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Tag: web designing

Online Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Internet Visibility

Online marketing moves at the speed of light. To keep up, you need a strong foundation to think critically, and be more creative. There are plenty of guides to marketing from textbooks to online video tutorials, and even guides you can find through Google. But the news is, online marketing is an ever-changing industry, and it can be tough to keep up with the latest trends and techniques. With so many different platforms and options available to try your digital marketing strategy, at the end of the day, marketers need to decide which strategies are best for their online businesses.

In this online marketing blog, we’ll look at some of the most important tips to consider for your digital marketing strategy.

Be Focused on Your Customers

Your customers, prospects, and partners are like the oxygen of your business. You need to build your social media marketing strategy with them always in mind.  Before conducting  your online marketing strategy, have a conversation with your existing customers or audiences.

How did they find out about your product or service? What do your customers value or care about? How are their feedback and suggestions?

Build A Marketing Framework

Marketing should command the same amount of attention and respect in order to properly function. You just need to structure your programs around your goals, which are always centered around profits and revenue. 

With this, build a strategy that positions your business marketing initiatives.

Here’s what you need to do to prove your marketing program’s return on investment or ROI:

  1. Examine your campaign costs
  2. List down the revenues that resulted directly from your campaign
  3. State the number of leads and sales generated and come up with a detailed way on how you track the incoming leads from your campaign
  4. State the maximum profitable cost-per-lead (maxCPL) or cost per acquisition (maxCPA)
  5. Establish a group to benchmark the success of your campaigns and ads

Showcase Your Business

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools that your company or business can do in order to build customer connections and relationships. Write about the benefits of purchasing from or working with your business. Tell a story about how you got to where you are today, your successes and failures, the challenges and the journey. Include photos of all your products and services and even photos of your team at work.

Similarly, allow your customers to write feedback and submit reviews to gain more trust from other users. 

Build Customer Connections

It is important to connect with your audience in the digital world. Build a digital marketing strategy circling around the objective to build more relationships with your audience. 

Communicate with your customers through follow-ups or through personal emails. Collaborating with influencers may also help reach new audiences. 

Get Found with SEO

Search engines are a powerful channel for connecting with new audiences or targeted customers. SEO is really important because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers. 

The success of your digital marketing campaign depends heavily on your ability to develop great quality content.

With so many mediums and platforms to choose from, you can certainly build a digital marketing strategy that will most effectively meet the needs of your target audience. Focus on your customers, build a marketing framework, showcase your business, build customer connections, and get found with SEO.  Set some goals and plans, decide where you’ll put your content such as through your website or social media platforms, and begin integrating your plans.

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila – a digital marketing agency, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing service’s needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Tips to Drive Website Traffic from Social Media Platforms

Almost nine in 10 marketers say that increases in website traffic is a result of social media marketing, according to Social Media Examiner. This was the second most frequently cited benefit!

The social media world is home to more than 3.4 billion active users. Social media is said to be the primary source for generating eCommerce traffic. Social media leads ahead of traditional media in driving traffic to your business website. They bring in ample opportunities to gain business visitors and convert into leads.

How do you strike up a conversation? How can you increase the visibility of your social media posts? How do you boost your social media marketing strategy? How do you engage your audiences? How can you generate leads through constant digital engagement? In this blog, we will give you some tips to drive website traffic from your social media platforms.

  1. Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

The more distinct your bio is – without sacrificing clarity – the more likely you can catch the attention of and resonate with your ideal audience.

Don’t make the mistake of writing your entire business story in your bio. Just a couple of lines will suffice. Then, connect the bio to your site with a call to action button directed to your home page or a viable landing page.

  1. Use Social Proof

Just like any review or testimonial, social proof brings the human voice into your brand experience. Whenever someone is about to make a purchase or is shopping for something they want, they look for reviews, recommendations, referrals, and input from others who have used the product or service.

  1. Time It Right

Pick the most effective time for optimal views. Instead of using best practices for social post timing, look at your own data. See when your target audience is most responsive. 

To maintain a publishing schedule, you can use social media management tools available online. You can also use a social media planner or calendar to optimize your publishing activity. These tools help you post regularly considering the location, time zone, and necessary factors. 

  1. Promote Your Content

You should promote all high-quality blog posts to increase their visibility. To drive traffic to your site, publish excerpts or teasers on social media along with a link. That can incentivize the viewer to go to your website to read more. Social media also is a good place to promote older but still relevant content that will intrigue new followers.

  1. Be Responsive

Make an effort to reply to every comment on your social posts. That makes your audience feel valued, and sometimes your response can include a link to your website, which offers more information on the topic.

Incorporate customer service into your social media so your brand can respond to queries and complaints promptly. The customer’s experience not only matters to them, but it offers proof to prospects on how your company is going to treat them too.

Patience and persistence are the key to staying alive in the social media world.

Social media marketing strategies are great, but they take time to come into effect. These proven strategies are sure to reap benefits in the long term. Being customer-centric is the only key for a successful social media marketing campaign. Remember, social media is a game changer only if you use it the right way.

Developing a social media marketing strategy can be complex and overwhelming. That is why iManila– a digital marketing agency wants to do it for you! With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers and web development companies in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business website development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, website hosting, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing service’s needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become a reality. Talk to us!

Why Good Web Hosting Is Important In 2022

It is important to have a good business website so that your brand can offer the best and quality service to your audience. Hosting can be used for many applications. Samples are systems, virtual stores, blogs, and websites, with advantages ranging from better performance to greater security.

Better Security

Whenever a website page reads, “Your connection to this site is not secure.” It then recommends that you don’t type in any sensitive information. This page means that the website is not secure and isn’t using HTTPS. It is necessary to enable HTTPS on your website. It is by choosing a good web hosting company and getting a secure IP. HTTPS, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It ensures that all information going through the website gets encrypted. Aside from it will secure your business website. This hides any sensitive or personal information from the world, which includes hackers.

Better support

You cannot just rely on good website design and technology when it comes to support. There are still certain things you do not have complete control over. It is up to the web host to resolve the issue if there is something going wrong with the server. It starts affecting your website. A good web hosting service will respond fast, accurately and effectively, giving you tools. And answers to your server’s uptime and availability issues. 

​​Data storage

Limited storage can lead to site shutdown when traffic is high on your webpage. A premium web host will provide you with a variety of options, depending on your data limit and fulfill your hosting needs. This is why the amount of data that needs to be stored on your website’s server. It plays a huge role in deciding what kind of web hosting partner you’re looking for. How much online traffic your website can handle, including concurrent users. And needs to be well established before you sign with a hosting provider.  

Reliable customer service

High quality customer service is a main characteristic of a good web hosting solutions provider. A good web host is always there when you need any kind of technical assistance or support. They offer many ways for you to contact them whenever the need arises for you to do so.


Slow loading times of your website’s landing page is one of the main reasons for bad user experience. A poor web host will see a lot of site crashes due to too much load on the shared server. Bad user experience on your business’ website can lose potential customers. 

A trustworthy web host solutions provider is a must for your business’ website. It will ensure that your website runs smoothly and does not buckle under pressures of high bandwidth. Keep the above points in mind while you search for a suitable web hosting provider.

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines. It is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines. iManila is a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines.  Ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Talk to us!

Email Marketing Tips To Look Out For in 2022

When the world was crippled by the coronavirus in 2020, most businesses had no choice but to switch to online sales and marketing efforts. One of the digital marketing strategies that really boomed since then is email marketing.

According to HubSpot’s latest research statistics, email marketing had a constant growth in terms of popularity and relevance every year since the pandemic. And now, in 2022, it is expected to grow even more. Meaning, the competition to your target market’s inbox is really high.

Given this, you may like to go back to your previous email marketing efforts to ensure that your emails will stand out. Read more below for the best email marketing tips to look out for in 2022.

Make it personal

People’s inboxes are bombarded with irrelevant, spam emails everyday. That is why most users do not bother to open emails that are generic. 

What you can do to get your recipient’s attention is by making the email personal. This includes the name and the content of the email. Take time to research and know what your customers’ needs and pain points are. Then, personalize your email by emphasizing how your offerings can help them.

Use Artificial Intelligence

Consider hopping into the Artificial Intelligence (AI) bandwagon of email marketers. AI tools are used to maximize the potential of acquired data about the market. It helps with processing a large chunk of data, building better and efficient analytics, observing customer trends, and foreseeing user actions.

AI can also help in segmentation, the process of creating smaller groups of email recipients who share the same background and characteristics. In this way, you can better craft your message. Take note though that since AI is still a relatively new kind of technology, using AI in your email marketing may not just be tedious, but costly. 

Incorporate user-generated content

Applying user-generated content (UGC) on your emails this 2022 encourages people to trust your brand. How? When prospective customers see a large, diverse group of people enjoying your brand, it will spark curiosity to them until they fall to the decision of wanting to experience your offerings themselves. This is just like the philosophy behind testimonials and reviews in websites but, this time it is on the email body.

Start newsletter campaigns

Don’t sleep on this! Newsletters found success during 2021 and will shine brighter this 2022. It helps in promoting new leads, enlivening cold customers, and builds a unique brand image without sounding like a salesperson. Sending out newsletters can be done weekly or monthly.

Apply minimalistic approach

People nowadays have shorter attention spans and are tired of loud details. That is why minimalism became the trend aesthetic. Apply this approach to make your email more appealing to your audience. It is as easy as putting in a lot of white spaces, writing short sentences, and selecting a calming color palette.

Make sure it’s mobile friendly

More than half of the global internet traffic comes from smartphones. People are mostly dependent on their mobile devices for product research as well. So, it is best to create mobile-responsive emails that do not force recipients to open a browser window. 

Aside from the fact that it is easier to scan on a handheld device, having an email copy that is mobile accessible makes it easy to read on the go, which is a plus especially that we are in a fast-paced world.


If you want to strengthen your email marketing game this 2022, iManila can definitely help you! With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers.

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

iManila Lunar New Year 2020 Promo

Gong Xi Fa Cai! iManila, one of the country’s leading website development and digital marketing agencies, presents our Lunar New Year 2020 Promo! 

Get a 5-page WordPress Website for only P 38,888.00 (exclusive of VAT) plus the following inclusions:

  • One Year Free Web and Email Hosting
  • One Year Free US Domain
  • Choose from a variety of available website templates
  • Free use of up to 25 Stock Photos
  • Free One Page Content Writing up to 200 words
  • Free WordPress Training

This promo is perfect for businesses who need a catalog or informative type of website to showcase their products and services. These types of websites are also ideal for companies who are rushing to start their Digital Marketing campaigns by launching Google and Facebook Ads.

Boost your online presence and provide relevant content to your target market through a fully functional and well-designed website! If you’re ready, we can have your website up and running in 30 days!

Promo runs from January 24 to February 29, 2020. 



What Makes a Good Website Design?

Good website design will never go out of trend. It’s not just about using beautiful graphics and a good color palette that matches your brand – a properly designed website should most importantly be functional

Form + Function

Structure, graphics, and layout are all essential parts of a website’s design. These things make up the website’s “form”, and what a visitor usually sees upon first glance of a website.  

Elements of the  “form” aspect of a website are always made with a purpose. The main purpose should always be about considering the user. The first few things that a good website designer should look into is how to make your website user-friendly, and make it easier for users to navigate around your website. This means that all graphics, photos, contents and the overall layout of the website should appeal to your consumer’s online behavior and preferences. 

Function, on the other hand, is how the elements of the form operate. When the form operates according to its predetermined function, only then can we truly say that we have a great design!

Why does this all matter?

Good website design will always make you win customers online. Why? Users, consumers, buyers, customers just simply benefit from it. Having a greatly designed website not only allows visitors to get the information they need, but it also allows them to easily find what they’re looking for. Websites with a great design and user interface attract online visitors to keep coming back for more. Not only does a great website increase a company’s reputation online but it also sustains a good user base, which increases your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines. In short, having a great website can not only change a consumer’s mind about your brand, but it also pumps up your online visibility organically in search engines. 

As a final note – a new and well-designed website is not just something your company can be proud of, but especially in this day and age filled with so many distractions – now more than ever you need a website that will be able to catch AND keep your consumers’ attention! 

Need help? iManila has delivered more than 5,000 web and digital marketing projects since its inception back in 1996. Drop us a message at [email protected]!

10 Common Web Design Terms Every Marketer Should Know

As the company’s trailblazers, the marketing team is expected to take the lead in making sure that their company’s branding is consistently represented for both offline and online materials alike. 

With the continuous growth of digital marketing, more companies are indeed taking more time in making sure that they are well represented online, most especially through their website.

If you’re looking into building or redesigning your website, it is possible that you may be lost with the all the terms that web designers and web developers use that you may not be familiar with. 

Be ready to take the lead and make your next web design meeting more productive by familiarizing yourself with these common web design terms:

ALT tag 

The ALT tag/text or Alternative tag/text displays in the image placeholder while the page is loading. It also helps in optimizing your website for ADA compliance, SEO ranking, and web accessibility. 

Call to Action (CTA)

A specific image, banner or button, CTAs are designed to guide your website’s visitor for a desired or expected course of action (e.g. Download Now, Contact Us, Learn More, etc.).


An essential component when creating a website, your domain is the “address” where people go to visit your website (i.e.


This refers to where you “house”, serve and maintain your website. A web server is a computer running web software that allows and connects your website or web page on the internet. 

Meta Tag

An important aspect of SEO ranking, a meta tag stores information about a specific page on your website such as its description. This information is then used by search engines for indexing to help categorize and rank your website in search engine results pages (SERPs).


This refers to software apps that are “plugin” in your Content Management Software (CMS) such as WordPress, to enable added features to your website.

Responsive Design

Probably one of the most important things to take note of when building a website, responsive design refers to your site’s ability to adjust to different screen types from desktop, tablet or mobile phones. 

Site Map

The first step in designing a website, a site map acts as the “blueprint” of your website. From its pages and content, it is important to iron it out in your site map to have a seamless website design process. 

SSL (Security Sockets Layer)

With privacy a major concern in the digital age, a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security protocol that establishes encrypted communication between a browser and a website. Make sure that your website is equipped with an SSL certificate (a website equipped with an SSL certificate has a lock symbol appearing before the URL) to keep your website’s information secure at all times. 

User Experience (UX)

UX (User Experience) is the discipline of seamlessly optimizing your website’s content, design tools and techniques to help your website visitors in easily navigating your website. This covers all aspects in creating your website from copywriting, design and even your website’s screen loading time. 

Need a hand in creating or redesigning your website? Let our team at iManila help you!

Contact us today at (02) 490 0000 or email us at [email protected]

What makes a website user-friendly?

In today’s digital age, many businesses are widely investing in digital assets. Most big brands nowadays are on Facebook, YouTube and a variety of other digital platforms where they can promote awareness and boost lead generation. In this day and age, having a website is a must-have not only to maximize online presence but also as a means to direct clients to a central location online where all users can see everything about your brand and product.

Your website not only serves as the landing page for all of your potential clients’ searches, but it also receives traffic from your followers on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. But, your online efforts shouldn’t just end after you’ve built your website. Having a website is also about maintaining it, keeping it updated and user-friendly, and making sure that it converts revenue and adds value to your business.

Below are three factors you can take note of, to ensure that your website is doing its job of being your 24/7 online ambassador:


One of the important, if not, the most important thing for a website to have is proper usability and functionality. This pertains to the links and buttons inside the website. Keep in mind that all website functions must be clickable and must always lead users to the right information of what they want to see and know.

According to, 75% of website visitors prefer to find the most important information immediately within the main landing page of a website. If you construct your website in a manner that your visitors can easily identify what they need, such as your contact details, or an inquiry form, then you can rest easy knowing that the right customers can find you anytime.


Keep in mind that website visitors always consider a website’s layout. Users are able to immediately identify a company’s legitimacy and modernity with just one look at their website. A company who may have not invested in a website since their time of establishment may be deemed as a fake business due to their lack of presence online. At the same time, a company that has an old website may lose customers to a similar company who sells the same products just by the way their products are presented and in the way the entire company is presented online.


Lastly, successful websites are always customer-oriented at its core. If your business is targeting millennials or fashionistas, make sure that your website has a sleek look that will entice users to buy your products. Always take note to combine the right colors and call-to-action buttons in order to lure them to buy or inquire. As for B2B businesses targeting professionals, create an informative and professional looking website that will let visitors know that they are dealing with a highly professional company.

In summary, having a website is one of the most essential things that a business can invest in. Considering the factors above can either make or break the success of your online business or your business’ reputation in the digital world. If you need any help in creating a website for your business, talk to us! Our website developers are adept and very intuitive when it comes to website creation. If you’re looking for an agency that can cater your web development and digital marketing needs, contact us at (+632) 490-0000 or leave us a message at

2017 Web Design Trends


It is a fact that everything about technology constantly changes and web design has no excuse. Like any other technological advancement, web design has also become unique and more experimental over the years. Now that we are less than three months away from 2018, your 2005 blog forum-ish website must move forward as well.

Actually, this year is a bit overwhelming because we have so many web design trends to choose from. But, worry not! Because we have here some of the top web design trends that can help you improve your website’s look and feel for the better.


  • Flat design is out, geometric design is in
    geometry 2Let’s bid goodbye to those flat designs that have somewhat becoming unvarying. Today, make way for sharp, edgy, geometric designs and patterns for your website. The utilization of various shapes such as squares, hexagons, and rhombuses are all around the web these days. This approach gives certain class and branding that makes a website look distinctive from another.


  • Animation, animation, animation


    This is the now. Yes, motion graphics, GIFS, VRs, and videos are still the name of the game. People like to see moving objects online since it’s more interactive. And your website shall give what the people want to see. It’s a lot more complicated than flat images but the experience that it can offer is definitely one of a kind.


  • Uncomplicated menus for better navigation
    Processed with VSCO with kp8 preset
    I guess this trend is the one that will become timeless. Who would like to see complicated menu bars, right? Your web visitors have their reasons on going to your website. It’s either to just check out your products or services or to contact you directly to get some answers. So, why complicate things if you can provide them the information they need from you through simple and uncomplicated navigation? Let your website be straightforward. Then you will get clear-cut leads, too.


  • Diverse typefaces
    In 2016, minimalist design is everywhere. That’s why you can see thin, simple, and minimalist typeface in all places. But, not for this year. Now, web designers are opting to use different typefaces to give flavor to a specific website. This approach jives to the geometrical patterns.


For some, web design is just a form of creating aesthetically pleasing websites.  But, it’s definitely more than that. The design of a website must provide specific function; a function that can give overall user experience to each web visitor, a function that can help you build a solid and successful online presence. And that is the role of the given web design trends mentioned above – to make sensible and functional web designs.



If you are bound to give your website a revamp this year, better contact the best team that can do it for you. The ones who know how to make exceptional websites suited for your needs. Just dial (02) 490-000 or simply tick this link to get in touch with iManila – the best web and digital marketing service provider in the Philippines.

