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Tag: social media marketing

Choosing the Right Facebook Ad Objective for Your Business

Setting up a Facebook ad for the first time using an ads manager account will surely make your mind go fuzzy. Every stage of the setup process is crucial to making a successful campaign, especially the objective selection.

Choosing your campaign objective is the first choice you will have to make. It will determine the optimization and bidding options you will have throughout the ad creation process. It’s like dictating to the Facebook system your goals and simultaneously trusting the system to follow through and provide you with the best tools to achieve it.

So how will you know which one to choose especially if you’re a stranger to Facebook advertising? The ultimate rule is that you choose the one closest to your advertising goal.

Facebook Ads Objective

To generate better results, you must understand what each objective means.

In a nutshell, Facebook uses the data it gets from people’s online behavior and targets the ones within your chosen target audience who are most likely to engage or see your ad.

Objectives are broken down into three categories: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion with sub-objective options each.


This objective allows you to generate interest in what you sell. You have two choices in this category.

  1. Brand Awareness

Use this to increase awareness. This objective will help you reach people who are most likely to pay attention to what you promote on your ad.

Instead of boosting your ad for engagements (likes, comments, shares), this is the most recommended objective to take. This does not necessarily get people to engage, click-through, or purchase.

Huge companies like Jollibee, SM, and Coca-Cola may find value in this objective, the same way other companies who are not necessarily aiming to website traffic, sales leads, or increase in purchases. This may not, however, provide the same value to small and medium-sized businesses.

  1. Reach

Use reach if you want your ad to be seen by many people around your target coverage and budget plan.


This campaign objective category allows you to reach people who want to know more information about your brand.

  1. Traffic

This objective allows you to drive traffic outside of Facebook like inviting people to read your blog on your website, listen to a podcast, see your app, and more. Facebook will serve your ad to people who are most likely to click through.

  1. Engagement

If you want people to engage on your ad, use engagement as an objective. The engagements include reactions, likes, comments, and shares. This could also help you increase your page following, event responses, and offer claims.

Choosing engagement will also allow you to retarget people who have previously engaged on your ad for future advertising campaigns.

  1. App Installs

Use this objective if you want people to download your mobile app. 

  1. Video Views

This objective will help you promote your video and target people who are most likely to watch it. The priority is to let them see your content on the video and not to click a link or register.

This objective is also beneficial when you are planning to build a video engagement audience for retargeting purposes.

  1. Lead Generation

This objective will allow you to generate leads right within the ad. It generally invites people to register their names, contact details, and other data you would like to get from them. Additionally, the data you get are auto-populated so you can get essential information out of the sign-ups.

There are only a couple of complex steps when doing this objective. You need to use a third-party tool that should be integrated to Facebook to automatically take all data going to CRM. You can do this within the Lead Set up on Facebook. This is crucial because people would expect to know what you are offering immediately.


This last campaign category will get people to register, download applications, purchase, or visit your store.

To optimize for Conversion, you need to have at least 15-25 conversions a week. This is only a bare minimum; the ideal number is between 50-100. This is necessary so Facebook can learn about those people who converted and target the ones who most likely to convert as well within your target coverage. Without this data, Facebook won’t be able to optimize accurately the delivery of your ads.

1.Product Catalog Sales

When you have an e-commerce store you would like to promote, use product catalog sales as an objective. This will require you to have the catalog integrated to Facebook and choose product feeds in creating a campaign.

2.Store Visits

Use this objective if you have multiple business branches and you wish to get people to visit your nearest store to purchase. You will need to set up your business locations on the ads manager before you can use this objective.

Choose the most appropriate objective that is aligned to your current goals. Consider your first attempt as an A/B testing so you can know if your chosen objective really works for your business and if the expected results are met.

If all this is too much to take in – don’t fret as we don’t want you to stress out on something you don’t necessarily have to deal with. Get a reliable and experience-heavy agency who can do the job for you. Here at iManila, our expertise will help you build your brand and get more people to talk about your business. Request a quote for our Social Media Management and Social Media Ads now!

Where Should You Spend Your Marketing Budget in 2020

It’s a sad reality that the year 2020 has impacted many businesses in various industries such as retail, tourism, transportation, and many more. The community quarantine has definitely limited the freedom of consumers in purchasing only their needs. Fortunately, there is a way to keep your business afloat despite the ongoing pandemic. Due to this, for the year 2020, businesses should join the hype by focusing on marketing trends and safely investing in different brand strategies to keep your business going.

Here are some areas where you should spend your Marketing Budget in 2020. 

Compelling blog content

Many people rely on blogs if they need answers to their questions. The reason why it is important to post high-quality content is to be able to capture the attention of your website visitors. Your content serves as one of your most important marketing tools and it must not be overlooked. Just as well, the competition when it comes to blog posting is very high that’s why your content should always be compelling to stand out. It is also a must to regularly update blog posts on your website to reach more audience and increase your organic traffic.  

Social Media Marketing

It is known that throughout the pandemic, social media usage has skyrocketed with more people staying at home. With that, and with the majority of online users on social media, no doubt that your brand should be on social media too! Social media marketing helps in improving brand loyalty. Now more than ever, it is the perfect time to invest in a social platform that will help you reach your target consumers and simultaneously build stronger relationships with your consumers. Here are the following areas you need to consider on Social Media Marketing: compelling content, visually enticing images, and paid advertising.

Quality Product Description

Product descriptions play a huge role in your marketing tool. If it is a dry feature your target consumers will surely lose their interest in your product. Product descriptions have many functions than characterizing a product. This answers the questions of your target market about your product. Product descriptions should evoke the right emotion and showcase the ability of the product. It is a must to provide a budget for writing marketing descriptions.

Video Marketing

Video Marketing is the perfect way to raise brand awareness and reach audiences who have an interest similar to your brand. Consumers watch videos for their entertainment and want to be a part of their interaction with the brand. To make video marketing effective, always have an objective in mind on what you want to achieve and determine the type of video that you will publish.

One way to keep your business afloat this 2020 is to invest in your Marketing Budget digitally (and wisely), in order to reach more audience and raise brand awareness online. The specifics of your business depend on your marketing strategies and investment. iManila is equipped to help your business keep going and to boost your online presence no matter what the situation is. Leave a message and let’s discuss how we can help you with your digital marketing needs.

5 Things Businesses can do Online while on Community Quarantine

Business as usual? Just because the rest of the community is under quarantine due to the pandemic, doesn’t mean that your business online has to be idle.


Despite all of the negative things happening around us, there’s always a positive. Think of this time as a great opportunity to revamp your business online, especially if this is something that you somehow never found the time to do before. With a lot of people stuck at home and relying on the Internet to cover for their boredom – chances are your potential customers are out there searching the web or scrolling through social media! So on the positive side of things, there’s no better time to leave your mark online than right now!


Here are five things you can do for your business online while on community quarantine.


Update your website’s images and content

For businesses already with a fully-functional website, now is the perfect time to revamp and freshen up your site. Whether it’s changing the landing images or updating the captions to be more eye-catching, having an aesthetically pleasing website is vital in keeping your site visitors engaged enough to check out what you have to offer.


Write content for your website’s blog page etc.

Again, if you have a fully functional website, maybe now is the perfect time to produce relevant content to give potential customers reason to stay on your website longer. Writing content for your website’s blog is one way to do this. How can this help your website? The more relevant the blogs are to your possible customers, the bigger the chances they are to visit and constantly return to your website and to learn more about what your company has to offer. This is a way for you to soft sell your website. Remember that most people search for answers on the Internet, so having the right articles that answer their questions just might mean another customer for you.


Get a website

If you’re a business owner who has never had the time or the opportunity to create a website, then what better way to spend all your time at home than by conceptualizing the kind of website you want for your company? There are many reasons why having a website has been proven to be valuable to businesses. Credibility is definitely one of those reasons. For a startup business who wants to leave a good impression on their potential customers, having a website is the best place to start. If you own a business that allows customers to purchase your products or services online, then your own website can become a one-stop-shop for all of your customer’s needs.


Start a Facebook fan page for your business

In the Philippines, Facebook is undoubtedly the most used and subscribed social media site. This makes it a lucrative option especially when most of your potential customers are frequent users of the site. While a website is used by customers who actively search something on the web, having social media presence on Facebook is a way to reach out to them when they’re just passing the time scrolling through their feeds. Facebook fan pages can provide an easy way to communicate with your customers with just a single click of a button.


Explore other social media channels

While almost everyone uses Facebook nowadays, it’s not rare to see people using other forms of social media such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and even LinkedIn. Chances are your potential customers also use them. Knowing who you are targeting as a customer is important in deciding what other social media sites to branch out to. Each social media site differs in their approach to reaching out to their users. If you want to promote videos of your business, then maybe getting a YouTube Ad is for you. If you like to present the products beautifully, or if you’re trying to get influencers on board then maybe Instagram is your best bet. Remember that the more present you are online, the easier it is for your customer to find your brand.


While normal business operations may be down for the meantime due to the quarantine, digital marketing never stops. This is one of the biggest advantages of going digital – that it can bridge communication and information online without needing to be physically present. This works the same for businesses too. If you are just thinking of expanding your business online then there is no better time.


We know that doing this alone might seem intimidating, so getting an expert’s help can be a great way to get started. Let a partner agency guide you through the digital landscape to help you reach your business goals online. iManila is here to help you despite the pandemic. Our lines continue to remain open as we continue to help businesses stay online no matter the economic situation. Reach us through our website, and drop us a question. iManila: Improving Lives Through Technology. #iManila #DigitalAgency

What is up with Facebook in 2020?

The last 31 days of January 2020 has been heavily problematic for people around the world. With all the natural backlashes, war threats and virus outbreaks that claimed thousands of lives, it’s getting harder and harder for people to cope with every day. This may not be a lot to offer, but for Facebook, it’s a way to help people recover and re-connect. For businesses and brands, exciting and highly beneficial updates are on its way this 2020.

Home to around 2.2 billion users, Facebook, who also owns popular platforms Messenger and Instagram is no stranger to constant updates the way we’ve watched them implement changes in the past year. As marketers, it’s absolutely critical that we keep track and stay on top of these trends to stay relevant and to keep our audiences engaged.

  1. Lead Generation Tools in Messenger

This tool is out there but has been in beta-testing for quite some time. For businesses, your ads can now be clicked through and lead you to Messenger for faster inquiries and transactions. Messenger will simplify customers’ answers with automated questions in a direct, conversational way that brands can quickly jump into to continue the conversation and complete the conversion process. This will allow businesses to integrate their CRM provider to continue the conversation and track leads.

  1. Subscription Messaging Beta Update

The use of Subscription Messaging allows the brand to send non-promotional updates on a scheduled basis but unfortunately does not include advertisements, promotional content, solicitations, etc. On the new platform, Facebook’s Subscription Messaging is a big chance for businesses to send messages and provide their audiences with timely updates and information. This will help businesses to improve brand awareness and drive traffic to their websites which can lead to increased sales. This is a great way to promote your business on a more personal level compared to just having them be displayed in news feeds.

  1. Discover Tab Phase-Out

Launched just two years ago, Facebook has recently announced that they will be removing Messenger’s Discover Tab. This is in line with Messenger’s continuous overhaul which aims to simplify and declutter the app to focus on its core function – to connect people.

  1. Calibra

One of the major Facebook updates that will happen in 2020 is the launch of Calibra. A Facebook subsidiary, Calibra was designed to provide financial services under the digital wallet for the Libra network, a global cryptocurrency built on blockchain technology. This digital wallet is expected to be made available in Facebook’s Messenger and WhatsApp platforms, on top of its own app.

  1. New Navigation and Management Tools in Business Manager

This Facebook change is much more convenient in terms of improvements to Ads Manager and Business Manager that allow brands to build ads, manage Facebook assets and permission in an easier and faster way. This is useful for business owners who manage their business pages.

  1. Simplified Feed Formats

Because of the new Facebook design, primary text from seven are shorten to three lines for visibility and then prompted to click to view the entire text or post. Another major change is in terms of the aspect ratio of photos and videos from 2:3 to 4:5. These changes help to show more content in a span of one scroll.

  1. Refined Targeting Options

This year, privacy has been given attention as Facebook will trim down targeting ads to users in terms of demographics and buying behavior. This is part of an effort to lessen the pop-ups of third-party companies as it was known to track online behaviors outside of Facebook. It is great for individual privacy but a hassle for businesses that advertise on social media. To clear the confusion, Facebook will still target people based on their jobs and life events listed in user’s profiles as well as interaction on pages and posts.

  1. New Insights and eLearning Courses

Most businesses need a lot of improvement in terms of selling their brands to increase brand awareness and profitability. That’s why Facebook introduced free online courses for businesses to learn new marketing skills in presenting their brands. This is a great opportunity for marketers to learn how their consumers behave in order to help them grow their business.

Intimated by all these upcoming changes? Don’t fret! Having the right agency partner can help you navigate through this ever-changing digital landscape! Here at iManila, we believe in offering digital marketing services that will help you grow your business. Learn more about how we can help you here at or drop us an email at [email protected]. #iManila #DigitalAgency

How Can Social Media Help My Business?

Being on social media has practically been the norm for everyone. Whether you’re going to work, having your lunch, or just taking a 5-minute break from work, social media is a habit that people cannot seem to let go. Different Social media platforms have become rampant in the last five to eights years that people are so accustomed to getting information and news through it rather than the traditional method of newspaper and television. With this in mind, it’s hard to deny that businesses nowadays are starting to invest more and more on building their online identity through social media.

But what exactly does social media provide to businesses? Why is it that many of these big brands are so eager to be successful online? If you’re curious to find answers on why your business should invest in social media, we’ve outlined here for you some benefits that you should consider.

Social Media Provides Online Identity Support

The online space is very wide. Social media is just a fraction of what the online world is all about. Obviously, websites are probably the number one investment that a business should consider to have that online identity. However, a website alone will not cut it and it’s no longer enough to just have a website. In fact, more and more brands are using social media to support their websites, which is especially why it’s better to support your online efforts with a social media calendar as well. Having your own social media page, especially on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn is a great anchor to boost your online identity. With so many people using these platforms as their source of information and lifestyle display, there’s no doubt that your business will reach as many people as possible and gain the sales that you’re hoping for.

Let the online world know about your branding and identity by posting relevant content. Make sure that you’re voicing out your identity with direct and creative captions. Don’t forget to be cohesive and in-sync with regards to your overall look on all of your social media profiles.

Social Media Produces a Wider Audience Reach

As mentioned, social media attracts a lot of people. It can be considered as a hub or a place where people gather to share thoughts and ideas. With over a billion monthly users, social media is your go-to place to promote your business online. Make sure you’re setting up the right ads and targeting the right people in order to reach more relevant customers for your brand. Remember to capitalize every online opportunity in order to boost your business identity online through social media.

Social Media Generates an Increase in ROI

Lastly, every businesses’ main goal is to have that increase in their ROI. As long as you have a solid foundation on your social media profiles, and that all of your communications plans are in-sync with each of them, you can expect your ROI to rise in no time. It’s only just a matter of time and on whether or not your services or products targeting the right market.

Looking to start your online journey through social media? iManila is here to help! With over 23 years of experience in the IT industry, we’ve helped countless clients establish their identity online. For more information, contact us at (02) 490-0000 or leave us a message at

How much is your peace of mind?

It was a hectic Monday, and your office is in chaos preparing for the weekly management meeting– when suddenly a noisy commotion grows in a corner as your employees are starting to break in panic.

“No inbound leads have come in!” an assistant, cried in.

Everyone’s on their toes trying to find out why, only to realize that the culprit is your server, as it crashed and failed to load your website, thus making it inaccessible for a couple of hours now, and still counting.

The sad thing is, this is the third time that this has happened just this month alone, and it’s starting to take a toll on your revenue.

What to do?

This scenario is probably one of the main stressors for most companies relying on their online channels to generate business.

The one-million-dollar question here is, “is it worth it to get stressed over this kind of issue time and time again?”

Our answer is NO.

You can always rely on reputable companies who can do it for you.

As one of the most trusted full-service digital marketing agencies in the country, iManila is the go-to provider of brands and companies here and abroad for the following services:


Our hosting solutions are engineered for powerful and reliable performance online. From shared and dedicated hosting to SSL certificates and web security and backup, you can count on our solutions to provide 99.5% uptime and availability.

Web Design and Development

Our mission is to turn beautiful designs into useful and functional websites that represent your business in the best way possible. With a pool of expert designers and developers, we are very much capable of producing well-designed and functional websites from informational websites, to e-commerce sites with various functionalities.

Web System and Applications Development

A website is not just the only thing that businesses need these days. Reach your market through web and mobile applications by transforming your business to carry out automated processes and operations to improve productivity and profit.

Digital Marketing

Today’s online information age is unstoppable and is accelerating faster than anyone can anticipate. With social media networks and search engines rising as key getaways of the information highway, marketers are rapidly shifting from offline to online to reach their customers.

With the combination of both organic effort and paid advertising, you can surely interact with your audience in real-time. To add, digital marketing provides measurable results which can surely empower you to make wise business decisions when it comes to optimizing your campaigns and achieving your company’s goals.

Tech Support Services  

Get 24/7 support from our fully-equipped, highly-knowledgeable technical staff! With over a million man-hours of experience, our technical support specialists can solve and troubleshoot all hardware and software issues of your business.


Let iManila give you the peace of mind that you need. To know more about our services, call us at +632 4900000 or send us an email at [email protected].

How Well Are You Remarketing Your Company?

A study done by Google suggests that 95% of visitors will not convert the first time. Stats like this may seem so scary because for business owners and marketing executives like yourselves, you have to ask the question: “How do I get my consumers to convert or buy?” 

In this day and age, it’s no longer enough to just market your products one time or just for a fixed period of time. The fact of the matter is, with the amount of information going around online, consumers’ attention is constantly being pulled from one direction to another. So how exactly can you persuade your buyers to actually take action and go for the “buy now” button?

The answer can be summed up in one word: remarketing

Gone are the days when you simply market a product and hope to the heavens that your marketing campaign has been seen and/or heard by the right audience. In today’s highly online world, marketing campaigns are a combination of efforts to target new audiences and to remarket or continuously show visibility to potential and previous clients or website visitors. 

Remarketing campaigns are basically designed to show your company and/or your products off to potential customers who have either visited your site or previously used your mobile app. This remarketing type of campaign can easily be applied thru Google Display Ads.

Remarketing campaigns are also akin to the scenario when customers opt into your newsletter. Many companies today religiously send out electronic direct mailers or email newsletters to databases which they have maintained and grew over the years. These databases are considered as goldmines to these companies, who are able to use these precious contact details as a means to market directly to people who they know are already interested in their product or service.

So where will YOU begin with your remarketing? 

  1. Start with an understanding of your remarketing goals. Who exactly do you want to remarket to? Do you want to target existing clients? Do you want to target clients who have abandoned their cart? 
  2. Evaluate your databases. Are they up-to-date? What kind of your clients are your databases composed of? Do you maintain a database? 
  3. What kind of channels should you use to remarket? Are your clients more inclined to open their emails? Are they more inclined to see your Google Ads? 

Getting started seems difficult but once you’ve gotten the hang of it and you’ve seen the results in conversion, then you’d be happy you did it anyway! 

Just take note that every company does remarketing differently. What might work for us may not work for you – so it’s really about putting in the patience of trial and error. But like what we said, if you’re able to figure it out and do it correctly, we’re sure you’ll be happy you did it! 

Scared to give it a try by yourself? Get some experts to help you!

Drop us a message at [email protected] or call us at +632 490 0000. 

5 Industries that Get the Most Out of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing has changed the game for brands especially when it comes to building awareness and brand recall with their target audience. Likewise, the competition in the digital age for valuable and relevant content to achieve high engagement rate has been high and rough. That’s why, when the competition is this high, we turn to numbers to determine the effectivity of digital marketing campaigns.

Only a few brands can nail the trifecta of digital marketing that is consistent quality content, high engagement rate, and great ROI. Here are 5 industries that are acing their digital marketing game with great ROIs

Food and Fitness

The #1 motto of the food and fitness industry is probably “Real People, Real Results”. Nothing screams quality and credibility like customer testimonials and reviews, which the Food and Fitness industry is very good at. More and more restaurants, meal plan brands, fitness brands are turning to digital to show how great their products and services are. And content creation comes almost too easy for them as their customers are too most likely to do about 50% of the job for them- through user-generated content.


More and more traditional companies are turning to digital marketing to gain more clients. One perfect example is the legal industry. Aside from attracting more clients online through digital campaigns, some legal firms have also turned to e-commerce for faster delivery of their services. Simply drafted documents like Affidavits, Leases, and Contracts can now be “ordered” online. Exciting times indeed!


A lot of big retail companies are closing their physical stores and have started to migrate to e-commerce. E-commerce brands are increasing rapidly and every day they are adding more value to their brands. Especially with the rise of content creators like Instagram Influencers and Youtubers, the retail industry has become more aggressive with their digital marketing efforts. Most retail brands will team up with famous and established online personalities with a big following. E-commerce retail brands have managed to combine affordability with fast fashion, along with the convenience of e-commerce shopping and more and more people are getting on board every day.


Just like the legal industry, other traditional companies in the healthcare industries have also started to venture into digital. According to a Deloitte study, 52% of consumers search for information online for treatment options for their health concerns. ( Whether it’s individual practitioners or healthcare companies, you can easily find them online.

Media and Entertainment

One of the biggest shifts from traditional to digital is the Media Entertainment industry. In TV for example, more consumers are subscribing to streaming services instead getting cable TV. When you go online, you’ll immediately see tons of ads- whether it’s about selling and promoting a product or service, a movie, a person, and more. Media practitioners are starting to realise the power of online advertising, with its various advantages from being cheaper than traditional advertising, higher audience reach, and measurable results and insights that they can access anytime.  

Shifting to digital can be tricky especially if you don’t have the right people to do it for you. iManila can help you achieve your goals with valuable and relevant digital marketing strategies. Call us at (02) 4900000 or email us at [email protected] and let us know how we can help you.

Ways to Get Conversion on Social Media


Social Media has changed the way people are getting informed these days. Somehow, it became the second search engine used by the users when finding a person, event or even brands. And with the force of social media coming in full swing, it is becoming an unstoppable force that marketers need to use to their advantage.

In our previous blog we have discussed what KPIs you need to focus should you decide to go all out with your social media marketing. While most have chosen to go with branding metrics, some are aggressive enough to zoom into sales-centric ones. The question now is, is social media a perfect channel to convert audience to customers?

Related: Branding or Sales KPI?

Is conversion possible?

The answer is a big fat YES! Social Media has the ability to drive potent traffic ready for conversion. The key in maximizing that ability is by following these 6 key points we got from on how to win more conversion on Social Media.

  • Unique Content per Platform

This is a basic rule everyone needs to understand. Different social media platforms have different cultures, setting it apart from other platforms. In that sense, users also have a different behavior towards content. While funny content can be the most engaging on Facebook, that doesn’t mean it works the same with Instagram. Instagram users are artsy, hip, trendy and post neatly than the users of Facebook. Feed goals are the new trend and incredible visuals are the king of all IG content.

Twitter on the other has a different taste. Brevity is the key. Concise, witty and on-point content for brands is highly engaging. While most end-users treat their twitters as their private spaces for their up-to-date rants and angst – following the trending hashtags is still mainstream for both users and brands.

  • Go Beyond Links for Content Promotion

People don’t go to social media to be bombarded by the same content they see on their television set. The reason they migrated to social media is that of the authenticity of the content, and the value-adding content they get from it – not some heavy bullshit that feels like a rusting advertising knife stuck in their ears.

The content format can either be entertaining or informative. Users gravitate towards these type of content they felt are not sponsored. But for marketers, telling a story and sharing entertaining content like memes, GIFs, and clips to light up their mood really make differences. Promotional links are great, but they are the content promotion of the yesteryears. Social selling is the key these days. Give users sandwiches if they want it, but don’t forget to make your salamis and spreads hearty and fulfilling.

Embed the links on the catchiest and subtlest content to make it organically engaging.

  • Know Your Target Audience Well

A perfect conversational type of social selling is a fruit of knowing your target market (or audience) well. This is connected to number 2. Only when you know to which content your market responds well, is when you can be able to deliver the right message and posts that will resonate with them.  Remember, different market, different behavior. And different platform creates different sets of audiences with different behavior as well. If you will put that together, you can single out that niche audience perfect for your brand.

Related:  SMEs Guide to Understanding Their Market Online

  • Track Your Traffic

It is like aimlessly wandering around a big park if you are not abreast with your performance. Keeping track of how your content performs gives you the knowledge on ways to improve your next postings to make it more engaging and appealing to win more conversions.

  • Leverage on Relationship Marketing

You cannot win on your own. That is for sure. Even if you have the most potent product out there, or the best service yet, you cannot achieve the sweet success if your target audience does not know you. And that is where the help of other people or influencers come in.

You can form ties with communities and groups online who are directly involved with the use of your brand. They can be your brand ambassadors. They will serve as your key influencers who will subtly do content promotion to your prospects. You know how people love reviews from other users right? Word of mouth, even online, is a hundredfold more effective than branded or sponsored content.

  • Always Keep It Simple for Your Audience

Your audience online is not hermits who are blessed with enormous patience. They are decisive, but they get easily displeased and walks away when it takes a lot of their precious time. So when you are running promos on social media, always bear it in mind to make easy for them to sign-in and even to log-pout. Make the process short and simple for everyone to understand. Don’t make it intimidating for everyone. This way you are encouraging users to take more actions.



Always keep in mind that the center of all your social media marketing efforts is your target audience. Everything revolves around them, what they want to see, what they love to click, and how easy it is for them to take an action.

iManila is a trusted provider of both web solutions and digital marketing services that surely covers small and medium businesses online marketing needs. Our lines are open 24/7 and our sales executives are available Mondays to Fridays to assist you with your web, IT, and digital marketing queries.

Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Telephone numbers: (02) 490-0000, 01, 03 or at (02) 959-4807

Mobile number: (+63) 917-8476005