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Tag: digital agency philippines

iManila 25th Year Anniversary

We made it! It’s been an exciting 25 years filled with great successes and our fair share of challenges, but here we are now still reimagining a better world through technology 25 years later! 

We owe our success to so many people – from our clients to our vendors, partners, and to the thousands of small and medium enterprises, both locally and internationally, who have grown alongside us. Thank you for your trust, confidence, patronage, and support. 

As we look back on everything that we’ve endured, from multiple financial crises to economic upturns and downturns and most recently – a global pandemic – we are so grateful for this iManila family that we have – for every single person who has walked through the doors of our 20+ years office and who has tirelessly worked to take us to where we are today. 

iManila was one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines and has long since diversified into other services such as Website Development and Digital Marketing. Since day one we have never forgotten our roots and the importance of innovation and adaptability from providing a simple dial-up Internet connection, to providing innovative, in-demand web and digital solutions.

Cheers to 25 years and here’s a toast to reaching our goal of 100 years!

Must-Haves for a Successful Digital Workspace in 2021

We’ve made it to 2021! A pat on your back is the best thing to do right now (since we cannot pat someone’s back because of social distancing). Nonetheless, we didn’t even notice that 2021 has just approached. With all the uncertainty and anxiety that happened last year, resilience is good but actions are better. We don’t just stay home and do nothing, we have to do something to get going. Especially with businesses closing left and right, you have to think of a better option to keep your business afloat.

Since most of the businesses are now moving to e-commerce, keeping up with technology can sure be overwhelming. But – guess what! We’re here to help.

With fast innovations and trends within the digital sphere, you must be updated to make work easier. Moreover, digital technologies provide very high values in making work more efficient through advanced collaboration tools. In the simplest explanation, if you don’t carry these five must-haves, your business is not doing digital right.

Must-have No. 1: Connectivity

Of course, this is very important. All transactions and tasks are done thanks to your Internet connection. As employees are now flexible, they get to choose where to work and be able to access business applications wherever they work and whatever device they work on. Approximately 77% of employees wish to have better mobile connectivity from their employers. In that case, make sure to give your employees the option to work in a comfortable environment. 

Must-have No. 2: The right tools, with the right results

And speaking of flexibility, people nowadays can do amazing things whether in the office, on the road or even online. This pandemic gave us the opportunity to discover new skills and enhance it whether it’s a hobby or something that can enhance our interests. And with the right tools to work on, you have the power to create, edit, view and work together in real time – giving you fast and feasible results. Evidently, 91% of employees depend on the latest digital technologies to perform well in work. So make sure to empower them with the best collaboration tools available. 

Must-have No. 3: Video collaboration

Since most of us are still working from home, physical meetings are still nowhere in sight. And since email and phone calls won’t satisfy these long meetings, HD video conferencing is the best option. Just maintain a good connection and the rest is as easy as a personal meet. 

Video conferencing allows you to see your colleagues faces and reactions and allows you to speak to them in real time. Most video collaboration tools now allow for screen sharing and inviting more than 100 guests to the call. No need to be in good health in order to attend a conference these days! 

Must-have No. 4: The ability to make wise choices

Now that we are doing everything digital, you have to get your digital plan right – even the tiniest details are big deals. Just make sure that you handle business-quality video conferencing right. Next is to offer private and public cloud access. Also, transact with sophisticated productivity and collaboration apps. And lastly, carefully manage security across various locations and types of devices. Remember that one wrong sharing move may allow your clients to see all of your year’s work. Be careful with what you share and ensure that your employees are familiar with your company’s data security measures. 

Must-have No. 5: Security

As the digital world keeps on innovating every now and then, security is getting more complex and faces more challenges. With trends like cloud computing, social media and expanding mobility needs, lack of proper protection will let attackers have the opportunity to get in. To have your network security more strengthened, research more about global threat intelligence. Prevent threats before, during and after an attack. And synchronize security across physical, virtual and cloud to reduce complexity.

These must-haves won’t hurt to follow and at the same time will strengthen the productivity and security not just of your company, but also for your employees. These must-haves have essentially helped companies like us maintain our operations regardless of the government regulations in the past year. Not sure that your company is 100% productive working from home just yet? 

Make the most out of working remotely through Microsoft 365, which allows access to its suite of applications including software tools such as Microsoft Office and their cloud services. Microsoft 365 and its applications allows you to be productive wherever you are, allowing for seamless integration from offline to online and maximum compatibility between Windows and Mac users. Visit our website at to learn more or drop us a message at to ask us how we can help you! 

5 Effective Digital Advertising Strategies

As the years go by, digital advertising becomes larger and more complex, so strategy formulation is needed to be able to sustain growth. It is essential for every business to improve yearly and strategize key components of planning for the business’ potential for growth.

When it comes to digital advertising strategies, anyone can create a long version of the technique or technology available today. However, to compete in the overly competitive digital landscape of 2021, you may need to incorporate a marketing mix of ideas and find what works best for your company.

If you’re not seeing effective results, it may be time to rethink your approach as some digital marketing strategies are better than others. Here are some general, inclusive tips and recommendations that you should focus on and work for this year.

  1. Determine your Digital Advertising Goals and Plans.

The first step to success is strategic planning. Set your overall goals for your business and develop a plan to achieve them. To be exact, do you want to grow your target market and increase your followers and broaden your community? Do you want to increase brand awareness or improve sales? First off, decide specifically what you want to achieve, where you want your business to be headed and lay out a strategic plan to achieve them all.

Taking the decision actively to grow a business also means embracing the risks and all possibilities that come with growth. Spend time identifying exactly where you want to take your business and how you will get there.

  1. Study How your Brand is Viewed.

The next step is to consider how your company is being viewed. Look at your company’s branding from a different perspective, starting from your goal, your vision, up to your logo, and the specific branding that you want to put out in the digital world. Your goal is to establish your company to be unique among all competitors.

Today’s consumers share their opinions and experiences widely, and from the previous year, you can study your target market preferences. Positive brand perception means consumers are more likely to choose your business over a competitor.

Understand that your customers matter, and so do their opinions. Branding your company right is a major part of marketing, so study your brand’s image and revitalize your advertising. Never underestimate the power of personal and professional branding. Don’t be afraid to outsource your graphic designers, copywriters, and other marketing professionals to help keep your brand intact.

  1. Find your Target Audience.

It’s the perfect time to find your target audience once you’ve already cleared your goals and vision. Start by creating a profile of your customers. Once you determine the basic customer profile, dig deeper into the age, gender, income, and location. A general idea of your target audience will make all your marketing campaigns effective.

Knowing who your target is the first step for any company when it comes to developing an effective marketing strategy. Determine and study the importance of identifying the right target audience.

  1. Test and Track all of your AD Campaigns.

Online social media and advertising is not a one-time big-time shot of success. You’ll need to consistently study what works best for your brand. You can start by promoting a post on social media and then monitoring the analytics over the next few days, weeks or months. If the ad does well then promote harder and if it doesn’t, strategize and revamp your campaign.

To get the result that you want in each campaign, you need to test and evaluate the success metrics and goals you set and assess every ad campaign result. Don’t commit to a full-fledged campaign until you’ve tried and tracked its progress and benefits to your business.

  1. Seek out Professional Digital Advertising help.

In the growing digital world, capable digital marketing professionals are helpful. In every business, owners and executives tend to handle everything – but in many situations, this shouldn’t be the case. When it comes to advertising, a set of people who are well-skilled in digital advertising is needed. If you need a copywriter, hire one. If you want quality creatives and videos, find a skilled editor. Putting out low-quality ads will do more harm to your business as it tarnishes your brand identity, the same way that running non-optimized digital ads may just break the bank rather than increase sales. Always remember that when it comes to advertising, quality beats quantity.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help for your business today! iManila, is a full-service digital marketing agency that can help your business effectively, starting from your website development, and hosting requirements, to applications development, your technical support concerns as well as your digital marketing needs. Set your business for success in 2021 with iManila and let’s talk!.

Online Business Resilience this 2021!

This 2021, where many businesses are facing more unexpected business disruptions. Fortunately, for businesses that have implemented a strong business resilience plan, they are now enjoying the benefits of it and how it has helped maintain their business operations regardless of the different regulations. 

Business resilience is defined as the ability of a company to quickly adapt to disruptions, while maintaining continuous business operations and safeguarding its people, assets, and overall brand equity and image.

Why is Online Business Resilience Important?

Success depends on the company’s ability to precisely predict the next business step, entrusting economic experts to anticipate unprecedented events, and putting online business resilience plans on delay if the threat level is low. Now that there is an ongoing pandemic, businesses are now feeling the adverse effects of overlooking their online business strategies. Many businesses did not prioritize implementing business resilience strategies on a large, long-term scale, simply due to the complete unpredictability that such an occurrence would happen in the organization’s lifetime.

Steps to Achieve Good Online Business Resilience

Online Business Resilience plans is key to keeping your business afloat despite the ongoing crisis. A strong, thorough business resilience strategy should encompass four general strands:

  •         Business Continuity Plan – Plans out and rehearses an action to all identifiers or anticipated operational disruptions and risks.
  •         Disaster Recovery Plan – Provides the organization a strategy to recover from real disasters.
  •         Value Protection Plan – Makes sure that shareholder value and stakeholder relations are protected in times of disaster.
  •         Exploitation Plan – Enables the business to identify, and exploit, commercial opportunities that may present themselves during times of substantial disruption.

The Solution to Online Business Resilience is Flexibility

There are many strategies to follow in terms of making your business resilient. But the essence of it all is adaptability. There are many moving parts when it comes to driving day-to-day operations, so when there is a major disruption, an immediate action needs to take place in order to minimize the impact. Business resilience planning relies on the ability to identify those essential functions, and prioritizing which components are critical to be performed in times of disruption.

Business resilience plays an essential role to keep your business afloat especially now that there is an ongoing pandemic. In the past year, many businesses have resulted in going online and boosting their online presence in order to maintain operations and to bring in revenue despite the government regulations. If you haven’t developed a plan yet in our new “normal”, iManila can help you improve your online visibility and brand awareness regardless of your operational objectives. iManila is a full-service digital marketing agency ready to help you with your  website development, hosting, and digital marketing needs. Visit our website at to learn more or drop us a message through [email protected]

Set your business for success in 2021 with iManila

The New Year is the best time to do something new. For businesses, this also holds true as there is no better time to finally set new goals to help grow your business for success. The past year has seen a growth of many small to medium businesses amidst the pandemic and found success because of the contact-less nature of going digital. For those that have not yet tried exploring digital channels to better promote their brand, then now is the best time to explore new territory. 

We know how scary it can be to try out these new digital channels but that is why we’re here to help. iManila is a web development and digital marketing agency with more than 20 years of experience in providing quality solutions to its clients. We help businesses meet their goals through our strategic digital marketing campaigns that lets them reach more customers, build their presence online, and more. Discover here some of the popular services the past year that helped our clients find success that could also be your match this 2021. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

To those not familiar of Search Engine Optimization, it is all about being discoverable in Google or any search engine when users do their searching. The goal for SEO is to get your brand at the top so it is seen by the most people. With how the modern consumer does their purchasing by doing their own research before buying, it becomes clear why SEO is really popular. 

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 

The other half of what you find on search engine results pages are the paid ads. Often called pay-per-click ads, this is another way to get your brand at the top of the results pages. Google Ads let you expand your reach online through either Search, Display, Video, Mobile or Shopping Ads. iManila is a recognized Google Partner, meaning our team is equipped with the latest knowledge on how to execute campaigns that produce the best results. 

Social Media Management

Having social media presence means that you are opening your brand up to a channel most of your customers are familiar with. This is a great potential to not just reach new consumers who may be interested in what you have to offer, but also to engage with your existing customers and keep them coming back. A unique feature that sets social media apart from these other channels is the two-way nature it provides that lets you immediately see their reactions and responses. With the right campaigns, we can turn social media users to your loyal brand followers. 

Social Media Ads 

This is another way you can gain presence on social media, by boosting relevant content on various social media platforms. Choosing the right facebook AD objective for your business is a great way to reach new customers in social media especially when your brand is relatively new without a solid following yet. iManila is also a  recognized Facebook Managed Agency Partner, meaning that our team is also equipped with the latest skills to execute successful and advanced ad campaigns according to the clients’ different objectives.

Content Marketing

Content is king. With information easily accessible everywhere, it can be hard to sell your products and services amidst all the noise. But by offering the right and relevant content to your target market, you are able to capture their attention. This is you telling them you know about things that they are interested in and care about. Customers love knowing information and would love knowing more about your brand and the right content marketing campaign can unlock success for your business. 

Email Marketing

Email is still a channel used for marketing. This is great for brand recall among those who already interacted with your brand and to enhance customer loyalty. There are many different ways to personalize content so that it can still be timely and relevant to your customers. 

Web Design

We believe that a well-designed website is still one of the most valuable marketing strategies. A website is still the “face” of your business online and can work together with your other online channels in boosting your overall presence. iManila can help design a website for any function depending on your business needs whether it be informative, built for E-Commerce, or for a catalogue. With each website we ensure that it is not just functional and aesthetically pleasing, but can also be a website that can help boost your visibility online, empowering your business. We go through a meticulous process in designing and developing your website in ensuring that it is something that is built to last. 

From all corners of the digital space, iManila has got you covered. Look no further for a partner agency that can help take your 2021 business goals to fruition. If these sound like something you want for your business, get in touch with us and see how we can work together!

Wishing You and Your Family a Fruitful New Year

Ambush – one word that could potentially sum up the year 2020. This time last year, you may have had a nice wine session with your family or friends while talking about how good 2019 has been to you. Or perhaps you spent lots of time planning where to go, what to do, what things to accomplish, or who to meet. But then for some weird reason none of those plans came to fruition in 2020. 

All of the horrible things that happened this year mostly came as surprise – which is, in fact, the most daunting part of it all. None of us expected that a year could be as action-packed and scary as this year, as if we were characters from an apocalyptic, disaster-themed kind of film. Some of us actually thought that we were in some sort of experiment or simulation, plotted by some unknown extraterrestrial beings, playing altogether the worst possible scenarios at once. 

But if there’s one lesson that 2020 has taught us, is what love truly means. Seeing so many people coming together to help other people throughout this year only proves the goodness in all human beings. This year showed the world that despite peoples’ differences in principles, political views, beliefs, and whatnot, when it came to hard times, we were all, at the essence of it all, bounded by true love and kindness.

This article is quite different from the rest of the blogs that we’ve published because this is about us – how iManila thrived, how we managed, and the beautiful things that came out of this experience.

The beginning

2020 started out a bit shaky, but overall many of us felt hopeful. Everyone celebrated a wonderful holiday season. When we returned to the office, our mancom prepared a nice welcome breakfast or as we like to call it, “First Breakfast”. Everyone enjoyed telling stories about their holidays, the places they went, and all the food they ate, while having a cup of coffee, some pandesal and to each his own palaman. Our “First Breakfast” may have sounded simple – but to us, these small celebrations simply make us feel at home. 

The first hurdle of our year came in February, smack in the month of love, when we received news that one of our own – Jet, our amazing and beloved senior website developer had passed away. We mourned as a family and remembered all of our good times with him. We all tried to stay strong despite his quick passing. 

We thought that the trials would be over but about a month later, the world suddenly stopped. What we thought would just be a regular flu was suddenly declared into a global pandemic. In fact, things changed too quickly as little did we know that our March socials held last March 13 would be our last face-to-face party as a family for the entire year. 

Work-from-home Journey

The months went by quickly. Summer came and went, the ber months arrived and now Christmas is over. Through it all, we all worked at the safety of our homes. This was a decision our management stood by from the beginning, not just for our welfare, but for our families and clients’ as well. 

Despite the struggles of adjusting from walking to your colleague’s desk every morning, to suddenly just sending them a message, we’re thankful that before the pandemic we had already established our main communication channel, Microsoft Teams. Just the same, even prior to the pandemic we had been used to working across cloud-based collaboration tools such as Google Workspace and Trello. And, being the tech company that we are, thankfully we had all of our files on the cloud! 

Even then, in the 24 years we’ve been improving lives through technology, this was still the first time iManila had gone 100% virtual so we weren’t really sure all departments could adapt to the set up. Fortunately as weeks turned into months, everyone learned. We managed all weekly meetings through calls, we taught clients how to use Microsoft Teams or Zoom or Google Meet. We did whatever was necessary to do to survive – and we did!

On top of letting go of our usual face-to-face interactions, the saddest thing we had to let go was our old office of about 20 years on the 7th floor of Hanston Building. For us, it wasn’t just a space for work or a place to accept client calls, but a haven or safe space for many of us. It’s a place where we all looked forward to being in, either to chit chat and laugh about nonsense, celebrate holidays the iManila way, party over our successes, or to just simply catch up and lift everyone up when work was getting a little tough. We shared over two happy decades in that very place and letting it go was just heart-breaking.

Now, we are so close to ending this year and yet we are still here waving our iManila flag high. We fought not just for the business to thrive but to stay together despite the challenges.

It’s weird what a year can do to anyone. But we always like to remember that there’s no other way but up. From the words of our President and CEO, Robert A. Deluria, “We aren’t tested for something that we can’t do. So if we are given huge challenges like this, it’s because we can get through them. We just need a leap of faith and hope that all these will one day come to pass and in the end are the better and braver versions of us.”

From all of us at iManila, we wish you and your family a safer, happier and a more hopeful new year!


Merry Christmas from our iManila Family to Yours!

2020 has been a challenging year for us all. We entered the year strong with so many plans and growth targets in place – ready to beat last year’s numbers and ready to come out a stronger iManila family. Little did we know that the challenge ahead of us would go far beyond numbers. We were even celebrating our monthly company socials last March not knowing that it would be our last activity face-to-face together.

Despite all of the struggles and adjustments, the office space we’ve left behind after 20 years since we are all working from home, as well as the people whom we have had to bid goodbye to, there’s still a lot of things to be thankful for. We are grateful for the good health of all of our employees and our ability to stay operational throughout the pandemic in order to provide for our people’s livelihoods despite the economic downturn this year. We are thankful for the good health of our loved ones and for the time we have been able to spend with them as we continue to work from home through next year. 

Lastly, we are grateful to our loyal clients whom we have grown with throughout the years, sharing the many economic struggles that we have faced together. I know that together, we will be able to adapt, survive and thrive from this pandemic. Thank you for your continued trust and support and we look forward to continuing to improve your lives through technology for many more years to come. 

Wishing you and your family a blessed and joyful Christmas!








Why You Should Plan Your Christmas Campaigns Now

For a lot of people, Christmas is an exciting time filled with holiday cheer! But for businesses, what this means is an opportunity to take advantage of an increase in consumer spending. With the right marketing strategy, Christmas is just about the perfect time to hop on the holiday hype train to help boost your business’ sales!

In order to have a great campaign, every marketer needs two things: opportunity and strategy. Christmas alone is a great season of opportunity for businesses to meet the needs of their shoppers. How you can properly capitalize on this opportunity is if it is paired with the right strategy. Waiting for customers to come knocking at your door will not be a sufficient holiday marketing plan. The right strategy can help you cut across the noise of the holiday shopping sphere and reach your customers. It is important to keep in mind that the effects of COVID-19 include a shift in the usual consumer buying patterns. Learning how to unlock this with the right strategy is invaluable. With that, here is a quick guide to get you started on your Christmas campaigns and why it’s never too late. 

Think in terms of the customer 

The biggest question is figuring out what to sell, and if it is something customers will like. The key here is to think in terms of the customer. Find out what customers usually need, and in particular, how your target market would react to the upcoming holidays. Once you figure this out, this is when you can look to other competitors for inspiration and check out current trends in marketing to see what clicks with customers. Combining what you know here can then help you form what offering you can give them. 

Urgency is the best medicine 

Customers are aware of time constraints and this is something you can help them with by giving them a sense of urgency in making that conversion. What you can do is to give customers a definite date for the end of the offer or promotion. It’s always a good idea to bundle some of your products together or offer one or the other for free or at a discounted price for a limited time. This makes your offer irresistible and it gives your consumers a sense of urgency to buy your products today. 

Find inspiration with what works

You do not have to search far and wide to get original content for the holidays. Oftentimes the best way to save you time and to remove the trial-and-error of a new marketing idea is to take ideas from previous ads that work. These ads have appealed to customers which is what makes them a great reference point for your ads or organic posts. This means you wouldn’t be needing to rack your brains on whether the messaging you’re thinking about will be one that connects with your customers. Remember that having the most unique or original content or post does not necessarily make it an effective one for customers.

Have content for the holidays 

Christmas is on the minds of customers the closer we get to the actual day, so as marketers, showing customers that you are also putting out content that is holiday-themed shows that you are relatable and understand what they are feeling. The best part about this is getting to play around with content and using the holidays as an opportunity to engage with customers by putting out content you can’t use anywhere else. Creating Christmas themed content that still keeps your branding intact is one way to achieve this. This time of the year is the best time to get your business ready for the holidays amidst the pandemic!

Keep them thinking of holidays with blogs 

Blogs are vital not just for the SEO of your website but also in keeping customers engaged. It’s good to have regular blog posts but you can take it to the next level by turning your December blogs holiday-themed. Use this not just as a means to promote your product but also as a way to put out relevant advice and content for the season. 

The way you can have the best marketing campaign for the holidays is to plan ahead to make a strategy that works for you while capitalizing on the opportunity. It is not too late to start on your holiday marketing campaign. Follow these easy ber-months marketing guides for all digital marketers and find the right partner who can guide you with your holiday campaigns.  iManila has years of experience in helping brands get a holiday boost with their digital marketing campaigns.  See how we can work together and contact us now! 

Are your Social Media Pages Holiday-Ready?

Now that Christmas is just around the corner, there’s bigger pressure to connect to your consumers. Since this is the time of the year where people are more willing to spend, most consumers will rely on what they see on social media and websites as reference for gifts. This is why it is essential to make your social media pages holiday-ready.

Here are some tips to make your social media pages ready for Christmas: 

Prepare your Social Media Calendar

This year anticipate that you’ve got more on your plate than usual. That’s why it is important to prepare a fully-developed social media calendar which includes product images, captions, call-to-action buttons and teasers to have a guide on what to post on a specific day. Ensure that every post is scheduled at the right moment. Take this chance to have a strong presence on all social media platforms relevant to your business and work on your digital marketing for the Holiday season.

Start teasing sales and new products

Roll out your sales and announce before they happen. Get your audience excited about the promotions that you have coming up. If you plan to have free shipping for December, showcase it since customers are now doing their research before purchasing gifts. While some impulse shopping can and does happen, a lot of people go into holiday shopping with a game plan. If you highlight an appealing promo, you will surely capture the audience’s attention and generate more sales for holiday shopping will be different this year.

Create genuine holiday messages

In addition to having all your hard-sell content it is also important to show your gratitude to your consumers. Ask your followers what they’re doing for the upcoming holiday season, or just thank them for their loyalty and wish them a safe and happy holiday with their family. Also, it is important to get your social media inbox ready since your followers will definitely message you regarding shipping dates, product information and order status.

It is important to have a social media plan this holiday season to make sure that you will be able to achieve your goal. Take this chance to boost your online presence and raise brand awareness this coming holiday season by following the tips mentioned above. iManila is a full service web and digital marketing. We can help you make your social media page holiday ready this season. Visit us at now to learn more!