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Author: iManila Dev

Why Website Maintenance is a MUST

Every website is an investment. Just like any assets of your business, it has to be taken care of at all times.

Imagine your website as a mall. As an owner, you always make sure that for your grand opening, your mall is fully furnished, houses famous brands, and of course, is well-secured. You have acquired a lot of foot traffic for your first months after opening and there’s a lot of buzz going around about your new mall because of your good advertising. But, do you think your mall will remain the same as time goes by without proper maintenance? Of course not.

This is just almost similar to maintaining a website. In order for it to remain secured, relevant, and well-patronized, maintenance has to be done regularly. Here are three very critical points that you need have to keep an eye on in order to make sure that your website is properly maintained:


Almost every year, a new trend comes up. You have to make sure that your website’s layout is always up to date. This also means that you can change your Call-to-Action button styles, your navigation layout and even the structure of your web pages. You can also add more useful features alongside like Search Bars, Newsletter Sign Ups, or a Chat Bot. You can also check out new plugins that can also optimize user navigation for better user experience.


To retain your organic ranking and visibility across search engines, you also have to maintain the relevance of your website. Updating or adding more contents regularly is something you should prioritize. You have to remember that search engines base your website’s relevance to the amount and the quality of content you are putting in. Paid ads like Google Ads and social media ads can also drive more traffic to your site which can increase your site’s relevance and reputation.


You have to make sure that your website security is insurmountable. With a large number of cybercriminals going around the World Wide Web, a lot of unsecured websites are prone to hacking and other malicious intents. Once your website is affected by this, it can cause grave threats to both your website’s usability, relevance and reliability. Make sure you have an updated SSL certificate attached to your website and always check your website’s backend. 

Maintaining a website requires a lot of time and much effort, but it is something that your company should definitely invest in. Here at iManila, you can pass on to us the responsibility of regularly checking up your website and security. Create your website with us and we will do everything to keep it user-friendly, relevant, and secured. We can give you the best online solutions ranging from web design,  digital marketing and tech support. Our website packages come with website maintenance and a 24/7 reliable Customer Support.

For inquiries, you can email us at [email protected] or call us at (02)490-0000.

Social Media Platforms Explained: What Suits your Business Type?

With the continuous rise of digital platforms in today’s marketing industry, there is no doubt that more and more businesses are investing on it. Although going digital offers robust opportunities for businesses, it is very important to focus your investment to a platform that would be suitable for your industry.

For example, a business that offers digital multimeters and electrical testers would not be very much effective on Instagram as it targets those people or businesses that needs technical troubleshooting. On the other hand, a clothing apparel will not be suitable for LinkedIn or those platforms that focuses on B2B marketing but may be better off to utilize Facebook and Instagram.

In the long-run, you don’t want to spend and invest a lot of money to a platform that won’t do any good to your business. Hence, this guide will help you identify the different uses of social media platforms and how each of them can be of good tool for your marketing strategies.


Facebook is probably a staple social media platform for every business. Aside from Google ads, businesses are pursuing having an established identity on Facebook. But what does it truly provide for every business? What type of market does Facebook cover?

Facebook actually covers a lot of target market groups. With its versatile purpose and functionality, it has been a great platform for almost every business. For new businesses, creating a Facebook business page is best to raise brand awareness. First of all, it’s free, and second almost everyone has access to Facebook. However, with its many perks comes with a lot of cons. For one is that there may be more competition on Facebook compared to other platforms.


Instagram’s primary purpose is to entice and promote the aesthetic side of a business. As mentioned, it is mostly used by businesses who are selling product goods or items. This platform is mostly used by influencers and famous people. Hence, if your brand or business taps the mass market and you have an influencer strategy, then this social media platform is for you.


With its limited coverage and functionality, mainly, for business and hiring purposes, LinkedIn is mostly used for B2B marketing and business partnerships. If your business taps the market of the decision makers, and top management then this platform is definitely for you!

Establishing a business in today’s digital era requires a lot of work. Even though it provides a convenient approach towards your marketing efforts, it still needs to be thoroughly researched and well-planned. What you need is a trusted digital marketing partner that can guide you in deciding where and how you should invest your money in digital space. iManila can help you with that! For more than 20 years, we have been continuously helping many businesses and brands in reaching their full potential online. Looking forward to have the same experience like them? Then let us be of service for all of your online and digital needs! Contact us now at +632 490 0000 or visit our website at



How Domain Name and Web Hosting Impacts eCommerce SEO

With the continuous growth and dependence of today’s population in technology, it’s no surprise that eCommerce is now one of the fastest growing industries in the world.

One of the most essential things for eCommerce businesses to have is a good domain name and a reliable hosting provider, as these will affect your company’s success in the online retail industry and even your marketing strategies later on.

Here are some things to consider when choosing a domain name and hosting provider:


Uniformity is key

To establish credibility and brand recall for your customers, it is suggested for your domain name to be the same as your company name.


Your domain name is an important factor in your search engine rankings. That’s why you should choose a name that contains relevant keywords for your business. For example, if you’re in the pharmacy industry, you may want to include the phrase “pharmacy” in your domain name.

Target your location

The “.com” domain is common used for most websites,  however, you should keep in mind that your domain’s extension can also be targeted towards your preferred market. If you’re a company targeting local consumers, you may want to add country specific extensions such as .ph, .uk, .us and so on.

Make it simple and easy to remember

Similar to choosing a company or brand name, your domain should be short, simple and easy to remember. Avoid using hyphen and numbers in your domain name as this can be confusing for most people.


Server Uptime

Unlike a physical store where you’ll only be open for a certain number of hours a day, your eCommerce website will be operating non-stop. With this, it is important to choose a hosting provider with a high server uptime to keep your website running 24/7.

Page Loading

One important factor that Google takes into account in its algorithm is a page’s loading speed. A page’s lading speed is very important for SEO rankings. A slow loading website can decrease your website’s traffic and often leads to users abandoning your site.

If you’re looking for a professional, reliable and industry-trusted domain and hosting provider, check us out at iManila.

With years of experience and a vast portfolio of clients here and abroad, iManila is one of the leading domain and hosting providers in the country.

Let us help you maximize your eCommerce business’ potential, email us today at [email protected].


5 Local Brands with On Point Branding and Online Content and What We Can Learn from Them

If you’re someone who follows a lot of brands online, then for sure there are a few brand names that’s caught your attention. Customers like to follow brands who offer lots of discounts and promos online, but oftentimes, others follow brands that have really valuable content.

Branding and content can be really challenging for most brands, but some brands put their best foot forward when it comes to publishing online content. Content is very important if you want to stay relevant and keep your customers engaged. Here are 5 local brands who has their branding and content on point! Let’s see if we can take a few notes from them.

  1. Sunnies Face

One look at Sunnies Face’s Instagram page and you won’t be able to stop scrolling through their feed- the photos are just so good! Check out their IG page, and you’ll see a lot of product photos and user-generated content, which honestly, is the basic ingredient to getting more people interested in purchasing your products. User-generated content makes your brand relatable and authentic as it shows actual testimonials from ordinary people. Partner that with aesthetically pleasing photos and you can just sit back and wait for the sales to come in!

  1. Angkas

Angkas’ branding is the perfect example of treating your brand like another person. Angkas’ online persona your 20-something, fresh out-of-college millennial, and is basically a walking meme. With a hundred thousand followers on Twitter and with almost never less than a thousand engagements in all their posts, you know Angkas has got their branding on lock down. Their content is very engaging; funny and witty, sometimes a bit rude and NSFW, but totally expected from them. The most important thing is that their audience is LOVING it!

  1. Boysen

This brand may be a bit unexpected from our list here but you’ll know why they’re included in this list once you check out their Instagram page. Boysen Philippines’ Instagram feed is GOALS. They’ve got the color blocking done right. It’s simple yet very effective, and it really highlights what they sell. The main takeaway? Sometimes simple and clean sells too.

  1. Oishi

Oishi’s content may be an underrated one but trust us- it’s one that’s worth checking out. Lots of people have been sharing and reposting content from Oishi’s Facebook Page because of their funny (and honestly, kinda weird) content. Theirs is a different kind of content but is still very engaging and one that truly resonates with their audience. If you’re thinking of viral posts? Oishi’s got a few.

  1. Dove 

Here’s a brand that doesn’t need aesthetically pleasing and colorful posts to get their message across. Dove’s social campaigns, especially their women empowerment campaigns, are very notable that one look at their content, you know it’s Dove. It helps a lot if brands focus their marketing towards a specific advocacy. It shows that they aren’t only after sales, but also, they are a brand that wants to contribute something meaningful to society.

There are a lot of key points to note on how to get your branding on point from these brands. Even if they are key players in the digital marketing world, there’s definitely room for more brands, especially more local and new brands, to play along with them. Don’t be scared to define and establish your brand online.

If you are looking for an agency who can help you with branding and online content, iManila is the team for you. You may reach us at [email protected] or call us at (02) 490-000 for inquiries.

Reasons Why Every Company Needs Tech Support

In a day and age where most companies rely on the internet, computers and other digital platforms, there is without a doubt a rising demand for a tech support team.

As we grow to be more dependent with technology, it has also become a tedious task to keep track of security and maintain the performance of some of our devices. From upgrading systems to keeping our files secure, these are things that most individuals, and even bigger corporations tend to overlook. That is why people opt to turn to professionals who can get tedious tasks off of their hands.

Technical Support, as some may deem redundant or unnecessary, is actually a vital department to have especially for companies who rely on technology heavily.  However, technical support requires intensive product knowledge and a special skill set. Thus, it can be challenging and expensive for companies to set-up their own technical support team.

To save you from the hassle of hiring, monitoring and maintaining a team of tech support specialists, it is best to outsource it to companies who specializes in this service. Here’s why:


Getting a reliable and industry-trusted tech support company saves you from the hassle of setting up a team with responsibilities you have limited knowledge. By outsourcing, you can expect that the tech support provider can assess, address and immediately repair tech issues that your company is experiencing.

Professional Assistance

As industry experts, you can rely on your tech support provider to deliver professional assistance and efficient solutions to technical issues within your company.


While this may not be commonly advertised, working with an outsourced technical support team can familiarize you with tech issues that you most often overlook. They should be able to provide you with basic and simple solutions that you can resolve internally or via phone conversations before calling for on-site service.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Hiring an outsourced tech support team does not just address your day to day tech needs, as it can lead to successful partnerships that can help you continuously innovate your company.

Getting a tech support team relies greatly on who you choose to partner with.

For an expert, professional and industry-tested tech support company, check us at

As one of the leading digital companies in the Philippines, iManila provides tech support services specially designed to cater to your company’s needs. We also offer 24/7 customer support for fast, timely, and reliable assistance to our clients.

For inquiries, call us at + 63 2 490 0000 or email [email protected].




Shopping Ads: The Next Big Thing for Online Retail Advertising

It’s no secret that online ads have a big influence on a consumer’s buying decision.

With the rise of online marketing, platforms such as Facebook and YouTube are getting saturated with sponsored ads, from global brands to SMEs alike.

But one Ad platform that is often overlooked is Google Shopping Ads, also known as Product Ads.

When done right, it can be highly profitable for businesses. So, if you’re having second thoughts about doing shopping ads, here are some points that might change your mind.

Optimizes and Organizes Content on Website

Google Shopping ads can enable your eCommerce business to be strategically well-optimized. Having a content with search terms that uniquely determines your brand will most likely bring you web traffic as well as potential conversions/sales.

Helps Segment the Business’ Target Market

A budget for a winter sale product collection, for example, will most likely be maximized if the target segmentation will be applied. In this case, people who are looking to buy winter items and people who are going to a country for winter, can be targeted as they are most likely to buy, thus better conversions for your campaign.

Bid Adjustments for better ROI

Having a shopping ad campaign enables you to control how much budget you’re willing to pay for every sale/ acquisition. Once you find the right bidding strategy for your campaign, you are most likely to see an increase in your ROI.

Enables remarketing for added conversions

Remarketing is what makes digital ads, particularly shopping ads superior to any other marketing campaigns.

Integrating a remarketing strategy for your shopping ads campaign will enable you to target those who showed interest in your products but did not complete a purchase. People who added to their cart, or just visited your website are the ones that can be utilized when running a remarketing ad campaign. This increases brand awareness as well as an added conversion to your usual sales performance.

As mentioned, running a shopping ads campaign requires a tedious amount of work as it requires an overall production- from organizing and uploading all your product pages to having an excellent copy and graphics for your ads, so you might find yourself needing some professional help in this department.

iManila is a trusted digital marketing agency who can help you advance in the digital age. Our goals are to help brands achieve their objectives and help turn effective strategies into revenues. You can count on us to help you and guide you towards achieving a better ROI and sales for your business. You may contact us at +632 490 0000, visit our website at or you may also send us an inquiry at [email protected].

Questions to Ask if You’re Looking for a Digital Marketing Agency

Working your way through the digital world can be a tedious task, especially for a business owner who already has a lot on his plate. As a company, it is important to look for a trustworthy and efficient team that can help you manage your digital needs.

Over the years, more and more digital marketing agencies are trying to make it in the industry, which makes it difficult for companies to find the perfect agency for their brand as most have limited experiences under their belt.

Choosing the right digital partner can make or break your bottom line. Choose the wrong one and it’s money down the drain or worse, it can even hurt your brand. But choosing the right one can bring your brand to great lengths. So, before you choose your digital marketing agency, here are some things you need to ask yourself.

What are my objectives?

Understanding your business needs and setting your objectives will be the driving factor of your digital campaign’s success. Identify the platforms that you need and where your customers would be most engaged in.  Whether it’s a website, SEM campaign or social media marketing, identifying these beforehand can help you find and communicate better with your prospective agency.

How much am I willing to spend?

It’s important to know how much you are willing to spend for your digital marketing campaigns. However, there is no “fixed” budget as digital marketing is not a product that you buy off stores. Rather, your prospective agency should be able to provide you with a reasonable budget that will meet your expectations accordingly. They should also be able to recommend appropriate digital marketing strategies for your business. For example, a plumbing business may focus more on Search Engine Marketing (SEM) compared to social media, while a travel agency might invest more on social media than SEM.

Is the agency credible?

Before contacting a prospective agency, do your research. How active and transparent are they online? Do they have good reviews from previous clients? Is their basic information like their address, contact numbers, and portfolio available? If an agency is not transparent enough, then that should set a red flag for you. Many smaller agencies offer big promises with cheaper rates and often, they can’t deliver their promises.

Another way to check on the credibility of an agency is through their website. Is it decent? Does it appear in high search results, indicating SEM and SEO activities? Are their social media accounts properly maintained and are their posts of good quality?

Do they have a well-rounded view of digital marketing?

When it comes to working with an agency, most marketers tend to only see the client-side or the agency-side. But another side that is overlooked is the technical-side. Your agency must be able to explain to you the process and the terms of the service you are availing in such a way that you are able to understand it. It’s also a bonus if your account manager is experienced on digital marketing, as his/her experience will allow him/her to develop better strategies that is best for your brand.

Are they easy to get along with?

You don’t just want an agency who will work for you, but you want an agency who you can work WITH. Meet with the people who are supposed to handle your account. You want someone who understands your products and is aligned with your brand. This is a more personal step, but it is an aspect that is very important as this allows for a smoother communication between client and agency.

At the end of the day, you want an agency who understands your vision and who can help you achieve your goals. Keep these things in mind and you’re off to working with the perfect agency for your brand.

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency who can help you navigate your way through the digital world, then you might want to consider working with us. iManila houses digital marketing experts who are trained to produce the most effective digital campaigns for your brand. Let us help you achieve your digital marketing goals. For inquiries you may reach us at [email protected] or call (02) 490-0000.

Website Revamp: New Year, New Website

A new year means, new business plans and strategies for companies. Chances are, your company is in the works of new marketing strategies that will surpass your numbers the past year. As for digital marketing, there are a lot of factors that will play into the success of your marketing strategies, but your website will definitely play a huge role in your success. Revamping your website need not require you to give an arm and a limb- a little tweak in the design and content makes a lot of difference to give your website that extra push in the digital space. The main objective? More leads and conversions, and of course revenue for your business! What exactly are some points to consider when you want to revamp your website? Here’s 7:


Technology evolves so quickly that sometimes you can’t help but be left behind. The challenge now is that your brand has to be able to adapt to these changes immediately. People are also looking for information in many kinds of devices, so you have to make sure that your website is able to adapt to the specs of these devices, so your information is available to anyone anywhere. Aside from your website’s responsiveness, it also has to be friendly. Once your user finds your website intimidating to browse through they’re sure to click out of your site immediately.

Boast your Statistics

Been around for 10 or more years? Partnered with 100+ clients? Rendered 1 Million Work Hours? If your numbers are great, then you have every reason to put them front and center on your website. In this case, numbers speak louder than words- lengthy paragraphs are frowned upon but straight to the point facts are celebrated.

Revise your Written Content

It’s a cliché at this point, but the key is to really keep it short and sweet. Especially now that users’ attention span is so short, you have to make sure that your written consent gets the messages across in the first 2-3 sentences. Sift through your ‘About Us’ page, revise it and make it powerful. Make sure your website’s pages convey the right messages with the right call to actions (CTAs). Lastly, make sure all pages are optimized- SEO is key!

Lead Generation-Centered Design

Your website needs to be your driving tool for lead generation. Old websites tend to lack the design and functionalities that will get your customers to stay longer on your website. Get in with the times. Update your website’s design according to what is trendy so as to attract your customers. Create simpler and more effective flows that will lead your customers to the right pages that they can engage with.

Make it More Personal

In the past, companies would use stock photos on their website. But ever since the internet turned stock photos into memes, it seems like using stock photos has been attached with being less credible and less serious. If you’re still using stock photos on your website, then you definitely have a lot to think about. Why not consider doing a photo shoot with your employees that you can include in your website to make it more personal? Before engaging, netizens love to research on a brand first and if they are able to immediately see your brand’s authenticity online, then they are more likely to engage.


If you want your website to be seen by many, then optimizing your pages is a must! Your website must have a site-map that leads to search engines, efficient navigation, unique and optimized images and graphics, and use the right keywords.

Are these some of the things you want your website to have? If your answer is yes, then you’re off to a great start! Revamping your website is definitely one of the best ways to start the year right.

The one you can trust for all your website revamp needs

A successful website revamp wouldn’t be complete without a trusted web development agency. iManila has been in the industry for 22 years and we can assure you that all of your website revamp needs can be taken care of. Our web development team consists of people that are adept in various coding platforms such as WordPress, Java, and many more. We are also continuously learning of new website trending platforms that we can incorporate in our future projects. Let us help you further establish your brand in today’s digital space. Contact us at +632 490 0000 or visit our website at


It’s Time to Move On: 5 Signs that Your Hosting Provider is Not the One for You

Some relationships reach a point wherein things start to slow down. Maybe one person becomes less responsive, and the other ends up not feeling safe or secure in the relationship anymore. When it reaches that point, sadly, sometimes it’s better to accept the situation and move on to better things.

This same situation can happen with your website hosting provider. If you feel like things aren’t where they’re supposed to be, maybe it’s time to get up and get moving. But what exactly are the signs you should look out for in order to say, “Yup, it’s time to move on”? Here are 5 simple reasons for you to consider:

At a Snail’s Pace

Slow speed means lost revenues. Think of all the visitors and potential customers you could have converted, but have bounced away because of your site’s slow speed. Ideally, your website should load within 2-3 seconds. Anything more than that could drive your users to leave your site. If that’s the case, then it’s time to change your hosting plan or provider. Google hates slow speed too! The company has been known to devalue slow loading sites.

Can’t Keep Up with Traffic Spikes

As your business grows, you want your hosting provider to grow with you as well. When there is a spike in traffic on your website, is your hosting provider able to expand your capacity automatically? A good hosting provider should be able to anticipate your site activities and recommend a plan that best suits your requirements to avoid unforeseen issues that could cost you additional expenses.

Frequent Downtime

No website should experience unexpected and repetitive downtime. While there are no hosting providers that can guarantee a 100% uptime, you should expect at least a 99.9% uptime. If you’re getting less than that, then it’s definitely time for a change.

Inadequate Security

The #1 question to ask is: What can your hosting provider do to keep your website safe? No website owner wants their site to get hacked – files missing, corrupted, and moved around – especially for companies that handle sensitive information. A great hosting provider should be able to offer you and your customers strict security measures and strategies.

Unresponsive Tech Support

As much as we try to avoid it, things can still go wrong at any time. And when it does, your hosting provider’s support team should be on top of everything. A support team is crucial for site owners who have limited experience in solving technical issues. Your web hosting’s support team should be able to help you solve any issue, be responsive to all your queries, and be able to properly monitor all activities related to your hosting plan, 24/7.

There are a lot of hosting providers whose services you can get for cheap. But sometimes, lowered prices means the quality of the service is compromised. Rather than opt for the cheapest service, consider partnering with a hosting provider that will address all your needs and protect your online assets.

iManila’s Hosting services guarantee a 99.98% uptime, and access to a highly-skilled and responsive technical support team to assist you with your web hosting concerns. If you need help choosing a hosting package, check out or send us an email at [email protected].