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Tag: web hosting philippines

How Can I Get My Website to Rank in Google Search This New Year?

Any business with a website knows the importance of a good rank in Google search. Having a good rank in Google means more chances of capturing potential leads and customers. In the digital age, missing out on the first page means immediately being invisible to the conversation. 

It is not enough to simply have a good product and good customer service as consumers today rely so much on what they see in search engines. Remember, getting good placement on the search engine results page (SERP) can contribute a lot to your business’ success. Here is how you can get your desired ranking for the new year. 


There are many factors that contribute to ranking. Luckily, Google makes use of easy concepts to rank the queries they deem the best. 

The first of these is relevancy — is your website content in line with the keywords that you are targeting? Google makes use of crawlers to check a website and index information on the page from pictures to text, determining what your content is all about. Then, Google matches your website against all the millions of websites it has indexed before. If your content matches the query of the searcher, then your page can rank for that said query. But relevancy is simply not enough as the competition is tight when it comes to the first page. 


Google checks out the interaction of the users on websites in determining patterns of behavior. This is how they determine if people stay on your website or “bounce” and end up leaving your page. What does a high bounce rate mean for your website? It means that while users go to your page after searching a query, they somehow did not like the content that you had to offer or did not find what they are looking for – leading them to leave your page immediately. A good practice is checking your page bounce rate versus your competitor’s for the same keyword — this will let you know what you are doing wrong or right. 

Having relevant and quality content is one of the pillars of good search engine optimization (SEO) as this can influence how long your users stay on your site. Another indicator to look out for is click-through rate (CTR) to see if your site is worth checking out. These are useful popularity indicators to help Google determine if your website should get that boost from them. 

Website performance 

How your website performs and is experienced by users can impact your rank more than you think. Do you use breadcrumb navigation to help make your website easy to navigate? Is your website structured in such a way that your visitors find what they are looking for without scrolling all the way down? Does your website load fast and is mobile responsive? These are things you should consider when it comes to your overall website performance. Google also factors this heavily so it is best to keep your website performing well. 


Authority is all about whether your website communicates that you are the best or expert in your field or niche. Do you offer information that is helpful to your website visitors that they can go back to or share with others? This is why big brands usually end up getting the top spot in most queries. These websites usually have proven already to be thought-leaders in their own niches, with countless backlinks leading back to them.

As a business website owner, make sure that the content that you put on your website always has your customer’s intent in mind to offer them always relevant content. Trying out guest blogging and other link-building efforts can help get your site better authority especially if it’s newly launched.


These are just some of the key factors to consider when getting your website to rank. It can be quite intimidating for a new website owner but it doesn’t have to be if you work with an experienced digital marketing agency in the Philippines such as iManila. See how we can help you with our digital marketing services to help you get your desired rank in Google Search for the new year.

With 25 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

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Web Design Trends To Try in 2022

Each new year brings change when it comes to web design. It can come either come from visuals to the navigation styles, and other elements. While these trends change yearly, it’s always good to keep up with the trends. Websites are a continuous work-in-progress. Just like the content and the product listings that you update, design is also an important part of your website that constantly needs to be refreshed every couple of years. By doing this, it can maintain a great user experience. 

As the new year has just begun, here are some of the trends to look out for in 2022 — maybe you can adopt a thing or two for your business’ website design

Cinematic videos on your homepage

Everyone appreciates a good video. So if you have a budget for full video production, then it’s definitely a great option. Having videos right in the front and center of your website is a good way to capture your visitor’s attention. The advantage of a video is that you are able to communicate through visuals more than words. This means you would need less text to describe what your brand is all about. 

Light and dark mode options

Giving your website visitors the light and dark mode option is one thing that can win them over. People can have different preferences and showing them that you are giving them that freedom to view your site the way they want to view it is no exception. When it comes to the design, make sure that your web design has elements and color palettes for both modes. This can ensure that there is nothing too drastic when switching between light and dark modes. 

Modern minimalist design

Having a minimalist design is more than just having a lot of white or negative space. There are many variations to a minimalist design trend such as having colorful minimalist designs. Having an eye-catching element or bold color is a great way to stand out from the crowd. Don’t sacrifice your brand personality just to achieve that minimalist look. Rather, see how you can take some minimalist design principles and inject that with your brand personality. This will make for a really memorable design choice for your website. 

Big buttons and Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons 

It’s a known fact that these days, the majority of users browse the Internet using their smartphones or tablets. This means that elements such as buttons on your site that are normal-sized when viewed via a desktop, can be hard to click on another device. This is why having bigger buttons and CTAs are more user-friendly. This can make your website easier to navigate. It shows them the important things that they should click on. 

AI chatbots

Customer service and interaction are a must when building websites today, especially e -commerce sites. Having a very responsive customer representative is integral in improving the overall customer experience with your brand. To make your website ready, there are AI chatbots that can help in customer service. 

Like human representatives, AI chatbots are designed to understand customer intent. This makes them key in generating leads, nurturing leads, and leading customers to eventually convert into a sale. A chatbot is a good investment for any business as it can do the work for multiple humans 24/7. Not only that but it can be customized to your needs. 


What is your website design for 2022? 

How does your website stand out from the rest of the crowd? Good web design is all about the balance of form and function, making sure it looks appealing while at the same time delivering its purpose. You don’t need to start from scratch when it comes to websites with an experienced business web design and development agency in the Philippines like iManila

With 25 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines. As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.


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How You Can Bring in More Leads to Your Website This Year

As the start of 2022 unfolds, we’re pretty sure most marketing departments are coming up with a thing or two to make it a success. If you are looking for a solution, we are here to support you with that goal. Here are some digital marketing tips to help your website and convert your visitor into a lead!


Try to apply SEO to your website

Remember, people who need your services are going through search engines to find what they need. For this reason, applying Search engine optimization (SEO) to your website is important. Although this is a multi-step process, it can make your brand a top-ranked site for your keywords.

With this said, all you need to do is to take these things into consideration when doing SEO:

  • Relevant Keywords
  • Top Locations
  • Posting blogs to your website

Make sure to create quality content

Create quality and updated content on your website. Keep in mind, search engines regularly crawl your site. Also, with new, updated content to index, rest assured that you will see a boost in your rankings. Even better, this allows you to strengthen rankings for them.

For this reason, you need to include in your website are the following:

  • Blog articles
  • Informative service pages
  • Optimized Homepage

Moreover, with this essential content on your website, the reader will most likely remember you. 

You need to include a Call To Action

When people visit your website, it is important to make them take action in some way. It can involve calling you to schedule an appointment, or filling out a service request form. Moreover, it can be as simple as a button saying “Call now,” or “Inquire now”.

As one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Digital Marketing Trend to Look Out for in 2022

Gone are the days of marketers working fingers to the bone. It’s 2022 folds! Technology is so advanced – and so is marketing! These days, digital marketing plans can be executed simply with a few clicks. Although this isn’t news flash to anyone anymore, the advancement of technology makes it even more crucial for you to go an extra mile with your marketing efforts. 

While some marketing strategies can be particularly costly, there are other ways to achieve your marketing objectives without breaking the bank. 

Here, we have rounded up some of the most relevant and cost-friendly marketing tricks & trends to watch out for in 2022! 

Improve your Social Media Presence 

Businesses thrived amidst the pandemic because of Facebook. Almost everyone in the country has Facebook now, even kids and older generations. The Philippines wasn’t called the Social Media capital of the world for four straight years for no reason.  

This year, our local and global users count will continue to rise. If you are not on the social media realm yet, you are missing out big time.  

Social Media can actually bring in leads that can eventually convert to money. On the other hand, social media isn’t just all about leads. Social media platforms such as Facebook allow marketers to set up campaigns according to their objectives. Awareness ads are pretty straightforward. Consideration ads are basically for people to consider you like acquiring new audiences, generating leads, or getting them to message you. But if you want to boost your revenue, choose the conversion objective. Facebook’s algorithm will make sure that you target the right people at the right time.  

SEO & Content Marketing 

You have a good social media following, yes. But are you on Google as well? Will people see you if they type in your brand’s relevant keywords on Google’s search bar? If not, then maybe that’s something you should start working on immediately.  

Optimize your website for SEO or Search Engine Optimization. This way, you get to be visible on the search engine results pages without having to run ads. The only key is content. You need to create relevant and binge-worthy content on your website that’s beneficial for your users – the kind of content that actually matters to them.  

Publish an article at least once a week to pull in consistent visitors that would hopefully translate to customers.

Google and YouTube Ads 

SEO is usually done alongside Google & YouTube ads for better results. Google prioritizes ads over SEO so it would be for the best if you let the two work side-by-side.  

Like on Facebook, the number of Google users are on the rise so maximizing your brand on Google in 2022 is one big step you should make sure to take.   

In a nutshell, Google ads (Search & Display) target the right people at the right time. Once people search for your brand’s relevant keywords, you would be there to attend to them. Not everyone goes to Facebook to shop, many of us still use Google to look for products that we want to buy. This is intent-based, meaning people come to you instead of you coming to them.  

A display ad, on the other hand, is the other way around. You introduce your ad to a more diverse set of audience around your area of targeting. This ad shows up to popular websites like ABS-CBN, Rappler, GMA News TV, etc.  

YouTube ads are ads that we see while streaming other content on the site. There are a number of ad placements that you can choose from. Big brands like Jollibee, McDonalds, SM, and the like are the one usually running YouTube ads due to their wide reach. This guarantees to boost your brand awareness or increase your YouTube following, if done right.  


To market is to risk – money, resources, credibility, etc. so make sure to do it right. The good thing here is that you don’t need to learn all these, as you have one of the best digital marketing agencies in the Philippines like iManila to do the work for you.   

Request a quote for our Social Media Management, Social Media Ads, Google Ads and SEO services today. You may also leave us a message or email us at [email protected] so we can discuss this huge opportunity with you.  

With 25 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines. iManila is a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. 

Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

New Year’s Message from our CEO

If 2020 was a year of change and unexpected surprises, 2021 was a year of acceptance with the goal of pushing forward a stronger and a more well-adjusted team. Despite that though, 2021 was still a very challenging year. On the operational side, we still had no choice but to take things one day at a time, adjusting and readjusting while having to look out for members of the team who were getting sick – with some even losing some family members along the way. 

But through it all we are so grateful to still be here to continue to improve the lives of people through technology. Not only have we managed to stay afloat but we’ve somehow managed to grow and get through this year with so much accomplishments and gratitude for the year that has passed. 

Of course, this year wouldn’t have been the same without you, our loyal clients whom we have grown with throughout the years and whom we have shared the same economic struggles together. Thank you for your continued trust and support in our team. We sincerely look forward to continuing to improve your lives through technology for many more years to come. 

Happy new year to you and your family! 



Robert A. Deluria 

President & CEO

Cloudworx Inc. (iManila)

What kind of Digital Ads should you run during the Holidays?

With many digital marketing platforms available nowadays, it can be hard to know which online advertisements to use. For this reason, it is important to stay up to date on the latest trends during the holiday season.

Still undecided on what type of digital ad to run? Learn more about the most popular types of online advertising you can use here!

One of the best ways to advertise your business online is to use search engine marketing. SEM makes it easier to search for and find in Google. All you need to do is apply preselected keywords in Google ads.

With this campaign, all you need is an ad with a title, a description, and a call to action. With this said, however, it still depends on the quality of the website and the established cost-per-click (CPC). Additionally, the ad will show when users type their preselected keywords into a search engine.

Social media is one of the most popular platforms today, so creating SMM ad campaigns is definitely needed. This is great if you want to generate brand awareness and acquire potential new clients. 

SMM can be the perfect place to launch new products/services geared towards specific audiences.  Whether you want to make conversions or advertise your new products, Social Media Ads are definitely one of the best online advertisements to use.

Email marketing is one of the best campaigns you can use if you want to yield high conversions. With the endless automation that is available today, you can get highly profitable conversions as well. Additionally, if you have a database, then email marketing is definitely a good idea.

  • Video Marketing

Another way to attract new customers online is by creating video marketing content. You can either partner up with YouTubers who feature or discuss your product/service. Moreover, you can simply run a video marketing ad on Youtube or other social media platforms as well. Compared to images, videos tend to be more attractive. It gives you a more entertaining way to educate your customers about your products.

Why Use Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing campaigns play a significant role in growing businesses. For this reason, we recommend investing in a digital marketing agency to help you with your marketing. Partner with a top advertising company in the Philippines to help you get started with your brand and online platforms.

As one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, iMaila is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines. iManila is a full-service business web development company and advertising company ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

How to get your Website Christmas-Ready

Christmas is the most exciting time of the year all over the world. For this reason, it is important that you make your business website Christmas-ready. Not only will these website updates help you attract customers, but improve your visibility online as well. Here are some of the tips you can follow to make your website ready for the season!


  • Apply Christmas designs to your website

Similar to physical stores that fill their shop with trees and tinsel to attract shoppers, your website needs to be decorated with holiday-themed web designs as well. You can also use holiday banners and welcome messages on your home page to attract customers. You can try to insert text images like ‘Merry Christmas as well as Happy New Year’. 

Before doing this, ensure that the color and images are pleasing to the eyes as well. Try to maintain the overall look as well as the feel of your website. As a result, this will help to keep your brand recognizable yet festive during this time of the year. 

  • Update your site with more festive language and puns

Simple ‘calls to action’ that contain Christmas phrases on your site can help with your reach. Adding the spirit of Christmas cheer is an efficient way to connect with new customers. Not only will it provide you with SEO benefits, but help your Google search rank as well. 

  • Use social media links to your website

Getting your website Christmas ready is an effective way to attract customers this season. For this reason, keep your social media followers up to date with content featuring your website as well. Social media is one of the most used platforms all over the world. This is why it will definitely play a significant factor in raising awareness of your brand; introducing them to what you offer.

  • Update your blogs

Adding Christmas blogs is a great way to attract potential customers online. If your business revolves around cars, then you might want to try creating a piece on maintaining cars this season. To make this as effective as possible, prepare specific blog posts with advice pieces, guides, and more. Posting engaging blogs online can boost your brand visibility and your search engines.

Get your business website ready for the holiday season and improve your SEO ranking! Updating your website is just one of the ways you can begin your digital marketing journey. Digital marketing is a vast umbrella and social media marketing is just one of them. Partner with a top advertising company in the Philippines to help you get started with your brand and online platforms.

With 25 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines. iManila is a full-service business website development company and digital marketing agency ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

SEO in the time of the Holidays: How important is it?

With the shift to online marketing platforms during these times, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become even more vital for businesses that want to advertise their brands online. Here is everything businesses need to know about SEO especially as we approach the holidays.


How does SEO work?

SEO is a combination of many strategies, actions, and practices that all have one goal, which is to get your page to rank in search engines such as Google. It is not a one-and-done action, and needs constant monitoring and optimization, hence its name. 

SEO takes some time and investment as results are not always immediately seen. There has to be a good combination of both on-page and off-page SEO factors to ensure that you rank. On-page refers to elements that control website loading speed, keywords, meta titles, descriptions, and images. On the contrary, off-page refers to work done outside your website to rank such as link building with reputable sites. 

Based on many factors, if your site’s SEO is better than that of your competitor’s then you will rank higher than them. Being good at just one thing is not enough. Optimize your website so you can achieve a higher place on the search engine results. 

Why is SEO important for businesses? 

Much like how a storefront is how your business appears to customers who wish to shop, SEO is the virtual equivalent of that. There could be different establishments around your shop, but your storefront helps you distinguish your shop from the rest. Your website appearing at the top of the search rankings is the best way to gain customers.

SEO is almost synonymous with trust and credibility. This pushes websites to produce content such as articles to show audiences that they are a leader in their industries.

While paid ads on the search engine through pay-per-click (PPC) ads are always an option, SEO is still the more cost-effective option especially when done right. Those with smaller budgets can turn to SEO as a way to generate the traffic that they need for free. 

SEO aids your sales funnel

Improving your SEO provides a better user experience in your website. This is because you are thinking on their terms and showing them what they would need. By providing quality content, you can answer the queries that your potential customers could be searching for this holiday season!

Target already hot and trending keywords this holiday season such as “Christmas sale” to capture web traffic. Think of preparing your website to have good SEO for the holidays the same way you would prepare your other channels for this season. Make sure to plan your strategy for your other channels in ways that all benefit your website’s SEO

Capture the sales you want for the holidays through the right digital marketing efforts including improving your SEO. Let your different channels work together to help boost your SEO and make the most out of your traffic. 

Work with a top digital marketing agency in the Philippines like iManila to be your partner in SEO. Here at our company, we aim to give our clients innovative online marketing services in the Philippines

We are a full-service business website development and advertising company ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing needs. Let’s work together for the holiday season. Talk to us!

Essential Digital Marketing Strategies For Your Christmas Campaigns

Going into the -ber months, Christmas is not too far away. It also means another time for planning, so also make sure your brand’s marketing strategy is on point. This is one of the most exciting times of the year as you can capture the attention of your customers. Brush up on your digital marketing plans and take a look at these tips for the holidays. 

Prepare your SEM campaigns 

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) usually means the use of pay-per-click ads. Basically, these are the ones you see in Google when searching for queries. For this reason, try researching to know how to generate good search results. Moreover, the more specific your keywords, the more cost-effective it will be for your brand. 

Amp up your promotions on social media

The best thing about social media is its two-way nature that lets you interact with your customers. So, if you believe that your posts are great and need an extra push, you may opt to boost your posts or do paid advertising. Not only will this widen your reach, but also help you achieve your different marketing goals

Email marketing

Email marketing is a great way to generate some good leads, so try making the most out of your database as they are interested in what you have to offer as well. Additionally, try sending some exclusive deals, coupons, promo codes to make them purchase your product.

Capture the spirit of the holiday season by giving your customers deals they cannot resist. With a good digital marketing strategy, you can elevate your promotions this holiday season and help you reach your business goals.

With 25 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines. We are a full-service business website development and advertising company ready to help you with your web design, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing needs. Let us be your partner this holiday season. Talk to us!