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Google Ads Vs. Facebook Ads: Which One Should You Be Using?

Google Ads and Facebook Ads are two of the leading pay-per-click platforms and are often pitted against each other. But what some businesses don’t know is that In fact, these two platforms are complementary to each other and offer unique benefits to marketers and users. You can target prospects by location, gender, and age across both platforms. Many businesses are utilizing the strengths of each to achieve maximum visibility, increase leads in sales, and gather a wider reach of audiences, all for a remarkable return of investments. 

These two advertising platforms serve different business objectives making it way harder for brand owners to identify which one is best for them. In this blog, we have summarized the things that should be considered to help you determine whether you should be utilizing Google Ads or Facebook Ads. 

When To Use

Facebook ads are best for businesses that are looking for an increased awareness of the products and services it sells, especially among new audiences. Facebook allows brands to reach out to their target audience by means of text, image, and video ads. In addition to its large audience base, the platform offers granular targeting capabilities, allowing marketers to reach users based on demographics, behaviors, life events and interests.

On the other hand, Google ads are best for businesses with products or services that people are actively searching for. In order for your ads to succeed, and since your target users are looking for something, your content should be clear, concise, and easy to access. With Google Ads, it’s much more detailed in who you’re able to target for your ads.


With billions of users worldwide, Facebook provides businesses the capability to advertise using pay-per-click ads. These ads were created using the Facebook Ads manager platform and are being shown to a targeted audience according to demographics, interests, behavior and engagement patterns. Ad creation process includes selecting an ad budget, ad placement, and run time. However, conversions in Facebook usually take more time since customers are not actually seeking your product or services. 

Google, on the other hand, gives businesses the ability to advertise with just keywords. The intention of the audience is what sets Google apart from Facebook Ads. With Google, users are actually searching for a particular product or service, or an answer for their specific question in mind. Providing them the information they need could boost their engagement with your brand. 

Pricing and Performance Data

Facebook Ads cost lower than Google Ads. However, the conversion rate in Facebook has a lower average compared to Google. When considering cost-efficiency, price needs to be considered in relation to click-through and conversion rates. Google Ads have a higher average cost-per-click and a higher click-through rate giving you a higher return of investment than Facebook Ads. 

Campaign Features

Campaigns in Facebook Ads and Google ads only vary on how audiences are targeted. Facebook Ads offer more all-inclusive targeting options, but offer little to no search or buying intent. Facebook Ads have a broader offering of campaign features and options from ad platforms such as Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram, with ad placement such as feeds, stories, and chat. While google ads give fewer options on audience targeting, its users are actively looking for a particular product or service. In addition, Google Ads give advertisers the choice to make their own content that appears in the same format as organic search results with just keyword searches and basic targeting options.

Ease of Use

Both Facebook Ads and Google ads can be frustrating to use and setup at first glance. While Facebook Ads are easier to navigate especially for beginners, Google Ads offers a more data-focused interface. Facebook has a lot more ad types, ad placements, and advanced audience targeting options than Google Ad Manager. The Google Ads interface may seem more complex to use at first as it is a text and data-heavy platform, but once users become familiar with Google Ads, it becomes easier to use than Facebook Ads.

It may sound easy to begin with a simple ad with these platforms but it also involves in-depth expertise to build effective ads that drive clicks and conversions. Get the most out of your ad investment by leaving it to the experts at iManila. iManila is a certified Google Partner and Facebook Managed Agency. 

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Shared Hosting Benefits: Is It Right for You?

A website hosting service that divides server resources between multiple domains is called Shared Hosting.  With this, your website lives alongside others, which are neighboring users utilizing the same server.  Shared Hosting is best recommended for small websites, brands, and other digital platforms that do not require high bandwidth. It provides minimum features and support, making it the perfect hosting for budget-conscious website owners. 

For starters, choosing between different web hosting services could be a very tough job. Different hosting offers different features and services. One could offer something that the others could not. It is indeed frustrating to determine whether a shared hosting is the right one for you. To simplify things, we have gathered the benefits of shared hosting to give you insights on how these fit you and your business website. 


A huge factor why first-time website owners go for shared hosting is its low cost. A single server’s maintenance costs can be distributed amongst its many users. Since it is shared across multiple website owners, individual costing may be driven down to a smaller cost, making it more cost-effective. In addition, shared hosting gives you the option to eventually upgrade to hosting services that allows you to get more traffic, and greater online presence – of course bigger resources come with higher costs. 


Many business websites first launch their digital platforms with shared hosting because it doesn’t require too much complexity in skills and knowledge to operate. Shared hosting offers plans that provide control panels that are easy to navigate for website management and other pre-installed programs. Server uptime, availability and settings are handled by the hosting provider making it easier for the owner to manage and easily install updates and patches. 

Professionally Managed

Utilizing shared hosting services gives you insurance that your server is well taken care of by the hosting provider, thus ensuring that administrative tasks are functioning accordingly. Aside from being low maintenance, shared hosting provides you professional technical support for network outages, server malfunctions and maintenance, if needed.

Easy Email Hosting

Providing an email associated with your domain is very significant in the web development process. With shared hosting and its built-in cPanel, adding and setting up your email are now easier. You can now run a secure, spam-filtered mail server for your personal or small-business use. This way, you can set up your own disk drive and fully control how your emails are accessed, managed and stored. Aside from emails, you now have control over databases, add-on domains, and more.

Choosing the right web hosting plan can save you lots of time and money. If you don’t need immense bandwidth, memory, computing power, or control, then save your money by going with a shared hosting service.

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Email Marketing Tips To Look Out For in 2022

When the world was crippled by the coronavirus in 2020, most businesses had no choice but to switch to online sales and marketing efforts. One of the digital marketing strategies that really boomed since then is email marketing.

According to HubSpot’s latest research statistics, email marketing had a constant growth in terms of popularity and relevance every year since the pandemic. And now, in 2022, it is expected to grow even more. Meaning, the competition to your target market’s inbox is really high.

Given this, you may like to go back to your previous email marketing efforts to ensure that your emails will stand out. Read more below for the best email marketing tips to look out for in 2022.

Make it personal

People’s inboxes are bombarded with irrelevant, spam emails everyday. That is why most users do not bother to open emails that are generic. 

What you can do to get your recipient’s attention is by making the email personal. This includes the name and the content of the email. Take time to research and know what your customers’ needs and pain points are. Then, personalize your email by emphasizing how your offerings can help them.

Use Artificial Intelligence

Consider hopping into the Artificial Intelligence (AI) bandwagon of email marketers. AI tools are used to maximize the potential of acquired data about the market. It helps with processing a large chunk of data, building better and efficient analytics, observing customer trends, and foreseeing user actions.

AI can also help in segmentation, the process of creating smaller groups of email recipients who share the same background and characteristics. In this way, you can better craft your message. Take note though that since AI is still a relatively new kind of technology, using AI in your email marketing may not just be tedious, but costly. 

Incorporate user-generated content

Applying user-generated content (UGC) on your emails this 2022 encourages people to trust your brand. How? When prospective customers see a large, diverse group of people enjoying your brand, it will spark curiosity to them until they fall to the decision of wanting to experience your offerings themselves. This is just like the philosophy behind testimonials and reviews in websites but, this time it is on the email body.

Start newsletter campaigns

Don’t sleep on this! Newsletters found success during 2021 and will shine brighter this 2022. It helps in promoting new leads, enlivening cold customers, and builds a unique brand image without sounding like a salesperson. Sending out newsletters can be done weekly or monthly.

Apply minimalistic approach

People nowadays have shorter attention spans and are tired of loud details. That is why minimalism became the trend aesthetic. Apply this approach to make your email more appealing to your audience. It is as easy as putting in a lot of white spaces, writing short sentences, and selecting a calming color palette.

Make sure it’s mobile friendly

More than half of the global internet traffic comes from smartphones. People are mostly dependent on their mobile devices for product research as well. So, it is best to create mobile-responsive emails that do not force recipients to open a browser window. 

Aside from the fact that it is easier to scan on a handheld device, having an email copy that is mobile accessible makes it easy to read on the go, which is a plus especially that we are in a fast-paced world.


If you want to strengthen your email marketing game this 2022, iManila can definitely help you! With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers.

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Reasons Why Your Website Visitors Aren’t Converting

By this time, maybe you have mastered most if not all of the traffic generation strategies published online and have somehow managed to become successful in getting website visitors. However, traffic generation is not the end goal of digital marketing. Being able to convert your website visitors into actual customers is. 


Everyone who visits your page is a potential customer. Online users visit your website primarily because they are interested in a product or service that you are offering.  But, why are they not converting despite the big website traffic? 


Read more below on the possible reasons why your website visitors aren’t converting. 


Hidden or No Call-to-Action Buttons


Call-to-Actions (CTA) are a crucial part of digital marketing. This is how you encourage your website visitors to take a favorable action after seeing your offerings. But what if your CTA is hidden or not existing at all? Chances are users will just leave your page. 


It is important that you have an obvious CTA. You can do this by creating an animation that directs to the CTA button. In this way, you can catch your visitor’s attention and at the same time point them to take an action. 


Another thing, put your contact number in the header of your page. Doing so allows your visitors to see what you need them to see immediately. Make sure that your CTA is also clickable to make it easy for the users to contact you.


Confusing headlines


One of the possible reasons why your website visitors are not converting at all is because maybe you have a confusing headline. 


The headline is the first thing that your visitors see when they land on your site. With that, by just looking at it, you must assure your customers that you have everything they are looking for. Anticipate the kinds of information they need to know immediately like your service, location, ease of service, and why your company is the best for the job.


Refrain from having vague headlines. Be direct to the point. Creative language is nice but if it’s too vague, it can drive your visitors away.


Too long contact forms


Let’s say your website is doing good. You have optimized your site well and ranked in Google. Your CTA is also functioning. Your visitors are now ready to convert. Unfortunately, they saw a long, complicated contact form that annoyed and scared them. So, they decided to just navigate away from your site.


Too long contact forms are intimidating, overwhelming, and feel like a big chore to your potential clients. As much as you want to know in detail your visitor’s needs, you would want to just trim down your contact form as this is more efficient in converting leads. Stick to the basics like name, email address, and phone number. Then, ask your staff members to reach out to the client afterwards to know their needs in-depth.


Lack of a “Hook”


A hook is an irresistible statement or offer that you give to your potential customers. It can range from small ones like telling them that you are award-winning or rated #1 in the field. Just make sure that it is true to your company. Hooks can also be as big as giving promotional codes, free shipping, holiday deals, etc. 


In short, hooks help in convincing your potential customers to take a favorable action right now. It is frequently located near the call-to-action button.


All your efforts in boosting your SEO are for nothing if there are no sales conversions. Good thing, iManila can help you in turning your website visitors into actual customers with the different digital marketing services it provides.


With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality. Talk to us!

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Reliable Web Hosting Provider

Once done building your own website, what comes next is establishing your online presence by finding a web host. If you own a business, whether big or small, web hosting is significantly necessary. Gone are the days when businesses were listed in yellow pages. Online search is the norm nowadays. 

Your website’s speed, security, reliability rely on the hosting provider. These are the companies that provide you storage for your websites’ files and deliver them to your customers’ browsers. However, with hundreds of different choices among web hosting providers in the market, choosing the best one for your business could be like choosing a needle in a haystack. 

In this blog, we have gathered five common yet highly essential factors to consider when choosing a web hosting provider to help you grow your business online. 

Reliable Connection

Unstable connections could jeopardize your business’ online success. This not only slows down your sales for an online marketing platform but also gives you low ranking on search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Above 99.5 percent is the preferred and reputable uptime score for best hosting companies. Avoid funding on companies with an annual uptime score below 99 percent. Accessibility should be the main consideration when choosing a web hosting provider.

Customer Service

24/7 live support for clients is a big deal when choosing a web hosting provider for your business. Your host should be effective and responsive in providing support for technical problems. Better if your host offers chat support especially those who provide in-house customer support systems for better supervision of your companies’ operations. Some companies would even go as far as providing support via calls where you can speak to an actual technical support specialist. Identify internally what kind of support you would need for your hosting and choose accordingly on the kind of support the hosting provider can give you. 

Availability of Backups

Severe server or local hard disk failures can occur anytime with your site if not properly monitored by your host. Such incidents can lead to irreparable damages like server breakdown and lost files. With the rampant cases of cyber threats like ransomware, having a host provider that offers regular web data backup is no longer an option; it’s a necessity. 

Ability to Add Domains

The need for multiple websites, domains, and subdomains are inevitable especially with the growing diversity of digital marketing platforms nowadays. Therefore, finding a hosting company that allows running multiple websites on a single web hosting account should be a top priority to boost your online presence. Take time to choose a web host that offers a wide range of services and is flexible enough to allow you to scale over time.  

Email Options

Having an email directly linked to your website’s domain name tends to receive more feedback and subscriber conversions. With this, choosing a web hosting company that provides hosting for your website’s primary email is a perfect move for better website traffic and sales.

Choosing a web hosting company for your website can make or break your website’s success. Long gone are the days when people were just looking for the amount of disk space and bandwidth for web hosting providers. Now, with the ever-changing trends in marketing, the perception of what is more important has now shifted to functionality. 

Before signing up with a hosting provider, take the time to identify the web hosting features you need for you to have an easy time finding the perfect provider for your website.

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

Talk to us!

SEO 101: Ways to Attract More Readers to Your Blog

Blogging is one of the best ways to reach your target audience online. However, it takes real effort and hardship before you reap what you sow, especially when you’re just starting out. 

Hang in there! Maybe your blog just needs some Google manipulation called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Basically, SEO means making your website accessible and easy to understand to search engine bots. These bots will then decide whether to place you on the first page of Google where the most relevant searches appear.

Now, the question is how do we do that? Well, look no further as we give you some SEO hacks on how to make your blog rank on Google. 

Find the right topics

As a starter, you may think that all the topics you want to write about have already been covered by other bloggers. True enough that is why you have to make sure that your work will stand out. How? Research.

Research for keywords that your target audience frequently uses in searching their queries. There are a lot of SEO tools available that you can use in finding these keywords. Once you identify these keywords, apply it to your blog. So that when your target audience types these exact keywords in the search engine, your blog will be the first thing that they will see.

Another thing, do competitive research. Take advantage of what is already posted online by figuring out how you can make your content better than what is on the top results. You can also use those top results as an inspiration to cover everything up and write the most thorough article.

Structure your content

This one is pretty simple. Structure your content in a way that is easy to read and not tiring to the eyes. Break your long sentences into two. Avoid long running paragraphs. Instead, try breaking them into chunks. In this way, it will be more pleasant to read. Adding titles and subheadings also help as this gives rest to the eyes. Take note, visually appealing content structure offers better user experience, therefore giving it a higher chance to be picked by Google bots to rank.

Post frequently

Blogging frequently helps a lot on your SEO. This will make Google bots keep on coming back to your page, giving more opportunities to rank. To start off, create a posting schedule. In an excel sheet, draw a table that includes the scheduled posting days (once a week will do), the topics, the deadlines, and some good references. In this way, you can have an overview of the plan and will make you feel in control.

Be mobile friendly

This is such an underrated hack yet, adds an extra SEO boost. As more people browse through their mobile phones, it is best that your page is mobile friendly. Remember, content presentation is the first thing users notice. 

Also, mobile-optimized websites get an extra SEO boost since Google bots prefer pages that work for both desktop and mobile phones for better user experience.

Add alt text to images

Images in blogs are good for entertaining your audience. However, image alone doesn’t help with SEO as Google can’t read it. It is better to add some context in a form of text so that Google bots can understand it. 

In addition, adding textual descriptions can make your images available on Google Image Search. This will give you more chances of traffic and better SEO.

Not having the traction that your blog deserves is exhausting. It is so tempting to just give up. Good thing, iManila can help boost your SEO and website traffic with the different digital marketing services it provides.

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

Talk to us!

Website Builders vs. WordPress: What Type of Website is Best for You?

In this age of the internet, it is a no-brainer that a website is essential in building an online reputation. It showcases you, your work, credibility, and what you can offer. Your business website essentially bridges your business to the world.

When considering building a website, marketers and business owners alike are often torn between creating a website using a website builder or building it with WordPress

Website builders are basically online software that allow you to create a website without needing to work with codes. It provides templates that you can use or play around. On the other hand, WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS). It can be used to create and manage websites without working with the source code and offers a wide range of possibilities from design to plugins to integrating web systems. 

Both of these are reliable in creating a website. But, which should you choose? This blog will help you decide which option suits your best interest.

Ease of Use

If you are a beginner, a website builder is your best friend. It does not require much of a learning curve. You can create a website in just a couple of hours – and by yourself, if you’re comfortable working online. 

Meanwhile, WordPress websites can be a little too overwhelming for first-timers, especially to non-technical users. There are times that you have to adjust some codes to get a theme or a plug-in to work. Many web and digital marketing agencies have the capability to create a WordPress website for you. Often, they offer trainings on how to update the website upon turnover to the client. The details can be a bit overwhelming but if you have an in-house marketing team, often someone will be up for the job. 


Website builders offer a wide range of website templates that you can choose from. You no longer have to start from scratch! Once you’ve picked a template, you can customize and change anything you like on it, often allowing you to drag and drop content that you would like added on the template. 

WordPress, however, wins when it comes to flexibility. It offers a variety of plug-ins or add-ons that can add basic or advanced functionalities to your website, helping you achieve the kind of website that you dreamed of. Just as well, WordPress allows for customization when it comes to design and user interface. Businesses can come up with the most unique type of designs for their websites and still be able to use WordPress as their main CMS. 


When it comes to manageability, go for a website builder if you just want to get your website up and running immediately. This is definitely for those who want a simple, not complex structure.

But if you have a website with more information and you have the resources to have a dedicated team with the time and energy to manage your website, go for WordPress. It will provide you with a wider variety of options. Bigger companies will often opt to build their website in WordPress as it allows them to scale up their website more easily later on as their business grows. 


Easy and convenient ways don’t always have to be expensive. This is true for website builders. It is the most affordable website option, sometimes even allowing you to pay on a monthly or yearly basis. 

Alternatively, WordPress is free. Yes, you don’t have to spend a single penny to make your dream website come true. But that doesn’t count the price you pay for the sweat you’ll give in creating one. There’s a price you need to pay to hire a developer to make your dream website a reality. Remember that developing a WordPress website requires coding. This means that you need a website developer to help you. To add, some plugins on WordPress cost a certain fee. The more functionalities you want on your website, the higher the cost to develop it. 

In Conclusion

Website builders and WordPress websites are both good options. They just differ on the kinds of people they cater to. Website builders make sense to small businesses and people who just want to have a personal website with simple needs. WordPress, on the other hand, is good for people and businesses who are willing to work extra and have a vision of their own. If you think that a WordPress website is for you, iManila can definitely help you!

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, is committed to providing our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

Talk to us!

Turn Up The Heat With These Digital Marketing Strategies

Summer may be the best time to go on “vacation mode”, however, it doesn’t mean that your business’ digital marketing plan will go on vacation too! As the old saying goes, “When temperatures rise, sales take a dive.” 

Are you looking for ways to grow your business online this summer season? Worry no more because here in iManila, we have got your back.

Here are some efficient digital marketing strategies to help your business this summer season!

Don’t Just Beat the Heat. Be The Heat.

Although it may be hard for some businesses to advertise their brands this season, it is pretty efficient. Remember, trying different online marketing strategies and taking the risk is better than doing nothing.

For instance, you can provide your audience and your loyal customers with a series of summer advertisements on your website. This will help boost your social media during the summer. But be wary when it comes to summer promotions. Make sure to come up with a concrete plan. Everything you plan carefully always goes a long way. Overall, this is a perfect time to grab a hold on your customers’ attention.

Fish Where The Fish Are

Always think of better ways to reach your target market.  Bring your service to where your existing and potential customers are. Moroever, utilizing online platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can definitely help your business grow online. This strategy will keep your business at the forefront of your online visitors’ minds. This could boost your business recall and build a better rapport with users online. 

Go Mobile

In these modern times, business owners must ensure their website’s mobile responsiveness. Doing so, your business can reach a wider audience. Summer might feel like a rush, but it does not mean that people go offline. In fact, the use of mobile phones is more prevalent during this time of the year. It is more convenient for online users to just use their mobile phones regardless of where they are. So by rule of thumb, always make sure that your website content is fit  for mobile devices.

Make Use Of Influencer Marketing

Social Media Influencers are now the “celebrities” of the online world. In fact, the majority of these individuals have a massive number of followers on their social media accounts. Business owners leverage on influencer marketing to increase their sales. After all, consumers now spend more time on social media. Most of them get inspiration and ideas of what to buy and where to go from these influencers. We know for a fact that a business or a brand should always adapt their offerings.

Visit our Digital Marketing page to help you level up your game!  

With 26 years of experience in the industry, iManila wants to provide our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines. We aim to help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

iManila is a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines. We are ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top digital marketing companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

 Talk to us!

Google Ads 101: What You Need To Know

When you are starting on Search Engine Marketing (SEM), chances are, you may have heard of Google Ads as the most popular platform for advertising. Most may know these as the entries that show up in the search engine when users type in their queries, which is the standard text ad. However, Google Ads offers a vast amount of ad types that can suit any campaign type or goal. Learn more about the different kinds of ads that you can do with Google. 

Expanded Text Ads 

Known as the standard text ads, these ads have a set character limit without much leeway for copywriters to get creative. However, Google has since revamped this into Expanded Text Ads (ETA). This, on the other hand,  offers room for two to three headlines and two descriptions. Extensions are also part of these ads which lets you add important information like phone numbers and links. This is the bread and butter of most marketers looking to explore SEM. 

Search ads such as the ETAs make use of the Google Search Network. This means that they are perfect towards people with search intent and those further down the marketing funnel. 

Responsive Search Ads 

If you like the options that ETAs give, then Responsive Search Ads (RSA) is a great option! It offers more with up to 14 headlines and five descriptions. This is perfect for those marketers looking to conduct A/B testing. Google will try to run different combinations of these headlines and descriptions and see which is the most effective for your brand. 

Dynamic Search Ads 

Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs) is another form of automated ad type that draws content from your website. This is perfect for those that want to save on ad setup time and have a well-developed website. The more automation you can have with your ads, the less control you can exercise over it which is something to keep in mind. 

Display Ads 

While the previously mentioned ads are all located in Google Search Network, Display Ads are found in Google’s Display Network. Basically, Google would show these ads to websites that partner with them. This specifically works for websites that your target audience will visit. These can be either feature static or interactive graphics, ideal for brand awareness campaigns. 

Product Shopping Ads 

Product Shopping Ads make highlighting key products including their image, price, and link possible. Merchants need to set up a Google Merchant Center account from which all of this information will be pulled. This allows your product to be visible in Google Shopping, Images, partner search websites, and the search engine results page (SERP). This is perfect for best-selling products they want to highlight. 

Video Ads 

If you want to deliver a more engaging ad experience for your possible audience, then video ads are your best bet. Google lets you reach customers in Google Partner sites such as YouTube. While video ads are pricey, they can give a high ROI. IN return, this makes it ideal for companies that can invest in video assets. 

Getting started with Google Ads 

Now that you know some of the different advertising options in Google Ads, it is time to start your digital marketing journey. Navigating ads for the first time can be tricky even with Google’s courses which is why it is important to get a Google Partner Agency to help you with your digital marketing efforts. 

iManila is a certified Google Partner and a digital marketing agency based in the Philippines that can help you get started with your Google Advertising efforts. 

With 26 years of experience in the industry and an IT company at its core, iManila, having been one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines, aims to provide our clients with innovative online marketing services in the Philippines that can help convert your website visitors into quality leads or potential customers. 

As one of the best web hosting providers in the Philippines, iManila is also a full-service business web development company and digital marketing agency in the Philippines ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting provider, email hosting, technical support, and digital marketing services needs. Work together with top advertising companies in the Philippines like iManila and make your brand goals become reality.

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