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Make Your Brand Stand Out During the BER Months!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! If you’re in the retail business, the Christmas season has always traditionally been the best time to boost your sales. Not only is Christmas usually the time of the year for consumer spending, but it’s also the time when consumers feel the most generous.

If you’re looking for ways to sell your product or services during this time of year, then you’re in the right place! Here in this blog, we will be providing you with several ways to boost your holiday marketing:

Give discounts and coupons

One of the best ways to attract customers during the BER months is by providing them with irresistible offers. So, make sure to think about what your offer will be and how you want to relay the message to the people. Some examples of the discounts and coupons that you can use include:

  • Free shipping
  • 50% off
  • 20% Cashback
  • Freebies
  • Limited time offers
  • Mega sale (10.10, 11.11, 12.12)

Provide them with a solution

While selling your product may be the main objective, it is important to market your product by means of showing consumers the kind of solution your product can provide. This will help establish trust and eventually help you gain loyal customers in the long run. For this reason, we recommend understanding how you can offer tips and tricks that will simplify the daily life of your customers, or offer a solution to their problems. Some examples you can try include:

  • For toy stores, you can write a blog about “Ten skills your child learns while playing board games with their friends.” 
  • For fitness establishments, you can write a blog on “How to maintain your weight during the holiday season”. 
  • On the contrary, if you own a coffee shop, you can write about “How to add a little holiday twist to your latte at home”.

Choose your platform

The most important thing you need to remember is that you cannot advertise your brand anywhere online since it requires you to pay tons of money. This is why if you’re on a budget, you need to pick your platform wisely. 

Regardless if it’s print or online, you need to assess where your customers usually spend their time and promote there. At the end of the day, it all really depends on your industry and the location of your target customers.  Here are some examples you can try:

  • If your business is inside the mall, it may help to target your ads to people who frequently visit that mall or live nearby. You can advertise using Facebook ads and use the mall as a point of interest as well.
  • Additionally, if you are a fashion brand that has a physical store but also sells online, you can offer special online-only sales via email marketing, social media marketing, or SMS advertisements.

Know your target market

If you’re planning to sell your products or services online, it is important to take into account customers that are interested in what you’re offering. To gain revenue during this time of year, make sure to ask these questions to yourself:

  • Who do I want to sell my products and services to? 
  • Are the buyers composed of office workers or civilians who are simply looking for something that can help them during this season?
  • What are companies looking for during the BER months?
  • Which age group fits our products/services?

Change your branding and design

You may not be aware of this, but people actually tend to be more visual than text-based. This is why you always need to make sure that your design incorporates a great high-quality photo that will go with your message. 

Since it is the Christmas season, we recommend incorporating marketing materials that look festive while still retaining your branding aesthetic and accents. Moreover, if you want to go the extra mile to advertise your brand, you can also create limited editions of your products that incorporate the Christmas theme. Keep in mind that it is up to your branding aesthetic to see what fits well with your current design.

Happy BER months everyone!

Christmas is just around the corner, so it is important to always be prepared and ahead of your competitors. What are you waiting for? Make the best out of this season by planning early and offering something irresistible to your consumers today!

Here at iManila, we create various digital marketing strategies that can support your business objectives – whether that means driving awareness, generating leads, or increasing sales.

With 25 years of experience in the industry, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative digital solutions. We are a full-service website development and digital marketing agency ready to help you with your web design, hosting, and digital marketing needs. Inquire now and message us today!

Attention Digital Marketers: Take Note of These Pro Email Marketing Tips

These days, there are numerous ways to reach your customers through digital marketing. However, one of the most direct methods is through email marketing. Running email marketing campaigns has its own challenges but when done correctly, can give you the most loyal followers which may prove to be income-generating for your organization. Below we’ve outlined some email marketing tips digital marketers should know in order to add to their marketing arsenal and in order to create meaningful and well-converting campaigns.

Have a Good Call-to-Action Button

At the heart of every email is the call-to-action (CTA) button. The goal is to get customers to open and click your email in order to generate traffic to your landing page. Multiple CTAs can be a detriment and confuse readers from the real message that you are getting across, so having a singular powerful CTA can help drive better traffic to your website. 

A good email is one that guides the readers to eventually click on the CTA, teasing the different benefits of going to your landing page. Make sure that the message you are displaying in your email is the same as what is displayed on your landing page. Having a corresponding message can help make whatever you are offering more resonant to your readers. 

Encourage replies through a strong subject line and personalization 

Marketing today is more engaging than ever. Emails are not exempt from this as they can also be the starting point of conversation between a potential customer. You can encourage this by starting off with a strong and enticing subject line. What are you promising your reader? How can you make your email stand out in your reader’s inbox? 

Refrain from sounding robotic and impersonal. Much of effective marketing relies on that connection that you make with your potential customer. Try to personalize your email and make it sound like it is coming from a real person and work on your tone of voice. Personalization also matters in the content of your email, catering the message and content to what your segment or demographic may find most appealing. Are you using the tools that let you use your reader’s name? Are you sending out emails at the most optimal times? These are all personalization considerations for your email marketing strategy

Send test emails 

Think of this step as a way of proofreading your email before you send it to your actual recipients. Use this time to ensure everything is in order. Do they look the same way? Are they working across various email platforms? Is it optimized for mobile users? These are things you can check when sending test emails in order to make sure the actual email is at its best. 

Monitor analytics 

In order to gauge the effectiveness of a campaign, you turn to what the data says. These can bring a lot of insights to your campaign. For those using Google Analytics in their websites, you can integrate your data by tagging your emails with the campaign codes, giving you more insight into how visitors are getting to your landing page. Here are some of the most important metrics in email marketing

  • Open rate – How many people open your email versus those that receive it. This tells you whether your subject line is enough to draw their attention. 
  • Click rate – How many people actually clicked on your links or CTA versus those that opened it. This tells you if your content is compelling enough for readers to take the next step into your landing page. 
  • Unsubscribe rate – This tells you if your message is resonating with your audience. High rates can mean that your mailing list could be the wrong target market. 

Despite having been one of the older channels of marketing, email marketing has continued to evolve with the trends. Creating meaningful engagement with customers is key to building that trust with them and turning them into customers. If you are looking to grow your business through email marketing, working alongside a digital marketing company can help bridge that gap faster. iManila is a digital marketing agency in the Philippines that is dedicated to helping businesses achieve their goals through their marketing expertise. 

Schedule a consultation with us and see how we can work together.

With 25 years of experience in the industry, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative digital solutions. We are a full-service website development and digital marketing agency ready to help you with your web design, hosting, and digital marketing needs. Inquire now and message us today!

So you think you don’t need a digital marketing strategy?

Ask any successful business owner and they’ll tell you that they have been running their business towards a main objective using a variety of strategies to promote their brand and grow their business whether it’s through traditional marketing techniques or by doing their marketing strategies online. 

When it comes to online though, there are a variety of platforms and strategies that are available for your business. These days, many businesses run social media marketing campaigns through Facebook or Instagram, while others utilize search engine marketing or Google and YouTube ads. Others prefer to go the more traditional route of search engine optimization, while others prefer to target specific clients through email marketing. Whatever your strategy or objectives may be, in this article, we’ll lay out the top reasons why, regardless of what stage your company is in the growth process, your business needs a digital marketing strategy to grow and succeed. 

  • To make sure your business is in the right direction. 

Without a digital marketing strategy, companies often fail to define their strategic goals to gain new customers or to strengthen relationships with existing customers. You won’t be able to accomplish your goals without any goals in mind. Thus, you won’t achieve the success you desire. 

Ideally, you should outline what you’re trying to accomplish through digital marketing for your business. Be clear as to why you’re investing money and resources in it. By setting goals, you can map out your path.  

It is impossible to allocate capital and resources correctly without a goal. In addition to your appointed resources being directionless, all your money and efforts would be wasted.

  • To stay one step ahead of your new and old competitors. 

A good marketing strategy can give you a competitive advantage.  Invest enough resources in digital marketing. By not doing so, you will lose ground to your competitors. However, you shouldn’t rely on just any random approach, instead, your strategies have to be clear. 

There is more to marketing than promoting your products and services or increasing your company’s exposure. Creating your brand also means defining what your business represents and why your target market would want to be your customers. A good full-service digital marketing agency can do this work for you. 

  • To identify your target market.

On the online platform, we can’t satisfy all types of people. With that said however, there are still some individuals who are most likely to become a long-term customer. This is why having a digital marketing plan is important for your business.

By assessing your target market strategically, you will be able to know their desires and show them how your product or service will meet their needs, and solve their problems in the process.

If everything we mentioned seems to be necessary for your business and you don’t know where to begin – let a digital marketing agency such as iManila help get you ahead of the game. With 25 years of experience in the IT industry and as one of the leading Digital Marketing Agencies in the Philippines, iManila has the skills and the experience to help you with your digital marketing strategy! Contact us now to learn more!

Web Hosting Tips all IT Professionals Should Know

Web hosting is the most underappreciated part of the World Wide Web. Some people might not realize it, but every website actually involves hosting so that users can access it. 

Websites are hosted on servers. Servers are powerful computers that store and process data, and web servers are those which store the files that make up websites and process requests to view these files.

Web hosting is an invisible yet essential element of the online experience. So, If you care about your website, it is important for you to make sure that your online site is in good hands. In this blog we’ll share with you some web hosting tips that you and your IT team should know.

There’s a huge gap between the different types of hosting. 

If you’ve spent any amount of time on a web host‘s website, you’ve probably seen terms like shared hosting, VPS, dedicated server, cloud hosting and WordPress hosting. They represent the different web hosting types, but not every web host provider offers them all. Plus, the hosting types differ from one another in significant ways. Take a look at some of the various servers below:

  • Shared hosting

The cheapest form of web hosting is shared hosting. This hosting basically lets your website share a server and server resources with other websites. This level of hosting is really best suited for small sites that don’t need a huge amount of bandwidth. Since you are sharing resources with other sites, you should be prepared for the occasional slowdown should one of your site-mates start attracting a lot of visitors.

  •  VPS hosting

VPS hosting is most likely a high-powered version of shared hosting, except that far fewer websites share a server’s resources, which are also a bit more segregated. In effect, VPS hosting is usually more expensive than shared hosting.

  • Dedicated hosting

Compared to other hosting servers, dedicated hosting basically refers to an Internet hosting option in which a physical server (or servers) is focused on a single business customer. With this type of hosting, customers have complete control over the machine, so they can optimize it for their unique requirements, including performance and security.

  • WordPress hosting

WordPress hosting lets you build a site in an environment that caters to the world’s most popular content management system. 

  • Cloud hosting

Cloud servers are the newest type of hosting and the most popular among the websites today. With its latest developments, it lets you easily scale website power across multiple servers, though not every web hosting provider currently offers this as it is a new technology. 

Domain and hosting are not the same thing. 

Right from the start, you need to find a dependable and trustworthy registrar. Domain names don’t have to be registered at the same company.

Ultimately, domain name is the most expensive and irreplaceable asset, as it is your online identity, while hosting services are just there to accommodate the website. Most web-hosting providers would prefer to have your domain registered with them, as it is their other profitable revenue stream. However, it won’t be that convenient if the web hosting company decides to go down together with your domain. At the same time,if you are able to manage your domain and hosting across separate vendors or providers – then by all means do. The bottomline is you should always purchase your domain and hosting from a company that can provide you the proper support you need – including reminders to tell you that your domain is due for renewal! 

Know your hosting’s bandwidth and disk space. 

Bandwidth and data transfer are frequently used interchangeably to define the amount of data that your website serves to visitors, but the terms, technically, do not have the same definitions. Bandwidth represents the total amount of data that can be transferred at one time, while data transfer is the throughput or the actual amount of information that can be used over a given period of time.

Most websites won’t go past their bandwidth quota by high traffic alone, but if you have some files for download on your website, remember that it can possibly happen.

Don’t fall for “unlimited” storage! 

​​Web hosts will entice you to sign up for their web hosting plans with the promise of unlimited storage or monthly data transfers. Unlimited Storage seems like a great offer doesn’t it? RULE OF THUMB: Don’t believe it because it’s not an honest deal. Unfortunately many web hosting companies will tell you this with the knowledge that you probably won’t read the entire details of the server that you purchased. 

If you have ever studied the Terms of Service or Service Level Agreement of your web hosting service thoroughly, you will surely see a section about its CPU/Server Usage. We’re almost sure that there’s a limit stated there (as there is always a limit for everything in life!) in which case your hosting is not “unlimited”. 

This only means that if your website uses more than a certain amount of storage, it violates the Terms of Service and will be subject to termination. Of course, it is necessary for just about every hosting service to have something like that in their Terms of Service to protect resources on their servers from improper usages. However, many web-hosting providers are using the CPU/Server Usage to get around their Unlimited Storage promises. Bottom line is to make sure to read the Terms of Service thoroughly to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. 

With 25 years of experience in the IT industry and as one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Philippines – and a Tech Company at heart, iManila has the skills and the experience to help you with your online presence whether it be through website or email hosting, website design and development, applications development, technical support or digital marketing. We have a variety of hosting packages that are available to suit your needs. For more information, you can check out our Shared Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Business Cloud Hosting, WordPress Hosting and Dedicated Hosting services. Contact us and we can help you identify the best hosting package for your business needs.

Key Factors to Consider When Designing A Website

Having a visually striking and aesthetically pleasing website is always a must when creating one for your business. While having strong messaging in your website can help conversions, it is often the visual and functional aspect of it that convinces viewers to stay a little bit longer scrolling through your pages. This is where a great website design comes into play, as a website’s design helps it to be more appealing and functional to its viewers. For new website owners who may not know where to start, we have rounded up important key factors to consider when designing a website

Design with an audience in mind

Your target audience will be the ones who will get to experience your website first hand. This is why it is important to think on their terms. Here is where you think about their pain points, what they are looking for to address those, questions and queries they might have, and an idea of their buying habits. These are just some of the information you can consider that can help you define your audience better and help give you a clearer picture of what your website should look like. 

Balance of form and function

Having the best looking website is always a must, but if it sacrifices speed of loading time and ease of navigation, then the design would be pointless. Add just the right amount of visuals to keep loading time short and play with options when it comes to the color scheme and layout to match your brand’s personality and help you stand out from your competition. 

Good design must also be very functional and since this is a website with many different pages, it must be easily navigatable by first-time users. Ensure that the most relevant information would be seen easily by viewers. Keep in mind that since the average viewer has a limited attention span, that they should be able to see the most important parts of the site. This is where hierarchy comes into play because adding all information in one place can be very confusing for website visitors. 

Create call-to-action buttons

One of the most important aspects of navigation in your website is a clear and distinguishable call-to-action. This is the best way to turn website visitors into actual leads and to potentially make a sale. Placing the call-to-action buttons in key locations in your website can be the push that your visitors need to make that purchase. Call-to-action buttons can range anywhere from: sign up, learn more, buy now, get a quote, contact us and more. 

Link your social media pages

In building brand awareness today, it is not enough to just utilize one channel. Make the most out of the website by also linking your other social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Websites are more informational so giving the visitors a chance to visit your other channels through social media platforms, allowing for two-way interaction between businesses and customers. Doing so is a great way to create another channel of communication with your users and consumers. The key is to create as many touchpoints with your customers and leave a lasting impression. 

Keep it SEO-friendly

It is not enough to just have a website. Having one that is SEO friendly is a huge step in being more visible to your visitors. Search engines like Google place a huge value on how SEO friendly a website is when it comes to how it ranks websites on its search engine results pages. 

Things like ensuring your website text has the right and relevant keywords you are targeting, adding alt text to images, and aligning your meta titles and descriptions according to best practice all point towards good SEO. Related to SEO is building great quality content, so building your website with good and direct-to-the-point content in mind would be most ideal in getting the most out of the traffic. 

At the end of the day, websites are there to generate web traffic for your business and turn them into customers. Having great web design is just one of the ways that you can help achieve this goal. What better way to start than by having experts create a compelling and unique website design for your business. 

With 25 years of experience in the industry, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative digital solutions. We are a full-service website development and digital marketing agency ready to help you with your web design, hosting, and digital marketing needs. See what iManila can do for your business today!

SEO Trends You Should Be Looking Out for in 2021

From the various methods of attracting customers online, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the best ways to generate online sales. For it to work efficiently, however, it has to be implemented correctly.

Whether you’re planning to hire a digital agency or simply want to make an SEO strategy work by yourself, being aware of the current trends is needed to help you gain brand awareness. Below are the most popular SEO trends you can use in 2021.

  • Mobile SEO

As smartphones develop and become easier to use throughout the years, more and more people do most of their searching through a mobile device. For this reason, making your website as mobile-friendly as possible is important if you want to attract customers online.

To know how effective your mobile site is, you can try performing Google’s free mobile-friendly test on your website. Once done, all you need to do is to check the report on your Google Search Console.

  • Voice search

Another trend that is also popular nowadays is the voice search technology that Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, and Amazon’s Alexa provide. According to Google reports, at least  27% of the entire global population has used voice search on their mobile phones.

Additionally, ComScore, a media analytics company in America, has also stated that more than half of smartphone users are now engaging with voice search technology this 2021.

Since voice search optimization is constantly growing, we recommend optimizing voice search and researching various keywords that people use in everyday conversation. Also keep in mind that voice searches tend to do better with longer, more natural-sounding phrasing.

  • Video advertisements

According to WordStream, a popular online advertising website, YouTube is currently ranked the second most popular search engine after Google with over 1 billion users. For this reason, this is a great way to market your brand to make web traffic efficiently.

To optimize your video content for search engines, all you need to do is optimize your video channel name and description. With that said, make sure that the description is not overloaded with keywords and directly tell viewers what your channel is all about.

  • Featured snippets

If you aren’t familiar with this trend, featured snippets are basically the brief content that is shown in Google for any given search. Not only is this beneficial to potential clients, but also to your website as well.

To get the featured results, you can either provide an answer to a specific question or make bullet points for your content.

  • Internal linking

Internal Linking has been an essential part of SEO for decades. This method basically helps  users find the pages they need when scrolling your website. To make it more easy to use, we recommend following these linking techniques:

  • Content hubs: This is a one-pillar page that curates the best of your content in one place. It also gives your customers what they want which helps with brand engagement. 
  • Faceted navigation: This refers to the filters utilized by sites that allow shoppers to narrow a product set by color, style, or other attributes.
  • Linkpacks: This contains a pack of links at the bottom of your product pages that link to similar products. 
  • Related hyperlinks: This is usually located in your blogs which links to other similar content.

Importance of SEO in digital marketing industry

SEO is getting more complex as we know it, so it is important to be up to date with the current trends. Luckily, here at iManila, we create various SEO strategies that can support your business objectives – whether that means driving awareness, generating leads, or increasing sales.

With 25 years of experience in the industry, iManila is committed to providing our clients with innovative digital solutions. We are a full-service website development and digital marketing agency ready to help you with your web design, hosting, and digital marketing needs. Inquire now and message us today!

Is WordPress the Best Website CMS Choice for your Businesses?

If you have a website, then chances are you may have heard of WordPress. WordPress is known as a website builder and a powerful CMS or content management system that is both flexible and easy to use, adding to its immense popularity. Used by many high traffic and popular websites worldwide such as The New Yorker, BBC America, Bloomberg Professional, Sony Music and the Walt Disney Company, just to name a few, WordPress helps support more than 30% of all the websites on the internet. Here’s why you should be using WordPress as your website CMS if you haven’t even considered it yet: 

Easy to use and manage

Not everyone is tech-savvy to know the ins and outs of web development and coding so it is a great plus that WordPres has a built-in updates management system that lets users update themes and plugins through the admin dashboard. WordPress has useful plugins such as a backup plugin that can help protect your data from any hackers or accidents by providing automatic backups and keeping them safe. 

Users will also get notifications when WordPress has new versions which makes updating seamless. With the trend of everything going mobile, WordPress is on top of it by allowing users to manage their site through their mobile apps

Robust security 

Built with security in mind, you can find WordPress to be a safe platform for your website with your data. While it is impossible for any website or even CMS to be completely secure with all of the new threats that arise, WordPress always pushes out updates and security patches to help its users stay ahead of the curve when it comes to keeping themselves secure. Being diligent with these system updates and even theme and plugin updates is one way to be more safe. You can go the extra mile and partner with a website hosting provider who can provide you with added security measures. 

Customization with themes and plugins

There are thousands of available themes and plugins (free and premium) for users to make use of in WordPress. These can fit a variety of websites whether it be an ecommerce site, personal blog, or corporate info site. The best part about this is that you do not need to know how to code to customize themes because they can all be easily edited in the WordPress platform, allowing you to change the colors and images based on your vision for your website. 

For those who wish to have more functionality in their sites such as analytics, contact forms, SEO optimization, or calendar bookings and more, then you would be happy to know that WordPress has a variety of plugins that you can use. With themes that can change up the design of your website to plugins that can add new features and functionalities to your website, you can ensure your website to be aesthetically pleasing and engaging to your website visitors. 

SEO Optimization

Having a good website and good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) go hand in hand. If you have not heard of SEO yet, it is all about ensuring that your website gets the traffic it needs by ranking high on search engines such as Google and Bing. While there are a spectrum of factors that affect your website’s SEO, having the right platform can help give you a better start. 

WordPress has good code which makes search engines like Google love websites that make use of WordPress, leading to much higher ranks in the search engine results pages. With WordPress, you can also use a lot of robust SEO plugins that can make your SEO optimization easier with better results. 

WordPress for any project or use

Long gone are the days that WordPress was only associated with blogging. It has a wide variety of uses now from building a simple infosite for your business, to setting up an e-commerce store, to creating a personal blog, building an online forum, and more. The uses for WordPress are endless! To add to that, WordPress has a lot of tools that can also influence website conversions!

The bottomline is, WordPress makes for an easy all-in-one CMS platform for any kind of website you want to build. Use WordPress alongside the right hosting provider for a seamless and secure website experience. With 25 years of experience in the industry and as a certified Digital Agency in the Philippines, iManila is ready to help you with your web design and development, web hosting, digital marketing and technical support needs. Learn more about how iManila can help you build your WordPress website as well as the available web hosting plans that are perfect for your existing WordPress site. Contact us now to learn more!

Is Your Business Currently Benefiting from Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing provides effective strategies of advertising your business by the use of digital media platforms. It is rapidly becoming the leading marketing tool in this generation with the consumer world now nearly being dominated by people who have grown up with the Internet and mobile phones.

Consumers today now want and need access to information wherever and whenever. Digital marketing is an inclusive term that includes search engine optimization or SEO, search engine marketing or SEM, email marketing tools, blogs, video marketing, e-newsletters, and social media.

In this article, we will be discussing the advantages of digital marketing for your business or organization because let’s face it – in today’s world – your business can experience amazing growth simply by adapting a few digital marketing techniques.

Effectively Promotes Your Business 

Digital marketing helps your business get a better picture on customer attitudes and preferences. Consumers want to deal with companies and brands they can trust. More importantly, they want to deal with companies that have messages that are relevant and provide offers that satisfy their search for services and products. Digital marketers can use this information to engage your existing and potential customers to make future purchasing interactions.

Reaches audiences of Unlimited Sizes

It is important to recognize that digital media is the method that allows people to search for information with little or no effort using tools they have become accustomed to using. This allows you to communicate with your international target audience with ease. Unlike traditional marketing, where you are limited to only targeting your audience within a specific geographical location, digital marketing allows you to reach audiences and consumers far and wide regardless of their location. 

Provides Real-time Response Mechanism

This simply means that the results of a marketing strategy can be assessed very easily and very quickly. Using a number of analytical tools, we can track the number of visitors to your website or blog, and the length of time they stayed on each page, as well as their behavior around your website. The number of conversions can also be measured. Using this data, our marketers can recommend new marketing strategies or the continuation of the existing strategies. Digital marketing also allows access to tools that will support the analysis of overall customer journeys.

Helps Develop Brands

Brand development provides favorable connections with the services or products that make the brand. Marketers create the opportunity for brand appreciation to occur on the part of customers and potential customers, and create the growth of the relationships that will follow. Brand development is essential for the growth of your business and for increasing the presence of your business in a competitive market.

Shows Measurable Results

The wide selection of digital marketing channels available offers your business the most effective way to satisfy the requirements of the constantly growing expectations of customers. This is just as important as keeping ahead of your competitors. There are also a lot of strategies that a digital marketing agency can adapt for your business. Effective Digital marketing services can be structured to keep customers returning, staying and referring others to your website or social media pages. 

If everything we mentioned still sounds unfamiliar to you, it’s best that you consult with a digital marketing agency such as iManila, to help get you ahead of the game. With 25 years of experience in the IT industry as one of the leading Digital Marketing Agencies in the Philippines, iManila has the skills and the experience to help you with your web design and development, web hosting, digital marketing solutions and  remote technical support needs. It’s not too late yet, start your digital advertising journey with us. Contact us!

How to Choose the Right Domain Name for your Business

Choosing the right domain name for your business is a significant choice. Creating a domain name these days is harder than a few years back since a vast majority of good domain names have been taken. The reality is any person can enlist as many domains under his or her name and continue to renew the domain name to sell at a higher cost.

Keep in mind that your domain name is more than the words you type into the program, it’s the foundation for your online personality. Choosing the wrong domain could lead to the failure of your website presence, while choosing the right domain name could help you more easily reach online success.

Here are some basic methods on how to choose a domain name for your business, and the most important factors to consider to get your domain name right.

  1. Make it Unique

A unique domain name is in every case outstanding. Most individuals lean toward an extraordinary name which can be simpler to recall and quicker to search online, as this also helps to boost google ranking.

Your domain name should incorporate your brand name right. Ideally, your domain name should immediately show what your website is about and try to capture the essence of what you offer or your services – or at the very least contain the company name or whatever it is you are known for. 

It is also wise to choose a short domain name rather than a long bulky name, which is hard to remember. It’s better to choose a domain name that is short and sweet rather than something that has more than 10 characters but states the entire name of your company. Think of something unique, yet short. 

  1. Be Clever about your Domain Extension

As we all know, “Old is Gold”. The traditional extension of all domains is “.com” and it is still the most mainstream and popular among all extensions. It is actually SEO friendly, and this is the main reason that these websites with these domain extensions are easier to find. Everyone who wants to go to a URL address is always going to try a .com first before the rest, so try to get a .com extension first and if you are unable to find any of your desired domain extensions then go for .net, .org and etc.

These days, extensions signifying the country location of the company have become more and more popular. These types of extensions essentially tell users where your company is based or is located. But before going for an extension such as .ph or .uk look into the domain prices and requirements first to make sure that your company is eligible for this domain extension. 

  1. Unlock the power of Keywords

Internet search is based on a framework of keywords and phrases when indexing addresses and sites, so take advantage of this when choosing your domain name. Always go for a complete keyword domain and contain relevant words in it. Keywords containing domains always come first in Search Engines.

Brainstorm keywords related to your organization and use these in shaping your chosen name. An appropriate name should be able to provide a description of what customers can expect on your website.

What keywords do people use to search for businesses like yours? Take advantage of those keywords and use them in your domain name.

Before choosing a domain name for your business, always keep in mind that your domain name should be catchy, easy to type and easy to search over the internet and must stand out against your competitors. In addition, give importance to Social Media Strategies for Branding.

With 25 years of experience in the IT industry and as one of the leading Digital Marketing Agencies in the Philippines, iManila has the skills and the experience to help you with your domain name, your hosting, website design and development, and digital marketing and remote technical support needs. Contact us and we can help you get started on your online presence!