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Author: iManila Dev

10 Common Web Design Terms Every Marketer Should Know

As the company’s trailblazers, the marketing team is expected to take the lead in making sure that their company’s branding is consistently represented for both offline and online materials alike. 

With the continuous growth of digital marketing, more companies are indeed taking more time in making sure that they are well represented online, most especially through their website.

If you’re looking into building or redesigning your website, it is possible that you may be lost with the all the terms that web designers and web developers use that you may not be familiar with. 

Be ready to take the lead and make your next web design meeting more productive by familiarizing yourself with these common web design terms:

ALT tag 

The ALT tag/text or Alternative tag/text displays in the image placeholder while the page is loading. It also helps in optimizing your website for ADA compliance, SEO ranking, and web accessibility. 

Call to Action (CTA)

A specific image, banner or button, CTAs are designed to guide your website’s visitor for a desired or expected course of action (e.g. Download Now, Contact Us, Learn More, etc.).


An essential component when creating a website, your domain is the “address” where people go to visit your website (i.e.


This refers to where you “house”, serve and maintain your website. A web server is a computer running web software that allows and connects your website or web page on the internet. 

Meta Tag

An important aspect of SEO ranking, a meta tag stores information about a specific page on your website such as its description. This information is then used by search engines for indexing to help categorize and rank your website in search engine results pages (SERPs).


This refers to software apps that are “plugin” in your Content Management Software (CMS) such as WordPress, to enable added features to your website.

Responsive Design

Probably one of the most important things to take note of when building a website, responsive design refers to your site’s ability to adjust to different screen types from desktop, tablet or mobile phones. 

Site Map

The first step in designing a website, a site map acts as the “blueprint” of your website. From its pages and content, it is important to iron it out in your site map to have a seamless website design process. 

SSL (Security Sockets Layer)

With privacy a major concern in the digital age, a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security protocol that establishes encrypted communication between a browser and a website. Make sure that your website is equipped with an SSL certificate (a website equipped with an SSL certificate has a lock symbol appearing before the URL) to keep your website’s information secure at all times. 

User Experience (UX)

UX (User Experience) is the discipline of seamlessly optimizing your website’s content, design tools and techniques to help your website visitors in easily navigating your website. This covers all aspects in creating your website from copywriting, design and even your website’s screen loading time. 

Need a hand in creating or redesigning your website? Let our team at iManila help you!

Contact us today at (02) 490 0000 or email us at [email protected]

How Well Are You Remarketing Your Company?

A study done by Google suggests that 95% of visitors will not convert the first time. Stats like this may seem so scary because for business owners and marketing executives like yourselves, you have to ask the question: “How do I get my consumers to convert or buy?” 

In this day and age, it’s no longer enough to just market your products one time or just for a fixed period of time. The fact of the matter is, with the amount of information going around online, consumers’ attention is constantly being pulled from one direction to another. So how exactly can you persuade your buyers to actually take action and go for the “buy now” button?

The answer can be summed up in one word: remarketing

Gone are the days when you simply market a product and hope to the heavens that your marketing campaign has been seen and/or heard by the right audience. In today’s highly online world, marketing campaigns are a combination of efforts to target new audiences and to remarket or continuously show visibility to potential and previous clients or website visitors. 

Remarketing campaigns are basically designed to show your company and/or your products off to potential customers who have either visited your site or previously used your mobile app. This remarketing type of campaign can easily be applied thru Google Display Ads.

Remarketing campaigns are also akin to the scenario when customers opt into your newsletter. Many companies today religiously send out electronic direct mailers or email newsletters to databases which they have maintained and grew over the years. These databases are considered as goldmines to these companies, who are able to use these precious contact details as a means to market directly to people who they know are already interested in their product or service.

So where will YOU begin with your remarketing? 

  1. Start with an understanding of your remarketing goals. Who exactly do you want to remarket to? Do you want to target existing clients? Do you want to target clients who have abandoned their cart? 
  2. Evaluate your databases. Are they up-to-date? What kind of your clients are your databases composed of? Do you maintain a database? 
  3. What kind of channels should you use to remarket? Are your clients more inclined to open their emails? Are they more inclined to see your Google Ads? 

Getting started seems difficult but once you’ve gotten the hang of it and you’ve seen the results in conversion, then you’d be happy you did it anyway! 

Just take note that every company does remarketing differently. What might work for us may not work for you – so it’s really about putting in the patience of trial and error. But like what we said, if you’re able to figure it out and do it correctly, we’re sure you’ll be happy you did it! 

Scared to give it a try by yourself? Get some experts to help you!

Drop us a message at [email protected] or call us at +632 490 0000. 

Things to consider when Choosing the Right Web Hosting Provider

Reliable web hosting is essential when building a website for your business. Your website files are all stored in a remote computer server which is called a host. It works when a certain online user wants to view your website and searched for your domain name or website address into their browser. Then, their computer will connect to your website server and your website content will be delivered to their browsers.

Easy as it may seem but web hosting involves various technical processes and technologies. Thus, a web hosting provider or company is a business that has the technologies and services needed for your website or webpages to be seen on the Internet.

To help you out, here are the important factors to consider when choosing the right web hosting provider for your business:

Type of Web Host

With the prevalence of digital media, it’s much easier to get hosting services today from both local and foreign providers compared to how it is a few years back. However, before you get one for your website, you must first know the different types of hosting services that are available and what suits your business.

Here are the three different types of website hosting that you can choose from:

  • Virtual Server Hosting – This is also dubbed as a virtual private server (VPS) that is available for your web hosting needs. It is actually a virtual server that a user perceives as a dedicated or private server even though it is installed on a physical computer that runs multiple operating systems. This kind of hosting is a shared system and has lesser user traffic but provides good speed. Web contents are loaded faster in this type of hosting system.
  • Cloud Shared Hosting – This hosting system is one of the most common and usually the best option for small and medium enterprises. In this kind of hosting, the web space is being shared with multiple business entities while the maintenance and cost of the web hosting service are also being shared by the users. With this, you only get charged for the space that was allocated for you.
  • Dedicated Hosting – In this kind of hosting system, excellent performance can be guaranteed. Dedicated hosting is where a business entity leases an entire server to provide their clients with their own data center. While this type may cost more than the other two, it promises great speed and full control over the server.

Correct Bandwidth and Security

Make sure that the provider whom you are coordinating with can provide the right bandwidth and disk storage space that you require. It is also ideal to go for a provider who can also offer Security Sockets Layer or SSL Certificate that can add protection to your website from potential hackers. (Read our previous blog about why it is important for you to have an SSL Certificate.)

Customer Support

It is ideal for you to get a web hosting company that can provide you with 24/7 Technical Support. When it comes to website maintenance and making sure that your website is always up and running, your provider must have a reel time helpdesk through live chat, mail or call to resolve your queries on the dot.

Now that you have an idea on the various factors to consider when choosing the right web hosting provider, the next step is to look for the best and most reliable company that will not just cater your needs but will also exceed your expectations.

Turn to iManila and see our excellence as it happens! Experience the best web and email hosting in the Philippines with powerful features engineered to provide 99.95% uptime and availability, day-in, day-out.

Contact us now or send us an email at [email protected]!

Improving your Website’s Bounce Rate and Average Time on Page

Great news! Your website is up and you’re already seeing a lot of traffic coming in. But wait, why isn’t there any engaged and invested visitors on your website?

It seems that there are more exits than those who are staying and browsing through. Well, there might be a few analytic components that you are overlooking. Truth is, most businesses are experiencing those same problems on their website, where sadly, bounce rate triumphs average time spent on your page.

The good news is, we’re here to help you! Here are a few tips and ways on how you can improve your website’s bounce rate and average time on page performance.

Work on your website’s structural issues

If you are having trouble with your high bounce rate metrics, it is ideal for you to try and put yourself from a visitor’s perspective. Make sure that there aren’t any errors like 404 pages on your website, and that all your pages load successfully without any image errors.

Improve readability of your pages

When creating a website, one of the most important things that you should look out for is your choice of font. It should be clear and readable. Avoid using dramatic or heavily stylized fonts that can be too hard to read. As your primary digital asset, your website should also feature relevant, informative and engaging content to help build your brand’s credibility.

Build trust and credibility

Adding testimonials and photos of people such as your team or customers can make your website appear a lot more trustworthy. Badges, awards, and certifications can help boost your website’s credibility even more. It makes visitors comfortable to engage on your website and establish a sense of security that they are dealing with the right people to potentially, conduct business with.

Make sure your website is easy to navigate and that CTAs are easily found

Improving your website’s bounce rate and average time on page will ultimately affect your SEO positively. Thus, you have to prioritize on enhancing the UI (User Interface) and UX (User eXperience) of your website. Take note that having a UX/UI-focused landing page will enable your website to captivate your website visitors and ensure that they will engage in what you have in store for them.

To learn more, contact us at +632 490 0000 or visit our website at

SEO and SEM: The Perfect Online Marketing Tandem

The continuous rise of mobile and online users all over the world has definitely led to more and more companies venturing into digital marketing.

With its fast-paced growth comes constant (and sometimes abrupt) changes in algorithms and features, in which most business owners can’t help but be lost in a sea of digital platforms, strategies, and skills required to run an effective marketing campaign.

Among the most important aspects of digital marketing is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

While these two generally share the same goal of directing visitors to your website, it is essential to note the differences in running each type of campaigns.

To walk you through SEO and SEM, here are some basic insights to differentiate the two:

While there are identifiable differences between the two, companies, especially those with new websites are highly advised to do both at the same time. Running an integrated SEO and SEM campaign provides businesses an opportunity to build visibility and direct traffic to their website faster and more efficiently, which can later on, potentially generate more sales or conversions.

Need a hand in running SEO and SEM campaigns?

Let iManila be your partner in running effective SEO and SEM strategies for your brand. As one of the leading full-service web and digital marketing agencies in the Philippines, iManila has successfully delivered and is continuously running effective SEO-SEM campaigns for both local and international clients, and has, in the process, received the prestigious Google Partner badge.

To learn more about our digital marketing services, contact us through our website at

5 Industries that Get the Most Out of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing has changed the game for brands especially when it comes to building awareness and brand recall with their target audience. Likewise, the competition in the digital age for valuable and relevant content to achieve high engagement rate has been high and rough. That’s why, when the competition is this high, we turn to numbers to determine the effectivity of digital marketing campaigns.

Only a few brands can nail the trifecta of digital marketing that is consistent quality content, high engagement rate, and great ROI. Here are 5 industries that are acing their digital marketing game with great ROIs

Food and Fitness

The #1 motto of the food and fitness industry is probably “Real People, Real Results”. Nothing screams quality and credibility like customer testimonials and reviews, which the Food and Fitness industry is very good at. More and more restaurants, meal plan brands, fitness brands are turning to digital to show how great their products and services are. And content creation comes almost too easy for them as their customers are too most likely to do about 50% of the job for them- through user-generated content.


More and more traditional companies are turning to digital marketing to gain more clients. One perfect example is the legal industry. Aside from attracting more clients online through digital campaigns, some legal firms have also turned to e-commerce for faster delivery of their services. Simply drafted documents like Affidavits, Leases, and Contracts can now be “ordered” online. Exciting times indeed!


A lot of big retail companies are closing their physical stores and have started to migrate to e-commerce. E-commerce brands are increasing rapidly and every day they are adding more value to their brands. Especially with the rise of content creators like Instagram Influencers and Youtubers, the retail industry has become more aggressive with their digital marketing efforts. Most retail brands will team up with famous and established online personalities with a big following. E-commerce retail brands have managed to combine affordability with fast fashion, along with the convenience of e-commerce shopping and more and more people are getting on board every day.


Just like the legal industry, other traditional companies in the healthcare industries have also started to venture into digital. According to a Deloitte study, 52% of consumers search for information online for treatment options for their health concerns. ( Whether it’s individual practitioners or healthcare companies, you can easily find them online.

Media and Entertainment

One of the biggest shifts from traditional to digital is the Media Entertainment industry. In TV for example, more consumers are subscribing to streaming services instead getting cable TV. When you go online, you’ll immediately see tons of ads- whether it’s about selling and promoting a product or service, a movie, a person, and more. Media practitioners are starting to realise the power of online advertising, with its various advantages from being cheaper than traditional advertising, higher audience reach, and measurable results and insights that they can access anytime.  

Shifting to digital can be tricky especially if you don’t have the right people to do it for you. iManila can help you achieve your goals with valuable and relevant digital marketing strategies. Call us at (02) 4900000 or email us at [email protected] and let us know how we can help you.

What makes a website user-friendly?

In today’s digital age, many businesses are widely investing in digital assets. Most big brands nowadays are on Facebook, YouTube and a variety of other digital platforms where they can promote awareness and boost lead generation. In this day and age, having a website is a must-have not only to maximize online presence but also as a means to direct clients to a central location online where all users can see everything about your brand and product.

Your website not only serves as the landing page for all of your potential clients’ searches, but it also receives traffic from your followers on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. But, your online efforts shouldn’t just end after you’ve built your website. Having a website is also about maintaining it, keeping it updated and user-friendly, and making sure that it converts revenue and adds value to your business.

Below are three factors you can take note of, to ensure that your website is doing its job of being your 24/7 online ambassador:


One of the important, if not, the most important thing for a website to have is proper usability and functionality. This pertains to the links and buttons inside the website. Keep in mind that all website functions must be clickable and must always lead users to the right information of what they want to see and know.

According to, 75% of website visitors prefer to find the most important information immediately within the main landing page of a website. If you construct your website in a manner that your visitors can easily identify what they need, such as your contact details, or an inquiry form, then you can rest easy knowing that the right customers can find you anytime.


Keep in mind that website visitors always consider a website’s layout. Users are able to immediately identify a company’s legitimacy and modernity with just one look at their website. A company who may have not invested in a website since their time of establishment may be deemed as a fake business due to their lack of presence online. At the same time, a company that has an old website may lose customers to a similar company who sells the same products just by the way their products are presented and in the way the entire company is presented online.


Lastly, successful websites are always customer-oriented at its core. If your business is targeting millennials or fashionistas, make sure that your website has a sleek look that will entice users to buy your products. Always take note to combine the right colors and call-to-action buttons in order to lure them to buy or inquire. As for B2B businesses targeting professionals, create an informative and professional looking website that will let visitors know that they are dealing with a highly professional company.

In summary, having a website is one of the most essential things that a business can invest in. Considering the factors above can either make or break the success of your online business or your business’ reputation in the digital world. If you need any help in creating a website for your business, talk to us! Our website developers are adept and very intuitive when it comes to website creation. If you’re looking for an agency that can cater your web development and digital marketing needs, contact us at (+632) 490-0000 or leave us a message at

Facebook Launches Own Dating Feature Plus New Exciting Add Ons

In the recent F8 2019, Facebook’s 10th Annual Development Conference held last April 30 – May 1, 2019, at San Jose, California, the social media giant has launched its own dating feature. Does this mean Facebook is going full blown Tinder? Technically, not.

The reason behind this latest feature called Secret Crush is the idea brought about by the feedbacks received by Facebook. A number of users see the potential of developing a romantic relationship within their extended circle of friends.

Here’s how it works: You can select up to 9 of your Facebook friends that you are interested with. If your Secret Crush is also into Facebook Dating, they will receive a notification that someone within their pool of friends has assigned them as their secret crush. For instance, your secret crush also added you on their Secret Crush list, the Facebook Dating feature will automatically set-up a match. So what is the difference among other dating apps in the market? Security – your crush will never know or find out if you have a secret crush on him or her if they are not using the feature or if they do not create a list.

So, is that all?

Nope. The good news for social media marketers is that the Facebook Dating feature is just one of the recent updates of the world’s top social media app. The recent announcements do not necessarily focus on dating, in fact, they have also launched various updates that will actually improve user experience and intensify market reach through social media.

Image courtesy of FACEBOOOK

The FB5

Facebook will be launching the new design for the desktop version of their site called the FB5. In the next few months, we may expect a simpler yet sleeker desktop view of our favorite social media site. This also highlights Groups and gives a greater focus on events and stories. This is the perfect opportunity for you to actually explore the chances of reaching out to your target market in a more specific way by creating Group pages apart from your business page. Since the new design creates a more substantial approach on suggesting groups to users, this update can be of great use.

Messenger Updates

The social media site now allows you to create automated tailored experiences that can actually connect your target market with the right person or content for them. There are also new lead generation templates that you can choose from for Messenger ads in which will still be done through Ads Manager. This is essential on building an easier connection among products, brands, influencers and their end users. Although this feature is still under observation, you may want to watch out for the availability soon.

Instagram Updates

Facebook is also stepping up their e-commerce game through Instagram. They have put a new feature called “Shop from Creators” which allow Instagram users to find, select, and purchase products directly through the app itself! With this, users can easily shop their favorite influencer’s look right on the app thus eliminating the hassle of taking a photo and manually browsing different websites to shop an inspired look from Instagram. This feature is currently ongoing testing for a small group of influencers and is expected to be available for the whole Instagram community soon. 

Some other new features like shipping through marketplace and Portal Device Expansion are only available in continental U.S.

As Facebook continues to develop and enhance its capabilities on selling brands online, can your business keep up? Take advantage of these updates and make sure that you are reaching your social media market! Let iManila help you in improving your social media presence! Call us at (02) 490 0000 or email us at [email protected]! Let’s talk!

iManila is now a badged Google Partner!

As one of the leading and most-trusted full-service digital agencies in the country, iManila has reached another milestone by receiving the most-coveted Google Partner Badge!

An achievement both local and global digital agencies go after, receiving a Google Partner Badge is a feat that’s far from easy.

In order to get a Google Partner badge, companies undergo specific skill certifications, must meet Google ad spend requirements and deliver solid overall ad revenue and growth by maintaining and growing their client base.

So how can this benefit you and your company?

By partnering with a Google Partner agency like iManila, you are assured that the people working with you are experts in the field who can run effective Google Ad campaigns for your brand.

iManila is committed to continuously innovating and improving the digital marketing skills and expertise needed to help our clients reach their goals, and this badge is just one of the many testimonies to that commitment.

If you’re looking for an agency to help you manage and run data-driven Google Ad campaigns, you can get in touch with our digital marketing team at iManila.

Call us today at +63 2 490 0000 or email us at [email protected].