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Author: iManila Dev

What Google Analytics Can Tell You About Your Business

If you own a website, you must know the people who are visiting and where they are located. Thankfully, Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can answer all of those questions above and more. Here we will go through the things Google Analytics can tell you about your business website.

Your website’s first impressions

Ever wondered how visitors feel when they visit your website? Google Analytics provides you with the necessary data to piece together their first impressions. Checking the bounce rate tells you the rate at which people leave your website after landing. A high bounce rate can mean that they might not be finding what they are looking for. So, maybe it’s time to rethink the content in your site or the copies of the ads that brought them there. 

Checking site duration also tells you which pages in your website users stay longest at. This can be a signifier that you are doing something right on this page, and that your content can be really engaging. 

Which keywords attract your audience 

Keywords are important for SEO because they are how your audience would typically find you. Targeting keywords that generate the right qualified traffic can mean a step closer to getting that lead. Google Analytics can give you insights on what keywords perform the best. It can show you what keywords generate the most web traffic and to which page on your website they are landing. 

Your best social media channel

Google Analytics can give you insight into which social media channel of yours generates the most traffic. Additionally, this can help you narrow down which one to focus on as it can be quite costly to constantly put out paid social media ads. Save on additional budget and instead concentrate on your best-performing channels. 

Location of your visitors

At a glance, you can find out where your visitors are coming from. This is important as it helps you figure out where there is interest and target those visitors for a marketing campaign. You can see which areas you are already popular in and which areas there is potential for further growth. Moreover, can help you in your segmentation, to further provide a more targeted and localized campaign messaging.

More insights into your customer and their journey 

Another vital insight would be finding out the device that your visitors use to check out your website. This helps you learn more about where they are coming from. Are they more mobile users? Then having your website mobile responsive is a must-have. You can even view their interests and professions to give you a better understanding of your market. 

Tracking their journey is another thing — how did they get to your website? Are they coming from your Facebook page? Are they coming in via organic search? This information helps you map out a customer journey and figure out which channels to focus on in getting customers on your business website

Google Analytics is an important tool for digital marketing companies as it can pull from so many sources such as your website and social media. Moreover, it also gives you data that is useful in telling you more about your client’s website and its customers. The next step is building the right plan of action to make the most out of this data and you can do that with help from an experienced digital marketing agency in the Philippines like iManila. 

With 25 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines. We are a full-service business web development and advertising company ready to help you with your web design, web hosting, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing needs. Learn how we can work together and help build you an effective digital marketing campaign with Google Analytics.

Why the Ber Months is the Perfect Time to Update Your Website

If you are a website owner, you may have heard about the importance of updating your website. But why should you? The short answer is that keeping your website up-to-date can make it relevant. Moreover, it helps it stay at the top of the searches. Digital advertising agencies in the Philippines today are highly competitive so keeping your website fresh in terms of functionality and appearance is vital. 

As the holidays are fast approaching, here are reasons why you should be making that website update now. 

Technology updates

Given how fast technology is evolving, it is vital that your website is in on these new advancements. Updating regularly can give your website visitors the best possible website experience that the market can offer. So, you must ensure that you are not left behind on what everyone else is doing to their websites. 

With the upcoming holidays, more people will be browsing different websites in preparation for buying products. For this reason, upgrading your website’s tech with the latest version can help turn them into customers. 

Data security 

Since important data is often stored in the web hosting servers, there is always that present threat of hacking attacks. The best way to combat this is to update your business website as these updates often come with bug fixes that aim to fix any gaping holes present in the current system.

Leaving your website’s content management system (CMS) outdated can leave you in a vulnerable position to have your data stolen.

Do you have a WordPress website and are still wondering why you should be updating this regularly? Here are some reasons why you should. Read our blog here.

Improve ranking in search engines 

Major changes to Google’s algorithms for their search engine often occur in the middle of the year. On the contrary, minor ones are sprinkled throughout the year. This is why you need to make it a habit to regularly update can help you rank better in Google’s eyes. For this reason, ensure that you are up-to-date with the latest technologies and outrank your competitors. 

Consider the “content” you’re making all the time. Try to update your business website information to make it relevant and regularly churn out content such as blogs and informative articles.

SEO is crucial for any website! Here are more tips on how you can drive more traffic to your website during the holiday season.

Keep your website design trendy

Looking plain and outdated can increase your bounce rate and make visitors leave your website for long. This goes beyond just your web design fonts and colors, but the actual user experience of the visitors. 

Try to visit the business websites of your competitors and compare them to how your website holds up against them. Current trends have opted for a sleeker way of presenting your information and simplified navigation. Make sure that your website is mobile responsive to help attract customers.

Integrate, integrate, integrate

Websites designs today contain many different plugins and apps that can be integrated into your website. These can add more to your base website to give it more function. Some of the most popular ones are:

  • Social media
  • Banners
  • Payment gateways
  • Booking systems
  • Content management systems (CMS)
  • Google Analytics

Overall, these can help keep your website more cohesive and fresher to the eyes of your visitors. 

Don’t get left behind during these -ber months as the Christmas season is fast approaching. Have your best foot forward when marketing your business online by updating your website. An effective, well-designed, and functioning website can make or break your business turning the next visitor into an actual customer. Work with one of the best web development companies in the Philippines with years of experience. Bring your brands to life with the right website through web design, web hosting provider, email hosting, business website development, technical support, and online marketing. Learn more on how we can help your website for the upcoming holidays.

Why You May Need A Dedicated Server for your Business

So you have decided on launching a website for your business. The next step would be to decide on the hosting solution that would be best suited for your business needs. Should you go for a dedicated server?

In this article, we will be exploring specifically what a dedicated server is here.

What is dedicated server hosting? 

Dedicated server hosting is a type of server web hosting that provides the best infrastructure available for your website. This is because you would be having the entire server dedicated all to yourself. 

This is the opposite of shared web hosting. This means sharing some of the server space and resources with other business websites. Moreover, it is easy to see that dedicated server hosting would be more costly than shared hosting. This is because of the benefits that it brings to the table. 

Try to have better security and overall performance.

If you are wary of security, then it is in your best interest to go with a dedicated server. This gives you full control of the server. It lets you tweak its security to your needs and specifications. You can have access to better security especially if you need to handle transactions over SSL or FTP. 

Dedicated servers maximize your web uptime. This is why dedicated servers make your website more reliable and stable performance-wise. 

Ensure your flexibility and scalability.

When you have a new website, you have no idea just how expansive your site will be. With dedicated web hosting, you will have the flexibility to customize your website. It can accommodate the needs of CPU, disk space, software, and more. The server environment is flexible to fit your business needs. It also gives you control over its specifications. 

Make sure to save on time and resources.

Managing a web server can be a lot of work that means purchasing and maintaining equipment. Dedicated hosting is a cost-effective way to get all the benefits of having your own full server. A dedicated hosting provider would be in charge of handling the costs. This helps save you on time and hassle which are also valuable to any business. If you don’t have anyone with the knowledge, most providers also offer Server Management Service contracts. 

Is your business ready for a dedicated web server

Dedicated servers are a good option as they serve a lot of businesses well. At the same time, you might like to read more about Cloud Hosting and why this is a great hosting solution. 

Overall, consider a dedicated server if your website has high traffic. It has sensitive information and has a lot of content. Work together with an experienced dedicated web hosting provider to get the best website performance for your business.

As one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services. We are a full-service business web development and advertising company ready to help you with your web design, web hosting, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing needs. Inquire now and message us today!

Digital Marketing 101: Simple Ways to Generate Leads Through Your Website

Digital marketing is at a really unique spot that allows businesses to generate leads through many different channels. Where before the ways of marketing often involved ad placement or cold calling, digital marketing opens up a connection with the customer through multiple touchpoints. Don’t get lost behind the new trends of online marketing and get a better understanding of the basics to help your business. In this article, we have got you covered through this simple guide on how to increase leads through your website through digital marketing!


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

You may have probably heard the term SEO or Search Engine Optimization if you are looking for ways to improve the visibility of your website. SEO is one of the sure-fire ways in being able to reach your customers. What it does is that it makes your website more relevant by helping you ‘rank’ in the search engine for certain keywords and phrases that you want to bid for. 

Why is SEO so important? Most people don’t make it past the first page of search results when they are looking for something online. This means that you must be on the first page, and at the very top if you want that traffic and visibility. Ranking poorly can throw away all the effort you have poured onto your actual website if no one else can see it. 

There are many aspects to SEO, but it all starts with doing keyword research which involves brainstorming all possible types of keywords. You must select the keywords you want to target and know the keywords that your customers search with. 

Optimization is another aspect of SEO which are the steps that can enhance your presence on search engines. This involves on-page optimization by ensuring that your desired keywords are visible on your site as well as the back-end of link building which links your content to reputable sites to boost your site’s trustworthiness. 

The last aspect of SEO is user experience which matters as giving your website visitors a great experience can make them stay longer and become a lead. This has to do with factors like how fast your page loads, how well your website is designed, and how easy it is to navigate on your website. 

If you want to know more about the latest SEO trends in 2021, read more here

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads

Another way to rank your site at the top is through paid advertising also known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. PPC also involves keywords so doing your research on your keywords is just as important. How it works is through a bidding system where advertisers bid an amount they are willing to pay for each click. Similar to SEO, the longer and more specific the keyword you have, the less competition and the less money you will pay for that click. 

How do you get your ad placement to rank on top? PPC relies on both your bid and quality score which is determined by the search engine based on the relevancy of your business website to the keywords you are bidding for. 

PPC is a good way to generate quality traffic as these clickers would have a clear intent. Doing PPC can also help you see where your money goes for those who want to see a return on their ad investment as you only would pay when someone clicks on your ad. The key here then is to make sure you are bidding for things only relevant to your business as you can overspend if you make your keywords too generic and broad. 

Content marketing 

Generating blogs, long-form articles, infographics, and videos are all part of content marketing. This helps show that you are visible as you are churning out content that helps add to your credibility. Content marketing can greatly make a positive impact on your website as they stay longer on your page and see what you have to say. The key is to provide some valuable information to your audience, giving them content that they would be interested in. 

This helps build your authority which is an important aspect of any business, showing everyone that you know what you are doing. People who view your content can not just learn the information you promised but also learn more about what your business is offering and turn it into a lead. Unlike ads which can be intrusive and disruptive, content draws your audience in if there is already that initial interest in what you have to say. 

Social Media 

Social media can be a valuable channel for growing your leads and nurturing them. In these channels, you can share images, videos, and content to help your audience know more about your business as well as share all important business information such as your contact information, website, business hours, etc. 

The biggest difference social media has is that it is a source of engagement where you can interact with your audience through the comments, reactions, and messaging features. This can let you not just see what they have to say but build and grow your relationship with your audience to make them ready to become your next leads. The right social media strategy is all about knowing what channels your audience frequents and then create accounts for those. 

Generate leads with ease by utilizing these digital marketing channels to help give your business more visibility. Using these channels together can help make for cohesive multi-touchpoint marketing for your business. Grow your leads by working with one of the top advertising companies and make the most out of your channels. 

If you still have any questions regarding digital marketing or how to generate leads through your website, then let us help! With 25 years of experience in the industry, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative digital solutions. We are a full-service business website development and digital marketing company ready to help you with your web design, web hosting, email hosting, technical support, and online marketing needs. Visit our website and see how we can work together.

Are You Regularly Updating Your Website’s WordPress Version?

Seeing prompts to update your current software is a common occurrence. WordPress users are not exempt from this as prompts are sent via email whenever a new software update comes out. If you are not the type to frequently update your WordPress CMS, here is a quick guide on why it is vital to regularly update your WordPress version. 


Security purposes 

WordPress is known as the most popular website builder and is a familiar name to many web designers and developers not just in the Philippines but all over the world. WordPress was built by a community of developers who regularly work in ironing out the software and checking for any bugs to improve the overall performance of the site. This is the reason why WordPress plugins and features get better over time and sites are able to keep up with industry standards. 

Because more than a third of websites are powered by WordPress, it can be an easy target for hackers and data thieves. Added to this is the fact that WordPress is an open-source software, leaving it open for anyone to figure out new ways to hack into it. 

Whenever there are bugs, the web developers at WordPress work to put out an update that patches that bug so leaving your website outdated means leaving your site with security weaknesses. WordPress also comes with a wide array of plugins which can also be susceptible to hacking so updating these alongside the various themes is always a must. 

Bug fixes 

It is normal that bugs exist even with the amount of testing done by any web developer on a major update. This is why there are more incremental smaller updates to patch those issues. Even if you are not experiencing any of the said bugs, it is best to update your website nonetheless to prevent any encounter which can hamper your website. 

Website speed 

Speed is an important part of any website not just in SEO but in creating a good user experience. As web developers behind WordPress strive to always better their software, each update is intended to make WordPress run faster. 

Up-to-date on new features 

Performance is not just a goal of WordPress website developers. They also make sure to bring changes to WordPress such as through the addition of new features. These features can add to the quality of life of any person building a website in WordPress with the added improvements and accessibility to their interface. 

Staying up to date on new features also benefits anyone trying to troubleshoot WordPress website issues as support forums would often revolve around discourse using the most updated versions of the software. 

Keeping your WordPress updated 

Luckily, it is fairly easy to update your WordPress version and numerous themes and plugins. With the notification section of WordPress, you are updated for any available updates up for download. Go to Dashboard then click on Updates to install the updates and you are good to go. For those who do not frequently visit the WordPress backend, they can opt to turn on the automatic updates for major releases, minor releases (includes security updates and bug fixes), themes, and plugins. They can also turn on email notifications so that they get properly notified whenever a new update is released. 

Keeping up to date with WordPress along with its best practices can help any company make the most out of their website. Make sure you are utilizing your WordPress to the fullest for your website by partnering with a web design and web development company to help boost your overall business website’s performance. iManila specializes in business website development and design that has helped numerous companies have great websites. Connect with us and see how we can help take your website to the next level.

With 25 years of experience in the industry, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative digital solutions. We are a full-service website development and digital marketing company ready to help you with your web design, web and email hosting, and digital marketing needs. Inquire now and message us today!

Why Go For Cloud Hosting Over Traditional Hosting?

The emergence of cloud technology has taken the world by storm and for hosting, it is no different. What exactly is the cloud and why is cloud hosting the better choice over the more traditional hosting option? We will take you through everything you need to know about cloud hosting and why you should migrate your website and emails to the cloud. 

Cloud technology 101 

Transitioning to cloud technology means moving or migrating your data, software, applications to the cloud where they can be accessed anytime and anywhere. This is a far cry from traditional means of storing your data which involve disks and drives in order to be accessed. 

The cloud has become very prominent to the point where most of the things that we interact with on a daily basis involve the cloud from storing our data online in drives, listening to music shared across multiple devices, and more. The defining characteristic of the cloud is that it is easy to access, making it extremely convenient for everybody. 

Why businesses should migrate to cloud hosting

There are many considerations for businesses to move to the cloud but one of the main reasons to do so would be to meet the ever-growing needs of customers. Companies that do not adapt to this can risk getting behind the trend and their competitors. The cloud can also help give easy solutions and offer a better environment for scaling in the future as it does not have any of the limitations traditional hosting faces. 

Benefits of cloud hosting 

    • Increased uptime of server – Hosting on the cloud can give you the maximum network uptime possible with no single point of failure. If one server is unable to take your request, any of the other servers can take its place — something that traditional hosting cannot do. 
  • Better security – Cloud hosting equips businesses with an infrastructure that ensures data is secured at different levels from data, application, and physical security. Companies can rest assured that they get firewalls and backups, data isolation and storage segregation, customer identity management, and encrypted solutions. Traditional hosting lets you share your resources with other websites on the same server or get a costly private dedicated server. 
  • Scalability – One of the biggest advantages of the cloud is scalability. Resources can be instantly allocated to meet the growing needs of your website. While the traditional hosting method requires physical machines which have their limits on resources, cloud hosting allows sites to add or remove resources such as storage, RAM, and bandwidth from the network of servers. 
  • Backup options – Disaster recovery can be tricky with traditional hosting with just a single server. Cloud hosting is superior as they automatically back up data in their interconnected servers. 
  • Cost-effective – Cloud hosting lets companies only pay for the resources that they need so there is no need to invest in any infrastructure that might not be used. This lets companies allocate their resources to more important areas. 
  • Better performance – Cloud hosting benefits from the latest technology. This means that you can customize and integrate your software depending on your company’s needs. Sites hosted via cloud, in general, perform better than those hosted in a more traditional method. 

Ensure your company’s website is reaping the benefits of hosting on the cloud. Having the right kind of web hosting can help not just in your brand’s overall image but also help you achieve your business goals by having good performing and reliable business websites. iManila is a digital marketing company and one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines with years of expertise in web hosting, email hosting, and web design and website development. Connect with us and see how we can help improve your business website today!

Attention all IT Professionals: Introducing cPanel’s New Look

Do you currently have a website or are planning to create one soon for your start-up business? If so, then you’re definitely going to need cPanel! For those who are new in the online market and not familiar with this tool, cPanel is basically a popular web-based control panel that helps in your website’s management using a graphical user interface (GUI). 

Through cPanel, you can manage your website easily without the need to hire highly qualified website developers to create them for you. Moreover, compared to other website development tools, cPanel is quite easy to use and provides many beneficial features. 

With that said, however, there are still some people who tend to get confused when using cPanel. This is why the developers came up with an idea in creating a new cPanel theme, “Jupiter” which features two new main pages such as the Tools and Solutions page. Here’s a rundown of cPanel’s new features.

New Features of cPanel

The Tools Page

  • Jupiter – Tools Page

To make cPanel much easier to navigate, developers thought of creating a Tools page. This is the default home page wherein all the listed cPanel’s applications have been grouped into categories. With this new update, you have the ability to click on and drag these groups to arrange them in any order. 

On the contrary, if you’re looking for additional information, all you need to do is go to the right-sidebar where General Information and Statistics panels display website and server details as well. 

  • The Solutions Page

The Solutions Page was made specifically for beginners who are having trouble understanding cPanel. To help them use cPanel effectively and efficiently, the developers placed the top twenty questions users usually ask to cPanel’s Technical Support. 

Once you go to this page, all you need to do is click any of these questions and it will take you to cPanel’s public documentation to help you find a solution to your issue. However, if you haven’t found the answer you are looking for, you can also look for links, video tutorials, forums, or visit the cPanel University to know more.

Other Features To Look Out For in Jupiter!

  • Guided Solutions

Due to the large number of features that cPanel offers, it is quite easy to get lost while using it. For this reason, developers are also working on creating a “Guided Solutions” feature to help those who are not familiar with using cPanel. This will introduce key features within cPanel, allowing people to deal with some of the platform’s more advanced tools.

  • Customization

Another thing you definitely need to look out for this 2021 is the “Customization” feature that cPanel’s developers are working on! This tool gives hosting providers an easier way to customize color palettes and to change logos, without relying on complicated style overrides and custom CSS. Here are some examples of what’s coming next with this feature:

  • Upload custom logos
  • Change the color palette
  • Add common questions to the help section
  • Add resource links
  • Link their own documentation and videos

Give cPanel a Try!

cPanel offers any person the confidence and control of running a successful online presence with its simple yet extremely powerful interface.

If you still have any questions regarding web hosting and website development or how to manage your online platform, then let us help! Here at iManila, our hosting and development solutions are engineered for powerful and reliable performance online. From shared and dedicated hosting to web design and development, you can rely on our solutions whenever or wherever. Connect with us and see how we can help improve your website

For other technical support issues, visit our Help Center available 24/7 at

Make Your Brand Stand Out During the BER Months!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! If you’re in the retail business, the Christmas season has always traditionally been the best time to boost your sales. Not only is Christmas usually the time of the year for consumer spending, but it’s also the time when consumers feel the most generous.

If you’re looking for ways to sell your product or services during this time of year, then you’re in the right place! Here in this blog, we will be providing you with several ways to boost your holiday marketing:

Give discounts and coupons

One of the best ways to attract customers during the BER months is by providing them with irresistible offers. So, make sure to think about what your offer will be and how you want to relay the message to the people. Some examples of the discounts and coupons that you can use include:

  • Free shipping
  • 50% off
  • 20% Cashback
  • Freebies
  • Limited time offers
  • Mega sale (10.10, 11.11, 12.12)

Provide them with a solution

While selling your product may be the main objective, it is important to market your product by means of showing consumers the kind of solution your product can provide. This will help establish trust and eventually help you gain loyal customers in the long run. For this reason, we recommend understanding how you can offer tips and tricks that will simplify the daily life of your customers, or offer a solution to their problems. Some examples you can try include:

  • For toy stores, you can write a blog about “Ten skills your child learns while playing board games with their friends.” 
  • For fitness establishments, you can write a blog on “How to maintain your weight during the holiday season”. 
  • On the contrary, if you own a coffee shop, you can write about “How to add a little holiday twist to your latte at home”.

Choose your platform

The most important thing you need to remember is that you cannot advertise your brand anywhere online since it requires you to pay tons of money. This is why if you’re on a budget, you need to pick your platform wisely. 

Regardless if it’s print or online, you need to assess where your customers usually spend their time and promote there. At the end of the day, it all really depends on your industry and the location of your target customers.  Here are some examples you can try:

  • If your business is inside the mall, it may help to target your ads to people who frequently visit that mall or live nearby. You can advertise using Facebook ads and use the mall as a point of interest as well.
  • Additionally, if you are a fashion brand that has a physical store but also sells online, you can offer special online-only sales via email marketing, social media marketing, or SMS advertisements.

Know your target market

If you’re planning to sell your products or services online, it is important to take into account customers that are interested in what you’re offering. To gain revenue during this time of year, make sure to ask these questions to yourself:

  • Who do I want to sell my products and services to? 
  • Are the buyers composed of office workers or civilians who are simply looking for something that can help them during this season?
  • What are companies looking for during the BER months?
  • Which age group fits our products/services?

Change your branding and design

You may not be aware of this, but people actually tend to be more visual than text-based. This is why you always need to make sure that your design incorporates a great high-quality photo that will go with your message. 

Since it is the Christmas season, we recommend incorporating marketing materials that look festive while still retaining your branding aesthetic and accents. Moreover, if you want to go the extra mile to advertise your brand, you can also create limited editions of your products that incorporate the Christmas theme. Keep in mind that it is up to your branding aesthetic to see what fits well with your current design.

Happy BER months everyone!

Christmas is just around the corner, so it is important to always be prepared and ahead of your competitors. What are you waiting for? Make the best out of this season by planning early and offering something irresistible to your consumers today!

Here at iManila, we create various digital marketing strategies that can support your business objectives – whether that means driving awareness, generating leads, or increasing sales.

With 25 years of experience in the industry, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative digital solutions. We are a full-service website development and digital marketing agency ready to help you with your web design, hosting, and digital marketing needs. Inquire now and message us today!

Attention Digital Marketers: Take Note of These Pro Email Marketing Tips

These days, there are numerous ways to reach your customers through digital marketing. However, one of the most direct methods is through email marketing. Running email marketing campaigns has its own challenges but when done correctly, can give you the most loyal followers which may prove to be income-generating for your organization. Below we’ve outlined some email marketing tips digital marketers should know in order to add to their marketing arsenal and in order to create meaningful and well-converting campaigns.

Have a Good Call-to-Action Button

At the heart of every email is the call-to-action (CTA) button. The goal is to get customers to open and click your email in order to generate traffic to your landing page. Multiple CTAs can be a detriment and confuse readers from the real message that you are getting across, so having a singular powerful CTA can help drive better traffic to your website. 

A good email is one that guides the readers to eventually click on the CTA, teasing the different benefits of going to your landing page. Make sure that the message you are displaying in your email is the same as what is displayed on your landing page. Having a corresponding message can help make whatever you are offering more resonant to your readers. 

Encourage replies through a strong subject line and personalization 

Marketing today is more engaging than ever. Emails are not exempt from this as they can also be the starting point of conversation between a potential customer. You can encourage this by starting off with a strong and enticing subject line. What are you promising your reader? How can you make your email stand out in your reader’s inbox? 

Refrain from sounding robotic and impersonal. Much of effective marketing relies on that connection that you make with your potential customer. Try to personalize your email and make it sound like it is coming from a real person and work on your tone of voice. Personalization also matters in the content of your email, catering the message and content to what your segment or demographic may find most appealing. Are you using the tools that let you use your reader’s name? Are you sending out emails at the most optimal times? These are all personalization considerations for your email marketing strategy

Send test emails 

Think of this step as a way of proofreading your email before you send it to your actual recipients. Use this time to ensure everything is in order. Do they look the same way? Are they working across various email platforms? Is it optimized for mobile users? These are things you can check when sending test emails in order to make sure the actual email is at its best. 

Monitor analytics 

In order to gauge the effectiveness of a campaign, you turn to what the data says. These can bring a lot of insights to your campaign. For those using Google Analytics in their websites, you can integrate your data by tagging your emails with the campaign codes, giving you more insight into how visitors are getting to your landing page. Here are some of the most important metrics in email marketing

  • Open rate – How many people open your email versus those that receive it. This tells you whether your subject line is enough to draw their attention. 
  • Click rate – How many people actually clicked on your links or CTA versus those that opened it. This tells you if your content is compelling enough for readers to take the next step into your landing page. 
  • Unsubscribe rate – This tells you if your message is resonating with your audience. High rates can mean that your mailing list could be the wrong target market. 

Despite having been one of the older channels of marketing, email marketing has continued to evolve with the trends. Creating meaningful engagement with customers is key to building that trust with them and turning them into customers. If you are looking to grow your business through email marketing, working alongside a digital marketing company can help bridge that gap faster. iManila is a digital marketing agency in the Philippines that is dedicated to helping businesses achieve their goals through their marketing expertise. 

Schedule a consultation with us and see how we can work together.

With 25 years of experience in the industry, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative digital solutions. We are a full-service website development and digital marketing agency ready to help you with your web design, hosting, and digital marketing needs. Inquire now and message us today!