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Agency vs. Freelancer: Choosing the Right Digital Partner

Having a strong online presence is non-negotiable in order to thrive in this digital age. And to achieve that, choosing the right digital partner is crucial – whether you need web design and development, web hosting, or digital marketing services. Oftentimes, the options boil down to two: hiring a freelancer or partnering with a digital agency.

Just like anything in this world, these two have their own strengths and weaknesses. As a business owner, it’s important to weigh these pros and cons before making a final decision. With that, let’s take a quick look at their attributes in the lens of things you must consider in choosing the right digital partner for your business.


When hiring freelancers, the employers are usually the project managers. For this reason, if you have a large team of freelancers on your side, it will be a bit harder for you to manage. Some of the things that you need to do include facilitating collaboration, providing guidance, and authorizing freelancers throughout the project.

When it comes to an agency, you don’t need to be hands-on. You can depend on the team to strategize and assess your ads according to your targets and end goal. Not only that but you can be involved in the project to exactly the extent you want.


Freelancers set a rate according to their work, so you get to decide what fits your budget for your project. They have a choice to either have a fixed rate for the project or an hourly rate. Unlike agencies, it is easier to find a freelancer at almost any rate you want for any task.

Compared to freelancers, agencies are more expensive. With that said, however, they are more cost-effective in the long run since they have a team that can give you assurance. Here, you don’t need to give up your own time to the project as the payment since you can expect less back and forth with an agency, given that more hands are on deck when it comes to your project.


When hiring freelancers, it’s important to conduct thorough research to ensure they possess the specific skills required for your project. While beginners may offer limited services, experienced freelancers often specialize in niche areas, making the selection process more challenging. You need to carefully identify the exact skills you need for your specific project.

However, if you’re pressed for time and require a diverse range of skills to handle your project, a digital agency is the perfect solution. With an agency, you can easily access a wide array of services and find experts with the relevant expertise. Unlike freelancers, agencies offer a comprehensive skill set and have the capacity to tackle complex issues and optimize digital campaigns. Working with an agency means tapping into a pool of diverse talents and capabilities.


In terms of communication, working with a freelancer often means relying on a single point of contact. While this can offer a more personalized experience, this could also mean that if that person becomes unavailable, it can be challenging to find an immediate solution to address your concerns. This can cause delays and frustration in the project execution.

On the other hand, digital agencies have a structured communication approach. They often have dedicated account managers and project coordinators who act as your main points of contact. These professionals ensure smooth and consistent communication throughout the project. Also, they have a team of skilled individuals to address your specific needs and queries.

Choice of People to Work With

When hiring a freelancer, you have the advantage of handpicking the individual who best suits your project. This allows you to consider factors such as communication style, personality, and specific skills required.

On the other hand, when partnering with a digital agency, you may not have direct control over the specific specialist assigned to your project. However, you can rely on the agency’s extensive portfolio and experience to ensure high-quality work. If you find that the initially assigned account manager doesn’t meet your expectations, the agency can address your concerns. They can provide you a more suitable replacement.

In today’s digital realm, finding a reliable partner is key to unlocking success for your business. While freelancers bring specialized skills to the table, collaborating with a digital agency offers the added advantage of working with a reputable and established entity. With a proven track record of success, agencies have a talented team of professionals with diverse expertise. This enables them to provide comprehensive services and ensure the optimal use of your marketing budget. Have the peace of mind that your projects are entrusted to capable hands with a team like iManila!

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions.

iManila is a full-service business web development company in the Philippines ready to help you with WordPress website creation or building an ecommerce website for your business. From web design and development and website update and maintenance, to web hosting, email hosting, and technical, desktop and remote support, we are your team. Aside from this, we are also a website and mobile applications development company specializing in customized web systems for businesses in different industries and a top digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!

The Road Ahead: Web Development Trends That Will Shape 2023 and Beyond

Since its beginning 40 years ago, the internet has widely evolved. It is now a home to roughly 1.13 billion websites with 5.16 billion active users. As the internet has progressed, so do the trends in website development. And as a website owner, it is essential for you to keep up with these trends.

By doing so, it ensures that your website stays relevant and competitive in the digital space. It also enhances your website’s user experience and keeps your visitors engaged, which is critical for the success of your website. Lastly, staying on top of website development trends can help optimize your site’s performance, ensuring that it runs smoothly and efficiently.

If you have this vision for your business website, tag along as we trail the web development trends that will shape the year 2023 and beyond!

Progressive Web Apps

A progressive web app (PWA) is a website that has the appearance and functionality of a mobile app. It improves user experience as it has faster load speed, workable offline, and no installation required among others. Although it’s no longer a new concept, their latest iteration is set to replace traditional web apps entirely. Many big companies like Starbucks, Uber, Pinterest, and Twitter have already adopted PWAs and more are expected to do so in 2023. 

AI Chatbots

AI chatbots are predicted to become even more advanced and efficient in 2023 to better cater user’s needs. These chatbots help companies perform tasks faster. It also improves customer experience by collecting data, answering frequently asked questions, and resolving issues. Many leading B2C companies are already using AI chatbots, and their use is expected to increase even more in 2023.

WordPress Development

According to W3Techs, WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet. To constantly meet the ever changing user demand, WordPress will introduce new features. It is expected to undergo changes such as a new navigation structure. This aims to simplify the user experience by combining post editor and template experiences. WordPress will also offer new design tools to improve website aesthetics this year.

Motion UI

The demand for digital experiences has evolved beyond mobile-friendliness. Consumers are now seeking for more interactive experiences. This is why Motion UI has become popular. With this development, web elements can slide, spin, bounce, transition, and more, making the website more engaging.

Responsive Site Design

Mobile devices account for more than half of all web traffic. With this, the importance of mobile friendly website design has increased significantly in the past years. In 2023, responsive design will focus on providing more personalized experiences to users. This is in the means of offering one-click ordering on ecommerce apps and incorporating biometric authentication such as fingerprint scanning and voice recognition. 

Dark Mode Standardization

Dark mode or low-light website trend is expected to continue in 2023, as statistics show that 81.9% of mobile users use this mode. Popular apps like Facebook and Twitter have already implemented this feature. These apps allow users to easily toggle between light and dark modes based on their preference or system settings. Website personalization is crucial than ever as visitors expect a completely customized experience. As more developers include a built-in feature to switch between light and dark modes, it is expected to become the standard in 2023 and possibly even the default for applications.

Improved Cybersecurity

With over 2,200 recorded cyber attacks per day in the previous year, cybersecurity is a top concern in 2023. Companies of all sizes are vulnerable to cyber attacks. These attacks can cause hours of downtime, significant loss of revenue, and damage to reputation. To address this concern, website development has shifted towards easier implementation of safeguards such as application-based multi-factor authentication, patch management, and Security Operation Centers (SOC).

Web development is and will continue to evolve to meet the demands and expectations of today and the future generation of users. Ensure your website doesn’t get left behind, talk to the experts in iManila!

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions.

iManila is a full-service business web development company in the Philippines ready to help you with WordPress website creation or building an ecommerce website for your business. From web design and development and website update and maintenance, to web hosting, email hosting, and technical, desktop and remote support, we are your team. Aside from this, we are also an applications development company specializing in customized web systems for businesses in different industries and a top digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of digital marketing services. Talk to us!

Proven and Tested Ways to Improve Your Website Conversion Rates this 2023

Conversion rate is the core and one of the most important metrics to monitor in any digital marketing campaign. If you’re new to e-commerce, conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the total number of web visitors. 

How does it work? Basically, you run a campaign to encourage people to do a desired action. Conversion rate reflects how well your strategy is. A good campaign gets people to take action and convert while ineffective ones won’t. 

If you have a low conversion rate, better to reassess your marketing plan. Study what makes users convert and where they bounce. Take this blog as a guide! 

Include social proof to your site

Your audience won’t always believe everything you say. So, if you make a claim, it would be best to provide evidence in the form of customer reviews to support it. In fact, according to Trust Pulse, 83% of people are more likely to trust a review than an advertisement. Similarly, 97% of consumers look at reviews before making a purchase. With this in mind, incorporating social proof would definitely help boost your conversion rate.

Shorten your forms

Imagine discovering an e-commerce site that sells high-quality goods at reasonable prices. But then it requires you to fill out lengthy forms to get more information or seal a transaction. What a bummer, right?

Long forms can help you know your audience but can also drive them away. It’s annoying to fill out so many fields before accessing information or buying a product so, consider reducing it. Take Marketo as an example – a conversion rate of 10% was observed with their 9-field form. Reducing the number of fields to 5 increased the conversion rate for the same form to 13.4%. Shorten your forms or drive your potential customers away.

Keep it simple

Aside from shortening your forms, make the buying process easier by simplifying the whole user experience. People’s attention spans are shorter than they were years ago which was proven in an experiment conducted by Etsy. The team added 160KB images to their pages to intentionally slow down their load speed. As a result, their bounce rate increased by 12%. 

Remember, people will abandon your site if it takes too much of their time navigating it. With that, make sure to have a straightforward UX design, clear instructions, obvious CTAs, and make it a point NOT to offer too many options.

Don’t require a login

People choose online shopping for convenience. However, if it requires extra effort to have access like registering or logging in, chances are they will dodge you. Just like in the study conducted by the Baymard Institute, 37% of customers completely abandoned their checkout process when they were required to create an account. In the same study, 38% of the e-commerce sites examined did not even provide customers with the option to create a temporary account prior to completing their purchase.

Don’t risk lowering your conversion rate. Make login or sign up fields optional. Let users browse your shop as a guest. And having a clickable “Checkout as Guest” button is a plus too! 

Make personalized content

As the cliché saying goes, “content is king” – and nothing could beat a personalized one! According to Accenture, 91% of consumers say that they are more likely to shop from a brand that offers deals and recommendations that are relevant to them. This only shows personalized content is something you shouldn’t sleep on. 

To get you started, here are some things you could try for a more personalized content:

  • Establish your target market’s persona then share content that connects with them. 
  • Give each customer a discount that is unique to them based on their location, customer behavior, or how they use your website.
  • If you want to reach more people in your area, make sure your website and content are optimized for local SEO.

While there’s no thing such as “one size fits all” when it comes to your website, these tips could be your starting point. And if you need help in implementing these, you could always hire an all-in-one team that specializes in web design and development, web maintenance, and content writing like iManila! 

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, a web development company and a top digital marketing company in the country, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions. As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, website update and maintenance, web hosting, email hosting, dedicated server, technical, desktop and remote support, and digital marketing services needs.  Talk to us!

Here’s Why You Should Build Your Website in WordPress

Choosing which Content Management System (CMS) you’ll build your site in is the first and most crucial part of the website development process. This is because everything depends on it, from your website’s appearance and functionality to performance and security. There are a lot of CMS available today but the majority of website owners and developers vouch for one – WordPress. 

WordPress is by far the most popular CMS today. According to W3Techs, it accounts to 810 million websites which is 43% of all websites on the internet in 2022. It is so versatile that you can create any type of website. May it be a blog site, business site, or ecommerce store, WordPress is reliable. Aside from this, people are so fond of it for the following reasons:

WordPress is simple and easy to use

Creating a WordPress website is easy. It doesn’t require much of a learning curve even if you’re a beginner with this CMS in general. All it takes is a theme and one or two plugins to start making pages. It is so straightforward that you can set up your site, create, edit, and publish your content with just a few clicks.

WordPress is an open-source software

Open-Source Software means:

  • It is free. You can create any type of project with WordPress for free, be it for personal or commercial use.
  • It is customizable. WordPress gives you every ounce of freedom to customize the platform the way you want it.

WordPress gives you full control

WordPress is greatly known for its vast options of plugins and themes. To give you a background, themes are templates that will serve as a blueprint of your site. On the other hand, plugins are responsible for your site’s features and functionality. Unlike other CMS, you can find a lot of excellent options for free with WordPress.

WordPress is simple to maintain

You might not be aware, but using WordPress is simple and easy to maintain. It only requires a little bit of work. To break it down for you, here are the things you should pay attention to:

  • Updating the CMS when new versions come out
  • Updating plugins and themes 
  • Managing your site’s comments (if you enable them)
  • Ensuring that your website is fully optimized and secure
  • Backing up your site 

If this sounds a lot to you, you can always opt to hire a web host provider and website development company like iManila. Have the time to focus more on growing your business than worrying about building your website. 

WordPress is here to stay

As mentioned a while ago, WordPress powers a massive number of websites. This number grows wildly everyday, globally. With a lot of people using the platform, there’s an assurance that developers aren’t going to stop developing it any time soon. You can have the confidence that you’ll always have access to updates that can improve the security and functionality of your website.

WordPress has a lot to offer. If you’re ready to give it a go, talk to the experts at iManila!

With 27 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, a web development company and a top digital marketing company in the country, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions.
As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, website update and maintenance, web hosting, email hosting, dedicated server, technical, desktop and remote support, and digital marketing services needs.  Talk to us!

The Best Way to Start the Year Right – by Updating Your Website

The year 2023 has arrived! This is the perfect time to give your business website a fresh new look. While there are a lot of ways and strategies to do this, website revamps don’t always have to be extravagant. Sometimes it could be as simple as updating your website and making sure everything is working properly. Doing these can keep your business website stay relevant and offer better customer experience than the previous year.

Having said that, what aspects of your website do you think needs some updating? Does your website need some maintenance? Well, think no more as we provide a list of things you need to update on your website.

Verify and update your contact information

One of the most common mistakes business owners make with their website is forgetting to update their contact numbers and email addresses whenever they change it. Bottomline is when your potential customers cannot reach you, you are losing out and failing to attend to their needs. Don’t fall for this. Check the contact information in your header, footer, and “contact us” pages to make sure it is up to date.

Bonus tip, don’t forget to update your Google My Business page and other directory listings in which your company appears as well. 

Examine WordPress plugins

If you are running a WordPress website, the start of the year is the best time to examine your plugins. Check for plugins that are not serving its purpose anymore or are no longer useful for your site. Look for substitute plugins that do the work of multiple plugins. Remove unnecessary plugins and those that don’t receive updates anymore. Do this to ensure that your website continues to function properly.

Just as well, examine the version of the WordPress CMS integrated into your website. Your entire WordPress version may just be outdated together with ALL of your website plugins. 

Review your privacy policy

Privacy and security has greatly changed in the past years. Spend the time and effort to hire an attorney who can assist you in protecting yourself if these changes are not addressed in your privacy policy, or worse, if you do not have one at all.

There are also online tools that can help you create your own privacy policy. While this may be a good start, we still recommend having it reviewed by an attorney to ensure that it adequately covers you and your business. 

Test your website’s accessibility

It is always a good idea to conduct tests to verify that your website is accessible or not, especially if it was designed to be so. If your website isn’t accessible, now is a good time to have it fixed. In recent years, accessibility has become a hot issue. By fixing it as early as now, you can cater to all possible website visitors while also protecting yourself.

Update your keywords

Having keywords on your business website is important. By targeting the right keywords, it can make your business website rank in the internet, increasing your visibility. Check and consider changing some keywords especially if they are not helping your website rank higher.

Publish relevant content

Nothing screams an updated website more than fresh and timely content. Invest some time in content writing. Create brand new high quality contents to get the attention of your customers. Updating your website content can provide a boost on your search rankings and help you reach more customers online.

We hope these tips will help on how to create a better business website this 2023. If you need further help with updating your website or if you’re looking for help with website repair and website maintenance, talk to the experts in iManila!

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, a web development company and a top digital marketing company in the country, is committed to providing our clients with innovative information technology, web, and digital solutions. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, website update and maintenance, web hosting, email hosting, dedicated server, technical, desktop and remote support, and digital marketing services needs.  Talk to us!