because the coding and programming quality are also factors to consider – but the hosting server holds a large portion of the responsibility for this matter.


Scenario 2

Probably the most epic of all are the government websites. In some corporate documents and presentation, government data is very important in setting the road for strategic directions. And oftentimes, government websites failed us the time we need them the most.

However, there are government websites that are hands-on in managing and optimizing their websites. The office of the president and the vice president, the Philippine Statistical Authority, and the Department of Science and Technology are some of the offices that have tidy and performing websites.


There are two potential reasons for this kind of scenarios:

Firstly, they could be using a shared hosting environment and haven’t anticipated the surging visits to their websites – hence the problem of downtime and slow loading time.

Secondly, they could be using a dedicated hosting environment, but not solely dedicated to their websites. It is possible that even the webmails and other intra-agency files that eat the buffer space that should be used, in times of surging web visits.

Dedicated Hosting Server for your Website

The thing is, before signing a contract or allocating server space for your website, you need to have a background of your industry’s competition first. If you are catering to end consumer with built-in product catalog, you might want to consider a dedicated server for your website.


Because, catering to end consumer means, capturing a larger audience than those of the companies who deal with businesses. And usually, tangible products which are fast-moving are much prone to bloating web visits. Another consideration is if you’re a publisher. Publishers experience doubled the traffic of FMCGs. If you are either of the two, you need to go for a dedicated web hosting.


Hidden Benefits

Sometimes we take things at face value. When it’s pricey, we turn it down. When it is a little cheaper, we go for it. The truth is, things that are priced cheap are often limited or capped. Those that are expensive will last longer and are flexible, and the same thing goes for hosting services.

Shared hosting environment is practically affordable because it is meant for website owners that are not into online commerce of publishing. An info site that is made as a reference site for the company, won’t consume much. That is why shared hosting server will do – even with email hosting in it.

  • Greater security and flexibility

Compared with shared hosting server, the dedicated server gives webmasters and web owners the flexibility that they need. Dedicated Hosting also comes with a better security because you don’t need to worry about other tenants that you are sharing the server with. In short, you have the full control of the server.

Dedicated hosting services usually come with support too. When you are having troubles managing the environment, you can contact your provider and seek some help. We at iManila, we don’t just provide support, we provide 24/7 support to make sure our hosting clients are well taken care of.

Since you are using the entire environment for your own benefit, that means the resources are all yours to use. That means that even when there are unexpected surges of web visits, your website is still up and running. Here in iManila, our servers guarantee a 99.95% uptime.

This is the best part. Since dedicated servers are flexible, you have enough room to scale-up your environment should the need for it arises. Will all the evolution of media consumption, the trend is always going up. People are more demanding in terms of content. Gone are the days of text and images, as people are starting to get accustomed to rich media such as plotagraphs, GIF animation, motion graphic and videos. These file formats are seriously eating up spaces, and once you are compelled to use them, a scalable dedicated server is your only choice.


With the fast evolving online community obsolescence is the only constant word to describe it. Megabytes are now just a child’s play, and who knows? The terabytes might be the next end users’ USB making hosting servers much bigger than they are now. With dedicated hosting, you have the power to scale up anytime you want, and with the support and security that comes with it, you can be sure that your website can meet the demands of the coming years.

For inquiries about web and email hosting service, you can call iManila at (02) 490-0000 or through the direct landline of our tech support guys at (02) 959-4807. You can also send us a direct mail at [email protected] or fill-out our contact forms through this LINK.



POP or IMAP: Which one’s best for you?


One thing is certain for most of us, we read our email as often as how we read our social media notifications. It is the culture of always being connected that brings almost all of us to stick with our devices whenever wherever. And in the spirit of the modern connectivity, it is common for most corporate employees to access their emails in almost all of the device that they are using. This has blurred the lines between work and personal lives for corporate workers and even to some professionals.

And the truth that is just lying in front of us is that our lives are now entangled with our email addresses – with our emails – whether we like it or not. The modern world compelled us to be reliant on our email addresses in almost all of our activities online. It houses some of the most important information about us such as log-in details to other accounts, mobile banking, e-commerce, and even with government-related transactions.

And in dealing with your emails, you might have encountered the terms POP and IMAP a lot of times, especially when setting up your remote email server. Using a Mac book? You’ve probably done this to your Mac Mail. Or are you a windows user? You surely did this to your Outlook too. The same thing goes for Gmail client app for Android and iCloud email for iPhones.

If you are wondering what the terminologies like POP and IMAP, refer to backgrounder below.

History of POP

Post Office Protocol or what we know as POP was developed as a simple means of accessing emails remotely back in 1984. This release required login usual login credentials like username and password to download all the email at once. In 1985, POP2 was released which has provided a greater and better range of commands and replies compared to the first POP release.  POP2 also allowed users to choose to read only one message instead of downloading their entire email inbox at the same time. Lastly, in 1988, the release of POP3 has made accommodations of the easy and efficient way of retrieving emails on their personal computers. In was noted that since 1998, no updates of changes have been made to POP marking 14 years of stagnancy which somewhat equates to obsolescence in today’s fast-evolving online community.


History of IMAP

On the other hand, Stanford Computer Scientist Mark Crispin developed the first IMAP at the Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory.  This protocol served as an alternative to POP by bringing in a two-way protocol that provides greater functionality for users.

Shortly after its first release, another release was launched carrying the revision made to the first IMAP. The next revision was released in the 1990s known as IMAP2bis. This was provided for the use of Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), which allowed an increase in the number of functions used in managing mailboxes.

Email and password encryption made the last revision of IMAP as IMAP4 rev1 has been released in 1996.

So which one is best for me?

Since we’ve gone through histories, which is admittedly a little boring, let’s get down to business. In this era of connectivity, the efficient way of managing mailboxes is an imperative. And speaking of efficiently managing mailboxes. IMAP is the appropriate setup.


IMAP has the ability to synchronously update mailboxes remotely. And for people who are using multiple devices, IMAP is the way to go. Since updates are done synchronously, managing your mailboxes doesn’t take so much effort.

POP, on the other hand, relies on downloading the entire mailboxes remotely. This protocol won’t allow synchronous updates making it confusing and difficult to manage multiple mailboxes.

Worry not, because modern devices use IMAP as the default set-up for their email apps. And if by chance you’re still caught up in an old email client server, here are the following signs that would tell you that you’re using a POP configuration:

Sign 1: If I create folders on one of my devices, they are not replicated on others

Sign 2: If I read an email on one of my devices, I see it as unread on others

Sign 3: If I delete an email on one of my devices, I still see it on others

Once you have determined that you’re in POP setup, you need to call the attention of your IT personnel to set up to IMAP. Remember, you need some assistance from the tech guys to make sure your mailboxes are intact as you migrate to another protocol.


And if by chance you’re looking for competent IT guys to help you out troubleshoot this kind of dilemmas, call us at (02) 490-0000. You can also send us an email via [email protected].





Keyboard Shortcuts That Will Get You through the “Hell Week”


The office is in silence while all heads are buried under piles of work. The only sound you can hear is the sound of their keyboards in sync with yours. There’s always a certain week in a month when all deadlines pile up like hell, and the only breather for all of you is taking a sip of your precious coffee. When suddenly, you accidentally close an important tab on your browser that you’re working on.

Disaster is screaming in your head! You’re pissed, and you’re tired even though the day is just starting. And the worst part is, you don’t know where to start. In emergency cases like this, you need a saving grace to make it through the day – and through the week. And what we had below, will definitely save your day, and will even help you beat the “hell week”.

  • In emergencies like what happened above, what you need to do first is to relax. Recovering the tab that you accidentally closed can be recovered by pressing CRTL + SHIFT + T (for Windows) COMMAND + SHIFT + T (for Mac). This will instantly reopen the tab that you closed. This is way better than redoing everything that you did on that tab. However, you just have to take note that this shortcut won’t work when you are in private browsing/incognito.
  • Remember the times when pressing the backward or forward button on your browser just to be on your desired page never fails to ruin your mood? Here is the antidote to your seemingly perpetual frustration: just press ALT + LEFT ARROW KEY to go back and ALT + RIGHT ARROW KEY to go forward.
  • Wanted to select multiple texts when editing a document? Just press SHIFT + LEFT OR RIGHT ARROW KEY. It is a little easier than hovering your mouse all over the document. And on the top of that, it is much precise than using the mouse.


  • Looking for an important file? Press WINDOWS KEY + E to open the file explorer real quick.
  • Wanting to format a phrase to all caps without retyping it? Just select that phrase and press SHIFT + F3. Hit SHIFT + F3 again and that phrase will be in caps and lowercase format. Do it the third time and it will go back to all lowercase format. Easy right?
  • Going on a bio break? Minimize all your open windows by pressing WINDOWS KEY + D. Then WINDOWS KEY + L to lock your computer. Just login afterward, and you can go back to these tabs – no problemo mi amigo!


We can all get through the hell weeks in our lives. There are only two things that will help us cope with all the demands and deadlines of the week: just relax and focus on the tasks at hand based on priorities, and these shortcut keys that will definitely save you time and effort. Happy weekend everyone!

Mobile-first indexing: Should you worry about your current ranking?


From 2015 to 2016, Google has gradually rolled out the Mobilegeddon – a series of updates aimed to index and rank websites that are mobile-friendly. This update prompts most website owners to make sure their websites are responsive to the screen sizes of mobile devices.

With a few things going around the Google SERPs in the past weeks like FRED and other ranking changes, SEO experts have buried again in their desk figuring out what could be done to adapt to these algorithmic changes in the SERP. Until recently, Google confirmed that it is starting to roll out the mobile-first indexing in July.

Mobile-centric Culture

In the past years when the primary device to browse websites are the desktops and laptops, Google crawlers crawl and index websites based on their performance on the desktop. But as the lifestyle of being on-the-go become the new norm, people started to be mobile. The usage of mobile gadgets has increased drastically, especially in terms of personal searches. A year ago, Google announced that 60% of global searches were from mobile devices.

Other vital contributing factors are smartphone cost and internet connectivity. These two supports oxygen to heat up the usage of smartphones. With the continuous evolution of specifications, and rationalization of smartphone and data cost, people are more and more pushed towards mobile.

Mobile-first indexing

To support the increasing activity using mobile, Google has started to be a devout evangelist of better mobile experience. And other evidence of their commitment to this crusade is the release of mobile-first indexing on top of the mobilegeddon in 2015.

Mobile-first indexing is a little different and less disruptive than the mobilegeddon. It aims to prioritized indexing and ranking of websites based on their collective mobile presence. If mobilegeddon prioritized ranking based on mobile-responsiveness, mobile-first focuses on compliance and equivalence.


Should I get worried about my current ranking?

If you are worried about your current SEO, you might be asking yourself whether that worry is qualified or not, and here’s the answer:

 YES and NO

YES – if you have a mobile version, but don’t deliver as a good as the desktop version

NO – If you are mobile-responsive and delivers valuable content, or with a mobile version that is equally the same with the desktop version.

Another issue that would cross your mind is, will affect my ranking and traffic?

Answer: There might be no great impact on the rankings, but there is in traffic. Remember the premise of having a mobile version which disconnects the user experience when one jumps from desktop to mobile? Well, that one can have a greater impact on traffic.

The bottom-line of mobile-first indexing is to make mobile searches better for all users, and that includes consistent user experience across devices.

Understanding the key terms on Google AdWords


Have you been into your Google AdWords dashboard and saw the terms that seem complicated? No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. AdWords can be really confusing especially if you are not familiar with the terms that you’re seeing on its dashboard.

Google AdWords is Google’s online advertising platform. Through this, you will be able to create online ads to reach people and encourage them to buy your products or services.

As a search engine marketer, understanding the vernacular of AdWords is important in order to create campaigns that are suitable for the marketing objectives of your client and easily make some tweaks if needed. Having the knowledge on the definition of these jargons and being able to explain it in layman’s terms will help you in creating valuable and effective performance reports for your clients.

Since there are hundreds of terms that you may see on your AdWords dashboards and insights, we will only be dealing with the most common encountered key terms upon implementing ads and those that are normally included in your reports.


AdWords Basics

  •  Campaign – A campaign on Google AdWords is the set of ad groups that share budget, location targeting, and other specifications depending on the marketing objectives of your client.


  • Ad Group – An ad group is consisted of one or more ads that contain a shared set of keywords. Through Ad Groups, you will be able to distinguish and organize your keywords depending on their theme.


  • Keywords – These are the words, phrases, or terms that best describe your products, services, or your website itself that will help on determining when and where your ad may appear.


  • Daily Budget – This is the amount that you will set for each ad campaign. You can specify the average amount that you would like to spend for each day. To determine your Daily Budget, divide your monthly budget by 30.4 which is the average number of days in a month.


  • Maximum CPC Bid – or Maximum Cost-per-Click. This is the highest amount that you are willing to pay for each click on your ad.


  • Final URL – This is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of your ads landing page (in green font color). Meaning, this is where the online users will go upon clicking your ad. You must remember that the approval of your ads also depends on the site where the users will land upon clicking which is called the Destination Experience. The landing page or the website itself must adhere to the Google Advertising Policies, otherwise, your ads will be disapproved. (See the Destination Requirements here.)


 Google AdWords Metrics

  •  Clicks Column – This column generally counts every click on your ad. Know that a click is still counted even if the user doesn’t reach your website due to downtime or internet problems. Highly-relevant ads are more likely to receive clicks.


  • Impressions Column – The number of impressions is equivalent to the times your ad was served or seen on Google Search results. Even though an impression is not guaranteed to turn into clicks every time, this is still valuable on calculating your ad’s click-through rate to test its effectiveness.


  • Click-through Rate – Abbreviated as CTR, your click-through rate determines the effectiveness of your ad. It is derived by means of dividing the number of your acquired ad clicks by its acquired number of impressions.


  • Average Cost-per-Click – This is the average cost of each click on your ad. It is derived by dividing the amount that you pay for your ad by the total number of your acquired clicks.


  • Average Position – This metric shows your ad’s position among other advertisers.


  • Quality Score – This is the estimated rating of your ad made by Google AdWords based on the ad quality, its keywords, and the landing page.


As you can see there are a lot of terms that you need to know and understand. Some terms may take you some time to digest, but, just keep in mind that these are all beneficial for your own learning and search engine marketing skills development.

To further have an idea and complex knowledge on all of these, try engaging yourself to Google Academy for Ads. This will not just help you understand the terms mentioned above but will also give you some in-depth details on how AdWords works.


Paid Ads: Risk That Paid Off


Despite the obvious changing times, a large chunk of the business world is still skeptic about the need for a digital approach to marketing and its apparent effectivity. Most business people still rely on to traditional marketing to bring in the goods. What they don’t know is that this mindset is exactly what brings their brand and business down in the dumps.

Search engine marketing or SEM has been around for quite some time now. And while there are very few willing to share their own success story with this innovative marketing solution, one can only bet on this technique to help you grow digitally.

Here are just a few examples companies and their paid ads that did pay off.

  1. Apple

Apple’s iPad has been advertised through pay-per-click in a manner that is a lot like storytelling – focusing on the different ways the iPad have been used by people around the world. The ads were fashioned in a way that it looked more like content than an ad. For this particular campaign, branding has been given more focus.

  1. Coca-Cola

While this largely iconic brand does not really need further advertising, it still turned to SEM. For SEM ads featuring their Diet Coke, Coca-Cola highlighted the experience of every taste you get with a glass of this universal soda – crisp taste and calorie free. Short but sweet. Concise but the idea was well-conveyed.

  1. Google

Of course, Google uses its own tools to advertise their very own. Selling these services are so much easier when people in the business world see and know that Google is a proof of the success of these ads. And again, if you won’t trust Google, then who will you trust?


With analysis, it can be seen that even the big brands turn into SEM or pay-per-click ads to push their own products and services to their respective markets and increase brand awareness. If the big brands are doing it, why shouldn’t we all do it?

Markets have gone digital. That much is true. And one of the sure-fire ways to penetrate into your market is through paid ads.

If you’re thinking about utilizing search engine marketing to boost your brand’s presence and growing market, talk to us! iManila has a set of digital marketing services to help your company or brand reach a bigger audience, and that includes search engine marketing. Just send us an email and let’s talk about paid ads what you want to know about it.

Why VPS Hosting could be a perfect fit for your website


The demand for creating online assets like a website is remarkably increasing in the past years. In September 2014, the World Wide Web has hit its first billion mark in terms of published websites. And now, the world has reached 1.2 billion websites with internet users that are thrice as much as the number of world’s published websites. With a simple 1:3 ratio of the website to internet users, imagine a huge number of data going in and out from billion websites hosted on various servers around the globe – that is 45,341 gigabytes worth of internet traffic happening every second. That is huge, and that is a little exhausting for servers working 24/7 just to keep websites up and running.

Now here’s another fact this that is noteworthy. Through the years, the internet users have evolved into a no-nonsense kind. The evolution includes a remarkable dip of users’ patience while surfing online. An average internet user expects a website to load not more two seconds. And every second after that is business going down the drain.

See related blog: Mobile Friendliness Ranking Factor

If you are a website owner who happened to be a business owner too, how would you know if your current web host is capable of handling your current and future web traffic?

That is simple.

If you have seen a sudden spike of web visits in your analytics, and that was sustained for a longer period of time, chances are, your website loading time will drastically increase. And that only means a longer waiting time for internet users who are trying to access your website. If that happens, you’ll know that you are reaching the limits of your web server.

Would you transfer to a bigger one?

The answer is always case-to-case basis. Suppose you are currently hosted on a shared server – meaning, you’re sharing the resources of one server with other tenants – will you upgrade to a dedicated one? Well, it depends. If you are a highly-visited online content publisher, then it’s a big YES. But if you are not, then you need to anticipate your future plans for your website to be able to make a wise decision.

See related blog: Shared or Dedicated: Know what’s best for your web hosting needs

However, the truth for most SMEs is that upgrading to a dedicated server could be a little too uncomfortable in terms of cost. But what if your website is too big already for a shared environment? What will be the other option?

The answer is VPS hosting.


So what basically is VPS hosting?

VPS are virtualized servers inside the main server. A little too vague right? Well, the advent of hypervisor software in the early 2000s made it possible to efficiently use hosting servers by virtualization. That’s when VPS started to become a hot item for businesses like yours.

VPS is like having multiple independent and private servers inside the main server. You might be asking yourself right now, what could possibly be the difference between VPS and shared hosting? Since they are both working on the idea of a shared environment? Below are the key features that will help you understand why VPS will suit your needs better:

  • Autonomy

This is probably a top feature of a VPS hosting.  The subscriber (which is you) has full access to the VPS’s OS, with unrestricted root or administrator permissions. This level of access allows you (of your IT team) to configure the VPS to meet your own unique requirements.

  • Security

Unlike the former shared environment that you used to have, VPS are virtually secured because it is not affected by the other virtualized servers.

  • Flexibility

VPS allows you to host multiple websites. For instance, you can host your main website and a development site on the same VPS.

  • Scalability

And if you are not satisfied with its specs? You can always upgrade to higher specifications without worrying about downtime. To be honest, this capability depends on the provider.

  • Cost-efficiency

Since dedicated servers are expensive, VPS servers are way cheaper that the former. In most providers is just a few gran higher that the highest shared server offerings. You basically have the flexibility and capacity of a dedicated server for a cheaper cost.


The thing is, upgrading to a dedicated hosting service isn’t always the best course to take in times like these. VPS is more secure and much cost-efficient option for SMEs looking for a solution to their increasing web traffic issues.

And if by chance you are looking for a trusted VPS hosting provider, you can reach us at (02) 959-4807 or at (+63)917-8476005. You can also email our skilled technical support specialist at [email protected].

Website Credibility Signals You Need to Have

A website is considered the most important online asset for businesses and organizations. But with more than 1.2 billion published websites, how can you tell your target audiences that your website (which represents your business) is credible?

In marketing, despite having a remarkable product or service, if your website doesn’t convey the superiority of your business, then there will be a disconnection between your brand and your market.

To clearly understand the credibility signals online audience look on a website below are the critical factors that you should look out for:

  • Image of the business owner

One of the ultimate trust signals that will give credibility to your website is an image of the owner in about us section of the website. No matter how awkward and uncomfortable for business owners like you, putting your image will boost your website’s credibility.

  • Thorough contact information

One thing is common among online users nowadays – and that is getting the information they need in just a few steps and few clicks. To be able to increase your website’s credibility you should include all contact information that your audience or your market needs to know to reach you. And that is not just putting them on the website, but also making easy for your audience to see it.

related:  Usual Mistakes SMEs Do with Their Website

  • Testimonies

Nothing is more convincing than good words from people who have tried your products or services. People love a recommendation from people that are not part of a business organization. Their recommendations are highly valued as they had a first-hand experience with your brand. Now, putting the most compelling and believable testimonials from your current and past clients will surely help in building your website’s credibility.


  • Social Links

Another means of validation of the credibility and also the legitimacy of your website is through social links. As the online community gravitates towards socials, they are expecting a consistency in your brand from the web to socials.

  • Web design, Branding and Information Architecture

This one is a big chunk to swallow for beginners as this includes three dimensions that work as one. All three are part of the improving user experience. A good branding yields a comprehensive guideline that can be used to create a remarkable web design.

Also, while doing the design, the information architecture (or the correct arrangement and careful selection of content to be included) of the website is also a crucial factor in giving a better user experience. It is a must that you need to make highly sought information easily accessible to your visitors, and that is part of a good information architecture.


Bottom-line is, your website is the face of your business online. Making sure that it represents your brand well, and that it looks completely credible is essential in making your online marketing a success.

For inquiries about website revamp, develop and design, you can contact iManila at (02) 490-000. You can also send an email via [email protected] or via [email protected].