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Tag: hosting services

Introducing the #iManilaHelpCenter

With the global pandemic keeping us within the confines of our homes and our workplaces, one thing we’ve found among our clients is an increase in email usage, an increase in website traffic, and to some extent – an increasing demand for technical support assistance. Despite the continued service of our brave frontliners – our Technical Support team, we also saw this time as an opportunity to further help and support our clients. With this, we’re happy to introduce our #iManilaHelpCenter

The #iManilaHelpCenter is available to anyone who needs detailed support in managing their cPanel. This is available and FREE for anyone by simply visiting

The main objective of our newest Help Center is not only to educate clients about their cPanel accounts, but also to give detailed instructions and steps on how to properly use, control and manage their individual hosting accounts. By visiting the Help Center, you’ll be able to find solutions to your Hosting concerns arranged according to the root of your issue whether it be relating to your: cPanel Dashboard, Databases, Domain, FTP, Files, Emails, etc. 

Further to this, the newest addition to our iManila website also features a wide knowledge base from frequently asked questions to common problems such as How to Access My Website or My Webmail or the definitions of Different Website Errors and many more! 

It is with our hope that the new iManila Help Center will not only help our clients, but empower others in learning something new and hopefully in line with our vision to continue to improve lives through technology. 

For any support-related concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us through [email protected] or via Chat here on our website. #iManila

Your Online Brand Starts with a Reliable Hosting Service

A lot of businesses have turned to digital when it comes to selling their products. Nowadays, a physical store goes hand in hand with an online store as well. This is because online selling has made it quick and convenient for customers to access and purchase any product they like.

As the demand for product availability in the digital world increases, the demand for a reliable hosting provider increases as well. This is probably where some marketing executives fall short as they have limited understanding of the parameters and limitations of their hosting provider, which as it goes on, might eventually lead to a digital disaster.

So to make it simpler to understand here’s some points on why it’s important to have a reliable hosting provider:

Your Hosting Server is the Primary Business Data Depository

Think of it as the main building of your business wherein you house all your files, documents, and the content of your website. Whatever happens to your server will also happen to your website and web applications such as your in-house CRM and ERP, should you have any.

Your Hosting Server Capacity Dictates Your Website

One of the most important aspects of a hosting server is its capacity. Your server capacity must be able to carry all of your website’s content. It’s also very crucial as it will dictate the speed and performance of your website. Interactive websites and web systems usually require bigger bandwidth. This is especially true for brands that have graphics and content-heavy websites.

The Security of your Hosting says a lot about your data’s longevity

With digital, the real treasure lies in data. Whatever you’ve posted online about your business, combined with the database gathered from interaction amongst potential clients such as the lead list, mailing list, etc. are the business’ assets and should definitely be protected at all costs.

Finding a hosting provider who can give you security options to keep your peace of mind is a step that your company needs to take.

Hosting Servers are the life and core of online marketing. One mistake caused by an unreliable hosting provider will lead to immense headaches for business operations.

iManila is a trusted provider of both reliable hosting services and technical support services. Our lines are open 24/7 and our sales executives are available Monday to Friday to assist you with your web, IT, and digital marketing needs!

Reach us at [email protected] or call us at 3490-0000! #iManila #Hosting

Things to consider when Choosing the Right Web Hosting Provider

Reliable web hosting is essential when building a website for your business. Your website files are all stored in a remote computer server which is called a host. It works when a certain online user wants to view your website and searched for your domain name or website address into their browser. Then, their computer will connect to your website server and your website content will be delivered to their browsers.

Easy as it may seem but web hosting involves various technical processes and technologies. Thus, a web hosting provider or company is a business that has the technologies and services needed for your website or webpages to be seen on the Internet.

To help you out, here are the important factors to consider when choosing the right web hosting provider for your business:

Type of Web Host

With the prevalence of digital media, it’s much easier to get hosting services today from both local and foreign providers compared to how it is a few years back. However, before you get one for your website, you must first know the different types of hosting services that are available and what suits your business.

Here are the three different types of website hosting that you can choose from:

  • Virtual Server Hosting – This is also dubbed as a virtual private server (VPS) that is available for your web hosting needs. It is actually a virtual server that a user perceives as a dedicated or private server even though it is installed on a physical computer that runs multiple operating systems. This kind of hosting is a shared system and has lesser user traffic but provides good speed. Web contents are loaded faster in this type of hosting system.
  • Cloud Shared Hosting – This hosting system is one of the most common and usually the best option for small and medium enterprises. In this kind of hosting, the web space is being shared with multiple business entities while the maintenance and cost of the web hosting service are also being shared by the users. With this, you only get charged for the space that was allocated for you.
  • Dedicated Hosting – In this kind of hosting system, excellent performance can be guaranteed. Dedicated hosting is where a business entity leases an entire server to provide their clients with their own data center. While this type may cost more than the other two, it promises great speed and full control over the server.

Correct Bandwidth and Security

Make sure that the provider whom you are coordinating with can provide the right bandwidth and disk storage space that you require. It is also ideal to go for a provider who can also offer Security Sockets Layer or SSL Certificate that can add protection to your website from potential hackers. (Read our previous blog about why it is important for you to have an SSL Certificate.)

Customer Support

It is ideal for you to get a web hosting company that can provide you with 24/7 Technical Support. When it comes to website maintenance and making sure that your website is always up and running, your provider must have a reel time helpdesk through live chat, mail or call to resolve your queries on the dot.

Now that you have an idea on the various factors to consider when choosing the right web hosting provider, the next step is to look for the best and most reliable company that will not just cater your needs but will also exceed your expectations.

Turn to iManila and see our excellence as it happens! Experience the best web and email hosting in the Philippines with powerful features engineered to provide 99.95% uptime and availability, day-in, day-out.

Contact us now or send us an email at [email protected]!

Why Is Client Support Essential in a Hosting Service?


Client support, for a fact, is the core of most service-type of business for both B2B and B2C. Its importance is widely adopted and used even with consumer durables. Electronics, vehicles and even gadgets are applying the same principle to keep their product loyalists and earn more clients in the long run.

Hosting service is in any way not an exemption to this kind of business principle. Not all marketers, managers, senior executives, and directors are tech savvy. They all rely on their tech guys too. And in most cases, their tech guys are not round-the-clock ‘bots’ that can check every “bit” lurking in their information system.

There are many errors that clients cannot solve on their own.

One thing is for sure, not every difficulty can be handled well by the client. Even with IT guys around, there are times when things go out of hand and the client may feel that they’re in the dead end in some situation.

Now here are some instances which explicitly show that clients really need client support.

  • When the website’s page loading time is slow like a slug.

This is, in fact, the duty of provider to make sure that things are in the optimal condition for their website to load properly. There are some IT professionals employed by the clients who may opt not to meddle with the server so as not to jeopardize the situation further. And normally, in this kind of situation, providers need to step in to help the client.

  • Mailing difficulties related to the server.

This one is probably the most frequent thing hosting providers like iManila usually deal with daily. There are times when clients fail to monitor email activities of their employees and forgot to remind them to always clear their email trash – or to delete old emails that no longer bear importance. This could congest or bloat their current server space that may lead to some glitches with other software and/or applications hosted on the same server.

  • Hacking incident

There are gateways for hackers to intrude servers and some of those are usually available and vulnerable, to which is no fault of the hosting provider. Though this one may pose a lot of questions and arguments on both sides, hacking remains to be the top issue that needs client support.


Let’s face it, customer support is one of the criteria that sets a great web hosting provider apart from the lousy ones. And even in the coming years, customer support will remain a vital business aspect that will continue to drive growth for businesses.

iManila is a trusted provider of both reliable hosting services and tech support service that surely covers small and medium businesses IT concerns. Our lines are open 24/7 and our sales executives are available Mondays to Fridays to assist you with your web, IT, and digital marketing queries.

Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Telephone numbers: (02) 490-0000, 01, 03 or at (02) 959-4807

Mobile number: (+63) 917-8476005

Your Online Brand Starts with a Reliable Hosting Service


I heard this a lot from potential clients asking our tech support about our hosting packages. These potential clients are looking for a reliable hosting service provider. However, some of them are not quite knowledgeable. Perfect examples are those who are hesitant to know more about the hosting service they’re inquiring about. Most of them are marketing professionals believing that they need to focus more on growing the brand and creating a solid marketing strategy online. That is why they are passively asking inquiring because they simply need it – or just because they’re asked by their IT peers.

This is usually the pitfalls for some marketing executives. Not being able to understand the parameters and limitations of your hosting server usually lead to disaster.

As we always say, your brand online always starts with a reliable hosting service. And here are the reasons why.

  • Hosting server is your primary business data repository

All the information and files you upload to your website (and the website itself) are all housed inside your server. Whatever happens to your server will definitely happen to your website and your web applications such as your in-house CRM and ERP (if there are any).

Even if there are other factors affecting your website performance, your hosting server also takes a crucial in dictating its performance.

Your server’s specifications have something to do with the efficiency in retrieving data from folders in your server going to your website. Factors such as the bandwidth and processing speed have something to do with the loading time. If you are really uploading large media files such videos, you might need a better and bigger server.

Your business brand online is dependent on the content you upload online. Interactive mediums are usually bandwidth and space-hogging files. Often times, good marketing branding depends on the authenticity and creativity of the content created and uploaded on your online assets. And usually, the most effective content format these days are motion graphics and videos.


  • Security of your hosting server says a lot about your data’s longevity

This digital age treasures, not just paper bills and bonds, but also data. Whatever we post online about our business, plus the things that we gained from it such as lead list, mailing list database, client lists, and even transaction histories are undeniably valuable business assets that should be protected.

Negligence and complacency can open doorways for hackers to get in and mess up with your valued database.

Find a hosting service provider who can give you security options to keep your peace of mind is the next best step that your company needs to do.



No matter how we try to justify that hosting servers don’t matter that much in online marketing – it will always come back to haunt us just like our past mistakes. A server keeps everything visible online, it is, in fact, the foundation of all online efforts. Undermining it is like claiming to build a tower without a solid foundation.

iManila is a trusted provider of both reliable hosting services and tech support service that surely covers small and medium businesses IT concerns. Our lines are open 24/7 and our sales executives are available Mondays to Fridays to assist you with your web, IT, and digital marketing queries.

Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Telephone numbers: (02) 490-0000, 01, 03 or at (02) 959-4807

Mobile number: (+63) 917-8476005

Website Hosting Features You Should Know


We have mentioned it many times, and we think, we became very repetitive about it – your hosting service needs tighter security because your primary online presence depends on it.

Imagine your website that took a lifetime to load, or sections of your websites that are vulnerable to attacks and malware – are these the kind of situation that will give you peace of mind? NO, it is not, and it never will. Everything your company owns online is your digital assets. These are the building blocks that you need to mobilize and protect, to keep your digital marketing going.

Now, to kick start your website hosting security feature knowledge, below are the basic web server features you need to be familiar with:

The truth is, your website is potentially under attack 24/7. And as your business flourishes and keeps on growing online, you are becoming an attractive prey to lurking malicious online criminals. With a malware detector feature, you get to secure your website by putting a reliable line of defense against security breaches and attacks.

iManila’s web hosting service provides a malware detector that monitors your website 24/7 for vulnerabilities and attacks. When we say monitors, that means that it screens every aspect of your web presence daily to identify security gaps. It not only checks your website, email, and applications, but also search engine blacklists and spam filters. It doesn’t just monitor; it also notifies your IT personnel about the findings with corresponding fixes to boost your security. That is one less burden on your back, enabling you to focus more on pressing matters concerning your business and the day to day operations.


Securities are your first line of defenses. But as businesses like yours evolve, so are the hackers. Day by day, these people are working as hard as your online security to find fault and gaps that they can breach. And I mind you, they never stop, and probably they never will.

So iManila is integrating website backup feature to secure the latest backup version of your website. In this way, when your security features couldn’t keep up with these hackers, you can easily restore your website the way it is before the hacking incident.


You and your company are working round the clock, so should your hosting server. We in iManila understands the worries and pains of businesses like yours – because we are also like you – driven to serve clients and grow as an organization. And all these things in mind will surely stretch you thin.

Important things like your hosting servers should always be secured even if you are not focusing on it all the time. That is why we at iManila has made it easy for businesses to secure the most important data and information in their websites by integrating these security features on our hosting services.


Need some help? Contact Us right now!

Want some good news? If you do website revamp and transfer your hosting to us, your first year of hosting service is free with these security features.

Sounds good to you? Go ahead and email us at [email protected]

The Hidden Benefits of Dedicated Hosting Service


When you are working in a marketing department or most especially in the IT department, you heard about your web or email server a lot of times. You would probably hear the term dedicated hosting service too. During the days when you are having massive marketing campaigns online, you’ll probably make it your default process to make your website as the primary landing page. And in the midst of the campaign, you will definitely experience some unwanted glitches. Two of these glitches are slow loading time of the website and inaccessibility for a certain period of time. If your company website and even emails are hosted on a shared environment, then this occurrence is expected. These things are all related to your hosting server.

Below is a perfect example of a similar situation that can be possibly be attributed to hosting server issue.

Scenario 1

One best scenario that would also describe this kind of difficulty is the booking website of a known LCC (low-cost carriers) airlines here in the Philippines. This airline, which is famous for its super low flight price promo, runs Piso-fare which is an annual flight sale. You can book flights that are incredibly cheap in advance. When this happens, a lot of consumers who are also into booking cheap flights are complaining about the inaccessibility of the website. Some may have encountered booking a slot but are having a hard time processing the payment or worse, experiencing an expired session, prompting them to start booking again.

This is really frustrating for visitors and often leads to poor traffic and conversion.

The fault may not be solely due to the server – because the coding and programming quality are also factors to consider – but the hosting server holds a large portion of the responsibility for this matter.


Scenario 2

Probably the most epic of all are the government websites. In some corporate documents and presentation, government data is very important in setting the road for strategic directions. And oftentimes, government websites failed us the time we need them the most.

However, there are government websites that are hands-on in managing and optimizing their websites. The office of the president and the vice president, the Philippine Statistical Authority, and the Department of Science and Technology are some of the offices that have tidy and performing websites.


There are two potential reasons for this kind of scenarios:

Firstly, they could be using a shared hosting environment and haven’t anticipated the surging visits to their websites – hence the problem of downtime and slow loading time.

Secondly, they could be using a dedicated hosting environment, but not solely dedicated to their websites. It is possible that even the webmails and other intra-agency files that eat the buffer space that should be used, in times of surging web visits.

Dedicated Hosting Server for your Website

The thing is, before signing a contract or allocating server space for your website, you need to have a background of your industry’s competition first. If you are catering to end consumer with built-in product catalog, you might want to consider a dedicated server for your website.


Because, catering to end consumer means, capturing a larger audience than those of the companies who deal with businesses. And usually, tangible products which are fast-moving are much prone to bloating web visits. Another consideration is if you’re a publisher. Publishers experience doubled the traffic of FMCGs. If you are either of the two, you need to go for a dedicated web hosting.


Hidden Benefits

Sometimes we take things at face value. When it’s pricey, we turn it down. When it is a little cheaper, we go for it. The truth is, things that are priced cheap are often limited or capped. Those that are expensive will last longer and are flexible, and the same thing goes for hosting services.

Shared hosting environment is practically affordable because it is meant for website owners that are not into online commerce of publishing. An info site that is made as a reference site for the company, won’t consume much. That is why shared hosting server will do – even with email hosting in it.

  • Greater security and flexibility

Compared with shared hosting server, the dedicated server gives webmasters and web owners the flexibility that they need. Dedicated Hosting also comes with a better security because you don’t need to worry about other tenants that you are sharing the server with. In short, you have the full control of the server.

Dedicated hosting services usually come with support too. When you are having troubles managing the environment, you can contact your provider and seek some help. We at iManila, we don’t just provide support, we provide 24/7 support to make sure our hosting clients are well taken care of.

Since you are using the entire environment for your own benefit, that means the resources are all yours to use. That means that even when there are unexpected surges of web visits, your website is still up and running. Here in iManila, our servers guarantee a 99.95% uptime.

This is the best part. Since dedicated servers are flexible, you have enough room to scale-up your environment should the need for it arises. Will all the evolution of media consumption, the trend is always going up. People are more demanding in terms of content. Gone are the days of text and images, as people are starting to get accustomed to rich media such as plotagraphs, GIF animation, motion graphic and videos. These file formats are seriously eating up spaces, and once you are compelled to use them, a scalable dedicated server is your only choice.


With the fast evolving online community obsolescence is the only constant word to describe it. Megabytes are now just a child’s play, and who knows? The terabytes might be the next end users’ USB making hosting servers much bigger than they are now. With dedicated hosting, you have the power to scale up anytime you want, and with the support and security that comes with it, you can be sure that your website can meet the demands of the coming years.

For inquiries about web and email hosting service, you can call iManila at (02) 490-0000 or through the direct landline of our tech support guys at (02) 959-4807. You can also send us a direct mail at [email protected] or fill-out our contact forms through this LINK.